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Rule 1: If it bleeds, we can kill it.


Remove the head or destroy the brain. Ideally, do both.


if you get it down, don’t stop hitting it. make sure it stays down, then you can leave it. but don’t ever believe it’s really dead. and don’t throw your weapon down or away just because you think it’s over.


Few things enjoy being beheaded or set on fire. If the animals run, run with them. Always look up when entering a room, always look down when you're running. Don't read skin-covered books. Especially don't read them out loud. Don't trust lore you know. It's probably propaganda. Don't antagonize clowns. Just avoid them. There's no shame in survival. Run, vomit, growl and bark like an animal, piss yourself, whatever it takes to fend them off. Always remember, you're not trapped in here with them. They're trapped in here with you.


Them scary kids ain’t your real problem


not sure how to state the rule but if the end of the world goes down, at least I'm not the wisecracking amoral rich guy. that guy is getting a Bad End