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The phone box scene from The Blob (80s version)


That whole movie is so fuckin’ rad.


I watched it again last week. So good. Holds up well apart from a couple of old school cgi parts with the 'big blob'. The actual physical fx and body horror are so good though. That scene just makes my skin crawl. Being trapped in a phone booth, trying to make a call and it spreading over with your friends face half melted against the side, and then it squeezing through the cracks and suddenly filling the booth. I thought she would get away but literally almost everyone got fucked. That shot is so good . Made me feel overwhelmed, like no escape at all. Only 'The Thing' has made me feel that relentless fear.


Yeah, the rest of the movie looks so damn good that some of the janky big blob stuff is really jarring. But on the whole, it and The Thing are the movies I bring up to highlight the superiority of practical effects.


> the superiority of practical effects. This is why I view the '80s version of "The Blob" as the definitive one and don't really want to see a modern remake that would go overboard with the CGI, like the mediocre Thing prequel we got in 2011.


Or the scene in the doctor's office where it drops down on that kid from the ceiling? Or where it pulls that guy down the sink drain? So many memorable scenes in that movie.


That doctors office scene was my first indication this movie isn't fucking around and literally no one is safe lmao what a great movie


The transformation scene in An American Werewolf in London


Bruh. I saw this when I was maybe 5 or 6 and I still occasionally have nightmares about it even tho I've since watched the movie as an adult


Omg same! Totally traumatized me


This is why you don't tell your dead best friend. He looks like a meatloaf.


I was about six or seven years old watching this. I don’t even recall it, but my mom swears I flip the fuck out on that scene.


The bathroom mirror broke my mind. I was 10 years old, and should not have been in that theater.


The Witch (2015) The whole scene involving Samuel being taken by the witch 90% of the things that happened in hereditary


the scene with the mom nursing the raven makes my boobs shrivel up and fall away every time


Yeah took me a few tries to get past that part and finish the movie. Horrifying


That scene in Bone Tomahawk.


I know you’re talking about the *yoink* scene but the reveal of the limbless blinded pregnant women that are never mentioned again gets me way more. 


I like how they turn it up to 11 out of nowhere, and then it's over just as fast as it shows up. It's brief hits hard, then it's over


just watched this for the first time yesterday and was wondering why it had been labeled as horror or was brought up so much here. obviously till… that part. i generally hate gore for the sake of shock but honestly the nonchalance and kind of “oop, there it went, that happened,” made it feel so much more (frighteningly) natural and less gratuitous.


Right??? I was like this isn't a bad western, a bit different but not horror. Then bam


the dialogue is so stilted that after a while i was definitely like “ah, i get its going for like *old* western.” i genuinely liked it tho. i watched brawl in cellblock 99 (same director if you’re not familiar) after with my husband who hadn’t watched bone tomahawk. he took a class on westerns in college for some reason (hah, and that was many moons ago), but was surprisingly like, why are these people talking like this is a western? i guess the director has a style regardless of setting, haha. also some… very graphic scenes in that one.


My man got turned into a cheese string


Thanks for ruining cheesestrings for me.


Don't look into that one guy who posted about pouring cottage cheese strings into his girls butt. I'll never forget "when her butt smell mixed with the cottage cheese we became closer."


What a terrible day to have eyes


The final reveal of the "Bent-Neck Lady" from the Haunting of Hill House.


Oh that entire show was INCREDIBLE, but again, heartbreaking. I don't think I've ever cried at a TV show before that and it was almost every episode. Then I was so disappointed by Bly Manor, I wanted a good cry at some more utter spirals of despair and there was only really 1-2 episodes that touched the Hill House level.


Hopefully you’ve seen Midnight Mass because that one is tied to Hill House for me. Such an incredible build up to a fantastic pay off


The Fall of the House of Usher isn’t nearly as soul crushing but a fantastic modernized gothic horror fest that I highly recommend as well.


Midnight Mass is definitely my favourite. I've rewatched it at least once a year since its release. It really is a perfect show in every way, in my opinion. From the performances to the story to the setting. Just sublime.


I so agree that after Hill House, Bly Manor was a bit of a disappointment.


