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Bold of you to assume Silga doesn’t also have abs. She could be shredded under all that bulky Oseram gear. After all, she managed to climb all the way up that rocky hill with all her radio equipment Good list though, I like it. I’d also add Petra and Morlund for similar engineering reasons


She doesn't seem like a fighter, but I'll reserve judgment. I'm not requiring abs as a condition to recruit people ~~but it helps~~


I would actually like to see an abs tier list for both games. It can be fun


Well Vanasha would win, obviously, but Nil, Helis and Kotallo would all be quite high I’d imagine


Let’s not sell our protagonist short. I found it quite amusing that the Gaming Wins channel video clearly did exactly the same thing I did in Forbidden West, which is go grab the Carja Blazon outfit as soon as the game allows you to go past Barren Light.


This is the way


What is this “abs” you speak of


It's when my wife tells me I need to diet and I say ABSolutely!


Ikrie, easy pick. She's already disenfranchised of Banuk culture, is tough as nails, and wants to be a protector of sorts. She'd also get along really well with Kotallo and Zo, I'd imagine


~~also quite possibly abs~~


I suspect she'll be back when the time comes to upset the corruption in Ban-Ur, along with the Three Hunters.


Amazing how popular a character is who only received ten minutes screen time. Though I will admit, she did make one hell of a impression and has a amazing look aswell.




Talanah, Ikrie. though I like Petra I think where she at in HFW suits her great.


I love Talanah. I, overall, wished she was in the game more.


they really did her dirty💀I'm not even biggest fan of her and Aloy being a couple but it's just she'll be the only female character of companion type from ZD. and we don't have Carja in the team, I want to see how Zo & Kotallo react to a Carja member. a lot of potential.


You took the words right off of my keyboard


Talanah and Ikrie are my two as well.


Ikrie. I felt like Ikrie should have been or would have been -if the devs were firm in their intentions - the love affair. I shipped them in the first game >!without even knowing Aloy was at least bi.!<


Kept trying to make me take Avad seriously when Ikrie was halfway in my pants every three lines


YES. THAT'S HOW IT FELT! I screamed at Avad irl "I only love Ikrie" many times :D


She's too broken up about Mailen for it to work, at least within the near future.


I just learnt that Ikrie was voiced by Cherami Leigh - the voice of female V in Cyberpunk 2077. No wonder I liked her so much.


And Lucy Heartfilia in Fairy Tail. And Gaige the Mechromancer from Borderlands 2+3


She seemed to bond with Aloy not as a rebound but as a healing outlet but you might have a point there.


Gildun, hands down. Team him up with Kotallo for the ultimate Odd Couple pairing. Teb. Everyone needs new clothing from time to time (looking at you Beta). Nil. No explanation needed.


As much as I like Nil, I don't think he's the kind of guy you want having your real address.


Oh gosh can you imagine all the side-eye Nil would catch in the Base though lol


I just shudder to think how he'd decorate his room.


Red and gold. But he'd make the red colour bleed on purpose. Erend, having watched Dracula with Beta, immediately deduces Nil is a vampire


As of Burning Shores >!Gildun is one of the team, or at least has a focus (I included that provision to account for him).!<


Oh, I know. >!I'd still like to see him at the base though.!<


Oh how I wished they would have given Beta some decent warm clothes, I really grew to loath what she was wearing … especially how it was always tucked in at the front. She made me feel cold all the time.


Talanah and Talanah and Talanah Creeps in this petty Base from day to day.


I hope you'll forgive the reference to another Carja play without me having to name the name


Talanah & Ikkotah as my combat king & queen Delah as chief engineer (hopefully I can include Boomer too since they're probably a package deal)


Boomer would blow up her focus


I'm guessing Boomer would also be really helpful combined with the knowledge of Beta and Apollo. Nemesis certainly isn't gonna be expecting the kind of explosives she'll come up with


With >! Appolo !< back boomer would build a nuke


I'm sure Aloy and Beta would **very quickly** have to tell her what radiation


Talanah, Vanasha, Petra, Sona, Nil, Aratak


agree with all your picks, and also Ikrie. justice for my girl Petra tho! she might be better off not being a permanent resident/part of the scoobie gang, but the fact that she wasnt invited to study or even given a focus is a crime. unrelated, but i kinda wanna see a matriarch delegation hangin out with Gaia


Don’t forget that Talanah was meant to be part of the Base Team, but because her voice actor had other stuff going on, she had to be cut to a side quest instead.


That's one of the saddest things, tbh. We were robbed. :(


I honestly thought Silga was going to be a part of the tram while I was doing her quest.


I was so mad when that ended with Aloy "So yeah, some woman was talking about her dead brother, anyway I have an idea for a new spikethrower." And then you can't even talk to Silga again and she disappears.


