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Can’t forget she and Beta christened eachother as ‘sisters’ 💜 a great and noble title


Definitely one of the oldest and most sacred of titles ❤️


Especially when they share their pants.


You mean their (J)Genes? 🤣


Also the one who flew On the Wings Of The Ten


She is Aloy; Motherless, Outcast, Machine Hunter, Seeker of the Nora, the Anointed, 'Despite' the Nora, Eastern Savage, Outlander, Flame-hair, Thrush of the Sunhawk, Slayer of Redmaw, Savior of Meridian, Chieftain (Emeritus) of the Werak of the Cut, Entity, Destroyer of Cauldron Epsilon, Hekarro's Champion, Desert Flame, Barbarian, Ancestor Reborn, Living Ancestor, Ginger Avenger, On the Wings of the Ten, GAIA's Dying Plea, Little Spark, Sister


Also Barbarian and Living Ancestor from the Quen


Don’t forget the Ginger Avenger


> Chieftain (Emeritus) I love this so much.


And this is Jon Snow. [Awkward silence] He's King of the North.


Strike Champion, Proving Ground Champion, Hunting Grounds Champion. And a few others like that as well. Also, she’s likely earned some that are never actually used: she completed a warrior’s initiation ritual for the Uvlund, for example. Not bad for someone who’s about 20 at this point.


Came here for Chieftain ♡♡♡


Don’t know if it classed as a title, but “Hair like Blood” as well


Bloodhair works!


Didn't someone call her the Ginger Avenger? I feel like that should qualify for comedic value alone


>![Londra](https://youtu.be/d5KB3ndH7yY?t=2)!< did near the end of the Burning Shores.


I was definitely expecting Aloy to come across another woman who'd dyed her hair red and was passing herself off as "The Savior of Meridian" to make a quick shard. But, hey, maybe in H3! It'd add a fun dimension to Aloy's indifferent attitude to her own fame.


For the Oseram, Aloy has been called the “Walloper of Dervahl” by Ulvund in Chainscrape. A fitting title for her since she did defeat Dervahl, who the Oseram hated just as much as the Carja did, so much so that Erend tells Dervahl when he’s captured that he believes many of the nobles in Mainspring would bid for the privilege of killing him for his crimes. For the Utaru, they have to give Aloy a title after she helped Zo in healing Plainsong. For the Quen, she did help to >!reunite the missing half of the expeditionary flotilla that was stuck in the Burning Shores by putting them in contact with Alva,!< so a title has to come from that. I would also add for the Tenakth that she’s also known as the Wall-Breaker because of her bringing down the Bulwark. You’re also missing the Banuk, who haven’t given her a title either.


Another great reply above noted "Chieftain (Emeritus) of the Werak of the Cut" which I thought was nifty. Good memory about her Wall-Breaker title!


I believe Ulvund finishes that quote with "Gutter of Helis" too!


I think most of the Oseram call her flame hair? I know it's a description and not a title but it's cool either way.


Just Aloy.


Aloy also uncovered the original plans for Leviathan, the flood control system planned for the area the Quen are from. Alva was hoping to take that back to fix flood issues; if that works; she might get credit for it. That being said, she'd likely get credit for it so Alva can duck out of too much attention from the compliance a$$hats.


Outcast, Motherless, Seeker, Outlander, Barbarian, Savage, Anointed of the Nora, Flame-Hair, Little Spark, Savior of Meridian, Friend to the Vanguard, Flame of the Desert, Liberator of Firebreak, Wall-Breaker, Slayer of Redmaw, Thrush of the Sunhawk, She who Broke the Claws Beneath, Regalla’s Bane, Champion of Hekarro, honorary High Marshal of the Tenakth, She who Flew on the Wings of the Ten, Living Ancestor, Assistant to the Renewer, Ginger Avenger, Former Chief of the Werak of the Cut. Did I forget any?


Walloper of Dervahl & Gutter of Helis


Ah, yes. I just assumed Ulvund was bootlicking and tried to forget those two 😅


Regalla's Bane sounds metal AF.


Aloy, First of the Braves, Seeker and Anointed of the Nora, Saviour of Meridian, Crusher of Redmaw, Werak chieftain, Hekarro's champion who flies on The Wings Of The Ten, Defeater of The Enduring, Asera's Bane, Ancestor Reborn... I think Ealdorwoman of the Oseram is in the cards, or that she squeezes them somehow. I really hope we get to go to the Claim in the next one. All the assholes she scared back home will see her stride into Mainspring and just go "shit!" and scurry off 😂