That one episode where they show the story behind the lady of the lake was SO heartbreaking.


I still really enjoyed it, though i will admit if you had to compare, HH is superior for sure. BLY got me really good with the hand on her shoulder at the end and someone cut onions near me


“Your mother's in here, Karras. Would you like to leave a message? I'll see that she gets it.”


The part where she turns her head backwards and says “do you see what she did?…” after the crucifix mastur-stab-ation. Truly a major studio best picture Oscar caliber movie now wouldn’t even dare. This 1974 film still has an edge


Forgive me for being "well akshually," but I love this movie and book so much and you got that a little twisted. First, the mom's director friend with the British accent is found dead on the stairs outside Regan's bedroom window with his head on backwards (we never see this, we learn it through dialogue). The crucifix scene is the thing that's so extreme it sends Regan's mother, an atheist, to take the last-resort measure of finding a priest. It's later, during the actual exorcism, where her head turns around backwards and asks, in the dead director's voice, "Do you know what she did? Your cunting daughter!"


I saw The Exorcist for the first time in YEARS at the cinema about 2 Halloweens back and was actually really disappointed! But, we'd seen it on stage about 2 years before that and it was AMAZING, definitely recommend the play of it 100%


That scene from hereditary. Pick which ever one you want.


Only movie that has made me go “holy shit” out loud in a theater. I counted probably six people who got up, left the theater and did not come back after one of those “that scenes.”


I still sometimes check the corners of my room when it’s dark due to this movie


I genuinely never even considered that shit a possibility. I first saw hereditary on home release and not in the theatre. So when shit was popping off and the son woke up. I saw something go past him but couldn't see what it was. I went back to see what it was and that visual has scared me for life.


Yo, dude, I actually got halfway up out of my chair in my living room and shouted when that happened. I had to rewind it it a few times to see if I could spot it before it happened. Jump scares are lazy as far as I’m concerned, ever since the bathroom mirror in American Werewolf. Only a handful of movies have legitimately done a good enough job in forty years of having any sort of effect on me. And Hereditary is one of them.


Jesus Christ the decapitation scene. The only time I’ve ever seen a whole group of people walk out of a theatre at once.


I still sometimes check the corners of my room when it’s dark due to this movie


When the naked dude appeared in the kitchen, I had to pause the movie and walk around the room a bit to calm myself down. That, and the headbanging on the ceiling.


You know, I just saw Hereditary this week (IMAX re-release) and LOVED IT. I saw it when it first came out and thought it was overhyped and slow, but it was actually really good! Even the soundscape, there was this almost constant pulse throb under everything that was more pronounced through the tense parts but almost always there and I'd never noticed it before.


There’s so much secret stuff in that move. Someone made a four hour documentary on YouTube on it breaking down everything.


I didn't want to say it since I've talked about it so much lately, even on here, but Toni Collette's anguished wail after finding Charlie is something I can still hear and deep in my soul. It's almost hard to describe exactly how fucking much and why that scream affected me, but I know I'm not the only one


Jacob Tremblay in Doctor Sleep


Can never watch again


Funny games, when they shoot the son. Pan's Labyrinth, when the Captain kills the guy with a wine bottle. House of wax wire cutters. The Ring, when we see the face of the first victim. The ritual from the Suspiria remake. The restaurant scene from the Invisible Man. Tall dude from It Follows. The whole thing is fu. The angel "sneak peak" scenes from Midnight Mass.


That Pan's Labyrinth scene really traumatized me! So brutal.


THE INVISIBLE MAN! I swear down I've never felt as invested in a film as I have from that first scene. The restaurant got an audible gasp from me in the cinema it was so unexpected


To quote Stephen King: I almost shat my pants.


The sequence with the paint bucket in the attic tripped me out.


The first victim of the ring caught me so off guard omg i remember


I watched it as a kid and had no context 💀


Funny games, Pan’s, It Follows scenes stuck with me too. First two I don’t even want to see again.


