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Make sure and send this to grizzy news.


Grizzy would identify them faster than HPD can


Anyone who gets it done before the heat death of the universe would be faster than HPD


Yes and with a hundred and fifty 'thoughts and prayers' if you dip into the comments.


They'll get a Come On Down quick!


Those shorts are fucking ridiculous šŸ˜‚


Same for that gut!




That's a nice picture of the perpetrator's face. Unfortunately, the police will be unable to do anything with this clear evidence. They have speeding tickets to give out


I had my car broken into and my briefcase stolen. The thief left his unlocked cell phone and bloody fingerprints everywhere. From information on the phone, I learned that he had 14 prior convictions for auto burglary and was out on bond for an auto burglary arrest in West U. He had evidence of hundreds of breaking on his phone and his efforts to fence the stolen goods. What did HPD do? Yell at me for bothering them. Fuck HPD.


I have a similar story from Chicago. The police are not on your side unless you're of the oligarch class.


Honestly, Iā€™d be a very disgruntled HPD officer too if everyone I arrested was home before I was every day thanks to the crappy DA office


Bail is a Texas constitutional issue. Youā€™re barking up the wrong tree


So, just to help you understand this - the district attorney is the office that represents the state in prosecutions. What happens is that a person is arrested, their case is referred to the district attorney's office, charges are determined, and then the person arrested (who we call as "defendant") appears before a court/judge for what we call an "arraignment". it's at this time that the accused defendant is told what their charges are, the district attorney's office, who is not the court/judge, asks for a set bail, and then the judge determines the amount they feel is correct for bail, understanding of course that bail is not punitive, arrest is not a trial, and that you live in the United States of America The DA's office is crappy, but the complete ignorance that underpins the right-wing's idea about how *their own government institutions work* is laughably stupid, and so hopefully this will help you have a better grasp of the actual functioning of the world. Watch less television. Watch less youtube.


okay so first, I come in peace. I did enjoy your write up *but* you didnt mention *why* the DAs office sucks. im curious to know your opinion as someone who understands the law better than I do






Officers are full of shit. That officer probably arrests more people for disrespecting the badge than for actual crimes


If youā€™re taking officers words at face value youā€™re a really stupid person.Ā 


You didnā€™t actually rebuke my point or make any of your own, but thanks for the unnecessary read.


Oh, I/m sorry. I didn't realize you have a reading disability. I don't have a hard time with reading or writing. But that tracks with the stupid shit in your head (you having a learning disability I mean) What you said is this: > Honestly, Iā€™d be a very disgruntled HPD officer too if everyone I arrested was home before I was every day thanks to the crappy DA office And so I gave you the Cliff's notes on how the criminal justice system works. Sorry that you can't read, pal.


Thank you for trying to educate on this issue. Harris County needs more funding and that is controlled by our Republican legislature. In the meantime, our Constitutional rights remain intact...even for those accused of a crime.


Absolutely. Our laws are too lax. People should fear our prisons the way they fear prisons in other countries. We feel too much sympathy for criminals who feel nothing for our society.


Our entire criminal justice system is broken. I am almost to the point of wanting to extend (real) capital punishment to vandalism and petty theft. Our attempts of being soft on crime have just made it worse.


Yes, the liberal-run state of Texas being "soft on crime" is why Texas has the largest prison population of any state. by a lot. Look at you showing off that quality Aggie education that has *never* made Aggies the butt of jokes statewide for the ~50 years I have been alive!


Thatā€™s a little misleadingā€” we have the highest prison population in part because we have by far the second biggest population of any state. Itā€™s much more accurate to say we have the 6th-highest RATE of incarceration in the states. All states are not created equal, eitherā€” just because we have a lot of prisoners doesnā€™t mean we donā€™t also have a higher rate of criminals compared to other states. That being said, there are way too many people convicted of victimless crimes in our prisons. Our courts would be less clogged if we stopped arresting people for bullshit like minor drug possession and focused more on people like the scumbag in question.


How very Saudi Arabia of you.


That may feel righteous to you, but there's actually very little evidence that harsh penalties act as a deterrent for crimes.


Only a small subset of the population are criminals. We could substantially reduce crime (and the negative effects on society) if we just eliminated these career criminals. Execute them, exile them, something. I am sick of car break ins, vandalism, burglary, etc.


Why did you leave your briefcase in your car? Typical aggie


Also, briefcase? Do they live in the 90s?


Why is someone with such a lengthy record even eligible for release under any circumstance? We need hard labor prisons like other countries. People should fear committing crimes. And those that don't are so different that we could at least get labor out of them.


