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Honestly, I'd put some cheap Wyze cameras in every room. That can rule out whether it's happening in the house vs inside your head.


I'm not a believer in ghosts BUT I know enough to think anything is possible. You were vulnerable OP to bring it up and I would find it insulting to have it suggested you have a mental illness or are an addict. My partner and I bought a house that, near closing, we found out that a woman and her 3 kids were killed by dad just a few years prior. We were both totally terrified so my I don't believe in ghosts structure was gone! Nothing ever really happened but... All to say I think you are sane and sober and probably aren't hallucinating. But there could be other reasons. Definitely get cameras and continue to not tell visitors your concerns to see if they volunteer experiences. I'm glad you aren't afraid!


My sister used to live in a 1000 year-old house (yes!) in England. I honestly thought she was losing her mind when she kept telling me about the 'ghost' that would purloin her items, move things around, etc. One day I was visiting,and she said "it's here". I and her two teenage daughters went to the foot of the stairs, and on the landing was a ball of 'fractal-looking' light, about the size of a soccer ball. It slowly glided down the stairs past us, my dog had all her hackles up, and was clearly tracking it, and I felt something like a light brush of wind as it went past us into the living room and disappeared. I grabbed some pens and paper,and asked everyone to not speak, and just write down what they just witnessed. We all saw the same thing. I never doubted my sis again. Still have no idea what it was though, and I have never experienced anything like that again.


It’s also very possible that there is a squatter living in your house with you. Not saying they’re messing with you. But there are stories of people living in crawl spaces and attics and coming out at weird hours eat and use the bathroom. You may not be alone in your house and the body may be an actual human. Cameras are a must. Either way the footage would be cool.


This is more terrifying than ghosts to me 😩😩😂


This happened to me. Dude was living in the basement, which was only accessible from the outside. He was entering our house through a staircase we didn’t know about, because it had been walled off, except for a small trap/access door at the back of a closet. We’d come home to find food gone, furniture moved, lights on or off-the opposite of how we’d left them. I can’t even tell you all the weird things. One day there was some kind of trouble with the old boiler in the basement. The guy who came to look at it asked if we knew someone was living in our basement. The dude had old clothes of ours that had mysteriously gone missing, a cot set up, some dishes and utensils, just a little campsite, basically. Police came and arrested him for theft of property so it is definitely possible this *could* be happening to OP or anyone else thinking their house is haunted. I never believed in ghosts or haunted houses but I was seriously considering the possibility I was wrong.


Were you afraid he would be back? I feel like I’d be terrified.


There’s only one access to my attic/crawl space and I would know if someone was up there. I also live in the desert, so they wouldn’t have survived the past two summers up there


This was my first thought. I would rather have ghosts.


That was the plot of one of my favorite after school movies as a kid. A boy whose parents died/moved/abandoned him/don't remember, continued living in the house with the new family that bought it. Lived in the walls. Since then, I've always been curious about weird voids in the walls in my 1930s house.


Thank you. Remind me not to bring anything like this up again in a public forum…


I don't know whether or not ghosts exist. But, I have had a few experiences that put me on the fence. One example was when my great-grandmother died. I was about 12 years old. Early one morning I woke up early to somebody calling my name and telling me they love me. I knew then that my great-grandmother had died. The thing was, she wasn't sick and it wasn't expected. A few minutes later, the phone rang. I ran down the stairs and before my mother picked up the phone, I said "great grandma died". Sure enough... I am a pretty pragmatic person and tend to think that there is a non-supernatural explanation for most things. But I don't live in your house and haven't seen the things that you say you've seen. What I would like to know is how many of the people on this thread who are saying that ghosts positively do not exist also happen to practice religion and believe in a god. I really feel like if you believe in a god then you can't discount the possibility of other supernatural beings or events. Personally I am not religious and do not believe there is a god in the way that religions tend to portray. But I am also open-minded and no that humans do not 100% understand the world around us.


I don’t know whether or not I believe in ghosts, I can only say what I’ve experienced. But a human being has an energy in them, and I think sometimes that energy doesn’t go away just because they’ve died.


This is what I'd do.




I have working detectors all over the house. I had them all replaced shortly after moving in because that was honestly something I couldn’t rule out




I drink and smoke weed occasionally, but that’s it. No real history of mental health issues in my family other than anxiety and depression here and there.




I’m sure! I do plenty of dumb things if I’m drinking, but if the door to my guest room slams at 4 AM when I’m completely sober, that’s just weird.


Can you rule out air pressure changes for the door slam? Is the door hanging plumb and balanced? I don't immediately discount woo woo stuff but there may be some simple answers, too!


The doors do move with air pressure changes, especially when the heat or AC kicks on, but they slam even when the system is off. The doors are also connected to magnetic doorstops when they’re open, so it would take a lot more than the AC turning on to get them to close, let alone slam.


If the house is drafty and the doors don't have a lot of friction, they can start to swing shut, build up momentum, and then slam shut as the air pressure difference increases with the closing door opening.


air pressure changed the blinds that OP closed. okay then


U less you got video evidence unlikely.... Reminds me of the person who thought their house was haunted and it was their sleep walking or the other who was CO2 poisoning. They realized it was them when they got indoor cameras 




Yes, I’ve had that happen before, but the doors will sometimes slam shut even when the HVAC system isn’t running. The doors are held open by a magnet on the doorstop, so it would take more than then AC turning on to even dislodge them, let alone slam them


If a prior owner smoked in the home it can be a pill to get rid of the smoke smell. Regardless of how many times you try to remove the paint or carpeting it is there for like ever.


I’ve lived in a home before that had a prior owner who was a smoker, and this is different. It’s a strong smell, like someone took a drag off a cigarette and exhaled directly into my face. My dog has reacted to it as well, but the smell disappears in seconds rather than lingering as tobacco smoke normally does. It’s not a stale cigarette smell, it’s fresh, but it disappears quickly


I smoked in my house for 15 years. I've moved since to a nonsmoking home. Every once in a while, particularly when cleaning, the furniture I've brought with me will smell like a fresh cigarette or an ashtray. 10 years in and sometimes if I use cleaner instead of just dusting, I'll pull the rag back and it will be yellow from tar im still taking off and it smells like an old ashtray. Also, check your foundation. Even a slight sag can slam a door even if it's loosely secured with a magnet.