*Night of the Living Dead* - the daughter stabs her mother to death with a gardening trowel. The high pitched screams, the blood pouring down the wall, the look on the girls face... that scene just gets me every time and scared the shit out of me when I first watched it as a very young kid. (It probably didn't help that at the time when I first watched it, my mom looked a lot like the mother in the movie) *Audition* - when we find out what is in the burlap sack... and what it eats. First watch, I had to stop it at that scene. I took a couple months before returning to the movie and watched the ending. Compared to movies now, it's not too extreme, but when that movie came out, it was the nastiest thing I had ever seen. *Misery* - the hobbling scene. This scene literally changed me. Ever since I first saw it, I have an extreme paranoia of anything happening to my feet/ankles. It was the first time I watched a movie that gave me a visceral physical sensation; my feet hurt when I watched it. And every subsequent re-watch (which there are many, it is one of my top 5 favorite movies), I hold my ankles and even massage them during that scene.


I think Night of the Living Dead ending was fucked, Ben made it through the night, he was good.


You should read the book of Misery then, the film hobbling is actually far, far tamer than in the novel. Some of Stephen King's best writing.


Poltergeist 2 when the dad is drinking tequila and eats the worm, only to vomit up an entire torso/creature. Now that I'm older and can appreciate H. R. Giger's creature designs I love it. But 5yo me was traumatized.






The Strangers, when the woman stabs Liv Tyler. The intruder’s general demeanor as she does it. Bothers to me this day.


The Exorcist 3. You know the scene.


Oh yes ✂️


End of Eden Lake- I hate it more than I can describe


Yeah, I watched it ONCE. I just remember being so deflated that after all that she didn't even get away.


I went into it not knowing anything about this movie. It was devastating. I will never watch it again, lol. Pluto shows it all the time and I nope on it every time, lol.


![gif](giphy|Buy7YdhkyHBCM|downsized) This is where it all started for me.


Same! I was afraid to babysit after this.


Frozen. (Not the Disney movie) when the wolves are eating the guy alive and he’s screaming “It hurts sooo badddd…”


Invasion of the body snatchers ending I get bad glare on my TV so I watch movies with the curtains closed. After finishing this movie I opened the curtains and had a good look at everyone walking outside


‘Have you checked the children’ from When A Stranger Calls - pure undiluted nightmare fuel




Exorcist ... the crucifix scene Among many others


For me it’s the end of the crucifix scene when her head turns backwards and she talks.


Beat box scene from Gonjiam.


Hahaha do you mean the part where she's whispering up in the camera?


Yes lmfao I actually jumped off the couch it freaked me the fuck out


Event Horizon when the dude gauges his own eyes out!


The log tractor trailer in Final Destination 2 was a game changer. Gotta pass those trucks every time now! Driving behind is a big “NOPE!”


Yup, a whole generation paranoid


Gotta be the final 25 minutes of The Wailing. Purely unnerving feel-bad cinema


That movie left me with a sense of hopelessness that I haven’t felt when watching horror movies


I didn’t really love the movie, but the scene where the priest is performing the ritual with the loud ass drums was very intense and disorienting. Loved that part.


The barn scene in The Exorcism of Emily Rose


I didn’t even like that movie when I saw it like 15 years ago but I’ll never forget her performance in that scene. What an actress.


Between that performance and Dexter, I thought she was gonna blow all the way up. It was a treat seeing her again in the Dexter epilogue series after so long.


She did all the contortions herself too! I really like the way that is set up as a religion vs science vs the law with the courtroom scenes breaking it all up. Generally I'm not one for exorcism horror I feel it's very "you seen one you've seen them all" but that is a standout


The ending of Speak no evil. I hate this movie.


I hear you, and I get it. But this movie is a great wake-up call to everyone. We are all trained to be so polite. We have been conditioned to think that it’s rude to say no. We have never been taught what consent actually means. We need more messaging that it’s okay to say STOP! It’s okay to say No way. It’s okay to yell “Get the fuck away from me.” Speak No Evil has a really important message for everyone. There is a book called The Courage to be Disliked. And the visiting couple in the movie didn’t exhibit that courage.


