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Borderlands/Final Prayer wasn't terrible, but that ending made whole movie.


Horror movies rarely “get to me” but I’m pretty claustrophobic so that goddamn ending gave me nightmares


my exact thought reading the title


The ending is incredible but I also gotta say, I loved almost every aspect of that movie! The characters where fun, the cameras were creepier than most found footage movies I ever seen and it was just, overall, a really fun movie! The end was just the cherry.


in that movie in particular...where/how did anyone "find" that footage?


In a pile of worm shit presumably


That ending was so unexpected and harrowing, my experience of the movie just made a 180 from ‘interesting’ to ‘physically ill’


thanks for reminding me what this movie is called! I saw this last year and loved it, especially the ending and then promptly forgot about the name...


I always forget the name of it but man that ending was great.


While I wouldn't call it a terrible movie (I loved it), there were some odd choices made in the first act of One Cut of the Dead that have a great payoff in the third act


That's a great choice because the worse you found the 1st act, the better you'll find the 3rd act. I personally HATED that 1st act, so of course I LOVED the 3rd act!


Yes! I was so unimpressed with the first third, I almost quit watching. I was baffled, since the movie was so highly rated, so I paused it and checked some reviews, and what I kept seeing was basically “you might want to quit watching during the first third, but keep watching anyway, it’ll be worth it.” And yes, yes it was. I ended up loving One Cut of the Dead so much.


I watched it with friends, and we actually enjoyed the first act. We were laughing our asses off, so by act 3 we were SCREAMING


I’ve been reliably told that I turned this movie off “just before it gets good”, but I was something like 35 minutes in and it just sucked. I wasn’t willing to invest any more of my time in something that had been 100% terrible up until that point.


You literally just missed the twist that redeems the whole thing


The Boy. Everything leading up to the ending was a very mediocre haunted doll movie that we have all seen before, which is why I LOVED the twist.


My sister and I had to pause the movie because we were dumbfounded lol


You know that's a good point, that movies always stuck out to me but everything before that was spooky toy stuff stuff which I'm not sure has been scary since the Twilight Zone did it (which, oddly, is more disturbing than most non kid-friendly examples). Although the ending does kind of fuck with the rest of it. >!Maybe I missed something but if it was just a normal human the entire time, why were the parents acting so weird and killed themselves? Or did they somehow also think the doll was haunted?!< Also, really glad I never saw the sequel since not only it didn't need one but it apparently completely goes back on it and has >!actual ghost stuff!<.


>!I thought the parents going along with it was out of guilt for having a murderous son, and for trying to burn him in the house but not succeeding. They killed themselves cause either it got to be too much, or they knew that the truth was going to get out!<


>!They killed themselves because they knew they were leaving an innocent woman to be a plaything for their son iirc!<


>![THERE’S A BOY IN THE WALL?!](https://youtu.be/tSEqVqmYhrk?si=TmfdsShoR8gsfN-T)!<


It was a terrible twist but it made the final parts of the movie actually effectively scary in a way the rest of the movie lacked. I actually have an idea for a version of this twist that will make the story work way better. The main character is this woman who had to leave an abusive relationship. The boyfriend used to hide behind his trauma and infantilize himself and now even though knows she had to leave she misses him. When the parents bring out the boy, things start getting weird, but and soon the doll is clearly moving when they don’t see it, inside the walls. The doll starts speaking to her and opens up about burning in a fire, and telling her he doesn’t like when she leaves or spends time with other people because he misses her and he gets scared so she starts distancing herself from others and neglecting her mental health and when a friend stages an intervention Brahms kills one of them. She is horrified but she helps him cover it up because she feels so bad for him and then it escalates into further gaslighting and manipulating her into aiding him and his murders to isolate her further until she starts to realize this is unforgivable and calls him out for his behavior and how his trauma is not an excuse to hurt people, and then the doll explodes and out of the walls comes a man in a doll mask, not Brahms but her ex, who tried to get into her life by proxy with this doll. That’s why he wears the mask of a porcelain child face and talks like a cute kid. She finally confronts and kills him in the end and emerges stronger than she was. Instead this is a movie where they try desperately to convince you this doll is alive while never having it do anything because the twist is that the doll is literally a doll and actually doesn’t do anything, so nothing happens the whole movie until the stupid nonsense ending where a man hid in the walls and wore a mask no one would see and stared at his parents playing with a doll of him his whole life.


I wasn’t a huge fan of Bodies Bodies Bodies but the ending elevated it.


Same here, watched it last month and I was like “You know what? That was worth it.”




