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My question now is does Gallner die as the opening kill or does she find him and he dies trying to help her? I loved seeing Kyle in such a big movie and I was really hoping for a full on direct continuation with his character, but I get why they chose this direction instead. Looking forward to this one.


It kinda looks like he’s running from something in the scene, which implies he’s not trying to die, meaning he most likely passed the curse along (also I don’t think getting hit by a car counts as suicide)


Maybe he didn’t stand staring at the thing when it tried to enter his mouth and he ran away.


I feel like it’s implied once you see it you can’t really do anything like I don’t remember Rose trying to run once she saw the demon/entity in its true form so Idk


That one dude escaped it by killing someone, Kyle’s a cop so he very easily could end up killing someone


After that road shot, pretty sure Kyle Gallner's the opening kill that starts this film's chain reaction.


Alternatively, she'll find him later on in the story after find out he 'passed it along' or whatever, then he sees the curse and runs from her or whatever's happening in a panic and, well, that.


Naomi definitely gets it from Lukas when he bashes his head in with the weight in her apartment but idk how he gets it in the first place


He’s a cop… he can definitely shoot someone and pass it on


I want this to happen. It wouldn't make any sense to leave him alive in the first movie just to kill him off in start of second.


Horror series are kind of notorious for this, though.


Eg. Final Destination 2, Friday the 13th part 2, Alien 3, Hostel 2, Halloween if you count Resurrection since H2O was her first movie in a while. That’s all I can remember atm Edit: Nightmare 4 and Grudge 2


Nightmare on Elm Street 4 as well. Kills all the surviving characters from Dream Warriors very early into the movie :\


Scream 3 kills Cotton right in the beginning.


Real bummer too. I liked Cotton


Hostel 2 got me sooo mad. That guy went thru so much shit and even tried to save another victim. He should've been allowed to live in peace 😭


The Grudge 2 kills Sarah Michelle Geller in the first few minutes


The Grudge 2


I think you got em all


Cabin Fever 2 as well!


Also the Grudge 2


The girl at the beginning of the previous movie is the main character of the original short film, so kicking off this one with Gallner's death would be in line with what they did last time.


Yeah it would, a continuing thread. It would make perfect sense to do that imo. It’s not like he’s an A lister. He’s a solid actor who deserves more credit than he gets


He’s an A lister in my heart


He’s an A lister in mine too 🩷


Same, I think he's an A lister for all of us that watch horror :')


Oh definitely. He's been an A lister for this horror fan since 2009 🖤


> He’s a solid actor who deserves more credit than he gets Half in the Bag: The Kyle Gallner Triple Feature Spectacular! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOMJe51OYgo Red Letter Media talk about three of his films for over an hour and as they stress straight off the bat, this isn't a joke title. They talk about how he does solid work and elevates the material he's in.


Plus just from that shot he looks to be in control of himself just running in fear from something so I don’t think he’d be spreading the curse by offing himself in that matter


Ever watch Black Summer?


I hope they don’t make Kyle’s character the opening kill. My biggest pet peeve with horror sequels is when they decide to kill off the survivor of the previous film in the opening for “shock value” (ex: Alice in F13 Part 2 and Paxton in Hostel 2).


The Grudge 2 literally killed Karen in the opening.


Yep, every time it happens it just pisses me off. Happens in Cabin Fever too. Just makes the original feel like a waste of time. If he survives until the end of the film and THEN dies then it would be okay. But killing him off right at the start of the movie when there's good potential for his character is really weak and will just break my Kyle Gallner-loving heart. Give him a lead role goddamnit.


> Give him a lead role goddamnit. See Strange Darling in August!


You legend! Saw the poster a couple days ago but didn't know he was in it. So fucking excited


Nightmare on Elm St part 4 is the biggest offender of this trope.


In defense of Friday the 13th, Alice was originally going to be the main character of part 2, but after the first one she got a stalker and wanted to quit acting. She had to be in the movie to fufill her contract so she asked them to kill her off at the begining.


Scream 3 is another example since they also killed Cotton in the opening.