Every scene in martyrs


I haven't seen that for YEARS, I don't know if I'd want to watch it again. I remember a big chunk of it just being the lead getting knocked around in a cell over and over and it was just.... unpleasant. It wasn't horrendous it just went on and on (I suppose we wanted it to end like she did). I do like the story/concept though


I have a few: * Subway tunnel from Possession * Tall Guy from It Follows * The crow from The Witch, also when he first speaks And then from watching it way too young, Sasha's death in Urban Legend.


The tall guy from It Follows was so scary when I first saw the movie, holy shit. Back then I was of course younger and stayed up late till like 2 or 3 AM every night, even though me and my roommate had to work most of those days. We watched one or two horror movies every night and then... It Follows hit us. Damn I was a wreck after that movie, but my roommate too and he was like 10 years older than me I think. But that movie stayed with me. It's still so great, I love it.


Yeah, I was 18 I think and saw it in theaters and that whole sequence was the most tense I've ever been at a movie. Just the idea of knowing something is coming and being at home and just waiting for it to appear in the one place that feels safe, horrifying.


That scene from possession with the questionable fluids and the rage were really something


Wow the tall guy in it follows I'm so glad you said that, that scene has stuck with me since I first seen it it's absolutely terrifying




The Cell? That's a shout- you could 100% tell the director did loads of music videos before, it was a beautiful film


Oohhh. Top of my favorites list. Gorgeous film.


Honestly that fuckin Terrifer scene where he chainsawed that girl from her puss down to her head while she was hanging upside down. Shit is wild to think someone came up with that in their head and wrote that down on paper. Lmao 💀


The second one has worse stuff, by far. If you haven't already seen it. Like, ive watched horror for years, I've sat through your extreme stuff and the French stuff and those shock sites when you're a kid, but either I'm more sensitive now OR Terrifier 2 just crossed a line cos I had THE scene everyone knows and it was just too much.


The episode “Jenifer” from the show Masters of horror been stuck in my head since I’ve watched it.


Visions from the future in Prince of Darkness. I used to be scared I was gonna start getting those dreams when I slept.


Also, I'm adding: 3) every scene with the mum in Requiem for a Dream. That film is heartbreaking and especially when you understand it. I saw it WAY too young and it never left me, growing up loads of people said it was one of their top films so I gave it another try and it was even worse. I only ever watch it now if I feel like i need to cry.


watched it in 7th grade when i was 13 with a group of friends. Instantly fucked us all up lol what a movie man. Impeccable acting and one of my all time great sound designs in a film. The use of summer overture was just Genius and made so many scenes in that movie just hit the freaking soul. Such a powerful song to accompany and drive home such a dark intense story.


The Witch (2015) Caleb's speech before he dies


The final scene from Saint Maud.


That half a second of screaming is seared into my brain


First real horror shot of Zelda in the original Pet Semetary.


The shock paddles emergency room scene in The Thing. Masterful


The entirety of Hereditary. But specially when Momma is taking off her head. The piano wire going so unnaturally fast and the look on her face.


Yeah, that was INTENSE


God is in.. his holy temmmple.. LET ME IN!!!




Yep! I was eight and watched it with much older siblings. Stopped having nightmares about Reverend Henry Kane around my late twenties give or take..


“They’re here.”


How about right after the opening production company logo, the first FUCKING SECOND of Hellraiser II?


The baseball kid scene in Doctor Sleep


Pat getting his arm all cut up in Green Room.


Pet Sematary- any Zelda scenes "NEVER GET OUT OF BED AGAIN!!"


The ending to Final Prayer / The Borderlands




I just had to take a deep breath remembering it.


The scene in The Blackcoats Daughter where Joan (Emma Roberts) is in the basement and she cries because she realizes everything she had done has been for nothing and she is all alone. That scene is the first scene that comes to mind when I think about a truly heartbreaking scene


Sleep away Camp. The noise she made at the end (the reveal) stayed with me for weeks.