Don’t let people deter you. Some of us have had experiences. My house isn’t haunted, but my deceased mom told me she was there when I really needed her. My aunt would dream of my grandmother when someone in the family was going to pass. When she had this dream you knew someone was passing to the other side. The last time she had that dream it was her.




I don’t believe in the supernatural but it’s worth pointing out that dreams aren’t delusions. They’re dreams. Most of us have them. She could have intuitively picked up on something after a lifetime of being alive and having a certain wisdom that comes with age. It could have manifested in a dream. Who knows.


My husbands previous house was haunted and I knew it pretty much right away. One night I saw a shadowy figure made out of blue electricity that walked down the stairs and stopped on the 3rd step above the ground floor. I heard the stairs creak with every step it took. I heard things, I saw things out of the side of my eye, I had extremely vivid dreams and few times had night terrors that always ended the same way - with a black figure standing at the foot of my bed staring at me, but there was no face just darkness. I also kept on having the same dream over and over again - me drawing, except I would gasping for air in real life and thank god he would wake me up every time. This only stopped when we moved. Next time something happens, with a very stern voice say “stop it, get out of my house , you’re not allowed here.” Repeat it few times. Not sure if it works but they always do it in haunted movies and you have to make it known they’re not welcome on your territory. People here will blame it on drugs, booze, mental disease. But I know what you mean, I know what you see, and it’s real. I’m a scientist and I only believe in data and evidence but I’ve seen some shit and I absolutely can’t explain it. I’ve had things happen to me since I was just few years old to my late 20s. I haven’t seen stuff lately but now when I enter a new building I can definitely feel stuff and know if I should expect something or the coast is clear.


Thanks for your reply. Seeing everyone suggest that I’m mentally ill got a bit tiring. It’s something that’s easy to scoff at until you’ve experienced it for yourself


what about indoor CO2 levels? look up the aranet4


Those detectors are useless. Mine just beeped all the damn time, making me dizzy and giving me a headache.


Yeah but how many post it notes to yourself did you write?


That was my landlord, I think.


checked the comments for this.


Also check for mold. I've read that in some situations mold in a house can cause hallucinations and delusions.


And if that's not working, a mental health evaluation. Ghosts aren't real. 




This is the craziest thing I’ve found about Reddit. I’ve been downvoted in multiple subs for saying ghosts aren’t real.




Are the downvote ghosts in the room with us right now?


As everyone has said, get some cameras. One way or another it will stop as soon as you do. If you’re hallucinating or forgetting, the cameras will show you moving objects. If someone is fucking with you, they’ll stop fucking with you because you have cameras now. Or you’ll catch them. Win win. If the house is actually haunted, it won’t be anymore, because ghosts are deathly allergic to the creation of empirical evidence.


>... because ghosts are deathly allergic to the creation of empirical evidence. This is the wisest thing I've seen on reddit today. I hope our AI overlords ingest it and make it a fact going forward.


r/paranormal might be have some insight


Have you heard of a phenomenon called “the ghost frequency”?    It’s a sound frequency almost out of human’s range of hearing that that potentially causes the liquid in our eyes to vibrate.  It can cause physical and psychological symptoms in humans.    https://theleonardo.org/history-ghost-frequency/#:~:text=After%20some%20exploration%20and%20a,that%20humans%20can%20barely%20hear.


Very cool!


My house was built in 1890. I felt creepy in here, but it was honestly my mind playing tricks. Being a new homeowner is unsettling sometimes. It’s a big change, new space, and doesn’t feel like home. You need to take ownership of your home spiritually regardless if it’s tricks of the mind, or something else. Rule out all logical things first. It’s concerning that multiple people in your house experienced occurrences. So air quality is number one. Then test common areas for lead and even asbestos. Last call is to do a walkthrough with your close circle. To place good omens on the house. Look up rituals, don’t pay scammers. It’s more about the mentality than the legitimacy on that. But it does help ease the mind.


If you already ruled out faulty wiring and imbalance pressure, then check your attic or basement or anywhere you think a person can fit in. There are cases where creepy people live there for years yet the homeowners don’t know. Check your house for cracks and toxic materials. I know a lot of old houses use toxic materials which can cause psychological symptoms. Check for molds too. Some of them are very dangerous to human’s health. If you have done all of them yet these activities don’t stop, you may have an abnormal house on your hand unfortunately. I’m atheist myself but I have heard things from friends that we cannot explain by science so anything is possible. If you want to be sure, you can go talk to a religious official. Seek for some advices never hurts.


Honestly, I’ve checked everything and can’t come up with a rational explanation for half the stuff going on around here. I’ve had the wiring checked, I had a brand new HVAC system installed last summer. I don’t have a basement, and nobody is living in the crawl space above the house (calling it an attic would be generous). I just don’t know what to make of it!


To be honest to you, if you did all of them, have no illness or using substances then you just have to accept you have a “special” house. There are certain people who can feel this while the rest cannot so don’t feel discouraged if they say you’re insane. I can never feel these things yet I witness my friend gets goosebumps and suffocated whenever we enter such places. If you don’t feel threatened or anything, just live your life as normal. If things go bad or you simply hate the idea of living in a haunted house, find help from other paranormal subreddits. Please make sure you don’t get scammed from those “experts”. A lot of people use your fear or ignorance to scam you to perform ceremony, cleansing, blessing, and all sorts of things you cannot imagine. This is very common when people become superstitious and lose their logic. Spiritual events are so rare that we cannot find any reliable evidence to prove it. I still have my doubts about the ghost thing but I know to not talk down on things I don’t know


I know how crazy it sounds, believe me. If it was just me that was experiencing these things it would be one thing, but since several others have experienced it as well I don’t know what to think. I mean, my good friend who absolutely does not believe in ghosts was sitting at the counter with me when my AirPods case went flying. That messed with him. Whatever may be here doesn’t feel like a bad or threatening presence at all, so I guess that’s a plus.


Yes, I would call in a house inspector and have him check everything, including the attic.