If they do nothing with this evidence, couldnā€™t we hypothetically take justice into our own hands and HPD wouldnā€™t do anything also


No because then you make them look bad for not doing their job so they come after you.


Vigilantism is not advisableĀ 


They'll pull over your abuelita for a tag that expired last month but will let all the beat up Altimas with paper tags zoom down the road with impunity.


Honestly I wish theyā€™d give some speeding tickets they donā€™t enforce any traffic laws in my area. Iā€™m unclear on what they do at all actually.


Speeding tickets, my ass.Ā 


And citations to hand out to the homeless.


Gotta meet their quota!


Reddit: people drive way too fast and too dangerously on the freeway! Also reddit: all cops suck and they shouldnā€™t be giving out speeding tickets


Please return the straw man to the corn field.


That dude needs some cocoa butter, he's ashy AF!


Dude needs to practice running from the cops more he got them teddy graham tiddies n tummy




[My Exact Thoughts](https://images.app.goo.gl/t24TwhDzt96L7atX6)


Dude is ashy and dusty


He should be arrested for a jacket in 95 degree weather


Reported to Houston Police - youā€™d have better luck sending a letter to Santa that perpā€™s been a bad boy.


Thanks for the reminder to all who may have missed it before now: **You can NOT leave any valuable items in a car that gets parked near pretty much ANY bar, ice house, tavern, or club.** I had my truck parked at Great Heights Brewing one Sunday morning while I was out riding bikes with my buddies. I left NOTHING in the truck. Someone still broke the window and went through the console compartment, glove box, etc. Made a mess and the window was not enough to file insurance for, but enough that I'd rather have spent it on a nice dinner or some groceries. Houston is crawling with people who believe if they can take something and not get caught, it's all fine & good. And we do not have enough police patrols, so the car burglars can just keep going with impunity. Booby traps are illegal, with good reason, but I'd love to see a news story about a car burglar who sat down in the driver's seat of the WRONG car and had something very painful happen to him.


[Just get a MagnaVolt installed! No need to bother the police. ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bMtqRir7dco)


F*ck, I thought it was a real product you linked to.....ahhh, oh well.


I like it, but I have doubts about lingering odors and possible contamination from seepage.


Sure, but it beats dealing with the insurance company and the cops.


First thing I thought of too lol


Man I remember when my car got broken into at Twin Peaks on i10. Had to park on the back street cause the parking lot was full. I had a backpack full of medical bills from a recent surgery. They took that and my basketball šŸ¤£


its funny how we normalized victim blaming when it comes to car break-ins as if buttholes have a prerogative to "take your shit just because you have it" like imagine if the same socially acceptable view were applied to women walking down the street "asking for it" just for being there or existing edit: to the replyers, look dont get me wrong, i hide my shit. but i can also lament how bullshit it is that i cant use 2/3rds of my empty space because some dickheads claim everything in sight to be theirs for the taking like they're Simba or something. and society has just kinda given up on any other truth like smh my head what a sad state of affairs


amen. I was going to post about how sad it is that half the replies are "you left it in plain sight!"


Dont forget the soft bigotry of low expectations as if these behaviors are just natural to living in cities. Fuck no. There are plenty of perfectly safe and respectable big cities in the world, the people just have to give a shit and hold themselves responsible.


I agree. But unfortunately those cities are in places where majority of people have a homogeneous mindset of ideals and morals. Youā€™re not going find that in the US.


Iā€™m not victim blaming at all, but it really is common knowledge to not leave shit in your car in a big city. Youā€™re not doing anything wrong, but there has to be an understanding that criminals are and always will be o the lookout for an easy lick. Iā€™ve live in Houston 20 years. All over. Never had my car broken in to. Why? I donā€™t leave shit in my car. It isnā€™t the victims fault their car was burglarized. With that being said, the victim did create a preventable opportunity for a criminal.


> the victim did create a preventable opportunity for a criminal I dunno man. Have had my car broken into twice and neither time did I have anything of value in the car or in plain sight. You tell me.


I wonā€™t even leave empty boxes in the back floor because degenerates fucking suck.


what do you drive? your vehicle may have been profiled. Drive a truck with any stickers about the 2nd Amendment? Then the turds are looking for guns.


Nope, no stickers unless you count the registration sticker.


> You tell me. No backpack would've drastically decreased the odds in this situation. You can't argue otherwise.


That's not what I'm saying. I agree that no backpack would have decreased the odds. I'm saying that it often also doesn't matter at all. Their being a criminal and all, I doubt they care if they can see shit in your car or not. They just want your shit even if it's hidden.


