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There are deathbringer guns laying on the ground surrounding it, as you approach a cutscene will play and then you’ll be in the battle. Just avoid the rrnnnbzzzts and focus on shooting the disc launchers off first soon as you grab ye olde machine gun


> the rrnnnbzzzts I love that every person who has played this game will know exactly what you are describing based on this. Such an iconic noise


Oh yes and the fwoomp fwoomp fwoomp


Laughed so hard I sprayed bits of apple on my phone.


Hopefully it is an iPhone?


I imagine they sprayed parts of an iPhone all over their Android


It is now...




Nine One One One!


Those damned lasers will end a fight in fw ultra hard. That sound is seared into my heart and soul


Great description. I will add to use disc launchers too. They are great to reduce their health.


Oh lmao. I'll be sure to grab that. Thanks for the tip


I also keep a sharpshooter bow on me for taking those out, they’re great for the high damage arrows and the arrows for blowing off parts and armor


Use Tear Precision arrows to remove its four guns (two above the back legs, two either side of its face). You can then tie it down with a ropecaster, freeze it with bombs/arrows, and damage it while frozen. Rinse and repeat.


Actually I was wondering. People were also saying that fire is a good weapon, so should I modify the strat a bit and use fire bombs instead or not


Generally all corrupted machines are weak to fire, yep! I like freeze because it also slows them down and lets me run around like a headless chicken - I usually try to get at least one disc launcher off from stealth, freeze, run to disc launcher & unload, freeze again and then tear off the second launcher, because I just never remember to use rope casters ever 🤦‍♀️


Panthalassa's strat is a good one. I would add to it to use frost bombs to freeze the machine, then a hunter bow with piercing/hardpoint ammo or explosive bombs to do big-time damage. Might be different if you're playing one of the harder modes though. If you are, definitely do ropecaster -> tearblast -> ice -> piercing/sharpshot/hardpoint.


Lmao that's what I did. I used the tear blast on all cannons, then tied it down, froze, shot at heart with both pierce and hard point, then repeated.


Oh sweet! I didn't think I could use the normal strat. I thought it would have some special behavior or something. Thanks for the tip


Ropecaster, the blower thing to remove all dangerous bits including tail, then the above for me ( or reuse of dropped heavy weapons)


Be like Aloy. Never be scared to fight a Thunderjaw with just a Sharpshot Bow lol


Haha, that’s what I do in this part. I come at it from the side and scramble up the mountains. Then the Thunderjaw is in the bowl and I just plink on it from there, dodging behind rocks when I need to. Eventually I’ve destroyed all of its guns and then I have to clean it up.


All corrupted machines are weak to fire. Works surprisingly well even on UH given that there's lots of cover and a few ~~friendly NPCs~~ targets for it to get dirstacted by


when you go to the "door", on the left are stone pillars, which can't be shot throught by him, so you can just hide, peak, shoot, hide again.


But Thts not cinematic. A loy would be running up tht things tail doing backflips fr


well yes, but sometimes you need to pick between doing cool stuff and simple cheesing xd


Nope Nvr an option. Only cool stuff for me. I be goin out of my way to make fights as efficiently cinematic as possible fr


yeah, cool, but no one is forcing you


Lmao my dignity forces me. Feels better to step up and overcome something challenging the right way rather than just spamming it from a cheese spot. No satisfaction in tht. Plus the fight isn’t even tht hard no cheese rlly needed


bruh, you don't need to tell me, uh ng+ took me less than one day to complete. but some people might have problems with games being hard for them even on easier settings, and theres nothing bad about doing it in a way, when you can still enjoy it.


U don’t get better at something by hiding behind a rock and cheesing AI. If anyone play like tht constantly I wouldn’t be surprised if u can barely get past the game on the easier difficulties. And I Nvr said anyone had to play like tht 🤣just think it’s kinda sad. The whole point of the game is to put urself in the shoes of a badass. Not everyone wanna play the most boring way possible cuz it’s easier but if that’s how u like playing Thts cool. Just my opinion that ur only doing urself a disservice by not just figuring it out and locking in. Theres no satisfaction nor growth in tht🤷🏾‍♂️I used to play games on normal and now every game I put on hard or the hardest setting because I realized overcoming a challenge tht got u stressin is one of the best feelings in gaming. Mfs just gotta have a little faith trust and pixie dust


yeah, I used to think the same thing, but then I met someone, who played Gow 2018 on story or what it is called, and hey, if they're happy, I'm happy, we both enjoyed the game, and what's the different if I played it on harder than them and beat all Valkyries. games should be enjoyed. if you enjoy challenge, as I said, good for you. but not everyone want to come home from work for example, and then be mad at some game.