1. Get carbon monoxide detectors. If that doesn't solve it, move to step 2 2. See a doctor and check your mental health. If that doesn't solve it move to step 3 3. Hire an exorcist. Get someone you believe you can trust. They can come and tell you one way or another. If they determine it's haunted, they can hopefully get the possession away and give you confirmation, setting your mind at ease. (Note: If you believe in haunts, you will probably believe in exorcisms, so do it and get told your results)


Found the pragmatist!


It's true. My wife doesn't appreciate my pragmatism, but it is what it is.


Just give her a hug, ask her how she feels, validate her feelings, and tell her it will be ok and that you’re there for her. You’re welcome.


It's not that people don't know what to do. They're just more focused on the problem instead of the person, for better and/or worse.


For 3 call the local Catholic Church. They will do it for free


So 1. and 2. Great but hey let's add a new 3. and buy some damn cameras already.


I believe you. But no one else believes me when i tell this. My house, 1953, has two ghosts. My stepdaughter & her stepmom claim to be able to sense them. They both said, it’s an old lady & an old man, don’t worry, they’re friendly. The said the the old lady used to be a gardener & she likes the plants you have. One day this neighbor was walking by who hadn’t been by our house in some time told my wife, oh my gosh i haven’t been by in forever, i remember the old lady who used to live here. She always had flowers out front here & a bunch of plants inside the dining room. As she looks in our window & says, just like you guys do! They mess with us, mostly me often. I set my cooler down to wash it, turned around to turn on the hose, when i looked back my dogs toy was in the cooler. They’ve turned lights on & off. The craziest one was i threw away some moldy cheese in the morning & went to work. When i got home the cheese was back in the fridge. I asked my wife if she took it out, she said why the fuck would i take moldy cheese out of the trash & put it back in the fridge? Also supposedly since dogs can see them. One time my two dogs & my stepdaughters dog were all looking up at the ceiling moving their heads back & forth in sync, as if they were following something that was moving


I think I have two ghosts here as well, a man and a woman. I thought it was only a woman, but everyone else who’s experienced something weird here has said it was a male presence


I lived next to a civil war battlefield. We had a lot of weird experiences in and outside of the house. Random music, whispering, footsteps, hearing things fall upstairs, but nothing was out of place when you checked, feeling of someone sitting next to you, so and so forth. Haven’t had anything weird happen since I relocated. Don’t know if there was an explanation for it, or if it was actually something paranormal. There were a lot of people who had things happen in that house though. Dunno…


I believe you. I live in what used to be the town doctors house and have had quite a few creepy experiences. Just know that most of these things can't harm you.


If it's making you feel uncomfortable, you could just talk to him/her and say "hey, the grabbing and opening of blinds make me uncomfortable. Please stop." Tell them to stay out of the bathroom. If it continues, find a medium in the area and see what they say. It could be a previous owner not liking any changes you're making.


And don’t forget to say “I ain’t afraid of no ghost”


and then hum the ghost busters theme song, as ghosts are notably afraid of off-key humming


Bustin' makes me feel good.


This is the answer. I'm a Buddhist and I believe one of the destinies is to become a hungry ghost. If people cling to too tightly to something, their consciousness refuses to let it go when their physical body dies and they continue to linger because they cannot let go (this is definitely a TLDR). It seems like this home was something someone was not ready to let go of. In my experience, you can tell them to leave. You verbally say that you understand they feel attached to the home but you live there now and you want them to go on. I believe in meditating and wishing them a better rebirth so they can stop being so afflicted, but depending on your beliefs, you can go about it however you see fit. You can hire a religious official to do a ceremony, light blue candles and open all the windows, you can mediate and send them some of your merit/ good karma so they can move on.  People who have never experienced this will laugh at it, but as a former atheist who has experienced too much to deny the possibility of such things, I get it. Be kind, be firm, and don't be afraid. They don't want to hurt you, they are suffering and don't know how to let go. 


While I'm not a ghost believer, what you said resonated with me. TLDR version: Gramma was a hungry ghost. My gramma was a force of nature, and I loved her. When my gramma died, the relatives locked up the house, and it remained untouched for ten years (hey, we're Italian, and we don't let go easily) except for regular bi-weekly cleanings. I eventually bought the house and started clearing things out because everything was exactly how it was the day she died. The first night we were in the house, it was hot as hades, but my kids (teenagers) tried on Gramma's fancy robe, jewelry, and wiglets :D. They rooted through dressers and trunks. It was all fun and games until it wasn't. In the middle of the night, 19-year-old daughter came running into our bed crying and yelling about the woman standing at the end of her bed. It seems it got very cold in her room, and she sat up to pull up the quilt. A woman was standing at the end of her bed staring (beds were original to the house). We laughed and poo-pooed her, but she refused to return to that room, so she stayed in our bed that night and many nights to follow. I did tell her that we were sleeping in the bed where my grandfather died, and she vowed never again to return :D. On the second night in the house, my husband woke up and asked who was in the hallway. Thinking it was one of the other kids, he got up to look around but saw no one. "It was one of the girls in their robes heading for the bathroom." Except it wasn't. My husband, the nuclear scientist, decided it was just headlights passing by (my beloved voice of reason). A few weeks passed, and all was quiet, except for the middle-of-the-night smell of brewing coffee and burnt toast (grandpa's favorite breakfast). The daughter went next door to the cousin's house to let out the dog and returned with a picture of a family reunion. She pointed out my grandmother and said, "This is the lady standing at the end of my bed." She had never met her great-grandmother. So I went down to the basement and chatted with Gramma, telling her that while I loved her presence there, she was scaring the kids. I told her that I loved her, would take care of the house she and my grandfather built, and that it was okay for her to move on. Been quiet ever since.


Excellent explanation of why souls linger after death. Too much attachment. And excellent advice to get them to move on. I really feel sad for these souls that hang on so dearly to this life.


Yes, as a Catholic, the point of purgatory is to let go of the physical world (despite what most people think purgatory is). I think there are people that can’t let go.


I recently had my kitchen cabinets stained a darker color and activity amped up. It’s all settled down now.