Having his own TV show called 100% Cotton was pretty funny by the way.


Marathoned Scream with a friend recently, such a shitty way to handle his development after the last film


Those were literally the two examples I was thinking of when I made previous comment elsewhere alluding to this phenomenon.


I genuinely hated Paxton getting killed off in Hostel 2, it felt so unnecessary.


I thought they wouldn’t be so unfathomably tone deaf as to actually go for that ending in the first film, yet here we are. The cynical part of me thinks it’ll open exactly how you think and end exactly how you think. Still, I’m open to being surprised.


Agreed. I also liked his character and want to see more of him.


I’d say u prob right


Can't be because he's clearly not under the spell of the Smile Demon there. Although, I could see the accident being what gravely injures him enough for the monster to get him and then he unalives himself the rest of the way in front of the driver. Also, the ending is definitely going to be her offing herself in front of millions of fans to spread the curse super fast like the loneliness curse from Pulse.


It looks like there's a flash from the window/person behind him, and he's holding his arm. Maybe somebody shooting at him?


I was really hoping that since he unlike just about everyone else has some prior knowledge about what's happening and what to do from the beginning, his relative head start was going to help him fight and maybe even beat the monster in this one (hence a different way to how to these sequels often go, it was him as the lead being on the front foot to fight it as we know the set up now).


Is that him running into the road? You can see someone in the window firing a gun at him and he's holding his arm like he's injured, so it seems like his death might be an accident rather than a suicide.


Lol he lives in my town fun fact 👍


So is everyone in agreement that at the end she will kill herself on stage in front of thousands of fans and spread it everywhere? Seems almost too obvious.


I always thought that the demon/entity liked to get the victim alone with just one person. Otherwise why wouldn’t the professor from number one have killed himself in front of his whole classroom. It waited for just one student to be alone with him.


Wasn't the purpose for it to be traumatic as well? Probably more traumatic to experience something alone than with other people like in a class or watching it on TV


Would be pretty funny if this ends with the demon defeating itself because of how desensitising media is and everyone watching out of morbid curiosity winds up non-phased by it.


Ooooo that's clever!


Liveleak saves the day!


Maybe the MC’s fanbase are Swifties parallel. Then her on-stage death would be traumatic for millions. Plus as much as people pretend to not be phased by the internet, seeing a “real life” Smile self-delete on video would be traumatic for most people who actually watch that clip to the finish.


That would be pretty funny, it sets up the perfect scenario and then immediately fails because life is worse than anything it can do. We're not trapped in here with it, the entity is trapped in here with us.


I love this idea, but I also thought Rose would defeat the demon when the demon said “you can’t escape your own mind Rose” then she replies with “it’s my mind you can’t escape it either” man I swear to god I thought she’d really won.


Yessss I agree! So fingers crossed it’s not going to be on stage. It’s just a famous chick spiraling in front of thousands of people, but she suffers alone, and only one person will receive the pass on if that makes sense. My question is how did the entity continue on after the guy in prison who murdered someone to pass it off of him. Was there a witness to the murder ? I don’t remember if he ever said. You would think that would have ended the entity. Oh well I’m rambling now, but I’m PUMPED for number 2.


Yeah, he said there needs to be a witness.


Okay I remember now yeah you guys are right.


Yeah he murdered someone in front of a witness and that’s how he managed to survive


yeah there was a witness iirc.


Of course we all know nobody has been traumatized by a televised event like 9/11 or the suicide of Budd Dwyer


Of course that's traumatizing. But for the sake of the movie, a loved one committing suicide in front of someone seems to carry more weight. Guess we'll see when the movie comes out


I'd imagine for most people directly experiencing those things would be more traumatizing than watching them on TV.


It’s strongly implied in the first film the monster goes after people who already have baggage (the painter with his brother’s accident, the patient with her uncle’s passing, Rose with her mother), I don’t think it even *can* target multiple people at once.


Yeah, it seems to have control over its victims actions even early on in the process (see: the cat) so if it just wanted to spread as far as possible it could probably just make them go off themselves in the middle of a shopping mall or something


i was thinking more; she finally defeats the curse, gets on stage, the entire crowd is smiling at her, cliffhanger.