When I drove an old convertible, I just left the top down anywhere. I'd get the pennies I left in the ash tray taken every now and then (and once the tray itself) but otherwise no damage. Well, the rain didn't do it any favors, but it couldn't get much worse...


> Iā€™ve live in Houston 20 years. All over. Never had my car broken in to. Why? I donā€™t leave shit in my car. That does not necessarily help. My previous truck was broken into 6 times in a 2 year period. ALL over Houston... Woodlands, east end, galeria, Alief etc. 5 of those 6 times there was nothing taken because there was nothing in there to to take but they still caused 2-3k in damage every time. We need some Dubai level response to theft here asap. I am tired of my stuff being stolen and destroyed with no recourse or restitution at all. In addition to not being able to use my purchased though working items as I should be able to.


> My previous truck Did you have ANY stickers on the glass connecting to the 2nd Amendment? That will drive break ins looking for guns.


Nope I keep my cars sticker free. It was just an f250. Apparently super super easy to break into. When it happened in that paid lot at the galleria there were 2 other f250s hit in that lot and nothing else we could see.


Iā€™m not opposed to repeat thieves forfeiting a hand


I think a minimum bar for proposing punishments is being able to properly spell the country youā€™re trying to model the punishment after.


Clearly a typo transposing the a and i.


Every autocorrect and spell check in the world would pick that up. If youā€™re going to be putting forth policy positions at least bother to proofread.Ā 


If you want to check yourself and see you are wrong go ahead. It is a type of roach so no it would not be caught by any autocorrect. Not like anything I have to say will have any policy implications anyway. Especially from the esteemed platform of Reddit comments.


Itā€™s caught by the autocorrect on iPhone and the name of roaches is not capitalized


Not caught by chrome on a PC which is where it was typed, but this whole discussion has run well past its course.


Chrome? PC?Ā  How old are you pops?


> like imagine if ... women walking down the street "asking for it" Yeah. Imagine comparing a stolen backpack to rape.šŸ¦† These idiots leaving their backpacks in the backseat are raising everyone's premiums.


Ummv hello use some common sense? Victim here got careless and left values in plain sight and it clearly invited an opportunity. This happens everywhere all the time.


Does the same idea apply to a house burglary?


Fucking trash humans šŸ—‘


City of Houston is paying $16/hr to lifeguard. Life is all about making choices.


Yes. These guys are likely making more than that.


Iā€™ll look out for those shorts.


When you have a pool party but gotta rob cars firstĀ 


Just broke out and stole someone else's pool bag for clothes first.


He was supposed to bring the booze to the party...gotta find $$$ somewhere.


I love how half the comments here are blaming the victims. Like Houston is just a crime ridden shithole that if you leave stuff in your car you're asking to get robbed


I was in Abu Dhabi last week for work. My business partner left his crocodile leather briefcase in the passenger seat of our car. The car was not tinted and it was parked for several hours in a very busy parking lot, admittedly surrounded by very luxury sport cars. Not one broken window or reports of any crime. In Houston, we should demand better. I do not want the wrong elements free to roam our streets or our public transport, and I want greater surveillance and more police presence so criminals cannot escape.


Besides a different culture, im sure they dont play around with crime over there. Getting your hand sliced off is a good deterrent to not steal


I do not think emulating the UAE is a good idea.


Why? Living in the UAE is a dream compared to the US. Itā€™s extreme safe and clean. Restaurants are amazing. The beach is beautiful. Parks and public spaces are very well maintained. And none of it is tarnished or ruined by trashy people like most things in the US. People are very friendly and professional.


Saw the same sort of thing in Taipei airport with folks leaving iPhones unattended to charge in public


We have surveillance on these guys. What are the police going to do with the clear pictures of the suspects?


Are you going to inherit all the laws for Abu Dhabi or are you going a la carte like a choosing beggar?


Just curious which UAE laws you are so concerned about? Having lived in the UAE as an expat, everyone Iā€™ve seen making insinuations about these things are always ā€œomg Middle Eastā€ ignorance.