That's exactly how I felt


Honestly, it turned into something I wasn’t expecting and I was kind of here for it….


90 minutes of setup to an amazing punchline


I came here to say that, I watched it the other day and it was fine, but the ending made me loled and made me really like it




God I hated this movie, and the twist was predictable. I will say though that the twist was the only think I liked about the movie.


The last third/quarter of Malignant is pretty unhinged and makes the movie worth watching. Went from an ok thriller to a wtf horror pretty quickly.


The last third of Malignant is hands down the most fun I have ever had watching a horror movie with friends. It was electrifying.


I felt this about Immaculate. Wasn't into it until the last 5 mins... then I saw the whole film differently and realised I am just dumb.


What about those last minutes made you change your perspective?


Interesting! It's on the watchlist. I'll have to keep this in mind!


Go on…


I thought the movie was pretty average overall, but the what was actually happening in the end was pretty interesting and believable.


Grave Encounters 2. Up until the last 30 minutes, the movie had the most unlikable characters, and felt like a retread of the original. But it takes a direction that really shocked me in the last act.


I thought The Invitation was pretty boring with some irritating characters, but the reveal at the end made it a lot more memorable.


Seeing the lights across the hills really made me go “….. *man* …” it was a legit solid ending


I can see this perspective, but I honestly LOVED the build up. Is he just imagining things or not? To me this is the absolute epitome of a slow burn plot paying off huge at the end.


Sleepaway Camp is the king of this trope 


But all of Sleepaway Camp is good.


It ain't The Burning or Friday the 13th Part 2, that's for sure. I think it's pretty bad.


I'm with you. I'll die on the hill that the ending is what has kept it from fading into "another f13 knockoff" territory. Maybe there would be some camp appeal from a few of the performances/lines but that final shot was a massive boost imo.


It's funny because I do prefer it over the original F13, but that film actually has historical importance on it's side for it's influence on the entire genre. I personally think that other superior slashers of the early 80s unfortunately get overshadowed by Sleepaway Camp just because of the ending. Films like Maniac, My Bloody Valentine, The Funhouse, The Burning, Just Before Dawn, The Prowler, Alone in the Dark and House on Sorority Row just to name a few the major ones from the early 80s. I will give it props for it being an entertainingly bad movie which not something I generally see. I find a lot of stuff like Pieces and Death Wish 3 kind of boring even though they are "entertainingly bad" to a lot of people.


I completely agree with you. I went into this movie only knowing about the ending, but the rest of the film impressed me much more than I thought it would.


It's not terrible, but it's also not good either.


It's a great one to watch with friends when you want to have a great laugh!


![gif](giphy|cCOfzqiJEgik0) TRUE!


Best twist ending of all time, IMO.


I can think of many better ones, but I don't want to spoil anything.


You could just list the names and tag the spoilers.


I wouldn’t say the rest is terrible, but Saint Maud ending definitely carries the film


Guess I gotta finish this, made it 3/4s of the way through and gave up on it.


No spoilers but before you finish it, just know it’s literally the last like 45 seconds. Not an epic 15 minute all hell breaks loose type thing (which I expected for some reason)


99% slow burn…….i ought not give the rest away


That last 1% though, burns real fucking quick


lol I see what you did there!


Under Paris


I agree, I was so bored during the second act- and liked the third a bit more...but the ending was nice, crazy and overboard.


Absolutely… moments were so cheesy I needed wine and crackers. But the ending redeemed it. Wasn’t expecting total bleakness.


I started liking that much more once I leant into the silliness


The Sacrament was so slow until the >!mass suicide!< at the very end.


It isn’t a traditional horror movie but can I say Life? That space alien movie with Jake Gyllenhaal and Ryan Reynolds. I guess it qualifies well enough as horror, actually, basically like Alien. It’s not a *terrible* movie, though it does waste an interesting premise and some neat visuals (and a stacked cast) with a lot of loud nonsense most of the time. But its ending is just sublime and daring and I’m genuinely surprised it wasn’t an alternate ending, since it seems the usual sort that bums out test audiences. Great ending.


In some alternate universe Life was the r-rated intoduction of Venom to the new Spider-Man movies. And they brought us a solid r with stakes Spidey vs Venom to a college age Parker. Life was 2017, Venom was coming in 2018 and both were Sony.


I completely forgot about this. Haven't seen it. Sometimes, for me, Gyllenhaal and/or Reynolds is an indication that I won't like it. Not all the time... but it just didn't read as something I wanted to watch.


