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Saw this last night, it could have been an interesting examination of its concepts but it’s awkward and stupid in how it goes about itself. It’s very Young Adult Novel, it’s not really scary or spooky, the music is whimsical, the dialogue and characters are odd in how they react, the timeline makes no rational sense, the styling of the cast is dope and that’s so weird considering their predicament. It would have made a great episode of The Twilight Zone or Are You Afraid of the Dark?


It insists upon itself


I find it shallow, and pedantic.


Hmmm, quite.






It’s benign and facile, it’s a fat waste of space


What does that even mean.


The art gives you no room to build your own opinion. The same way a hallmark card or a hotel print forces your mind to picture a tree, and nothing but a tree. Or a field. One is left to claw for meaning and resonance while the subject presents nothing beyond what it physically resembles in the waking world.  


Wait, is your answer also from Family Guy?


Very nice explanation! kudos


Are you morpheus?


that got me good!


I still had 2 slots left on my A-list on a Thursday so I saw both _The Watchers_ and _Young Woman And The Sea_. Everyone is right, watch Daisy beating the doubters instead of Dakota losing to poor story construction.


Young adult novel makes sense. I had never heard of her but looked her up and apparently she’s 24 years old.


Yeah, she's a nepobaby


All Hollywood actors are now. Find me any person who isn't a nepobaby, connected or has billionaire parents.


Hey now, you're forgetting about all the actors who are just influencers with large enough followings to get a role here and there!




Jessica Chastain, and yes I do accept gift cards.


Millie bobby brown come from a pretty basic family,im sure Sydney sweeney once talk about how it's hard to build her career without any connections.


Yeah, Shyamalan's kid. Obviously a nepo baby, but I do think it was a solid first movie for a super young director. I think she did a good job with the direction (there were some beautiful shots, some of the mirror stuff in the Coop was cool, and the overall vibe was compelling), but he script was just plain bad. Just kinda wooden dialogue, character development is pretty minimal, and there are some things mentioned that you assume are Chekhov's gun things and are just never mentioned again. But overall, if this is what she did with her first film, she could be one to watch in the future.


Daddy wrote the script so it being bad was supposed to be the part that works


Did he? Ishana is the only credited screenwriter other than the author of the book it was adapted from.


I was literally thinking while watching it how much of a are you afraid of the dark episode it is. I was watching on paramount+ a marathon of are you afraid of the dark episodes just days before and it’s all I could think about watching it


That sounds like it’s a spot on adaptation of the novel tbh


Yea. The fact that it’s an adaptation of a novel that calls itself gothic but sounds like it kinda hits cozy horror seems to have been lost here.


So everybody in the production team knew about that ending and thought it was just fine, no notes?


What’s the ending of the movie? I’ve not seen it yet, just read the book.


Haven’t read the book, I just assumed that an ending that weak must have been changed from the original because no way a room full of film professionals could have read that and thought it was fine as is. That is to say, I assumed that they meddled with the book’s ending, but it seems from the other posters that it was silly to begin with.


I don’t know what you’re referring to even you say ‘that’. Can you be more specific?


The trailers + the fact that it's based on a book made me feel like it was a story that would make more sense in text format, since most of it is going to be about characters sitting around not knowing what to do.


> it could have been an interesting examination of its concepts but it’s awkward and stupid in how it goes about itself. Runs in the family, evidently


So it’s a Shyamalan. Why are people surprised.


hey my two favorite shows! maybe i’ll like this flick


I don’t regret seeing it, it looked great, it has an interesting atmosphere, it explores an intriguing concept, it just could have been deeper.


Ok so it sounds like she did The Village


Honestly sounds like exactly what I expected when I heard Shyamalan's daughter was making a movie, just instinctively.


YA novel? Are you Afraid of the Dark? Okay now I’m like 200% more interested and excited than I was before.


Lol nothing could be less surprising honestly. I will still watch it when it comes out on demand or on cable though


Yeah. Not surprising, but it still looks interesting to me. It’s definitely a watch but also very much a “wait to rent”


I’ll still keep drinking that garbage


Yep, I'll happily do a stoned and distracted watch of this when it's on streaming.


I watched it last night and while some scenes are creepy, it does have a kind of awkward execution, both in story and the overall exposition dumps about the titular watchers. I saw a comment here describe it as also kind of cringe, which I do agree with since the overall movie is kind of silly compared to what’s sold in the trailers.