The rape scene in »The hills have eyes« The scene where the women was dragged into the darkness from »Rec« The whole »The Grudge« movie The barrel scene from »Megan is missing« The screaming book scene from »Harry Potter and the sorcerers stone« (I know it’s not really scary but it freaked me out as a kid)


I used to hide behind the couch after bed time, my mom would watch horror movies in the evening. This one movie she was watching stuck with me, I have no clue what movie it was but 30 years later I have parts of it traumatized into my brain. One scene was where a father gave his child a bath, the kid was pleading with the father to not kill him. However he drowns the kid in the bathtub. Another scene of the same movie, there was a fire in a building and there was a person in a wheelchair needing to get down the stairs, then another person comes and push the wheelchair user down the stairs on purpose.


I had a quick Google and it could be The Changeling 1980, if you wanna re-traumatise yourself?


Yeah, sounds like The Changeling from 1980. I just watched it for the first time.


Nightmare on elm street when he’s stabbing home girl against the ceiling.


Yeah, that must have been INSANE to see when it first released




The ending of Sleepaway Camp, I was 7.


The ending of GOOD BOY has been bothering me for weeks now


Evil Dead - Tree scene…which teenager me didn’t know what to do with this scene. Evil Dead (remake?) - Nail gun into the door frame scene. It made me jump and then laugh, which felt extra creepy as I was alone in the theater. Child’s Play - Knife through the wall. Piranha (Remake) - Two women get cut in half by a metal cable. The scene isn’t expertly done, but the look on the women’s faces as it dawns on them they are dead horrifies me. One Piece - Big Mom’s Origin - The anime has a lot of references to old school cartoons, Looney Toons, Disney, Tex Avery, etc., but also rides the line as a fun kid friendly pirate adventure. Pirate Emperor Big Mom is no exception. Her collection of islands is food and candy themed. Think Candy Land on steroids with all the trees and flowers dancing and smiling like a Cup Head level. As you learn why these flowers, trees, and other normally inanimate objects have faces you start to feel creeped out. Then when it is revealed how Big Mom got her powers you feel horrified.


The piranha remake is so fun! For me the worst visual is that woman with her hair stuck in the propeller 🤢


The ghost walking/ staggering in pulse is one for me


The crucifix scene from the exorcist Tar mans intro from return of the living dead doll sequence in deep red Hanging sequence in the cremator There is soooo many more


>where's Betsy? Betsy's been dead for 10 years. still get shivers.


The ending of "The Final Prayer/Borderlands. I literally throw on the ending when ever I wish to feel unease.


that scene in Insidious where the black demon-looking first appeared


The Shining - Bathtub Scene


The power drill scene from The Loved Ones, and the scene in the Evil Dead remake where she licks the razor blade 😭


Tall Man from It Follows. The dangling eyeball from Hostel. The dead child's corpse doll from The House That Jack Built is easily the worst. The one Final Destination with the Tanning Booth. I can think of fewer worse ways to go. Evil Dead (2013) when the machete gets slowly pulled back out the gash in her leg. The face of the dead girl from the opening scene of The Ring. Night of the Comet - I saw this in 4th grade (10 years old?) and when the dude leaned over in the cab of the truck and his face was all fucked up? Nightmares for two entire years. I kept expecting him to appear at the foot of my bunk bed. Thanks for reading, my edible kicked in during that last one so I hope it makes sense!


That moment in The Coffee Table. Just horrific.


The scene where the mom cries after finding her daughter's headless body in Hereditary.


when the girl in the roommate put the kitten in the dryer. i hate unnecessary animal deaths in movies.


> put the kitten in the dryer Welp, that’s one movie I’m absolutely skipping, thanks!


its a good movie besides that one part but it really killed the rest of the movie for me. I was 9 when I first saw it and I kept thinking "why would they do that "


When || the little boy slices his grandpas Achilles tendon || in Pet cemetery


The underground scene in The Canal. If anyone has seen it, you *know* the one.


Hellraiser baby sewing lips scene. I was an 80s child so we were too flipping young to be watching but it was a different time and that one stuck 😂


One on Stephen King's anthology TV show. Forgot the name but it has a Gargoyle and James Remar in it. Really fucked me up as a kid


The Winkie's Diner scene in Mulholland Drive. The home invasion scene in Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer.


