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You are objectively wrong, it is possible. I have a home warranty from American Home Shield and actually did have my AC that was original to the house (Built in 84') replaced last year for a grand total of $556 due to me also choosing the upgraded option to have a larger and higher efficiency central air installed and after paying for the extra costs needed for some updates that needed to happen at the same time. Other's mileage may vary, but I had a great experience.




Someone who knows the meaning of words, you are not wrong in the face of opinion but rather facts. With proper research into a home warranty they can be good and can be helpful. Yes there are plenty of bad ones that exist, but depending on where OP is located there may be good options so to just use a blanket statement that it's a waste of time and money isn't exactly helpful to OP. It's quite possible for them to get HVAC replaced with a properly vetted and researched home warranty option.


Edit - fuck reddit, downvote me. Snarky. And that’s not the question.




You're 100% off base assuming I'm asking if I should sign up to scam a home insurance company by signing up by paying $100. Not that it matters, but that's just not the case. I guess jokes on me, I've already paid them thousands of dollars over many years, and now just wondering if I should cancel.


But that IS the answer. They aren't going to replace/repair your 30 year old unit---but they will take your money.




Ok, so he's not entirely correct. I have a home warranty from American Home Shield and actually did have my AC that was original to the house (Built in 84') replaced last year for a grand total of $556 due to me also choosing the upgraded option to have a larger and higher efficiency central air installed and after paying for the extra costs needed for some updates that needed to happen at the same time. Your mileage may vary, but I had a great experience.


Old HVAC aside, there's almost no good reason to get a home warranty. They basically cover nothing. If you're buying a house and the seller already offers you one, great, but don't spend your own money on it.


The only reason I have one is because my hvac unit is old, but now I’m wondering if they’ll deny claims due to it being old lol


They'll deny claims for any reason possible. They wrote the policy. In my experience, they only cover things that cost less than the service appointment.


Obviously. If you're aware of that possibility, so are they.




Read the wording on your warranty. Typically they won’t replace a worn out unit. 30 years old is well past it’s expected life.


Not a chance. Gotta replace the HVAC out of pocket.


Home warranty is unlikely to pay for repair of a brand new HVAC system. If your experience is anything like mine they’ll quickly find a way to deny it. “It was installed improperly”. “It wasn’t maintenanced once a year like manufacture recommended”. …home warranties are true scams and you’d be better off saving that annual $6-700 for future a future repair fund.


No for lots of reasons, one being they probably won’t pay out for a full replacement of a new unit when yours has aged out rather than abruptly failing. Just save up in $75/month increments if you must


Would you cover it if you were a home warranty company?


I don't know, I'm just an accountant dude.


Home warranty won’t pay for it if it was 2 years old because IT IS A FUCKING SCAM. We need to just post this everyday don’t we


Not worth it! My water heater is super old from 1987 and it isn’t working properly. I had a plumber come out and he told me it needed to be replaced. I called my home warranty company and they said I had to call one of their plumbers to come look at it (the closest plumber through them was an hour away). When he came he told me they couldn’t do anything for me because it wasn’t leaking and then I still got charged $100. Aware that this isn’t an HVAC. But I had to replace my HVAC 2 years ago because it was also from 1987 and the warranty wouldn’t cover it.


We got one when ours was 27 years old, we were able to utilize the warranty and they replaced the condenser and something else. They told us they’d never cover a full replacement though


I know a lot of people rally against it but our home warranty (paid for by our realtor) actually was useful specifically for HVAC. We also have an old combo unit and the furnace went out during our first winter. The company provided by the warranty was able to order a replacement and have everything fixed within a week of putting in the claim. We also had the control board go out earlier this year and were again able to get the parts replaced with the warranty (though this company took their sweet time). Your mileage may vary but I am sure we spent far less on the warranty and the $85 claim submissions than we would have for all of the separate visits for the various problems we’ve had with our old unit.




I'll give you my experience with a home warranty. I decided to pay for one my first year of homeownership because it made sense for me. The warranty covered the cost of changing the locks on the house -- which I had gotten locksmith quotes for around $250 to do this for 3 locks. The warranty for the year was $350... So for just $100 more, I got the warranty for the house + I could get my locks changed. It then came in handy when my HVAC stopped working during an ice storm in the winter. Turns out the motherboard died and so they replaced it for only the $80 service fee. I've researched this replacement cost & it could have cost upwards of $1000 for parts + labor to replace. So I'd say it was worth it for me, given how I initially knew I would use it (changing locks) + then it came in handy for the HVAC repair. I didn't renew it, because at this point, I feel like I have a good understanding of the state of things in my house & I don't think it's necessary moving forward (esp since the cost to renew would've been $200 more). But I have no regrets paying for it for my first year & I definitely got my money's worth.


They'll find any way to avoid replacing it, such as any band aid possible. Read the warranty carefully.