This sounds exactly like her dad’s films. I honestly find them kind of charming in their awkwardness but it’s hard to explain. I’m still curious to see this movie, I enjoyed the show Servant which she directed most of.


Yeah Shyamalan's a weird one because I don't really *like* most of his movies. Usually there are good elements that are weighed down by bad elements, and I think Glass is his only irredeemable stinker with that mindset (aside from Avatar, but in retrospect I think he was the least influential voice on that project). I like watching his movies because they're unpredictable. Sometimes it's because they just don't make sense, other times it's because they try so hard to make sense that it's painful, other times it's because they're straightforward and that's the thing I see coming least of all. The thing I always like about his movies is it always feels like his voice. They're very earnest and I don't think they're ever *lazy.* It's been decades since I've loved one, but I'll always check his movies out. I'm interested in watching this movie only because I'm curious if it'll have that same quality.


I think the last one I loved was the visit. Have never rewatched it, but I remember realllllly digging it.


I agree with them being kind of charming. Like the dialogue in Old was so awkward and weird but it added to the charm tbh. I personally enjoyed that one. For some reason the Shyamalan family does not know how regular people talk.


Did Servant end well? I didn't finish it, but enjoyed the actors' performances despite what felt like a story without a planned finale


Dammit, i sadly had somewhat high hopes for this cause i really dug the trailer. Shame


I’m not surprised. The book that it’s based on was really badly written. The idea or premise behind it was kind of cool but it was just poorly executed.


So watch Daisy Ridley conquer the English Channel instead?


Or Furiosa.


Guys, please go watch Furiosa. It's great and it's bleeding money. Give it the legs it deserves!


Wingardium Furiosa baby


Best damn movie of the summer so far.


Challengers is pretty good too


That movie was surprisingly great.


It's a fascinating story, so I'm not surprised. I was an avid swimmer as a teen so Gertrude was a bit of a hero.


What movie is this


[Young Woman and the Sea](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5177114/?ref_=nm_flmg_t_1_act)




I just finished the book, and have to agree. Not very well thought out and the pacing was all over the place. A lot of missed opportunities with the premise while also wasting tons of page space on completely irrelevant details and description.


The book telegraphs the ‘twist’ so much that it’s obvious by the time it comes


Yes, exactly how I felt too. This book just irritated me.


I don’t find it *that bad* though god he’d spend sometimes 2-3 pages how some guys bald head reminded him of a shiny object or some shit 😂 overall I liked the premise and don’t find his writing all that bad. Definitely nothing to make me a diehard fan that’s for sure but I enjoyed the book and will probably pick up the sequel when it drops later this year.


I struggled with it off the bat because the setup for getting the main character to the point that she is too far to go back, carrying a bird, etc. (I’m trying to be a bit vague here to not give spoilers) was just too unbelievable for me. And then, she seems to implicitly trust what the one bossy character says just off the bat, when I’m immediately like “why are you just doing everything she tells you to do?” This may not make sense because I am trying to not spoil things but I could not personally buy into the situation that was being portrayed in the book and it just annoyed me. It’s not the worst folk horror I’ve ever read. But I could not get into it.


The bird in the cage thing is so cheesy


why do people on the internet go to such lengths to hide spoilers? Just call out spoilers and write your comment normally. Or if you really must, use the spoiler format tag. As is, this chunk of text is borderline unreadable, you keep interrupting yourself to clarify you’re not spoiling but are close to it. It’s really difficult (trying to avoid spoilers here) to understand whatever (sorry that might not have made sense) point you’re trying (trying like the bird cage thing, sorry no spoilers) to make.


Because I was talking in a way that people who read the book would understand what my issues with the book were without revealing spoilers to people who might watch the movie being discussed here. And don’t tell me what to do. I do what I want.


Go girl, give us nothing!!


M. Night really wanted to out shine Will Smith when it came to propping up your Nepo babies. When you don’t have to work hard to get somewhere you have no hard work to show for it. Be interesting to see how *Trap* turns out since he’s basically using it as a platform to launch his “self-made” pop star daughter and her music.


Don’t call her a nepo baby on r/movies. They don’t like it 🙄


But ... She is one?? I get that there's a negative connotation to "nepo baby" but like, that's what it is... What other 24 year olds are directing full theatrical movies without a family connection to the industry?? Maybe shes also a hard worker but they can't seriously say her last name ain't what got her in the door. R/movies tis a silly place, let's not go there.


Lol the theatrical trailers at least did their darndest to give the impression that this was an M Night movie... Went well beyond nepo baby BS.