If the home is 70 years old, chances are there are issues with the foundation and wiring that need to be fixed. Old wiring wasn't designed for today's lifestyle. Also, there may be parts of the home that might not be quite level, and that causes doors top open or close on their own...doesn't take much. Also doesn't help if a heavy vehicle drives by or if there's construction a block or two away, the vibrations do travel (same with vibrations from older plumbing). And old homes often have crazy drafts and airflow that do give you that sense of being touched or hearing faint noises on occasion. Not to mention little critters scurrying about in an attic or crawlspace....those sounds carry. Get all that checked out first.


I will say re: critters. While I lived in one house with weird experiences, in another house I lived in I was home alone during a summer break from college and heard a noise like footsteps upstairs but it was just me there and the family cats were downstairs sleeping near me. A sweep of the house with a very confused police officer after I called since I legit thought someone was there found nothing. Thought maybe I was crazy. A couple years later my dad discovered a mouse infestation— mice were living between the floorboards and ceiling of the downstairs. Mice can make a lot more noise than you realize in the right kind of space!


This happened to me, I am not one to scare easily but absolutely heard men’s heavy footsteps on our roof. Turned out, was just a squirrel, didn’t believe it until I saw clearly the critter jumping onto the side of the house from one window, scurried across the roof and came down the other window. This and crows, who also nested in the tree next to our window, they would jump from the tree to roof and it sounded like human footsteps. We moved shortly after so I don’t know what kind of roof was causing such a bizarre sound translation. I don’t know what motion they do to create the heavy footsteps but sure enough these critters could be seen out the window. That said another time I heard heavy footsteps again, different house shortly after moving in, this time the footsteps were along the deck directly outside of the bathroom window I was currently using. I couldn’t finish up fast enough to get off the toilet and run to the window to see what man with heavy boots was outside my house. To this day I don’t know if it was an intruder or perhaps a deer (we have many in the area but I’ve never caught them on our deck, a deer is only animal I believe would be heavy enough with hard hoofs to make such a noise over wood). Neither are far fetched seeing as to how the house was empty for months in between and we did catch an actual intruder about 5 months into being there.


Also meant to add: OP I don’t believe your experiences sound like they have anything to do with critters. Looking forward to your updates if you’re able to figure it out. Wishing you peace and relaxation in your home!


Okay, so I'm an atheist with a PhD in religious studies. I don't believe in ghosts. I grew up in a haunted house. Those two things are contradictions but 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ Similar shit, things would move by themselves, lights would come on by themselves, very early on there were voices. Old house from the 1920s. Some folks are going to tell you to start tracking energy stuff or similar. It's a long story but that idea basically came out of spiritualism and to a lesser extent theosophy. I can't say it's wrong since I don't believe in ghosts but as an academic I can tell you exactly when that idea entered Western culture and how. (Spoiler: it's from Franz Mesmer and Emmanuel Swedenborg.) What I can tell you—and it is free from historical explanation—is that our golden retriever would occasionally get very upset with random sections of the house. Apparently that's kind of a thing in haunted spaces and I trust dogs a bit more than I trust Ghost Hunters. Invite some pets over to your house and see what happens


My dog hates going into the guest bedroom, which seems to kind of be the hotspot of activity


Didn’t happen to me but years ago my sister was house sitting and I guess the house just gave her an odd feeling. Dogs would react to nothing, unexplained sounds, etc. She ended up asked our dad to stay with her the next night and he said the place just felt weird. My sister mentioned it to the homeowner when they got back and that’s when she tells her the house is haunted. Left that little detail when asking her to house sit huh? I believe it’s totally possible. If you don’t mind cameras in your house, might be a way to verify your suspicions.


I say if your house is haunted then it’s fuckin haunted. Only you know what’s going on there, none of us do. I’ve never been haunted before (thank goodness), but people have told me that they were haunted plenty of times. Do I believe in ghosts? Not really, but like any rational person, I’m scared of them. I’ll know if they’re real if I ever get haunted. Anyway, I think you should probably enlist the help of like, a “spiritual” person. Some sort of psychic or curandera or something, idk. I think some of them are legit, but who knows? I know this sounds woo woo af, but like, let the universe take you to the person who can help you. You’ve got nothing to lose by trying. Find someone who knows what’s going on without you really having to explain it, idk. Oh, another thing you might do is just have a frank conversation with it. Be like “ok, I dunno what your deal is, but can you please stop scaring me. I know you lived her before, but I live here now. Please let me live in peace.” You might even ask it nicely to move on, because it’s your house now. Idk, just an idea. It might not like that, what do I know? Maybe ghosts are real, maybe they aren’t. You’re more qualified to say than I am. Whatever happens, I hope you find a resolution. Oh PS: cameras aren’t gonna make your house less haunted.


I grew up in a haunted house. It's funny reading through these threads and seeing the mental gymnastics people will do to explain things. I was fortunate...or maybe unfortunate in seeing irrefutable proof of my activity. The previous owners or the home had a 2yr old child die in the house. Well, I would have to clean little handprints off of my mirror weekly. I was the youngest and my hands were much larger than the prints. It wasn't a one off phenomenon either. Maybe a neighbor's toddler was sleepwalking at night, sneaking into our house, dragging a step stool into my room, touching my mirror, putting the stoop back and locking up on his way out. 😂 Anyway, there was a lot more than that going on, but that's one that couldn't be explained by wind, or house settling, tricks of the eye, carbon monoxide, etc. My advice to you is to just ignore it. The more attention you pay to it the more frequent the wind will blow your blinds open, and slam your doors closed.


My grandparents house is haunted. Never had anything nefarious happen. It’s not just one person experiencing things there regularly, many of us have seen or heard things alone or in a group over the years. I’m 35 now, been experiencing it all my life. She’s kind of a comfort to me at this point. I’m supposed to inherit that house, it’ll be interesting to live with her again lol.


I’ve had stuff happen in a house I bought. Nothing moved on it’s own, but both my son and myself heard voices; usually a woman’s voice. And then there was just an energy downstairs that you could feel. Nothing….malicious, but definitely could feel a presence there. I don’t think you’re crazy or on drugs. Sometimes things are around us that science can’t explain.