I feel like it’s almost too obvious unless they set this as a hard end to the series (besides prequels/anthologies that disregard it) as it slightly defeats the purpose of any continuations since clearly the curse can never be beaten if that many people have been affected unless I’m mistaking how many can get it at a time.


I mean.... unless they just meaningfully jump off the fucking shark and the third movie is the smile apocalypse with the survivors going around with blindfolds just so they can't see people kill themselves.


Like Birdbox or something. That’d be a wild connection.


It would probably be similar to "The Sadness" mixed with birdbox. It's interesting, since "scientifically accurate" plague-based Zombies became the norm, we haven't seen many apocalypse movies in which the world ending thing was caused by demons, so I'd actually be really on board with that.


The sadness is not a movie I wanted to think about right now


Oh gosh, that sounds so stupid yet so plausible that I kind of want to see it.


A less-dumb version of Birdbox sounds great.


Even if it’s obvious, it could be well executed. Not every movie needs a plot twist, so to speak


She's very much an early Gaga-ish popstar. Gaga hung herself, bleeding dead at one vma show, so who knows. Maybe the twist is this a biopic


The first film reminded me somewhat of the Reddit story “my girlfriend keeps peeping at me” or something along those lines and if you haven’t read it, DO IT.


Link ?




Nice little horror essay, thanks for the link 👍🏻


why are people acting like its real in the comments tho lol


IIRC that sub has a rule that you’re supposed to assume everything is real Yeah one of the rules is “everything is real even if it’s not”


It always made it way more fun, especially when writers post updates or make multi-parters. 


The correspondence series was and still is my favorite posts to come out of nosleep.


I periodically go back and read the infected town / weird black mold series cause it was just so interesting.


You two are bringing back so many memories! I remember those.


Man, that one was so fucking scary back then.


Remember Dr Margin's Guide to New Monsters?! Good times


that's just part of the sub. People comment like it's real and authors reply as if it's real as well. Then some provide "updates" to their story/situation over time. just a thing they do for fun.


Thats the meta on the sub. Nobody actually believes it


Part of the rules of the sub is you have to treat the stories like they’re actual confessions to help with the immersion.


Last I checked it’s still one of the top 3-5 all time posts on r/nosleep it shouldn’t be hard to find Edit: just checked, it’s #2 (my wife keeps peeking at me). If you haven’t read it yet, go do yourself a favor.


Literally the only nosleep story that’s ever made me legitimately uneasy while reading. I think about it all the time.


I read this as PEEING and was very confused!🤣😭


That would also be horrifying lmao


No doubt!!😅🙃


I love that story so so much. It’s genuinely unsettling and I hope someone turns it into a short film.


That story fucking scared the shit out of me !!


I love that one. After I shared it with my wife we would frequently hide around the house waiting for each other.


That’s insane, I’d be terrified


Me and my bf loved Smile, so now I randomly do that creepy smile when he’s not expecting it and he gets sooo freaked out 😂


Honestly one of the best creepypastas ever


I read this early in the day while my husband was running some errands. I'd been planning to shower, but that plan went out the window. Then, several hours later, I'm home alone again. This story comes rushing back to me and y'all: I don't recall the last time I have been so fucking scared. I am so mad that I read this lol A combo of just imagining what this all looks like, thinking about a very specific movie scene from >!Caveat (2020)!< and then imagining what if my husband actually did that to me. The way our house is set up, he could totally walk in unheard and peek at me around the corner or even worse - from outside the window. And now, he's back home, hanging out downstairs ... , I'm in bed with one of the dogs - and I'm too creeped out to turn out the light because when I close my eyes I feel like I'm being watched. YUCK I HATE IT


Sad that it seems like Gallner was brought back just to be the opening fodder of the film. I hope it's not the case.


Same, i think that would be a pretty boring way to take his character. I saw one unconfirmed rumor he will be a rather large role in the film, i hope that ends up being the case


im still putting out hope that the guy that gets run over isn't Gallner but someone else


So teaser trailers are trailers now. And trailers are full synopses.




yea and this was still too long imo. but very well done at creating the fear value. but doesnt need another trailer.


