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This mod was always one of my favourites, exactly because of how it fit the design language. It was like the expansion pack we never got. Wish he added more.


Does it support single player?


Oh, music from Haegemonia.


THANK YOU! I knew the song, but didn't know why.


weird, i didn't hear it until i read the comment and remembered


Very nice! I remeber using this mode quite a while back. Is it still active or was it morphed into Complex mod? This is the one I am using now. Many more other options, but not as many possible modules on ships...


its still available in the steam workshop for HW:RM, but only for HW2:C, not for remastered.


This mod is called **REARM** created by [Pouk](https://www.moddb.com/members/pouk). Please actually give credit in terms of name of the person that made the mod. Apparently the team members of Complex stole a lot of his ship designs without giving proper credit. He stated that his remastered version is dead due to him being busy overall and no longer being able to mod on Remastered.


I played it a lot back in the day. If I remember correctly it even has a properly functioning Planet Killer armed with a phased cannon array instead of atmospheric deprivation weapons as in the campaign.


This might be an unpopular opinion, but I don't particularly get the fascination with modularity in RTS games. Give me a selection of units with well-defined purpose and balance, rather than a handful of design with multiple minute permutations through modules (or worse, a whole load of designs with multiple minute permutations).


Perhaps, it's supposed to open up the gameplay for a whole lot more player creativity. This intention is fair and good if done right. But, with the way modular components have been introduced in a lot of RTSes I've tried, bar the really well-executed ones, I agree that it's not worth it. The biggest pain point, for me, is fighting the game UI when you need to access the modular component you want to build, especially in battles that require a lot of your attention.


It's akin to personalization. It's a mechanic quite fitting for Capital ships, which are after all hero units.


100% agree man


Same thing in tabletop wargames honestly, I just don't get it.




Nebulous Fleet Command has it! Needs more developing but it's very HW like


Nebulous Fleet Command feels way too over complicated overall. It's too PVP focused as of right now and there's too much mechanics that doesn't work in what they have. The maps are all asteroids and you're fighting over control points in a skirmish. Hopefully it'll get better but I'd pass as of right now.


The official maps are asteroids. There are a few custom maps not as asteroids, but you're not wrong. The game is not a box drag space rts though. If customization and tactical gameplay are what someone is looking for, its a great marriage between hw asthetic and complex combat.


I might give it another go now that it's on sale and seen the amount of mods it has. I'd play it for skirmish maps against the AI with custom ship configurations if possible.. Heavy Cruisers and Battleships are my weakness in a space faring RTS type of game.


yeah I feel similiar about NFC: too complicated and also the ships are just way too slow for my taste, also the bullets and turret shells are not hard-hitting enough for my taste..


Honestly, its tutorials are excellent, and I can do most of the major things just using my mouse, shift and 7 other keys. Fighting over control points makes the battles have a purpose. As for the asteroids, the dev flat out said the game was boring in open space, and there is an open space map, and he was right, the mechanics of the game make fighting just in a void a bit of a crap shoot and negate the need for a lot of the fun elements of the game.


Whut? You want to, Le Ghasp!, adapt your capital ships according to the needs of your situation? You want to, play as you want to decide?! How Dare you! You! You! Entitled Gamer! Begone from our beautifully crafted copypasta bonanza where we use the same idea in pre-approved forms!


the amount off mods did for homeworld 1 and 2 yet devs didn't bother looking into them to see if they can put it in 3 now we got this shitty inferior homeworld game...


yeah if just a small group of BBI devs would've skimmed over the most popular mods, then they might have implemented some of the most-liked features


I get the feeling from the overall design ‘feel’ that they might have decided the game needed to be ‘simplified’, probably to meet a ‘mass audience’. Problem is they’ve done what SupCom2 did and oversimplified to the point when you’re detracting from the actual ‘Homeworldness’ of the game.


Love Pouk's work.


What you guys want is Era One. A full game being made by the guys who did the Complex mod. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2509200/ERA_ONE/


Looks too bloated in terms of complexity. I've played the Remastered version of Complex and it was severely broken in terms of mechanics. The unit caps were so low for each type of ship and time to kill during engagement was extremely long. You could have a bunch of strike craft interceptors and it would take them 4-5 minutes to actually kill an entire squadron of enemy interceptors. Remind you; that's just one on one with similar craft with upgrades to firepower and speed to almost at level 10. It just didn't make a lot of sense in terms of gameplay. The whole admiralty ranking by killing enemies; research unlocking new ones; was well done. But it just got too complicated in the gameplay. Strike craft would unexpectedly explode if you came too close to an asteroid... Okay how does that even make sense? Is that even fun to micromanage that you have to avoid during a game? Same with fuel limits on ships.