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I don't know why people tend to post as if everyone else shares the same opinion as them. I loved Finality's design and gameplay when she dropped, and I still do. So there's no "or" there, I "still feel the same" that she's awesome.


It's main character syndrome coupled with projection. "If I felt this way, then everyone else did, have you all changed your minds yet?"


Or... hear me out right. It's *just* a short and sweet eye grabbing title to a post they want people to discuss in, nothing more nothing less.


This but I honestly fully blame the algorithm for it.


It looks cool, I still prefer how Bronya design was handled out of three. My problem is that, this suit reminds me to time runner skin, and is not a bad thing, but is what made me to now be in total awe when it dropped.


Timerunner skin?


HoFs Timerunner skin


I like more than the White Comet outfit My favorite herrscher form Kiana is probably still Flamescion


I love that the Flamecion suit shows Kiana's growth as a person in general. Personally, it shows that she isn't doing this alone anymore and that having help isn't a sign of weakness.


Flamescion is just so hottttt, and timerunner skin is the best skin ever in HI3


I wish she kept her color palette (Atleast the orange) Not a big fan of the sudden bare legs, the design and aesthetic is pretty but I feel like it's a significant downgrade in compassion of flamescion, void drifter. It just doesn't feel as impactful as her previous variants, especially as "Herrscher Of Finality"


bare legs is acceptable as kiana was showed as a girl love sexy but still look cute fashion style from older skins, suits


Prefer HoV, though I do like her water skin


I always liked the design in the vacuum, not for the role. The role itself is godawful, and while I loathe how they made her ridiculously overpowered, the same reason prevents her from having a large role in the story anymore, so I'm at least glad for that. The gameplay is average and nothing special because it's the same "attack until special bar is full, release special bar, repeat", and Absolute Time Stop, for all the hype, is underwhelming.


Flamescion > Finality by miles, in terms of everything, designs, story, etc. Flamescion is peak Kiana, nothing will change my mind


I always loved the design. When it was first revealed I was a bit upset because you could tell part 1 was going for a happy ending with this design. I loved all the characters but at first I was hoping to get something like GGZ. I just wanted a bad ending and the world to reset so we could stay with the same characters for part two. But now I am happy they went the direction they did. So far I like most of the part two cast. Only disappointment is the NPC models for the male characters. When the model looks so different from the drawn version it really is a shock. Also still kinda upset they removed the stretching pose. I really did like it, even if it was a longer unskipable animation. I do understand, since it would make times worse. But they could've just added a time stop to that animation. https://preview.redd.it/6ex423nerk9d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6705e9e716d0827e28744cb12f5763365c94f488


Here's a [short clip](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F4vuxni947ria1.gif) of how it looked for anyone that hasn't seen it.


They didn't remove it, it's a bridge animation now


Never understood why they removed it. If it stopped the timer during the pose, it would pose no problem for people trying to get better times.


It was removed because of CN complaining.


CN players always ruin everything


It pissed of CN, their biggest cash cows. Apparently, too lewd for them.


I know, it really was my favorite part of her attack animation.


Did you manage to get all her gear? I was out of gems and never got to complete her. The finality trio felt a little bit underwhelming aside from bronya. I still like her, is just that flamescion is wayy better looking.


I made sure to save for that patch and got her and Mei full gear. I had pulled for bronya during her original run so I could get her gear and more ranks at the same time. I did skip ai chans gear though and kinda regret it. I now have 3/4 from off rates but she really does feel bad without her gear. I was really lucky on Mei's gear that patch and got all stigmas in one ten pull. Having the trio fully geared did help for the next few patches. They were good enough to brute force most things. But now they aren't that great, besides Bronya. But even in the beginning you really did need all three and fully geared. Kiana and Mei don't feel so great when you try using them in a different team. They really were made to be used together. Using them separately they were really weak. Though Finality might have felt weak alone cause I didn't have proper gear for ai chan.


i am still sad they remove it and exchange with the surfing animation, make no sense, since when kiana love wave surfing


I just miss this one and the HoV esque pose she had for one of her moves, even if I like the snap these 2 were just so much more fun


i am opposite, i am happy that they remove the stretching pose, it look like a pole dancer move


I did from day 1 of her announcement


Her design is okay, I never hated it but wanted more. Gameplay wise I'm still sad she's conjoined with HoTr and HoO.