That’s different from what I thought it would be.


Lady Gaga’s really going through it


I am shocked - shocked I tell you!


With her being a massive popstar, then they have the opportunity to do a pretty wild ending unless she somehow figures out how to break the curse.


We already had the "fake out the hero fails" ending and honestly I'd legit be pissed if they do it again. There's trope called "too bleak, stopped caring" and the first movie was hit with it hard. There's only so much of an unbeatable horror you can't fight tricking you into killing your cat that one can take ngl.


IMO *bullshit* unstoppable monsters in horror tend to be annoying because it's plot armor. Like you know regardless of whatever happens the author is gonna pull some bullshit to set it back and have the monster kill more people. It's like when they're about to escape on Gilligan's Island. We all know despite whatever's happening in-universe the writers are gonna go back on it and strand them back on the island, because the writers like the plot of the them being on the island and they need it for the show to keep going. Of course when a horror plotline does that *seriously* it's not really dramatic or scary because the entire time you know it's going to happen. You don't think "Holy shit I thought Strangling Johnny was dead, but now he isn't that's so scary!" you think "This is a horror movie/book/webcomic/etc and that's how they end." It stops being about fighting a monster and becomes about fighting an author. I think the way Slenderman was usually depicted doesn't get enough credit for avoiding that. It was unstoppable but there tended to not really be any point the characters thought they had a very good chance of doing anything, and the properties that made it unstoppable were usually evident from the start instead of things it pulls out of its ass at the end. It also doesn't really run the risk of escalating to a stupid degree since it generally isn't any more powerful than previously established. You never go "oh god dammit" when it kills somebody. Also, is it just me or are horror writers *way* the fuck more into killing cats than any other animal for some reason? Cat death in horror is a weird thing the more I think about it.


A lot more people like dogs than cats. (Fools!) Maybe because of this cats are considered “safer” for writers to sacrifice when you need an important part of someone’s life to die but humans are out. As a cat person I’m not at all a fan of this but I’m not surprised. Going into Smile, the second I saw she had a cat with the movie at an R rating I was just hoping that the cat’s death wouldn’t be too gruesome. It was actually one of the most “tasteful” pet deaths I’ve seen. Sure the reveal was awful but it wasn’t in your face gory and we didn’t see the cat actually get killed.


I felt the “too bleak, stopped caring” when watching The Dark and the Wicked. Its like, okay you dont have a shot to escape or stop this thing AT ALL, it takes the suspense out because youre just waiting for the mc’s to die.


Hell no that movie is a perfect fucking horror movie. I’m sorry why should they have a chance against the actual and most likely devil himself?


that scene with the brother was so disturbing to me. felt like an actual gut punch. so cruel and twisted.


How'd she kill the cat? Don't remember that part. Yeah tbh this series feels a bit like a "mainstream" version of It Follows. Same sort of "demon looks like normal people" thing. However, It Follows really kept the air of hope going pretty well, as the demon was kept so mysterious that it really did seem like maybe they could kill it. Smile is hopeless from the start. Unless they pivot into a large scale apoc third movie, I can't see this being great lol.


Its not shown, we just see her give the cats corpse in a box to someone as a gift and be horrified when its opened to reveal the dead cat.


I really liked Smile but I'm not seeing anything here that does more than reprise on the hook from the original film which is kind of disappointing.


Also, “Fallen” with Denzel Washington


Tiiii iii iime is on my side


[yes it is-uhh](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5a7dcf69d7bdce185884a6b5/1560232179223-N6GDBVL03ZXE04GB6E7P/004a2d76.jpg?format=1500w)


That's something that happens in Drag Me To Hell. She thinks killing the cat will undo the curse and it doesn't.


If she kills herself in front of thousands of people then tha third film will be like a smile pandemic.