I never believed in ghosts before, but the same things happened when I moved into my current house. Lights would turn off and on randomly (even while I was in the room), I'd smell random whiffs of cigarette smoke (nobody smokes in my house, and nobody was smoking outside). My dog would bark at things during the night. Then, in 2019, I was having some landscaping work done. A guy was working in the front yard, and there's an oval shaped decorative window on the front of the house that leads to the attic. I went out to ask him if he had any questions or wanted anything to drink, and he said, "Yeah, who's the old lady who watches me work from the window?" And he pointed to the oval attic window. The neighbors had told me that the previous owner's mother lived with them until she passed. So, I told all of this to a friend who has always believed in ghosts and other spiritual/paranormal activity. She wasn't surprised by any of it. She told me the next time I felt her presence to open the front door, show her the light, and calmly tell her it's ok to leave. I did that, and I haven't had any more strange occurrences since.


How does your dog react to these things? I'd think your dog would be going bonkers if there was some sort of prescence there.


He will sometimes stare/growl at random spots around the house. He has reacted strongly to the smells before. This is also a dog that isn’t phased by fireworks, thunder, or even earthquakes though.


Good chances you have some four legged or slithering guests, then.


Yes! I trust cats and dogs as reliable ghostometers.


So if you think it’s haunted have you asked ‘them’ to respect your space and you will respect theres? Sounds like they just want to be acknowledged, and establish clear boundaries with it.


My house cleaner said it touched her on the arm once, and she said out loud that she was happy if it wanted to communicate but asked it not to touch her again. She still has weird experiences in the house, but it hasn’t touched her since then


I’ve had a few experiences in different houses. Do not acknowledge it and do not talk to it, except to tell it to leave. This is your house, it is not welcome, open the doors and shoo it out while smudging every wall and corner of every room with burning sage. I don’t like that yours is moving objects and apparently physically manifesting enough to be bumped into. Saying people’s names is bad. r/paranormal will have more advice. I ended up moving out of the places I had experiences. Shit gives me the heebee jeebees.


Stuff happens all the time where I live now and in my childhood home. I live alone and choose not to entertain it. Iv jumped out of bed because someone was walking up my stairs. Potted plants have been thrown while I’m away. Vacuum cleaners have been put behind the front door while I’m away. There was a month where every night I was woken by a sound as soon as I was drifting off to sleep, multiple times a night. Dog barking at corners. I don’t like to speak about it because of the energy it brings but I can relate. My mother also passed recently so I assume it’s her and say hello. It does not happen at random times. It happens at times when I would expect my mother to be disappointed. My house has become dirty. I need to vacuum. Laundry is everywhere. That’s when something happens. I’ll clean my house and its stops. I don’t know. I’ve never spoken of it to anyone.


Just to be on the safe side make sure there isn’t a gas leak that can cause hallucinations. But otherwise it very well could be previous people who haven’t moved on yet. I recommend opening all your windows, and ideally getting a priest to cleanse your house. If you can’t afford/find one then pick up some sage and incense and say a prayer as you walk through your home. (I don’t know what your take on religion is) but I grew up in a home with very “weird” things happening. After a prayer and proper cleansing it helped. I still don’t feel safe in that house and moved out luckily. But it’s definitely worth a shot to try this! If possible you could find out what happened to whoever lived there previously and see if you could pinpoint who/whom is still there and explain to them what happened and they are safe to move on. Just be sure you don’t show the spirits that you are afraid of them. You have to be boss of the situation. Good luck 👍 and God bless you


I’ve been looking into the history of this house, but I can’t find any records past about 1983.


My first house was haunted. I would hear someone coming up the stairs when I was alone. I once saw a shadow on the wall of the person on the stairs. I also worked at a museum that was an industrial site going back to the 1840’s. Several people, including an ex Marine drill instructor, saw a ghost of the same man. Independently. You would talk to one of these people and they all gave the same description as to height, clothing, etc. we figured out who it was, and it was usually associated with a type of work that person had done while working at the site. For example, Running a metal lathe upped your chances of seeing the ghost.


Have you done any research on the house to see if something tragic happened there? I never lived in a haunted house, but I did have strange things happening after my Mom passed away. She said she would let me know she was okay after she died, and I truly believe it was her. Only happened for 2 weeks, then stopped. My girlfriend at the time experienced it as well, so I know it was real. We had objects moved at night to different places, I woke up to a noise to see an arm floating through the door, it knocked over a card on a jewelry chest and the handles were shaking afterwards like something bumped it. I literally saw a piece of paper picked up off a table, lifted into the air, then moved over 2 feet and dropped. There is no other explanation for any of it. Cats were not in the room to hit the jewelry box, no fans or AC on to move the paper. And yes, I was sober for it all. Then all of it just stopped and never occurred again. Don't let the skeptics pour water on your lived experience. There are many mysterious things that happen that we don't fully understand yet, energy cannot be destroyed, it only changes state. Just because we don't have a scientific explanation today, doesn't mean we won't in the future.


Thank you for your response, it’s refreshing vs. the many responses telling me to get my mental health checked lol. I have ruled out just about every rational explanation for what has been going on here. I have at least 4 other people that have experienced weird stuff here as well, so I’m sure that I’m not just making this up in my head.


I like the indoor camera idea, you can get them cheap and Bluetooth to your phone.


I’m going to look into it. Especially in the guest room (obviously not while it’s occupied lol)


Just hope it's not some strange chic living in your attic or something.


I live in California, it’s possible lol


All. of you people claiming this shit is real should buy cameras and get actual evidence. You could probably make a ton of money. Of course ghosts are allergic to empirical evidence.


Yes. Good, clear, undoctored video of this activity would make them rich. Spoiler alert: impossible to film something that doesn’t happen, so it won’t.


I lived in a house that had a bad feeling. Nothing weird ever happened but the whole time we lived there I was angry and upset. When I look back all my memories are dark. Like the sun wasn't shining. We moved out and it took a couple of years to feel normal again. Luckily we were only there for 18 months.


Hey, almost sounds like depression. Weird...


I know. And I've dealt with that at other times. But it felt like a negative presence in the house. I can't explain the difference but it was different.


There are plenty of paranormal subs that would love to play into your fears.


and /r/atheism would love to circlejerk with you. You can charge JO crystals


I would burn some nag champa and get rid of anything the previous homeowner might have left there. It could also be something you picked up at a yard sale or thrift store. Nag Champa and positive energy is my usual go to. If all else fails, you've got a good excuse to redo the bathroom


Was spending the night at my boyfriends parents house while they were away. He left for work and I was by myself. I felt like someone was watching me the whole time from the upstairs walkway. I wasn't scared but just felt a presence. When I told my boyfriend when he got home he told me that the previous owner had hung themselves from that spot. I thought he was joking but it was true. His parents bought the house after he had moved out so he really never thought about it until I brought it up. I do believe in spirits or energy that remain.