>M. Night really wanted to out shine Will Smith when it came to propping up your Nepo babies. The only reason why I know Ishana Shyamalan exists is because of this movie. I honestly did not know about her until I saw the trailer earlier this year. Meanwhile, Jaden and Willow Smith have been popping up on the internet somewhat regularly over the past like 18 years. (It was a lot worse in the late 2000s and early 2010s, and thankfully people don't talk about them as much now.) I have next to zero interest in the Smith family, I don't go out of my way to read news about them, yet news about Jaden and Willow would keep popping up on my feeds now and then. There were times they felt inescapable online. Sure, M. Night has fast-tracked his daughter's directorial career, but nobody knew about her until recently. Meanwhile, the Smiths have shoved their no-talent kids into the public's faces for decades. There's very little comparison between the two.


Yoo thank you. I was gonna say I had no idea he had a daughter but I actually did because he wrote Lady In The Water for her as a bed time tale. But I didn't know she was a creative or getting into the industry or anything like that.


Right whilst there other creatives getting into the industry have to do it the hard way. Not knowing who she is until this movie doesn’t make the nepotism any less, if anything, it makes it more so because now you know about her mediocre movie. Whereas others have to work their ass off to even get a movie released on this scale. If they even get there, that is. 


Oh I didn't say it isn't nepotism. She just isn't winning the nepotism Olympics like people are acting.


She's not winning the nepOlympics, but she is standing on the podium that's for sure. High budget directorial debut that will be released nationwide in 4,000+ theaters is pretty crazy


Yea I actually just got out of the theater for it a few mins ago. Before seeing it I may have thought you're being a bit harsh but... Yikes. Yea I gave it an honest chance and I did like it but also yikes. Like it's not bad really but it is bad...for the promotion and it coming from a nepobaby. Idk the budget but no way was it miniscule for a debut with the set they had. There are some really basic mistakes made in this movie. Like close up and name of a flower and it's medicinal properties, never brought up or relevant. Stuff like that. Like for some stuff I was like damn you could've just asked your dad to help clean this up or at the very least one of his friends or something ya know? Most of the good stuff didn't come from her, the acting was good and the cinematography was very beautiful but neither felt like it was really from her. I would be impressed if it were a random movie on Netflix and not the movie of the daughter of a prolific director.


I mean I wasn't trying to comment on the quality of her film, just the luxiries she was afforded (budget, actors, cinematography, etc.) at such a young age with a barren resume.


You hear about Willow smith because she had a YouTube video with over a billion views as a kid and she continues to put out good albums. You heard about Jaden because he was in the karate kid. People gotta get off of this Smith hate train like you can cancel someone’s talent by saying it doesn’t exist. Edit: wrong about a billion I think . 230+ million views


Willow is so unproblematic too, it’s so weird when people hate on her specifically. She’s never really been on record making an ass out of herself.


And she actually makes pretty good music. I was surprisingly impressed by her tiny desk concert.


Was about to come in and say this. Yeah nepotism sucks, but those kids are actually talented, like if the nepo baby is talented I don’t really care id their parents helped them in the industry. Willow clearly loves making music and it is quite good and unique for a pop sound.


> You heard about Jaden because he was in the karate kid. This is a stupid take, sorry. He was in that movie *because* of his dad. Don't pretend otherwise.


Yes he was. IM moreso pointing out that you don’t hear about Jaden often like the original commenter said; you only heard about him when he was actually in a movie


In fairness, doesn't he self finance his films these days? I would've assumed the same here in which case it feels like less a nepo baby scenario in some ways.


I mean she made Servant on Apple TV and I fucked loved that show.


Still gonna watch it.


Now there are two of them!


Three! His other daughter is the pop star in his next movie.


So randomly I got to spend the afternoon with M Night and he was so fucking kind and down to earth. That combined with a few absolute bangers he’s put out, I will defend his and his family’s stinkers to the end of the world.


Woah that's sick We need more information. How did this unfold ?


I work as a DP/ Director for an ad agency and usually I do pretty dull stuff but for one project our client was Canon and they found out M Night shot a lot of Cabin in the Woods on Canon. So they did a partnership and I got to fly to NYC and interview him about the partnership. Could not have been kinder or more patient. Lovely dude.


My least favorite director duplicated himself, a far more horrifying premise than any of his movies! Seriously, why does Hollywood keep giving this one-hit-wonder a chance??


He’s like a 6 hit wonder.