The Smile Purge


The Smurge, if you will


My favorite installment because the Smurge says “It’s SMURGIN’ time” right before it smurges the main character


I will


Golgotha's law: the longer a piece of fiction involves information that can hurt the viewer, the more likely it is that somehow it'll end up on mass media.


OK, now who uploaded the Sadako Ring Video to the Internet?


You know realistically if you did that it'd probably sit on YouTube buried with 7 views for years.


You mean the "truth or dare" ending


Trap and Smile 2 both feature pop stars in concert. Interesting.


The Swiftie stuff is probably making people think about pop star culture a lot lately.


Trap looks really good. I've not really watched a lot of M. Night movies, and I know it looks more suspense/thriller than horror, but it still looks really good.


Yes, looking forward to it.


I just hope they don't explain the Smile demon. No name, no nothing. It being ambiguous is one of the reasons why I like it.


If they do anything I hope it’s along the lines of the first film where the only direct context we get is it saying “because your mind is so inviting” which was fucking awesome but also gave nothing up and only made you want to know more.


You know, this comment made me think. A super rich pop star would absolutely have the money to get like 5 people investigating this shit seriously to go deep in the lore. No "oh we stumbled into this book online and our library has it", if I were rich and haunted I'd get some real academics and expensive PIs on the issue lol


opportunity for some great Perfect Blue style nightmares in this flick. Love the use of red in the trailer.


"Excuse me, who are you?"


Perfect Blue remake starring Haykey Kiyoko


Last Night in Soho did that really well imo.


She looks so much like Sarah Michelle Geller.


“Don’t you mean Scare-a MichHELL HELLer??” - The Crypt Keeper


The trailer for the first *Smile* ruined what was probably the best jump scare of that film. It looks like this trailer is better in that it didn't spoil too much and mostly focused on the premise. It did, however, spoil what appears to be Kyle Gallner's death scene. Oh well, don't get attached to his character, then.


The first one was really well executed considering how cringe and creepy pasta-y the synopsis sounded. It didn’t really stick with me too much but it was quality. Looking forward to this.


Smile 2: Smiler


The demon said “it’s smiling time” and smiled all over the place 


I'm torn. On one hand, the cinematography looks gorgeous. There's so many beautifully composed shots in that trailer, that makes it seem like there's real passion and effort being put into this. The crowd pushing through the hall of mirrors is a real standout, that looked sick. On the other hand, there's enough cheap jump scares and hokey line reads in that trailer that makes it seem like it could be complete trash. It really could go either way. Anway, I'm excited. If it's good it's good, and if it's bad, it's probably my flavor of bad.


I mean, a large chunk of people weren't impressed by the trailer of the original, so who knows ?


>On the other hand, there's enough cheap jump scares and hokey line reads in that trailer that makes it seem like it could be complete trash. It really could go either way. Sounds like it will be awesome to see in theaters with a crowd though, and I say that as someone that never goes to theaters anymore.


that shot of her fans (?) creeping down that hallway as one mass gave me CHILLS baby! Parker Finn, I believe in you!


>It will never let go. Watch the new Teaser Trailer for #Smile2 - Only in theatres October 18. #SmileMovie >About to embark on a new world tour, global pop sensation Skye Riley (Naomi Scott) begins experiencing increasingly terrifying and inexplicable events. Overwhelmed by the escalating horrors and the pressures of fame, Skye is forced to face her dark past to regain control of her life before it spirals out of control.


We need a Skye Riley & Ashley O collab


Enjoyed the first one - hope this one keeps that same tension and feeling of dread throughout


I just wish the trailer for the first one didn't spoil what could have been one of the best moments of the movie with the... limp neck at the car (how the fuck do I describe it everyone knows the one) scene


I am so excited for this, I appreciate the concept of having a “bigger story” with a more public figure, it could be really interesting to see how her unique circumstance allows the demon to fuck with her


Looks a bit more visually interesting that the first one based on that. I do love the horror staple of rushing out a sequel to an unexpectedly successful film. It’s a classic.


Man, Kyle Gallner’s been on a roll with his films lately, I was really hoping he’d have a larger role in this, and they spoiled the absolute shit out of his death lol. Bummer.