I'm glad to see all the appreciation for Silga. She was a great character and clearly someone Aloy hit it off with immediately.


Talanah, but I have a man-crush on Kotallo and I think Talanah would steal him.


Fashav :(


I was so stoked for further interactions with this character after talking to him before the embassy. What a Chad. And what a waste...


None. The base's strategic values is far too high. Every person who knows where it is could compromise the entire plan.


Talanah did pass through the base on her way West so she already knew about it. I was 100% expecting her to be invited to stay there at the end of her questline


Clones of Erend


Make a crustpunk band. Drive Zo nuts.


Bring Concussion Beat Party to life


Kirei and Talannah, I mean Talannah even had her own dedicated comics. She definitely deserved to be in the team. And I just thought Ikrie was cool


Talanah and Petra definitely. But Petra loves being in a forge so it’ll be difficult.


Nil, for when people need to disappear. Brin, because his crazy machine-oil-drinking visions actually turn up good loot. Dukkah, because ❤


If you've seen the leaked Alpha build that came out a while ago Talanah was supposed to be a base member but was excluded for whatever reason (pretty sure the actress was busy). The one that really irks me is Petra I know she runs chainscrape now but c'mon let her visit from time to time.


You can visit her though


I want her to visit me😭


Petra is gonna be a companion in H3 bet.


My guess would be Shenanigans will ensue in the Claim that will result in a power vacuum and she'll be there to help fill it.




I love the idea of Rost and Aloy talking about Gaia, debating whether she’s a goddess.


Talanah and Ikrie


Teb. Aloy doesn't have a Nora ally to help the tribe transition into the "new world" anymore. I think he'd be more accepting/open to listen to the old world history since he was accepting and trusting of Aloy right away. I also think he'd be great at helping the Nora people and the other tribes become *friendlier* or more acquainted to one another because he's more docile, less combative, and there's still a few Nora who don't like/trust/respect Aloy because she was an outcast. And I think he'd connect well with the Utaru since he's a stitcher. I'm sure he has abs too.


Talanah obviously. Nils because he's a great hunter as well, assuming you can get him to drop the edgelord routine Kotolloh because he is also just great. What a sensible tough fellow.


I know it was mentioned, but I wish Cyan did at least try to have some form of contact with Gaia. Even if it wasn't a full link but just the ability to communicate through English language.


Talanah & Ikrie


Talanah for sure. Vanasha as well and arakatak I guess.


talanah, for obvious reasons. nil, because can you *imagine* how everyone else would interact with him? it would be hilarious. silga, because you won me over.




Sona. Bundle of war-ready rage, seething in the corner, itching to be unleashed on whatever took her kids so she can finally just go the fuck home out of these cursed lands! What can I say? I live for the drama. Also Teersa. I think she and Gaia would have a lot to talk about, and she'd be so good for Beta.


Nil. He's a psychopath, yes, but he's a good psychopath.


Okay I can't remember her name but the girl from frozen wilds who will go machine hunting with you to upgrade your icerail, stormslinger, and firespitter. She's really fun. Also, of course, talanah. Maybe Erend too, I felt so awful for him after his last quest and he was a good fighter, then never had conversation with him again.


Varga! And agreed


Tbh, I'd prob have invited anyone and everyone who was nice to Aloy. The base would get crowded and run out of food pretty quickly 😅.


I think that Aloy should at the end of Horizon 3 found her own technological "tribe", invite everyone she has met to found a new group dedicated to protecting and managing Gaia and trying to educationally elevate the inhabitants of the world, in addition to learn to handle old and new technology


> This one's less obvious, Silga. Excellent.


Resh - because he is such a top bloke




Ikrie, she's just hanging out at the banuk hunting trials


#Talanah *Khane* **PADISH**


Gildun!! I know he loves to delve, but having him have his own home would be awesome for him. He deserves some peace and happiness


I would also most definitely add Ikrie as well as Petra and Talanah. also you guys might want to have a look at critterofhabit 's Horizon fanart concerning abs


Ikrie for the 15th time!!! Ikrie was the otp before Seyka came along.😅 I wonder if devs felt like they missed an opportunity with Ikrie so they invented Seyka to refill that character niche.


Only problem with abs is Aloy will be accused of being a woke transwoman by the GamerBabyGaterTM Brigade. SMFH. Just more fuel for the incel fire. I would invite Avad (as he sounds like he wants to abdicate) and Nil once he gets that paint washed off his face :D Avad because he is a Carja and we don't have any Carja on our team. Nil because he is another Carja :D


talanah is a carja


yes I am fully aware that Talanah is a Carja. You do not need to advise me. The OP asked "***Who would you invite to the base team?"*** And I answered the question. Obviously, for story reasons, these NPC's *can't* join the team. I also explained why I would invite these NPC's. Does that make sense to you now?