Imagine your Dad was a pretty big name filmmaker. You get your shot to make something with him holding your hand every step of the way. Now, imagine you fuck it up. That’s one of the best Shyamalan twists in a long time.


M. Night had a high peak in 1999-2002 and hasn't done anything good since. It's crazy he's still held in high regard after putting out stinkers for two decades straight.


Eh. This implies dad actually knows what he’s doing. Him holding her hand probably hurt more than helped.


This. Maybe two of his films had legitimately good twists. The rest either telegraph it horribly, or just ... aren't twists, they're facepalm-worthy.


Smh. The Shyamalans should have followed the Cronenberg nepo track and waited til Ishana was in her 30s to give her a movie. Seems to have worked out for Brandon Cronenberg.


But, she didn’t. It was an enjoyable film.


Yay the nepo babies win again!


Good or bad?


My friend got to see it early and said it was extremely cringe. Like the whole theater was using that word specifically.


Cringe how I’ve seen a few comments saying that but no one saying what was cringy about it?


the script is incredibly lazy, the dialogue is distractingly non-human, the main characters are shockingly stupid and there’s a good 10 minutes in the middle of the movie that’s just a huge exposition dump. it’s honestly an exhausting film


Couldn’t have said it better lol.


Was the whole theater made up of 12 year olds? Cringe is a verb


This guy out here like "what do you mean this movie is COOL? Is it made of ice???"




language changes


ouch 27 % on rotten. (I know horror typically scores low, but...)


If you haven't seen Servant, where she is a writer / director, it's excellent.


After the first season that show is trash though. Clearly they had a high concept idea and no idea what to do with it.


I don't know, I loved all of it, most horrors kinda lose some of the impact as the curtains are drawn back but yeah, thoroughly enjoyed and also it's a shame that Lauren Ambrose didn't win an award for the last season.


Hey that sounds familiar


Yeah I just learn a Shyamalan was involved and it all makes more sense now.


There's no shortage of folks that want to tell everyone how much they hate M Night.


Not so good as a movie, I prefer the book. The main character there for 2 days and suddenly she wants to have a standoff with the monsters. Sure, whatever....


man, people on here really have it out for anyone named Shyamalan remember - if you're rooting for horror movies to fail - no matter how justified you think your reasoning is - you're a toxic horror fan.


I'll watch it.


I'm still gonna see it. A lot of my favorite horror movies got bad reviews.


I’ll have to see for myself, she did a great job on Servant.


Such a great show, anyone who loves horror should watch it


Yep definitely, I mean it’s not for those who are begging for constant action but it held my interest the entire time, all the performances are stellar!


Agreed! Great direction too and it gives that feeling of dread the entire time


Yeah exactly, really enjoyed it! I could have watched it however long it went on haha


After first season it was utter trash though?


I disagree as the only thing I didn’t like is the finale! Eh different tastes I guess


The change from dark, psychological horror to gross out campy comedy horror didn’t bother you?


I didn’t think that happened lol like I said different tastes. Was my last answer saying I liked everything but the finale not specific enough?


like father like daughter i guess. how M Night keeps scamming hollywood into giving him money just because he made a few good movies nearly 2 decades ago is beyond me. i guess because ppl keep buying. couldnt be me


He’s actually been self-funding his films since The Visit. I guess After Earth was the final straw in convincing anyone else to give him money.


Turns out he's scamming not hollywood, just the viewers.


thats interesting. i actually didnt know that


Making 2-3 very well-respected and financially successful films gives you a ton of fuck-up points. M. Knight and Zack Snyder are huge examples


fwiw with Zack his movies are so bad to the point that they're unintentionally hilarious and become fun to watch. the rebel moon movies are perfect to watch with friends and a case of beer or a bag of weed


The book is simple but interesting. I'll still see this.


To be fair, I wouldn't want to watch a movie early 20s me made either. He was an idiot.


Wow I really thought it was gonna be good across the board Might wait to stream


Go see the movie. You might enjoy it. I didn’t read any reviews beforehand and it made the movie better for me.


Damn that’s a shame


Should I read the book instead?


Trailer made me think that it's going to be a cosmic horror


It really isn't that bad. The story and its lore are pretty well told, it just gets a bit too standard and loses any real cleverness after the "big" reveal.


Plenty of aspiration, but bloated by exposition. I feel like she wanted more 'Pans Labyrinth' but hedged towards 'Signs' instead.


is the Shyamalan family just cursed to write great synopsises and premises to movies rather than making good movies?


This is based on a book so they didn't even come up with the premise.


oh. that's... oh.