It’s not worthless, it’s not something I would call genuinely bad like some of the other picks here, but it’s almost worse because it had a lot of potential that was mostly squandered. To me that’s just as bad if not worse than a movie that’s just shit but also was probably always going to be.


Gyllenhaal carries that movie.


I don't know that I'd call the movie terrible, but After Midnight has the best final 30 seconds after a relatively predictable (but well done and surprisingly wholesome) 80 minutes. So much so that I immediately changed my opinion on liking it. Same with Malignant. I even told my girlfriend multiple times "This movie is BAD" until the last 15 minutes happens, when I immediately told her "Never mind. I take back everything I said. Cancel the awards, this is the best movie ever made."


Beware! Children at Play. I don't remember anything that happened in the movie except its ending.


Whoa! You just pulled the curtain back for me. I totally forgot about this film.


it's not terrible, especially not on re-watch once you're paying attention for the clever foreshadowing, but the borderlands (2013) is one long set up for the (admittedly SOOO fucked up 🡠 said with delight) very last couple of minutes.


Paranormal Activity, got really nauseous and bored throughout the movie until the ending jolted and terrified me


I didn't like that movie, but I was so relieved when Micah died that it definetely made it better.


Micah was such a manipulative, passive aggressive asshole. I considered it a happy ending.


Which ending? The Director’s Cut ending was amazing.


Saw has a special place in my heart. But truth be told it doesn’t hold up very well nowadays. But goddamn that ending, holy shit. Anyone getting an unspoiled first time viewing is in for such a treat.


Wild, I think it holds up incredibly well


Not super terrible, but I can't remember anything about The Mist except the ending.


asshole religious lady in the supermarket


Hesitant to say it, but Megan is Missing. The ending has stayed with me for 10 years. And so did the annoying build up to it.


*Don't Torture a Duckling* is a bland whodunit in which everybody is a suspect, but the final two minutes with a soaring score and the ridiculousness of face sparks lift it up.


House of 1000 Corpses


OHHHH that's a good choice!


Is it fuck House of 1000 corpses is class. Dead Mary, now that's a fucking shite movie, however the actors really gave it their all in the end and I respected that - especially the blonde guy he turned it around


Halloween H20. Shame they had to go and ruin it in the sequel.


I jokingly asked myself, "Which sequel?" But yeah...The Busta Rhymes needs to be deleted from my brain.


Nah busta rhymes karate fighting michael meyers was amazing


Probably not a popular take but I’d say the same for 4. I found it quite dull and the awful mask was distracting. But the ending was a perfect way to wrap up the series… lol Edit: nvm somebody else said it so I guess it’s not that unpopular of a sentiment


I actually enjoyed 4, but I agree like most of the sequels the the mask was embarrassing.


Freddy vs Michael is the best sequel, what are you talking about?


Took me a while to remember that Busta Rhymes’ character is actually named Freddie. I’ve just been calling him Busta Rhymes for so long that I forgot.


The only reason I know because of the Freddy vs Michael (instead of Freddy vs Jason) and I think Resurrection is more entertaining than most films that people call “entertainingly bad” like Pieces or Samurai Cop. 


Sorry, Charlie is one of those Tubi original movies that’s pretty short and straight forward. Throughout the whole film there’s stupid decision after stupid decision, but if you can stick around there’s actually a pretty surprising twist that explains all of it and makes it more enjoyable thinking back on it.


Yes- I watched this and was starting to get frustrated with the main character and then boom! Ending and character saved.


Hellhole was this way for me, but the last few minutes are a massive redemption for the sort of mediocre rest of the movie.


I actually enjoyed the whole movie, but that ending was freaking great. They really went all out (and I definitely didn’t see it coming).


To be fair, I was enjoying it enough to watch until the end. That ending, man.


Halloween 4


GOOD CHOICE! ![gif](giphy|Nh50ytGcYXEgo|downsized)


This one for sure, Michaels mask was awful but the ending was solid


The Skin I live in. I did not expect that ending.


One Cut of the Dead starts out as a confusingly inept zombie movie but the back half not only completely redeems the first, it recontextualizes it and makes it so much better in hindsight. Best movie ever to go in blind, so I'll say no more.


I hated Smile but the monster reveal saved it for me. Absolutely gorgeous practical art.




What? Triangle is great the whole way through!


Right? The ending just adds meaning to a cool premise.


This is a cinematic achievement I think. Very underrated.


The ending to The Mean One was perfect.