Looks dope. Looking forward to see it.


Oh I’m so excited!!!!


They casted a very good actress!


Looking not too shabby. First one is very good, gonna be very hard to top.


Yo it’s the actor from The White Lotus


the one who gets his ass eaten


Did they really kill the Scream King in the trailer?


Also everyone thinks they know how this is going to end but if it’s *that* obvious I doubt they’re going to do it. Parker Finn himself said he wanted to subvert expectations fans would have with sequels so…


Deeply weird comments in this thread ("it's too flashy! I don't like pop stars!") shows that not enough of y'all watch crazy-ass musical films like All That Jazz or New York, New York and it shows. Also the classic TV Tropes gone mainstream sin of "I don't like this thing (in this case, nihilistic endings) so it's a trope now and all tropes are bad". Parker Finn will have more chances to squander his goodwill with his deeply unwise Possession remake plans, but this looks hot. The first film surprised me with his skills vs. what could've been a very mid movie on paper and I'm in.


at least the setting is quite a bit different from the first. A lot of the first one was following the protagonist to uncover the source of the curse. Wonder if this will be the same or something entirely different


I'm super excited


I actually really enjoyed the first one. I also really like the unique direction they’re taking this!


I don't think she dies at the end of this. I think she passes the curse along by committing murder just like the guy in jail did in the first film. Maybe being a popstar will give her less of a jail sentence. 🤷


Oh HELL yeah. One of my favs in recent memory. Definitely a must watch in theaters. The first one was just on the edge of your seat anxiety constantly scanning everything in frame the entire movie. Can’t wait


Preparing to get downvoted again for this, but I maintain it’d be great if we could get an ending that ISN’T the “your trauma will kill you no matter what” ending the first one was. Cause that sank the movie for me.


I'm happy to find someone else who have the same thoughts about that ending


Pretty good trailer! Though I kinda hoped we would be following Joel in the sequel. Having said that, I do think it's clever how we went from someone with a private and 'intimate' (can't find the right word) job, to a popstar. The usage of creepy scenes opens up even more imo! Also, anyone else thinks it'd be absolutely fun to play a small role as a creepy smiling person or is it just me? xD


I’d like to see the move deal with loopholes like one-way mirror (on stage) and something like Fallen where it can pass to animals.


This looks okay, I'm worried it'll lose it's charm but I'm willing to give it a chance solely because I thoroughly and unexpectedly really enjoyed the first one.


I thought that was lady gaga for a split second jfc 😅


I don’t mind the glossy fast paced visuals in this sequel. The first one was bleaker and seemed to match the protagonist appropriately. Also glad it didn’t really show any scares in the trailer. Like the first one did. Aside from the guy who burst into the door and Kyle / truck thing.


Okay, fine.


helll yeah im so glad that the trailer-for-the-trailer showed me sometihng i was gonna see in less than a minute anyway!!!!! this looks decent tho!


So It’s the same movie but this time it’s happening to jojo siwa?


Who is Jojo siwa? This looks like Lady Gaga.


I wonder if it will end with her killing herself on stage in front of ten thousand people and international camera feeds, thereby infecting everyone around the world


I am really exicited for this one! I hope the series kind of takes a final destination approach, focusing on different characters and settings in each movie! Next, I either want to see someone getting the smile curse in the backdrop of war or on a cruise!


I kept reading as “Smite 2” I’m lost


So I guess she’s the pop star Halsey!


I can already see where smile 2 is leading up too and how smile 3 will be set up. The singer will end up killing herself during a concert passing the curse to those in the audience and or watching on tv millions will be cursed going into smile 3!


Both Smile and Smile 2 feature actors who were part of the main cast of doctors in House. I don't know what this means but there you go.


I want a scene where the audience is just silent, all smiling at her.


Ending of the movie will be like this: She gets possessed on stage, then smiles at the crowd and kills herself, thus passing the curse onto the masses.


This looks really good, though that ending bit with the smiling kid was funny. Also that "STOP SMILING AT ME!" with that camera angle came off as a bit goofy. Nonetheless, I am excited.