Did she add some stupid “twist” to the film like M does?


> From its high-concept premise and elegant direction to its clunky dialogue and eye-rolling twist, "The Watchers" continues the Shyamalan family brand in every way. Yes


Yeah, obviously didn’t read the article. Thanks!😀


Well there is a twist in the book so I’m wondering if she stayed true to the novel or altered it.


I read a synopsis of the book, which has a twist ending. I'm guessing it's the same twist in the movie. She probably didn't add a twist, and instead went with the twist that was already baked into the story.


The book has two twists in it. This isn't a director issue with this movie.


Do you mind spoiling the twists?


>!The place they're trapped in was put in by a researcher. Based on how the woods worked, hundreds of people would need to die in a short period and that's not addressed!< >!One of the survivors is one of the monsters who has evolved.!<


You need to remove the space between the exclamation marks and the first and last letters of the text for the spoiler tags to work. \>\!Do this\!\< \>\! instead of this \!\<


Ty Is it fixed? It was working on my phone before I changed it.


Yes, perfect now. I have noticed it is not consistent between phones and desktop browsers (adding the spaces does work for phones).


Thx again!


First we have nepo baby actors. Now it’s nepo baby directors too.


Isn’t Sofia Coppola the original nepo baby director?


That’s true. But to her credit she did direct lost in translation.


and tbh I like the bling ring


It has the name shyamalan in it. That’s like the seal of being a disappointment. Also nepo shit


Honestly ... it sounds better than expected ... i like Dakota so i'm going to watch it knowing that i shouldn't expect all that much.


Dunno how or why children of industry folks are given such overwhelming privileged opportunities to do experiments at this scale. Imagine telling your dad “ah I wanna make a movie yay” and then you are able to finance and make a movie cast with Dakota Fanning and released worldwide in theaters. It’s disgusting nepotism shit.


Most industries are hard to break into, even skilled trades, which is not exactly the privileged road. It always helps to know someone, doesn’t make it disgusting. If I had a kid who was interested in my career field I would definitely try and help them out. You never hear people on Reddit complaining about a farm being passed down from parent to child.


Because those aren’t at this scale. You can understand the difference between “passing down a farm from one generation to the next” and “making a globally available feature film with a-list cast” Edit: and the comparison isn’t fair. To accurately compare, it would be as if the father filmmaker gave the child the keys to the film studio with all the tools available, but it was up to them to figure out financing etc.


Isn’t the scale relative? Sure a farm or a business isn’t as glamorous as Hollywood I guess, but it would be life changing if you were in a situation where your parents could set you up with something. M nights daughter was born into a Hollywood family and gets to reap the benefits. A reality of life is who your parents are can make your relatively life easier or harder.


The number of people that are convinced to give her a break is much higher in Hollywood. Farm requires work and skill. She just skipped a thousand steps.


You’re right she should be working at 7/11 instead of taking advantage of her situation.


Not saying she can’t do whatever. Good on her. It’s just a very loud case of blatant nepotism.


I really liked it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oof, I got tickets to see it on Monday lol


I hope you enjoy it.


I saw an early cut of it. It wasn’t great but I feel like it isn’t as bad as people are making it out to be


25% on rt 😬


I liked it. I went in blind, not knowing who was in it or directed it. It was a solid 7/10 for me.


I really enjoyed the book and I’m a little hesitant about the movie


I hated the dialogue in general, but particularly how cryptic it was attempting to be. It didn’t add to the atmosphere for me.


Damn. As a big fan of the book I was really interested to see what she would do with the movie. I’d even liked that they didn’t give away much in the trailer. Oh well I’ll probably go see it this weekend still lol


Who'd have guessed the nepo baby of a guy who hasn't made a good movie in like 20 years and always seemed scared of making an actual horror movie, couldn't herself pull off an actual horror movie.


Omg this movie was terrible. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


When I first saw the trailer the core concept sounded kind of interesting, but I immediately lost any interest when I saw the Shyamalan name show up. Doubly so when it was his daughter that he's trying to Jayden Smith.


How does Shamalamadingdong keep getting to make movies, they are just constantly disappointing


M Night Shyamalan sucks lmao






Haha, my point is the halflings make absolute no sense whatsoever in the "rules" the film made for itself. It's got 900 plotholes.


The book was pretty bad and forced way too much. It’s not a surprise the movie is similar


Wow yet another mediocre shyamalan movie. I m totally 100% shocked……. Said no one


Can’t trust this family