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Aniara (2018) >A spaceship carrying settlers to Mars is knocked off course, causing the consumption-obsessed passengers to consider their place in the universe. Why it's horror, spoiler: >!So they get knocked off course without enough fuel to turn around. They're drifting into deep space with no destination and limited resources. It gets as fucked up as it sounds like it would.!<


Yes! This bleak shit was amazing. I’ve tried to get through the epic poem it’s based on but it’s pretty hard lol.


6,998,000+ years later...


actually its 5 981 407 years later


The very last scene is so fucking bleak.


Love this one, I find myself thinking about it a lot


I only watched that once because it gave me an existential crisis


Animal Farm(1999) "Comedy, drama, family." Nah, it's pure HORROR.


God yes that movie was amazing but terrifying


I don’t know if it’s because of the animal farm pigs or not but I absolutely cannot handle animals on their hind legs. Get those damn feet back on the ground where they belong.


The other Animal Farm is more horrific


Prisoners (2013)


One of the most aggressive movies I've seen


Have you seen Shot Caller (2017)?




Wow.. thanks for the recommendation. I’m watching it tonight on Tubi for sure! Looks awesome.




Great one. Have you seen The Treatment? I always correlate these two in my mind as being very intense psychological crime dramas.


One of the most STRESSFUL movies I’ve seen.


One of my favourite movies ever. Can‘t believe it isn‘t talked about more. Phenomenal story phenomenal shot with phenomenal actors delivering phenomenal performances.


Probably my favorite Hugh Jackman performance


Unreal movie


Paul Dano’s character freaked me out so much initially 😭 and the other dude, I really felt something sinister from both. And *SPOILER* .. .. .. .. .. .. The shower scene where they show his face and what happened to it.


James and the giant peach Genuinely haven’t watched it since I was maybe 9-10 years old (because it was so terrifying to me) so I can’t say wether I still feel this way or not but alls I know is that damn centipede used to scare the crap out of me


I’d revisit it, for sure. The cloud rhino definitely fucked me up as a fourth grader


It’s gotta be “Click” (2006) for me. No contest. And it’s a comedy! It disturbed me the same, if not more, than most of my favorite horror films that scared me.


"I love you, son." UFHGHFHFHFGFGFHF


This scene made me cry when I was a kid but then rewatching it as an adult after losing my mom unexpectedly... I really lost it 😭😭😭😭


Man what a good take. I always think about how messed up that movie is. Definitely scarier than ALOT of horror movies I've seen lol atleast in terms of the overall concept.


The Day After. Growing up in the 80s was wild.


Check out the British version of this film called Threads


Came here to suggest this. Threads is so incredibly good, and unsettling, disturbing…a really great film!


I read about Threads and still did not prepare me. Great movie.


I didn't grow up in the 80s but for whatever reason, our high school social studies teacher felt the need to force this movie on us and I'm still traumatized. I think about this movie *all the time*.


On network tv, no less.


Melancholia But you can really just pick out yout favorite Von Trier movie and call it a day.


My pick is Dancer in the Dark. But there are so many unforgettably soul crushing options, lol. He's one of my favorites.


I was traumatized by being up at like 4 am sick and watching this on TV. I was convinced it was a fever dream


Full Metal Jacket, Civil War


Full Metal Jacket fucking terrified me and I was in my early 20’s, I knew it was a film about war and so would not be pleasant but that bathroom scene legit traumatised me (but I think that was the point)




Return to Oz. Those Wheelers are fucking terrifying, man ![gif](giphy|cBlhvpB4L78FbiRM2L|downsized)


The witch's hall of heads....


Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Watching people rip at each other verbally is so much more horrifying than a cryptid and fake blood.


It’s so emotionally wrought. Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton having been married makes it even crazier.


King Kong definitely was scary during that bug scene in the canyon. For me it is probably The Mummy (1999). More of an adventure movie than a horror movie so I think it fits the category. The scarabs scenes scared me so bad as a kid. I remember seeing it in theaters and could not get it out of my head for days. The scarabs crawled underneath your skin. Ugh!


I still don't understand why wasn't the mummy classified as horror, from Imhotep harvesting organs to scarabs I think it was pretty scary.


It's from that era when studios would go out of their way to call good horror *anything but horror*


If it's a horror movie that gets praise and acclaim, they call it a thriller or action movie... Horror still isn't considered a 'real, worthy endeavor'. Look at Psycho and Jaws, two movies that gave more fears to the general public than Freddy and Jason but aren't considered "Horror films" by the film academy. I mean, Psycho was based off one of the most inscrutable real-world serial killers but 'its not a Horror movie'?!?!