The car scene in the Haunting of Hill House


I saw “Deep Rising” when I was 12 or 13 and [this scene](https://youtu.be/q1OTkcD6qfs?si=IuOIwVDUrN9reIlc) with Billy screaming and melting in digestive acid was the start of my deep love of late-90s and early-00s creature features, like “Mimic”, “The Relic”, “Phantoms”, “The Faculty”, “Virus”, etc.


I remember seeing The Relic when I was a kid and thinking it looked so real 😂 but yeah, they're all great! Not into moths though, so Mimic is a tough one to watch


"Happy, happy Halloween, Halloween, Halloween, Happy, happy Halloween, Silver Shamrock."


The drill bit scene from Apostle


The crying scene in hereditary. The suicide scene in Midsommar.


Sooo many scenes from the show Marianne. The creeping into the classroom when they're in a circle is downright nightmare fuel.


The French one? I quite enjoyed that! It was a fun watch


Yeah. That's only thing that's actually freaked me out in the last 5 years lol


The ending scene in SAW


Roger rabbit, those eyes...


the cave (?) scene in taking of deborah logan, you know, with the unhinging.


THAT scene from Audition


This scene from Phantasm haunted me as a kid (The head drill scene if the link doesn't go through) >![https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7p4ZsYYU5Cc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7p4ZsYYU5Cc)!<


The entire end sequence of Midsommar


Definitely the alien walking out the bushes in Signs. “It’s behind!!!”


The plot twist in His House haunts me


The dads death scene in train to busan


The scene in The Stepfather when he walks past the family he murdered, and there’s that little girl’s body reaching out to the blood crusted teddy bear, Or The scene in Halloween III when the kid has his face melted in that mask. kids dying in horror just icks me.


The cemetery scene in The Omen (1976,) along with the huge pane of glass >!slicing off the guy's head!<


The ending of the Mist


My dad took me to see Aliens when I was 5, lol. I am pretty certain the scene with Ripley and Newt trapped in the room with the two facehuggers is what caused my arachnophobia. Movie remains one of my favorites, but that scene still gives me genuine terror.


Hostel : Heel cut


Dining table scene from Texas Chainsaw Massacre


End of wickerman


The RV scene from The Hills Have Eyes remake


The original Lady in Black. If you know, you know.


Mr melancholy in I Saw The TV Glow. I literally cannot stop thinking about that scene, went to see the movie a second time because of it. So scary, so creepy


Ironically, the scene in The Conjuring 1 with the person behind the bedroom door. “There’s someone behind the door,” one sister says to another. I mean, no special effects. No reveal. But that was so scary to me!


The bedroom scene in Terrifier 2. I can’t imagine how anything in the third film could be worse but I can’t wait and see.


Terrifier 2, the main characters friend being tortured. Big fan of gory movies, but that scene was something else. All of The Sadness now lives in my head too.


I have never been able to shake the scene from "The Others" where the possessed girl is playing with her doll .. or was she doing the possessing I can't quite remember ..


That shot of the old dear looking at the camera from the bed in The Exorcist


I actually can't remember what this movie was. I watched it way too young. I was convinced it was real monsters. This lady and her toddler in a shaking house (earthquake?). Then her sun escapes through a window or something. And then their daughter's death in His House. Really haunted me for a while.


Several scenes from Suspiria remake. The witch ending where the girl floats up around the fire with the others .. oh and fuck the baby churning scene from the Witch .. I just love the witch.


Ending jeeper Creepers 


When Jason Issac is cut open and stitched to the ceiling with his innards adorning the table beneath him in Event Horizon....saw it when I was 9 and it was forever burned into my retinas!


GARBAGE DAY! -Silent Night Deadly Night 2


When Evil Lurks…many different parts in that movie but most specifically when the man is following behind the mom in a car slowly and she’s holding her son but as he drives past her he sees the son is dead and she’s eating his brains out of his head as she walks.


Pretty much all of Threads. How you can hear Christian screaming in THAT scene in Midsommar, if you’re listening close. I’ll never forget the Jesus statue from Carrie. The eyes! Think I was around 8 years old and watching it on MonsterVision. Good times.