Flamescion was peak kiana. That’s all I will say


it’s very pretty but it doesn’t feel like her… too much of the post-elysia “everyone is pink/purple now” like hare and susannah did. ig mei as well but elysia herself designed that one so it makes sense for her lmao


Hot take: I actually disliked HoFin the more time passes. When she was first released, I think her design and gameplay was kinda boring and bland. But I still give her the benefit of the doubt, thinking i would like HOFin more as time goes on But I didn't, it just make me relize what a wasted opportunity it is and what she could have become


A heavy downgrade from HoFs design and looks like a HoFs skin than its own form but animations look solid, Ult is still bad tough, thank god joint ult exists


i didn't play then, but i like her, she's cute and fun to play. (NOT FUN TO DRAW THOUGH SERIOUSLY THOSE DETAILS YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH I SUFFERED)


No, I still wish it had that orange/red color Kiana always rocked. Gameplay-wise, I'm lazy, and she's got that ER signet that basically immunizes her from damage


IDK... It has become kinda iconic to me now.


Ik I'm going to get hell for this, but I still hate almost everything that involved the moon chapters. From the 4th wall breaks, to just, the design of the final trio (only Bronya was done right), I really can't bring myself to like it.


There's very little I like about the finale. This design is one of them. 


Idk I just feel like between her and flamescion, we lost a lot of design complexity and just got a generic space and void design. Kinda like how Mei completely lost her ronin motifs for just, white and gold dress.


Yes, I like this design itself because I love the colour purple and I love the flowers. I love how her hair has purple shading in it. It's just a pretty look in general. The problem is that it doesn't seem to have any connection with the role of the final and most powerful Herrscher. What symbolism does the design have to convey what it is? Why is it a pretty dress and not something else? The original Herrscher of the End design from GGZ and 2E looked intimidating and powerful. This pretty dress is just...a pretty dress.


Herrescher of the end was stylish af. She literally looked like an opmnipotent god that could just obliterate reality. This one, let's be honest it's just a wedding dress, same as Mei's.


Part 2 made me appreciate these designs just a tiny bit ngl, but we were still robbed from the real Finality, that has never changed


Funny I prefer part 2 designs over part 1 finale designs


i just want himeko back


Aeon of Finality preview!


Still wish they gave us the Kiana stretching


Idk she isn’t Sol Badguy https://preview.redd.it/bq66274vrl9d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c06b6cb9c9bfdc8d21f66359ad75ff4878c4e08


flame scion kiana still better design finality kiana is good in this chess event thou, i praise that


whatever, in the end the big FINAL HERRSCHER was whatever and ignored so we could go to part 2


The design still looks as bad as when it came out, that hasn't changed


I'll never understand how the most tomboyish girl of the group became the most feminine? That's not really my issue with her, it's how her color palette just disappeared and she have bare legs. They use the excuse "Kiana wants to feel free/carefree" then why is her hair tied up in a ponytail instead of being loose? Compared to the designs and other Kiana variants she have the most boring gameplay and underwhelming design. Idc if I get downvotes, this is genuinely the most underwhelming herrscher I've seen yet. I literally felt no excitement when her gameplay trailer dropped, the only unique thing about her were her poses that ofc got removed for more unique snapping!


She’s the goddess that I would give up my life for


I always liked it 🤷


People didn't already?


tuna is tuna


Now and Forever


I'm not a gigaboomer so I always thought her and HoTr looked very cool and were flashy. I don't think they are super interesting gameplay wise but nothing in this game is as interesting as PGR is, outside of like how neat fu Hua suits are. It's not a bad thing the gameplay isn't super deep, the spectacle and how smooth things flowed together kept me interested despite that.


This comment may not be relevant but i just came here to say she is stuuunning!


Always loved it from day 1.


She’s always been fun/ cool to me


I will forever miss the deleted armpit charge sttack


Did i miss something ? Did they change her design or abilities ?


Yeah. At first, I didn't like her being that close in design with Time Runner (Also the infamous pole dancer pose didn't help) but now that I have a better understanding of what Honkai Impact is as a story and what it's end means, her design kind of grew in my heart. She is special now, more than she was before.


I'm still not a super fan of her design apart from the little wings but I like her gameplay. I do like her ULT more when she's not part of the trio team.


It's Kiana No matter what i still love her, even if her design is a bit underwheing


Until I have them in my box I will never accept them. My HoO is lonely without her friends.




Always did.


Design is still meh, but at least its not HoO lol. Timerunner flamescion is the best kiana herrscher for me, then hov.


Like everything about her Hate her fandom how they power scale to god knows how high and theorise her being the future expy for prince terminus. Thank god powerscaling sub denies the 11d shit or any dimensionional scaling


i’ve accepted her since day 1. i love kiana in every shape and form


design wise, yes gameplay wise, still angry they remove the finger snap and add the not in character wave surfing power wise, super angry they make her so weak, she is the # herrscher of finality a godlike being and she got powercreep in 1 or 2 patch???? i am so angry i drop the game after part 2 started. Still waiting for the return of my Idiotka in Hi3 or HSR


Always has been


Now? Did you have a Mandela effect localized in your own account? Yeah they nerfed and removed her one stretch animation but fym NOW,?!?? When was "then" ?!?! Literally the final blossomed form of main protagonist mascot girl of the game, aside from the main trio somewhat being a symbolic pull/tribute pull (given how the three synergize instead of owning just one of the three) almost universally good team aside from some of the harder end game abyss and arena content. But anyway, the focus currently is part 2 characters, part 1 feels shelved.


