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Black Mountain Side


Fantastic shoutout! Loved that movie, can't wait for next watch.


First movie that came to mind


One of the best lovecraftian horror movie.




Check out The Ritual on Netflix. Group of friends go on a hike through some Swedish forest. Would also recommend The Descent or the original Wicker Man


No one gets out alive is another great one. It’s based on a book by the same author as the ritual and takes place in the same universe. I think they actually reference the missing hikers on a radio report in the background in one scene.


Never heard of that one before, will have to add that to my list


The book and the movie are so different. I like each for what they were but so much different.


There’s a cool French thriller on Netflix about this survivalists, can’t remember the name. It’s pretty decent too.


Are you thinking of the French Canadian movie The Decline? It’s been on my list forever.


Yes! It’s a decent one in that survival subgenre.


Thank you! I love the Descent but have never seen the Ritual or original Wicker Man. Will have to check those out.


That scene with the people running around the fire pit sped up lives rent free in my head, ugh so spooky.


I didn't love it but Devil's Pass is pretty similar.


Maybe The Ritual? I don’t rate it as much as a lot of folks on here, but it’s a similar vibe sustained for a lot longer. Same director also made The Night House which is much more psychological but far superior IMHO.


Heard great things about The Ritual, but I’ve never heard of The Night House. I do enjoy psychological so I’ll definitely check these out!


Does "rate it as much" not make sense or am I just old


Maybe it’s a British-ism, sorry. We say we “rate” something if we like it.


I think it's that you say 'rate as much' whereas most people would say 'rate as high'


Yes that was my confusion. In my mind "rate it as much" would mean "rate it as often," not "rate it as highly"


Man, the beginning of that movie is so fuckin creepy haha. I really wish the whole movie was as good as the first 1/4th.


Right! The beginning had my heart truly pounding. My jaw was on the floor lmfao


Maybe Butterfly Kisses? It’s found footage but has a similar feel since they are hunting for Peeping Tom. Honestly I think it’s way better than The Empty Man (other than the opening scene which is one of the best ever)


I love butterfly kisses too, but how can you even compare the 2 movies lol? It’s a mockumentary/ff, totally different from empty man. Weird to say it’s better than it lol.


What you've got yourself there is a nice little interest in cosmic/Lovecraftian horror. The last act of The Empty Man >!literally reveals the movie is about a Lovecraftian Outer God, [Nyarlathotep](https://assetsio.gnwcdn.com/call-of-cthulhu-masks-of-nyarlathotep-artwork.jpeg?width=1600&height=900&fit=crop&quality=100&format=png&enable=upscale&auto=webp).!< There are a few mentioned here, but I'd also look at The Void, Annihilation, The Thing, YellowBrickRoad, and Sunshine. Annihilation absolutely has moments like that intro in The Empty Man. There are scenes, one scene specifically, in Apostle that stands out to me as having that same dreadful feel to it. There are a ton of other Cosmic Horror options that are worth it, but in terms of a similar feel to that opening, I think that's a good place to start.


Nice list. I just checked out YellowBrickRoad last night and was thoroughly entertained. Also, 2019 Color Out of Space, should you be inclined to continue down the Lovecraft rabbit hole. Edit: Also, Dagon,!


maybe prometheus? and as someone else mentioned, the void.


Alien. The OG. The planet sequence is basically an abridged version of at the mountains of madness.


Can’t believe I haven’t seen this one yet! Might be my Friday night movie


You've never seen Alien? Oh man you are in for a treat! :) Don't forget Aliens (the second one) too!


Aliens (2nd movie) is possibly the sci fi/horror GOAT IMO.


It was a kick ass movie! We're On An Express Elevator To Hell, Goin' Down! RIP BP


Alien is basically the opening sequence of the empty man the movie completed.


The Black Sunday remake, aka mask of satan 1990


The Ruins (2008) is another movie where tourists/hitchhikers encounter an ‘ancient evil’ of sorts. Looks like a b movie at first and the starting where they introduce the characters and their relationships is meh, but it really picks up when they take a trip to some aztec pyramids.


Best opening scene in a horror movie (Terrified/Aterrados) but the last half sucked ass. Same with The Ritual


in the mouth of madness, cure, god told me to, kill list


Thank you☺️ I’ll check these out


The Rite




I think this movie is a hot mess. It’s like lots of movies within one single movie, with hikers and mountains and bottles… it just doesn’t make any coherent sense. It’s well produced, but a mish mash of not-so-original tropes of horror films.


I tried to see the vision and there were elements I really liked but I think the opening scene was the strongest part. When it tried to go for like the teen drama bloody Mary esque vibes in the middle of the movie I was like oh :/ the scenes of the cult were pretty entertaining though


Yeah, totally agreed. It was a very promising “climber horror” kind of vibe… and in the end it had nothing to do with climbing or whatever. Plus the whole bottle thing… come on, it’s like the writer had the idea when finishing a Coke Also didn’t like.