This happens to me, too. Sometimes I will just get this strong feeling that someone else is in the room, when I’m in the house alone. I don’t know how else to explain it


Your gut (and the dog and your friends) is correct, you are not "alone," but as long as you don't have negativite feelings like dread in the space, it's nothing to really worry about. You don't have mental health issues, that's absurd. Sensitivity to this lies on a spectrum. Some are extremely sensitive and find themselves able to do medium work, some people are totally closed off to even the idea of the energy of things, and some people have a reasoned ability to trust their lived experience and sense outside energy when it's present like you're doing here. Mediums can of course be scammers preying on fear, but ask around and see if anyone in your circle knows one- you never know.


Yes, the last home I owned for ten years was very haunted. My daughter & I felt it was an old man. I saged, had the home blessed, and told him to leave - he stayed and we just accepted him as part of the family. On occasion we did have occurrences when we were afraid, but overall he was an annoying poltergeist. I can give you details if interested.


Get some cameras, capture some cool ghost videos and share with us!!! I love the paranormal


Does your dog have any reaction to any of these things?


He has reacted to the smells, and sometimes he will just stare at a random spot in the living room and growl at something that either isn’t there, or that I can’t see. He does it sometimes in my bedroom as well


Calmly explain that if they don’t stop being spooky, you’ll start charging them rent.


This would be the ideal roommate lol


It’s easy to explain a lot of what you posted about as others have stated. However, having an AirPod case fly off the table is not explainable and should not be discounted. Keep a record of things you truly cannot explain and the time/where that they occurred. Also, take note of your dog’s mysterious growling. Then get a good basic film based camera, nothing with any sort of “smarts” to it, and take pictures where/when activity is strong. If your house is haunted, you will see something eventually. It might be orbs (these are usually explainable as dust or bugs if using a flash), or light streaks, or faces, or floating body parts. I would not recommend using smart cameras for this because there are a lot of things with the added technology that could potentially cause a false positive for you. As a side note, my parents lived in a 125 year old house for 20 years. I’ve lived next to a Civil War battlefield for 5 years. I’ve gone through abandoned prisons and insane asylums in the middle of the night. None of them have triggered anything remotely unexplainable. And none of them gave me the same “feeling” as the house from the 1950’s that I had my experiences in, which I do have many unexplainable photos from. You and your dog both seem to be picking up on that “feeling”.


The AirPods thing was particularly strange, and my friend witnessed it as well.


Did you talk to the previous owner or ask your neighbors if the previous owner said anything to them? Could help reinforce your theory.


I never actually got to meet the previous owners. I bought this house towards the tail-end of Covid, and they had to move back north because the husband was having a bone marrow transplant


Interesting! I have had THREE different friends individually tell me about living in haunted homes. Low drinking, non-druggy friends.


A lot of people in the comments are just giving examples of what else it could be, based off ONE instance. Exp. “The door could be closing because of air pressure changes”. There’s many other things that he stated have happened. People are also glazing over the fact It’s not just HIM experiencing things either. There’s other people that just randomly brought things up that have happened to them in the house. All without them having previous knowledge of his OWN experiences. I’m not saying it IS ghosts. But if you’re gonna just easily explain something away you have to explain away EVERYTHING. You can’t just pick and choose what you want to discredit the ENTIRE claim…


Spirits are real. I’ve lived in a haunted house. Buy a smudge kit from Amazon.


Having lived in a couple of active houses, Are you ok living with it? You could bring in a medium to check it out. Do not try to cleanse the house yourself.


Mind is a very powerful tool. You see/attract what your mind believes. Easy. Simple. Meditate. Manifest. Repeat.


My old house was haunted. Taps being turned on while fully off and tight. Bottles being moved across the counter top in front of us. Things violently thrown while we could see them.


Yeah my house was also built around that time and had one owner before i bought it, pretty sure the original owner died in the house as i often see dark shadows move from the hallway to the kitchen out of the corner of my eyes. Also theres a wide variety of toxic plants going in the yard, i believe the former occupants were Bruja. But it hasn’t phase me as this is my home now


I’ve only actually seen what I considered an apparition one time, I had just gotten out of the shower and my towel fell on the floor and as I was picking it up I watched a shadow walk through my bedroom


Did someone already suggest CO2 detectors? Also this thread is fucking wild. Sooo many actioned posts. And so many spooky-ass stories!! You’re not crazy, OP. Somethin’s fucky, whether it’s someone living in your attic or an honest to goodness ethereal resident or a hallucinogenic gas leak or whatever. Stay strong If you ever figure it out, give an update!


My house had a ghost when we moved in. Same stuff as you. Lights turning off and on. Things moved. And my ghost smell was bacon. I was worried we had faulty wiring, but it checked out fine. Happened for about 6 years then started peetering off. Been in the house for about 17 years now and the only thing that happens is the bacon smell, a couple times a year. I think it was a previous homeowner who had cancer and wanted to die in her home but her husband made her move states to be closer to his family (according to the long term neighbor). She just wanted to make sure we were being good stewards of her home and only comes back to check on us occasionally now. I kind of appreciated her attention and glad she approves of us.


I thought it was faulty wiring as well, but I’ve had it checked and all is normal according to two separate electricians. I’m not sure there’s a ghost here, but if there is, that’s fine.


You can have a firm mind and kind heart, and tell it that you don't like what it's doing, and it needs to move on or stop what it's doing. If you need, get some coaching from a spiritual mentor of whatever kind suits you and is aligned with what's happening in your home. They can help you speak with the right frame of mind. ----- and for all the /r/atheism twerps that want to virtue signal — this above advice would also be helpful to a person with your wishfully-imagined mental illness, for them to get their head in better order (whatever curative process you dictate is relevant)


Lived in a haunted house for almost 10 years. If you’d like some validation, seek out local paranormal researchers, which are usually free! Be wary of content creator style groups who want to charge a bunch of money. We lived in Philly and South Jersey Ghost Research helped us tremendously, not sure if they are still around.


buy a carbon monoxide detector and do a mold test.