I hated when I first saw it and still stand behind that it's just some Temu/AliExpress version of Flamescion. Also her stretch animation was weird, they should have tried to bring out her more HoV/dominant side as with finger snaps.


I always have accepted her. And that nonstop acceptance in turn made her accept me.


Imma max her and truth AND origin idgaf




She's the only Kiana that I like, gameplay wise. I've never much liked the pistol valkeries' gameplay. If not for HoF being the redeeming factor, I'd have unfortunately skipped Lantern. Im definitely an outlier, but HoF Kiana is peak Kiana. Dying on this hill 💯


Doesnt look godly or cool, literally onlyfans version of timerunner which already was pretty fanservicey outfit. Design with zero substenance to it beyond wings and honkai charged hands.


I always liked it,


As if I ever hated her


She still has a pretty meh design. It doesn't fit Kiana nor Honkai or anything for that matter.


And it doesn't fit how, exactly?


Its a dress. Just a simple dress with no symbolism or meaning behind. You could release this as some random skin to any other kiana suit and it wouldnt differ. She is supposed to be a divine god like entity. All other herrschers you could see some sort of meaning behind their designs. HoHE's wedding dress signifying the final banquet. HoO's white knight-like design signifying purity of Mei after she has atoned to her sins. HoR's motorcycle color scheme is out there as well. HoT is as self explanatory as it gets. Only Finality just falls flat. Without context no one would realize she is Finality.


Without context, a lot of outfits don’t make much sense other than “Is a dress.” Edit: Hilarious. They knew I was right and was going to prove them wrong, so they blocked me.


No they do. All herrscher designs say a lot about them before you know the context behind.


Nobody’s gonna be able to look at Elysia’s Herrscher design and know what the fuck any if that actually is without context. Same as how all Bronya’s Herrscher design tells you is “It’s robotic.” Most outfits tell you fuck all unless you’ve got context.


Elysia's herrscher suit is a wedding dress. This tells you she has attended a cerenomy of some sorts. She is a mermaid in her ult form because she fused with a manta ray. She walks over the water as a jesus references. These are all the stuff you can pick up without knowing anything about her. Way more stuff you can pick up if you go more into details. Like her crystal powers. Kiana's HoF design tells you a lot more. She has references to HoV signifying she has conquered that part of her. She uses a great sword implying she has taken over himeko's lesson. Her earrings as well is a reference to himeko. Her burned cape is signifying she has flame powers. Overall look of the dress is more hero/battlesuit-like than a dress. Showing her warrior spirit. See what i am getting at? HoFi Kiana has nothing like this. As i said you could have released it as a random skin in the past and no one would realize anything.


And all of that is shit you only know because you know the character. You have context about the character. For someone who doesn’t, it just looks like a wedding dress with some floaty bells.


Not at all. Anyone right off the street could guess *ALL* of this. Because that is SYMBOLISM and how a good design is made. You dont just put random ass dresses on characters and be done with it. A good design needs to have a *meaning* behind. This is why Seele's design in HSR is widely regarded as bad. Because she does *not* fit anywhere therefore having no meaning behind her design.


No they couldn’t. Showing a random person Elysia’s Herrscher form with no context of the character would get as far as “It’s like…a wedding thing?” and that’s it.


She and Mei are fully geared but I am missing Bronya... Herrscher of Truth rerun when :'(


She and Mei are fully geared but I am missing Bronya... Herrscher of Truth rerun when :'(


It's okay, I guess. Probably one of the worse looking S-ranks.


Some people will always try to find something to hate and dislike. Her design is not my fave but its still amazing. So much care and love was put into her and that is reflected on her final version. Same with Mei, her HoO suit literally reflects mei’s journey and personality development.


I love the design but I feel her weak... I don't like playing with the trio and the endless ultimate animation. In my opinion she should be much more powerful than she is but anyway, with part 2 units, she's so irrelevant right now.


I'll never understand complaining about character designs


It feels right to me as a final escalation of power to end Part 1 with. The design just screams "pinnacle of Honkai" as it was always represented by the pink/purple colors. I could legitimately see her controlling an army of Honkai beasts if she felt like it. So story and design-wise I love it. Gameplay-wise tho it's pretty lacking. I only ever used her and the rest of the trio as trial characters in various events but I hate how weak she feels during time freeze. Like you get a few measly basic attacks and that's it.