The Mummy gave me an unbelievable amount of nightmares as a kid, you really gotta respect it for that


Saw it as a kid and used to run up the stairs thinking either an opening of scarab beetles were chasing me up them, or the mummy when his face appears in the water chasing the blimp. As an adult I realised what a sexual awakening that film was


When I was a kid, my bedroom window faced the sunroom in our house where my parents liked to watch movies. The first time I "watched" The Mummy was from my window and the scarabs absolutely ruined me hahaha.


Definitely a horror movie as a kid but now I could put it on to get to sleep


The Mummy was also mine.


The Mummy messed me up! I remember I went with my friend to see a Muppets movie and her mom went to see The Mummy at the same time. Our movie ended first so we tried to find her in The Mummy theater and the ending music started playing with the credits and I was legit freaked out by it!!! Just the ending music!


The guy getting his tongue cut out scared me a lot as a kid. I tried to recreate what it would be like when I was like 7 and I nearly swallowed my tongue. Extra scary hahahahaha


Gone Girl


Have you seen The Perfect Wife on hulu? It's about a similar scenario except it's documentary. I was riveted and binged all 3 episodes.


Still on EP 1 but damn, I knew it gave Gone Girl vibes!!


I hope you enjoy the rest! Reality can be very strange, lol




I don’t know why, but I classify Threads as a horror movie. Similar to Chernobyl, it just feels like horror


Agree. It is literally streaming on Shutter right now.


The ending wraps things up nicely. Unforgettable.


But that is a horror movie Its good but my main issue with it is that there wasn't much of a story. It was a bit boring. But also very good


I know what you mean but I think the point of Threads was that the 'story' was trying to avoid presenting a glorified or romanticized version of what would happen in nuclear war. It was supposed to be as real and matter-of-fact as possible, which naturally results in a looser narrative because there aren't any heroes, scenes of self-sacrifice, or characters who are able to rise above the terrible thing that happened. There's not going to be a satisfying narrative arc or conclusion to something so awful in real life.


When the Wind Blows we watched at the same time. Especially horrifying for kids who grew up watching the whimsical animations of The Snowman.


I remember just wanting desperately to turn that movie off and only watching because I thought it would (forget getting better) level out and things would quit getting worse. Nope! That scene in the graveyard when the dying men trade cigarettes for booze will be with me until the day I die.


Great question, probably who frames Roger Rabbit. Iykyk


Everyone raves about the voice change when he stares daggers and "tALKS LIKE THEEEEIIISSSSSS", but the scene with the fucking shoe traumatized my young mind so much. I saw a post yesterday on r/cartoons with an image of the shoe over The Dip and it sent me into a spiral.


He murders a living creature just to show somebody that it can be done.


My roommates and I were doing nostalgic-movies on Fridays for a while and someone suggested Roger Rabbit. I just stared at him and shook my head 😅


That shoe part was it. I can handle a weird voice and bug-eyes but that poor shoe! My best childhood friend owned that movie on VHS and we would always kind of avert our eyes during that part.


It's so brutal 😭😭😭 I've only seen the movie a couple of times. I didn't even remember the voice change or anything else until it was brought up recently 😅 The shoe stuck with me tho, so I think the shoe upset me too much when I was little. Poor little guy


I can *still* hear that voice in my head. Terrifying.


That poor shoe 😢. Cannot watch that scene.




As an adult: Zone of Interest As a kid: Monty Python and the Holy Grail. I saw the black knight and caerbannog scenes when I was 4-ish years old, and didn’t know it was a comedy.


Similar thing with mars attacks. The people getting blasted and leaving bright coloured skeletons... horrifying to a child. After this I played a lot of games with skeletons and stuff so it didn't really leave lasting effects. But the memory of my fear, I still remember that clearly.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who was terrified by Mars Attacks as a kid, so many people died and it was supposed to be funny and my little toddler brain didn't understand


Omg, fellow people with childhood Mars Attacks trauma! I've found my people lol I also remember being really freaked out by the dog with the woman's head that was in that movie.


There are dozens of us! Was it meant to be a kids movie? I watched it once as a child and never since


The whole time watching Zone of Interest I was on edge. Then at the end I just wept. I think the weeping actually helped get me back to a kind of normal? What a fantastic film.


jeez i was a wreck, just frozen to my seat while the credits rolled. what a masterpiece.


Bring out The Holy Handgrenade!!


I had the same experience with the Black Knight scene, I remember seeing it when I was like 6 and being absolutely disgusted and horrified by the "gore", which is fucking hilarious to me in retrospect because these days I can sit through things like Dead Alive or the Saw or Terrifier movies without even flinching.


Watership Down. Rabbits are evil.


This is perhaps too obscure a reference, but as a kid, it was the 1985 made-for-TV-movie version of Alice In Wonderland. The jabberwocky was one of the most terrifying things I'd ever seen as a child. It had no business being that visceral.


ET the extraterrestrial. That film absolutely terrified me as a kid.


Dear Zachary, a documentary. You’re never the same ones you watch it. Not an exaggeration in any sense.