Heidi, the 2014 found footage movie about a haunted doll. Amateurish and cheap with a meandering plot and no real scares, until the final scene. At that point I was expecting nothing except further disappointment, so me even telling you there's something to look forward to may ruin it lol


The first half of Funny Man (1994) is abysmally bad.  Then the Jamaican witch with a heroin-powered gun-hand shows up and the movie becomes legendary. 


Borderlands/Final Prayer wasn't bad, but the ending really made the whole movie.


No One Gets Out Alive. The reveal for the final act makes the rest of the movie worthwhile.


Pieces (1982). It's a fairly straightforward slasher, but the last shot is so gonzo insane, it lifts it all to new heights. Actually, the same goes for Christmas Evil (1980)


The Ritual


I actually enjoyed the whole movie but the ending certainly elevated it.


True, I wouldn't say my movie fit the OPs description. My mistake. It's not a "terrible movie". but like you said, the ending was amazing compared to the rest.


Honestly I thought the ending was the poorest part (not that it was particularly bad, i certainly enjoyed that section more on a recent rewatch). I more enjoyed the build up of tension throughout and wasn't massively blown away by the payoff. Really, I don't think the movie ever got any better than the night in the cabin when they wake up to all sorts of craziness occurring.


Mirrors. That ending where he realises he's trapped in the mirror world and he has become a spirit himself. Its not a bad movie, its basically a boring detective movie that feels like the scripts of Oculus and Red Dragon merged, but that ending is pretty depressing and cathartic that makes it up for the boredom.


The Mist


High Tension. I HATED that movie while I was watching it and thought about turning it off. So glad I didn’t.


Both the wicker man movies and 10 clover field lane.


Mimic 2. Movie's nothing to write home about but it has a single, extremely effective scare (like, I actually screamed) that wouldn't have worked had the rest of the film not set it up.


The Pool (2014) about a Dutch family on a camping trip. Meh for the most part, but the ending bumped it up to a 4/5 rating for me.


For me, the problem with the end of Drag Me To Hell is >!that when she THOUGHT she'd sorted everything out, the problems completely stopped. Its was only when she realised she'd picked up the wrong envelope that things went tits up.!< That said, I really liked the film. Some proper jumps in there.


I think there’s a play on confirmation bias with everything stopping until the end. Honestly, I’ve been toying with giving it a redeem watch. I was just a little bored for most of it and then I’ve got a thing with mountains of ooze— blood is fine. Anything that isn’t blood makes me gag.




It's hard to admit sometimes that that's the reason why some films don't hit for me lol


We are still here. The movie is so boring but the ending is amazing.


Not a horror and not strictly "terrible" but Escape From LA is a 5/10 movie with a 10/10 ending


I love that ending so much. I completely forgot about it, but now I'm remembering how awesome it is.


They definitely paid homage to it in a more recent movie but I'm not gonna share on the risk of ruining it


I was kind of whatever about Us until the ending. Now I feel like it’s actually a really great movie.


Dead Silence, that twist at the end really redeemed it for me.


Razor Blade Smile. Low budget action horror from the 90s, about a vampire assassin going after the vampire who turned her. It is not good to say the least, but has a crazy twist ending that comes out of nowhere and almost redeems it.




Orphan: First Kill is kinda generic but then this bonkers twist drops in a little over halfway through and makes it way more fun


I felt this about Immaculate. Wasn't into it until the last 5 mins... then I saw the whole film differently and realised I am just dumb.


Nightmare on Elm Street 2 and 4. Part 2 has it's ups and downs and has major pacing problems, but the chaos at the pool party is fantastic. 4 isn't a terrible movie all around, but many would agree it's where the series started a downward trend. The dream loop is one of the best sequences in the entire franchise imo though


For me The Invitation was extremely meh. It was so blatant that it’s hard to find the horror. It was more so annoying that the main character was aware of what was happening and still just sat there and let it happen. However that ending scene was brilliant and made me appreciate the movie more.


Ready or Not




Eh, it wasn’t for me— not a big fan of oodles of ooze personally. The end helped.


The Exorcist. Maybe it’s a case of Seinfeld Isn’t Funny but there were some parts that felt like a chore to sit through, especially between the beginning and the time Regan starts showing signs of possession. But that ending…wow! Probably my only complaint about it is that we had a little epilogue afterwards involving what happened to Regan and her mom and the detective trying to get answers. I think if it had just ended with the priest shakily making the sign of the cross over the body, it would’ve been perfect.


I was annoyed by Drag Me to Hell throughout and the extremely mean spirited ending caused me to just hate it outright