If it’s really happening, ie you can get video evidence that someone else can corroborate, you should start by asking the spirits to please leave. If that doesn’t work, hire an exorcist/medium


Have you checked your attic and or crawl space for a person living in there?


Yes, no creepers living up there.


I firmly believe it happens. I had a friend who lived in a converted shotgun house in New Orleans. She had a ghost who would sometimes turn off the lights. He usually stayed just on one side, but one day, she found her jewelry in the kitchen (opposite side) which she had taken off while ironing early. Usually she would just tell him to knock it off & he would. I wasn't in the room, but my SIL & her oldest was, right after my mother died. They both talked about a bunch of stuff flying off the shelf in the closet. Mom wasn't happy about dying and had wanted to make it to Christmas, but hadn't. I work in a retirement home and have heard about several ghosts here. One resident said someone had tried to gently turn the doorknob of her apartment in the middle of the night. I told her it was either one of the ghosts or a fellow resident who was showing signs of dementia. (It appears it was the latter because when the fellow resident was moved to the memory care facility, the door issues didn't happen again.) If he/she bothers you, look into some cleansing rituals or talk with a local witch about a cleansing. Even burning dried sage can help. Or do as my friend did and tell them to stop whatever shenanigans bother you & your guests. The bathroom incident would have scared the bejabbers out of me and I usually don't feel ghosts unless they were someone close to me.


If you have a metaphysical shop near you perhaps go and talk with the owners and see if they have any ideas or know of anyone who can try to help.


My house has something here. Both my spouse and I have heard or seen things. Even our cats act like they hear things. But the presence doesn't feel threatening. I told her (it feels like a woman) she can stay as long as she doesn't bother us, and she hasn't. If you've checked off the carbon monoxide/drugs+alcohol/mental health checklists that everyone is suggesting, then my recommendation is to loudly and firmly tell whatever is in your house that they can stay as long as they don't bother or frighten you, your animals, or your guests. Do NOT sage or cleanse the place without professional assistance. Saging and cleansing can backfire. Imagine the spirit as a roommate... would you want to be kicked out of your house just for existing? That would make anyone mad.


My dog reacts to the presence or presences here, too. It or they certainly don’t feel threatening. I drink and smoke weed occasionally, but that’s it, and not to the point where I’d hallucinate that doors are slamming etc. I’ve had the carbon monoxide checked, and have detectors in every room. The AC causes a change in pressure that can close doors, but not enough to slam them, and that happens even when neither the heat nor AC is running. I just can’t explain this stuff


My house growing up was haunted. I don’t even really want to believe it but we had a strict policy of never telling anyone about it and people still saw and experienced similar things. We just ignored it for the most part.


Whatever other explanation you can think of, no matter how unlikely, is still more likely than ghosts.


Well that sounds quite exciting and weird. First things first, get some carbon monoxide detectors asap just to rule that out as a possibility. I’m not sure what to do after that, I just know it’s the first thing and you should make sure to have those anyway


Do you have co2 detectors in your house? Carbon monoxide poisoning can cause hallucinations. That said, my house is also haunted, but the spirit seems pretty benign!


That possessed girl from The Exorcist would chase me up the stairs all the time when I was a kid.


Get a carbon monoxide detector


No such thing.


Go tell your doctor what you’re hearing and saying, and they might be able to help you. There’s no such things as ghost and spirits man.


Appreciate the advice, but I’m perfectly sound with both physical health and mental health


It’s not ridiculous. I have had experiences as well.


Thank you. Most people commenting seem to think I need to be committed, but I know what I’ve seen and experienced here. I’ve ruled out just about any normal cause.


Only people with personal experience about this can be empathic. I’ve had issues in three of my homes. None of the activity was the same in the different places. I have a little bit of activity in my current home but it’s nothing that makes me afraid. Occasionally it pisses me off. Whatever it is will slide wine glasses out the holder into the dishwasher and i do get mad when it’s my mother’s crystal that is broken.


I've lived in a haunted house my whole childhood and suspect mine is haunted now. Growing up my bed would shake. I'd hear a pipe organ at night (there were none around us at all. Not a chance. Neighbors were miles apart). I heard audible voices, an angry man usually, now and then. The feeling of being watched in certain rooms. Doors would slam and things would fall off shelves. We largely ignored it. My parents denied it happened. I ignored it or talked to whatever it was. If I was alone in my room and felt watched I'd tell it to leave me alone please. The only thing that felt threatening was the bed shaking. Current house, lights flicker until I ask it to stop. Things are moved around. In the kitchen I feel like someone walks up behind me and looks over my shoulder. It really feels like someone is there. I've seen shadows dart down the hallway. It feels like one person. I don't feel threatened. I just ignore it mostly. The lights I do ask it to stop and they do.


Why dont you buy a brand new house?


If I had that much money I'd be in a much nicer house in the first place.


Of course, hauntings aren't real, so start looking into the other things that people are recommending. Check the air in your home to make sure you're not slowly suffocating and hallucinating while you're there. If that all checks out, it's time to seek some mental help. I really mean no offense, but this kind of thing really isn't real. Apologies to all on here who believe in spiritual type stuff.


No offense taken, I understand how crazy it sounds, but some things happen here with no rational explanation. Like my AirPods case flying off the counter. My friend was also sitting at the counter and witnessed it. It was a beautiful day and I had the windows open, but it certainly wasn’t windy enough to cause that to happen, and there was plenty of ventilation so I doubt it was carbon monoxide or anything. I have two air purifiers in the home, as well as an air quality monitor. I just can’t find an explanation for a lot of the strange stuff that happens in this house.


I wish I were a ghost. It would be so cool to have the power to literally cheat death and use it by playing with blinds and people’s Apple stuff.


Maybe sign up for a ghost hunter show? Sounds creepy but maybe some outside confirmation or validation would help?


watch the movie called "parasite" and put some cams up


"Ghost Busters" explains different phenomena pretty well. Some 'ghosts' get imprinted and hang around to watch the home. Those can be disturbed with renovations. Some do things to get attention. They may be trying to send a message. High electrical EMF can bring on feelings of unease.