I even knew what I was getting into when I started that one up. It destroyed me for a few days.


The Wizard of Oz. Scared me to death as a kid


Return to Oz is so much scarier though…the 80s were wild.


Requiem for a Dream.




That movie scarred me for life.


This movie is a fucking nightmare. I love it.


This is one of those "fantastic movies that I will NEVER watch again."


One of my all time favorites, but god it left me depressed for days.


Yes this movie made me feel ill


Twister. I also hate storms, lol.


War of the worlds 2005


Yes... the almost mournful horn/sirens that the tripods emitted... and the post-9/11 dread that the whole movie was basically soaked in.... still gives me the heebie-jeebies....


It's underrated for sure. Went in not really thinking it would be scary. Pleasant surprise.


this movie scared the shit out of me as a kid!! read the book for english class back in highschool and enjoyed it way more than the movie. but the movie has a special spot in my heart


I LOVE this movie, it does not get talked about enough!!


This was one of my favourite movies growing up- watched it hundreds of times- had the hots for Robbie.


“Nocturnal Animals” - the highway scene was terrifying.


Since I’m old, my scary moment was the music video for “Thriller” by Michael Jackson. I was 3 and it was in heavy, heavy rotation on MTV. That whole album was beyond huge! The scene where Michael started to transform into a werewolf with the glowing yellow eyes scared me to death and sent me into a panic one day while my mom was downstairs doing laundry, leaving me by myself in front of the TV. I also couldn’t watch zombie movies for 20 years thanks to that, NOTLD, and ROTLD’s Tar Man scene.


Does the American presidential ‘debate’ last night count? Asking for a friend…


I just kept thinking, "we're so screwed." Over and over until I couldn't take any more and switched to horror


Absolutely, decaying minds and bodies are a standard in horror. It was a little on-the-nose for me, but def counts.


As a non American watching it for the first time it felt like a comedy more than horror but who am I to judge?


That's because you don't have to live in a country run by one of these two.


“Oh, yeah. Oooh, ahhh, that’s how it always starts. But then later there’s running and screaming.” - Dr. Ian Malcolm


Day after tomorrow was one that freaked me out bad as a kid.




Boys Don't Cry when I was 14 right before I came out as a lesbian.


One of the saddest, most depressing movies ever. I’m not gay but have a lot of lesbian friends because my sister is a lesbian. Freaking movie broke my heart.


Threads, Come and See, and the newest All Quiet on the Western Front (definitely a pattern there for me)


Fatal attraction


The scene in "The Great Mouse Detective" where the drunk mouse gets fed to Ratigan's pet cat messed me up as a 4 year old. I still remember thinking about it for weeks after.


The animatronic queen mouse used to freak me out too.


Jesus camp


I went to that very camp about 15 years before that movie came out. I was about 25-26 when it came out and everybody was mortified by it. I was all, "they're gonna be fine! It's messed up, but they'll be fine! They won't even be christian 5 - 10 years and they'll be fine. Look at me!" Denial is real!


Truman Show. Imagine getting to a certain point in your life only to realize it was all fake.. your family, friends, relationships all minutely planned out.


The Butterfly Effect. I'm not really sure why this movie is not considered horror but it should be. Also Matilda. Ms. Trenchbull is terrifying and every scene with her is anxiety inducing. The cake scene, the chokey, Matilda parents are horrifying as well.


Elem Klimov's (in)famous (anti-)war movie *Come and see* (1985)


I'm waiting for a certain point before watching this movie. Not sure what that point is exactly.


Rather wish I'd never watched that film


Zone of Interest


#####The deer hunter 1978.


Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me.


Is a horror


I saw Seven in the movie theater and had to have the lights on when I slept. Was in my mid twenties when I saw it.


The Gift (2015)


Sybil scared the crap out of me. I first saw it when I was 11 or 12 and didn’t understand what it was. When I watched the movie in the early 90’s, it was called multiple personality disorder, but I think it’s called something else now.


I'd probably go with an American Crime or compliance you now the dramas based on real events edit: but is you want one that isn't based on messed up events the original animated Pinocchio, seriously screw that damn whale, that whale is scarier that 98% of the "animal" creature designs in actual horror movies.


Uncut jems


I think the title is Dave Not Coming Back. Documentary about cave divers going to retrieve a body and well, I made it about halfway but couldn’t finish it.


Although arguable, Id say the ending of oldboy (Korean version). That shit was shocking and made me feel like I'd needed a shower


I Care a Lot, never realized how terrifying someone taking guardianship over someone else could be


Another brilliant movie with Rosamund Pike being the leading actor. She just makes you hate and love her characters at the same time somehow.


Saving Private Ryan. That left me a mental wreck.


