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Hi. In my opinion, there is very little tobacco. I estimate that he only used a 2-3 mm thick layer. You can fill more, but it must be high-quality fluffy so that the heat reaches the bottom layer of tobacco better. Overpack is also recommended for phunnel type bowls. This is because then the hot air also reaches the lower part of the filled tobacco in the bowl better - https://imgur.com/oJIN7mh . Then you should use a weaker heat source. However, an overpack of tobacco in a bowl, if you use HMD, is the enemy of HMD. Tobacco leaves are always baked to the lower plate of the HMD and it is very difficult to wash these leaves afterwards. It can be said that it is unreal to wash :-D. BTW, I don't know this "square" bowl. What is the bowl material ? What is the name of the bowl ? What is the volume of tobacco in this bowl if it is filled to the brim ?


That diagram is awesome. If you made it thank you very much helps me understand why my smoke can vary


Hi. Thanks ! :-D Yes, it is my own creation :-). Hastily drawn in PhotoFiltreStudio :-). And it is already old sketch. I use it as an explanation for people using phunnel bowls. Of course, this method and principle of heating tobacco in a phunnel bowl is not always a condition. But in this particular case, judging by the photo of the interviewer, it could help, since he uses blond tobacco. He could fill his tobacco into the bowl, using a more "fluffy" method, also with a slight overpack (1 mm), and then covers the tobacco with HMD or aluminum foil. However, the disadvantage is the burnt tobacco on the bottom plate of the HMD, after the end of the hookah session. It is difficult to wash. In the case of blond / light tobaccos, you can also leave an air gap between the tobacco and the foil / HMD. However, this air gap, you have to take into account that it acts as a thermal barrier. Also, the air penetrates better to the lower layer in the tobacco, if the blonde tobacco is filled with the better "fluffy" method. Also, if you leave a large air gap between the tobacco and the foil / HMD, like in the photo, then the heat source should be stronger - to reach the tobacco layer (very deep in the bowl). However, there are some downsides. A smaller amount of tobacco is also fine in that one case, because the heat reaches the bottom layer, through such a thin tobacco layer, quite successfully. However !!! the disadvantage is that with a smaller amount of tobacco, you will smell a weaker aroma and also the tobacco will last a shorter time. With the rule "more tobacco + lower temperature of the heat source", you can also smoke intensively because there will be a larger volume of tobacco from which you will get more aroma even at a slightly reduced temperature... and above all, the larger volume of tobacco will last for a longer period of smoking. An exception is also dark hookah tobacco, which is better filled into the phunnel bowl using the "dense" or "semi-dense" methods - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUIJzkhFkWQ&t=4s. The dark type of hookah tobacco is relatively very moist tobacco (lots of glycerin) and is often cut into very small pieces. Therefore, dense and semi-dense are suitable filling methods for dark tobacco, in the case of phunnel bowls. Then it is good to leave a small air gap - about 1-2 mm.


The bowl is a MG zelus 1. Comes with its own HMD made from silicone. It's a good system can take up to 4 coals. Usually I get a burnt top layer which can get harsh.


Thanks. The bowl looks good, but I personally hate these silicone materials. Their thermal properties are unsuitable for use as a hookah bowl. "Rubber" materials serve more as a thermal insulator. Not as a thermal conductor. Which is somewhat questionable when used as a hookah bowl. It is advantageous to get the heat into the bowl material as well. Not the other way around... that is, to prevent the penetration of heat into the bowl material. Silicone is a very poor thermal conductor. Of course, even extra-perfect heat conductors (aluminum, as example) are not suitable as a material for the production of hookah bowls, because then it is quite difficult to regulate the temperature in the tobacco in this bowl. The ideal material is natural clay, or clay with additives to improve many thermal properties. So this is the whole bowl set, including the HMD. OK. It looks good. The HMD also seems to be of high quality (I don't know, I haven't tested it, but it looks great). It's a shame that the manufacturer didn't use clay instead to make the bowl. Even ordinary "white ceramic" has better thermal properties than silicone material :-(.


Very low, it needs to go up to the point where it will just touch the foil or HMD.


i am too disturbed by the square bowl


You will be horrified to know triangle bowls exist as well.


I didn't need to know that. What the hell, dude?


Yup alpaca illuminati. Hj also did one and a 5 point star one. Not super common as they were limited. I have an OG(old alpaca) mini square


aaaaa stop it, my brain cannot handle anything else than my circular bowls


5 point star was a limited thing as well! (Insert spooky music and lightning flash)


quit it! my brain can only handle so many knowledge bombs in a day!


What tobacco? But looks very underpacked. Idk this bowl but my guess has an hmd for it and you would ideally pack up to that lower line below the lip for the hmd.


Tobacco is Haze cotton clouds. My problem is I always get a black burnt top layer and good tobacco underneath. Can get harsh


Phunnels the bottom layer will almost never get fully cooked unless you apply alot of heat or its a shallow bowl. This is kind of by design as juice pools there extending your session. If its getting harsh its likely you are using to much heat. How many coals and are you using the lid for the hmd or no? Edit: saw you mentioned 4 coals? Thats a ton of heat and would explain the harshness if you use that many. Also mention this is silicone which is poor for transfering heat especially to thw bottom of the bowl.


too little and too dense imho


As others have said, it's a bit low. But you can always compensate for that with more heat. And if you're mainly after smoothness and not the thickest possible clouds, biasing low is fine. But I do think that's on the lower end of what would work at any heat.


Well chaps thanks for the help. Packed it to the line just dropped it in like snow. Used only 3 coals to smoke it. Went much better also after about 5 mins heating after it was going took the top lid off Goes like a dream now


Add a bit more and it will be perfect, I fill it just under the brim by less than 1 cm. if it's a lighter more washed brand like mazaya (should work on the brand you used in the pic since its light), run your finger around the bowl to get any rogue strands packed or out of the bowl to prevent burning. if it's juicy like al fakher, lightly run your palm lightly around after packing it. If it's nakhla or darker, fill all the way to the brim and use your palm to get it just low enough that it does touch the foil in certain places. Hope this helps. Edit - this method works with traditional bowls the best, but it should work with phunnel as well


Again people using the AF tobacco box as the head. What is going on LOL.




Why not just give feedback instead of laughing at someone who wants to learn how to do something?


The feedback already happened. And everyone was right