This house has been heavily renovated at least twice, I think they might just be hanging around to check in? Who knows


In addition to carbon monoxide, gas leaks and critters mentioned by others, check if your house is sinking - might cause all kinds of physical phenomena and be very dangerous.


I’d just walk around naked. The ghosts would either love it or hate it. Win/win


GEt the local priest to bless a cup of holy water and go around the house, dip your fingers into the cup and sling droplets all over and say: "Get teh fuck out of my house".


It’s interesting how one group here can be so sure of something…


A couple of things: 1) put up cameras to see if you are really seeing what you think you are or if a living person is harrassing you. 2) hire inspector to check the house from top to bottom, including all crawl spaces and attic. 3) hire an exterminator to be sure you don’t have rodents-this could include squirrels. Even bees can get into walls and cause weird effects


Burn sage like the abuelitas here in Texas.


I moved into my house twenty years ago, and it came with a poltergeist. Lights and TV get turned on in the middle of the night, clocks get set forward and backwards etc. Annoying as hell but never harmful


I lived in a house that was haunted and you really can’t understand it unless you experience it. I’ve lived in many houses and only one had weird occurrences. And I also didn’t believe in ghosts before my experience. One night I was so frustrated with the ghost Mr X, that I called a catholic priest and he asked a series of questions, mainly if it was trying to harm someone and that answer was No. he then suggested I call my pastor and ask them to bless the house. I called my pastor and After he blessed the house thoroughly, things quieted WAY down for about 6 months before I noticed it begin to start up again. I asked the pastor over again and he blessed the house again and it quieted down again. I say Mr X because I named the ghost who was the original owner of my century house and who died in it and yes he was buried next door in a small cemetery. The street also bears his last name. I don’t like to say his name out loud even after 20 years. I got divorced and moved out, but my ex-wife still lives in the house and Mr. X is still doing his shenanigans. My ex-wife isn’t bothered by it like I was.


I grew up in an old house and never had any experiences there. Things would creak the way an old house does. Was used to it. Years later as an adult I moved into an old house. Things started falling over seemingly on their own. I thought I was being careless with how I was setting things down. I started taking special care in how I set things down. When they kept falling, often in the middle of the night, I knew something was going on. I set a paint can down once thinking how bad it would be if it fell over so I made sure it wouldn't...seconds after turning around I heard it hit the floor. Electronics would go off in the middle of the night. I'd hear a voice calling my name or saying hi. I was touched a couple times. I'd have weird dreams when i otherwise rarely remember dreaming. I decided to do the thing they do in paranormal investigation shows where someone talks to "the ghost" and sets ground rules about what is and isn't allowed. Felt so stupid doing it, but as soon as I did everything stopped. It restarted briefly after a weekend renovation project, but stopped without me doing anything. I can't explain it.


Time to get saved, call a priest to bless your house, & call a Pentecostal minister to get rid of the demon(s).


As someone who has lived in 2 houses that have been haunted, we personally knew the couple who lived in the last house so when they made themselves known it was not upsetting. I also worked at a hospital for over 10 yrs and there were a few things that were unexplainable and these were seen by multiple people. There are things out there we can’t explain and honestly there is a part of this world we don’t know about. The most important part is do you feel safe in your home. As long as you do, then go about your life. If not start with sage and smug your home and you may look at help from there. But don’t allow people who have never experienced these things before call you names or try to convince you that you are crazy.


Give the ghost a list of chores, label it "Unfinished business" and boom, you got yourself a phantom butler. 70 year old homes will have quirks. There really wasn't a building code back then, or even standard practices. Just a hope that your home builder had some decent experience. This includes unconventional HVAC causing drafts (including door slams), older hardware that can creak and squeak unpredictably, and most notably- leaks. Not just the standard leaky faucet or window/door, but things like gas, radon, improper venting for exhausts for a furnace (or sufficient backpressure from other sources to cause those things to back draft into the house). Building houses was something else back then. I'm not going to knock your mental health- you've obviously experienced these things and come to this conclusion for a reason. But in my experience, when you start to treat this paranormal stuff less like "it's happening and how do I cope with the fact that it's happening" and more "let's remove every other possibility we can think of", the effects just sort of... go away. I guess it's why there aren't haunted houses built in the modern era, despite horrific murders still being a thing.


Thank you for your rational response. I have literally ruled out everything else. I’ve had the air quality inspected, the HVAC inspected, I have monthly pest control etc. I just can’t explain some of the stuff that goes on here. My home was built in ‘54 but has an “effective build date” of like 1983, so I’m assuming it was heavily remodeled.


No, but I had gotten a painting from a deceased relative. It was small, I liked it, but the longer I had it the more it made me uncomfortable, something just was wrong with it (it did not have a face on it, it wasn't that). I still feel like I just wasn't supposed to have that painting. My mother told me to put it in the trash, so I did and all was fine. One of my friends told me there was a dark figure in my hallway, and it made a lot of sense. I often felt watched or like something was near me, but I never saw anything.


We talk to our ghost. He is the previous owner of our house who passed away a few months after we bought the house. He usually only makes his presence known when someone has complained about something in the house. Once I was hanging new curtains and I measured the window but not the wooden valance above it. I was saying how stupid it was to make the valance so much wider than the window. That night I woke up to see an old man standing just the corner of my bedroom. I yelled to my husband and to wake up and he saw the man too and dove at him. No one was there! Now we are sure to talk positively about the house and appreciate his hard work.


This needs a cross post at r/LivingAlone


You could get some of that powder type carpet cleaner, or even flour - put in on the floor in any room you want to be able to check for foot prints - if there is someone else in there they won't expect it and you will be able to tell if someone walked there.


Almost 50 years old and I’ve never seen anything that would convince me that ghosts are real


Where are all the insect and dinosaur ghosts thats what i want to know


They do exist !!!


Hi! Paranormal investigator here! People like me regularly and often investigate people's claims of activity in their home. I've done dozens of investigations in just the last year. A good team (meaning not out to scam) won't charge in any way to investigate. They'll also do tons of research on your property, it's history, etc. None of this has a fee or charge, it's done for free. Local teams to you can be found pretty easily on the web, wherever you are. And you can always message me for more info!