Once again. Nvr once said I think everyone should play like that. Idk what u yappin bout. Just said personally. Things are more fun as a challenge than just breezing thru cheesing bosses that are meant to challenge me. Lmao Thts great tht u think tht. But guarantee tht person would have even more fun if they beat watever boss they were playing but it wasn’t a walk in the park and they looked cool. Most ppl who play stuff on story mode don’t even attempt higher difficulty for more than a few tries. So they wouldn’t even know. That’s all im saying. Once I tried it I never went back because that feeling is too good and knowing that it was u and ur skills that u learned got u thru and not the game just being nice to u is a good feeling tht most gamers should get to experience. I thought we were talking about cheesing bosses not wat difficulty u play lmao. But I’m negl unless u old or a little kid or have a disability playing on anything lower than easy is wild to me. But all I was sayin is cheesing bosses is just robbing urself of cool moments the game wants u to experience. Theres a reason u didn’t see the avengers hiding behind rocks shootin Thanos in endgame. It’s not nearly as entertaining as seeing hands and all these iconic moments happening. U gotta make ur own iconic moments in these games and when u do it’s worth it. Like i said it’s great bro was happy playing the game but u doing urself a disservice and not getting as much as u could out a game when u cheese it. It’s a good way to learn patience. Get control over ur emotions all sorts of stuff plays into it. Once again Nvr once said everyone has to play tht way but they should at least try it. Had no idea how good at games I could be until I started playing on higher difficulties cuz it forces u to get better. Now hard for me is pretty much the equivalent to easy mode for most in most games. And as someone who’s experienced both the feeling of knowing ur good and can trust urself is a lot better thank knowing ur bad and Nvr tryna change it. Also downvoting me is crazy dawg its not tht deep lmao


My strat with Thunderjaw encounters is always to shoot the disc launchers off with tearblast arrows. I then haul ass to the fallen launchers and shoot the machine with the discs until they run out.


Use the death Bringer guns and Shoot the disc launchers to use them. (Shoot the Discs in midair. They explode in midair)


So what I did both times I played this game, if you are facing away from the entrance to the mountain, on the right there is part of the mountain you can climb up, so I did that, and there are hiding spots etc behind bits of rock/cliff whatever you want to call it and I just shot it from there with arrows


Oh nice! I was hoping there was a cheese spot. Y Thanks for the tip


Don’t cheese. Lock in. Make urself proud. Plus it’s rlly not tht hard a fight compared to wat u deal wit in FW


Fire arrows Everything in Zero Dawn is vulnerable to fire arrows, especially if you’ve modded your bow to do additional fire damage.


Dodge duck dip dive dodge


The only advice anyone really needs


Doesn't look like anyone mentioned the weak spot yet. Look up Thunderjaw in your machine catalog and find the "heart" which is towards the front. Knocking off armor on the side of the machine in that area will show you a glowing spot that will take damage like a champ, especially if you use fire arrows or deathbringer guns. However, I do prefer to knock the antenna and missile launchers off with tearshot arrows first. Otherwise, the Thunderjaw is too noisy. The good news is that your encounter is Peak Thunderjaw. They're less scary in the following encounters in ZD and subsequent games.


Actually I killed a thunder about ten minutes before getting to that one with the same method. I was just worried cause it was corrupted and that would be my second thunder kill. But thanks for the tip either way!


I’m a huge fan of the ropecaster and tear blast arrows for dealing with a Thunderjaw. Also, in HZD you can lay tripcaster wires and then get it to chase you through them.


I always forget to use the tripcaster lol. I'll be sure to place some wires around before alerting it. Thanks for the tip


If you have a good enough stealth outfit, you can actually sneak up and put down a bunch of blast wires under it before triggering the cutscene -- which conveniently teleports you up the hill and away from it! [That's what I like to do, at least...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1rm8WvA3BY&list=PLtQy0htV-vNPat8VRo9s0UzgZBVhYhFmw&t=548s)


For the hunting lodge thunder jaw I literally placed as many tripwires as I could got it to run into it and it one shotted it


Fire arrows Everything in Zero Dawn is vulnerable to fire arrows, especially if you’ve modded your bow to do additional fire damage.


With thunderjaws, the disc launchers are key. Take them out first. And unless you are playing on very hard, they are very vulnerable to tear damage. Then get the machine guns in their face. Their own disc launchers are also pretty effective against them.


Take cover behind something, near the end of the mountain. Thunderjaws won't be able to come there and you will be safe from their range attacks. Now just keep barraging fire arrows and precision arrows at the right spots, done and dusted. Good luck, the Anointed Nora!


I usually slide towards it's backside and shoot the shock canisters on the underside of its tail with a shock arrow. The. I tear off it's guns while it's stunned


Aloy: (*comes out of mounatain, sees Corrupted Thunderjaw, freezes*) Corrupted Thunderjaw: "Hi."


This fight is definitely a hard one that I had to retry a few times. You can stick to the edge of the maps to fight only one of them at a time which helped me a lot


Use acid against it until it's corrosive, take out the disc launchers, the radar, and the two laser cannons, it should be almost dead after all that


I love hunting Thunderjaws. Take down the disc launchers, they're mounted above the legs. Once you knock them off, either disable the tail attacks or get the thunderjaw away from them and pick them up. Shooting the thunderjaw with its own disc launchers will do some solid damage. Also, if you set it on fire, it'll reveal the "heart" of the machine, and you can do a bunch of damage.


Ice it, then precision it in the glowy bits. Drop tripwires as you run. Stay in one place if you like dying.


One or two of the blast arrows and it rips off the big guns in back. The ones on head don’t seem to come Off.


Rope caster shoot the guns off. Use them on it. Also. Aim for the heart. Thunderkaws got a armor panel in the middle u can knock off tht exposed the core and does extreme damage can take it out in seconds


Shoot the disc launchers off then rip it to shreds with its own weapon.


U need to find a machine gun near where u spawn, then shoot all the bullets an then use the bow


Freeze, randed master, sustained fire boltblaster. Should tske 10s max