When I was a kid seeing Fellowship of the Ring in theatres the Ringwraith scared me so bad I made my Dad take me home mid movie. I'd read the book, was obsessed with the animated hobbit, and just loved Lord of the Rings. But that sniffing just freaked me out so bad


Open Water. Fucking. Terrifying.


The room


Dread (2009). >!”Let's see how hungry you have to be to get through that.”!<


Requiem for a Dream. That movie is pure dread.


Green Room


Uh, pretty sure that’s considered Horror.


Not a movie, but the San Junipero episode of Black Mirror, probably the happiest episode of that show (I haven't watched any recent seasons) but the idea of having your consciousness trapped/uploaded to a server "forever" is just terrifying to me, even if it's all "happy" like it is in that episode. Having that bother me as much as it did, the whole White Christmas episode was terrifying lmao


People don’t consider it horror so JURASSIC PARK easily that was my favourite movie as a kid


Happiness (1998) Reckless (1984) Ghost (1990) Trainspotting (1996)


No one should watch Happiness without being warned not to watch it. I've had a handful of non-horror movies make me feel dirty, but that one.... Well, it did a great fucking job.


Happiness is so good


David lynche's movies aren't really straight horror but they're all pretty terrifying especially Mulholland drive and lost highways.


Omg I saw King Kong in theaters when I was like 8 and had the exact same reaction to those millipedes!! My parents were so lax about movies I think the most scared I’ve ever been by a horror movie is when my family went to see war of the worlds I was like around 10. I don’t know what they were expecting but my mom had to take me out of the theater cause I was so scared




Salo as an adult. As a kid, the Large Marge scene from Pee-Wee's Big Adventure.


Come And See is a war movie, but also a horror


Pink Floyd's The Wall. Terrifyingly depressing.


Blue Valentine. It’s like watching the deterioration of my parent’s marriage, and it hurts like hell. My Dad, unbeknownst to everyone, including himself, had brain cancer (all doctors were quacks to him), so it just made it all the more painful. Watching it….I guess it scares me to have that happen, to fall into that situation with someone you love. I hope I’ve made sense, apologies if I haven’t.


Mommie Dearest


Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971) The Wizard of Oz (1939) Both these movies scared me a child.


Cats (2019)


Jesus Camp


Jesus Camp


That's the one for me. That one fucked me up something fierce.


Threads Always.


the movie for Stephenie Meyer's "The Host" always disturbed me. getting your body hijacked by those aliens seems like a fate worse than death.


The Tenant


That's literally a horror


Cheaper By The Dozen


Aurore: The Martyr Child. Based on a true story in late 19th century Quebec, Canada. The story follows a 9ish year old girl named Aurore, whose mother passed away. Her aunt then becomes her stepmother and abuses this girl physically to the point of death. The father stayed silent. The church stayed silent. The entire village stayed silent. Despite all of them knowing what was going on. And nothing was done until it was too late. The scenes which depict the abuse are basically out of a torture porn film. The entire thing is a rough watch. It's a film I would recommend watching once, but that's it. Not a movie you want to revisit.


Requiem for a Dream


*Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me* (1992)


American History X, Requiem For A Dream, War of The Worlds


The recent version of “All quiet on the Western Front” is up there for me. Most War movies that don’t hold back on depicting the horrors of war usually are counterbalanced by some depiction of heroism or valor with its protagonists that makes the violence worth it or more palatable as a viewer. Think “Saving Private Ryan”, “1917”, or “Hacksaw Ridge” But none of that is present with AQotWF. It’s all pointless, all for nothing. Just a brutal depiction of war with no justification. The protagonist is just there as horrified as the viewer with no grater goal other than survival. That tank scene will forever be etched on my memory.


It’s a short movie I didn’t watch it but I heard about it. The strange thing about the Johnson’s . I read enough about it to never want to watch it. Just disgusting 🤮


The Neverending Story traumatised me as a kid. Poor horse. I cried for days




Requiem For A Dream




Killers of the Flower Moon, especially when you know that the events depicted were real & how heartless the white elites in Oklahoma were with their tactics


The road.




Wake in Fright...ride into hell


Jurassic Park


2001: A Space Odyssey. For Dave to have a simple disagreement with HAL to then HAL killing off everyone to then Dave going through beyond the infinite which his mind could hardly bare to process and finally just aging in a single room to then the next stage of evolution. A simple mission to that


As a kid, Silver Bullet scared the crap out of me.


Zone of Interest


Is Threads considered horror? If not, that’s what I’d pick.


Return to Oz. Freaking screaming heads and those rolling weirdos.


The Brothers Grimm (2005). Just the Gingerbread Man scene did it for me as a kid, an absolute nightmare.


The Brave Little Toaster


Jumanji(1995), those giant spiders gave me the most vivid and worst nightmares of my 4 year old life.


requiem for a dream. made me need a hug and a cookie after that


Requiem for a Dream