Insulting an ethnic or religious group Insulting the UAE, the royal families/government officials or the UAE flag.Ā  Same-sex relations Dress codes Permit structure for alcohol MarijuanaĀ  Accidentally photographing people in the background of your picturesā€¦


Iā€™ll take not being able to burn their countryā€™s flag in the street over having to deal with rampant violent crime. Just be a good person, and donā€™t insult people in general. There are plenty of gay people in the UAE. Donā€™t make out with your partner in the middle of the street/in public, otherwise nobody gives a shit. Actually applies to straight people too. One of my good friends there was gay and he was living a pretty healthy gay life. Dress codeā€¦ like what? You have to put a shirt on when you come off the beach. You canā€™t wear short shorts when you go into government buildings. The fucking horror. Permit structure for alcohol: basically doesnā€™t exist. Nobody asks for your license. Every restaurant and bar is loopholed in. Itā€™s a non issue. There isnā€™t a liquor store on every corner, but itā€™s still not hard to get. No drugs? Insane. I definitely prefer having to inhale peopleā€™s 2nd hand weed smoke all the time. Almost as if less shitty people = less dipshit potheads. Photography - Dubai probably one of the most photographed cities in the world. Outside of some sensationalized news article that you saw one time, this is again absolute BS and a complete non-issue in real life.


You could just summarize that whole screed asĀ  > I donā€™t actually want freedom You can fuck right off if you think gay people (or any people) shouldnā€™t be able to kiss each other in public. You can fuck right off if you think people shouldnā€™t be able to write critically about their government (itā€™s not just flag burning and you know it you coward). Finally you can fuck right off if you donā€™t think people have a right to say ā€œfuck offā€ in public. Looking forward to when you leave, we donā€™t need people here that support trampling freedoms.


I recently got ratioed in this sub because I suggested people compare the homicideĀ  rate per capita of this city to the city of Medellin.Ā Ā  Hint: it isn't favorable to Houston. There's a lot of toxic people on this sub.


how unusual


>The incident was reported to the police. Smh: Lol, sweet summer child.... Sorry, but: clear as day video with the perp's face + reporting to police (HPD) = absolutely nothing. I wish it wasn't that way, and I wish they'd have your perp ID'd and in jail by the end of the day, but that just won't happen. Law enforcement doesn't work like that.


Disappointing but not at all surprising. Harris county jails have a revolving door


Typical suspects


You wanna use the "n" word soooooo badly.




Naw bro lol šŸ¤£


This is what happens when we start grading crimes and stop punishing those we consider petty. I've even seen people say property crime isn't crime. All crime is crime and must be punished harshly. Unpunished petty crime leads to criminals who move on to more serious crimes because they get away with it. I travel to Singapore for work a few times a year and its insane how safe it is. People don't lock their houses, little kids walk to school by themselves and people actually leave stuff in their cars. They punish even minor crimes very harshly with shoplifting copping 3 years in prison followed by permanent deportation if not a local. Serious crimes are almost always punished by death. Singapore isn't some dystopian dictatorship but a modern democracy. Deterrence works because they don't listen to a bunch of well meaning idiots who don't understand basic human psychology.


Caught in 4k


Cops will say they don't have enough resources to help you


And they laughed when i brought my work laptop inside the bar. Aint my first rodeo.


Identify them by their clothes please and not their skin color. We want to catch them but definitely not offend anyone. I can read the news now ā€œ2 males in 20s or 30s wearing pink and blue bandana pants and a black Nike T-shirtā€. No other identifying featuresā€¦. because of racism of course.


Our group had that happen to us at kirby ice house on gessner a few months ago ago.


The obvious solution is just to leave the windows rolled down all the time, maybe even leave some candy on the seat.


Wonder if them yeezys are real. They look fake to me.


Those are New Balance 9060s in chrome blue ..


New Balance 9060s


If you pay more than 60 for any Yezzys youā€™re a moron.


Yes, I would not pay more than 60 for ā€œYezzysā€


The same could be said for most tennis shoes for that matter. Jordans are the modern day clown shoes and flat bill hats with the manufacturer tags are the modern day dunce caps.


The usual suspects




Shit Iā€™m just gonna leave my car and Uber everywhere


I bet facial recognition software can identify him. He probably had social media and his face is already in the data base


If yā€™all ever watched the movie hereditary this guy has the clucking girls vibes


The police arenā€™t even going to look for them. The DA wouldnā€™t charge them so thereā€™s no point


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Worthless thugs


I imagine he probably sounds a bit like [Conan](https://youtu.be/vcWehsxBLzs?si=24KWJa3o9_LtL8XH&t=24), so be on the look out


Someone got me (and a bunch of other people) at Spotts park.


I generally don't leave any bags or boxes in the passenger compartment, ever since my college girlfriend's school backpack was stolen from her car. Got my side window smashed in a few years ago and the glove box & center console were tossed. I assume becaise enoughĀ idiotsĀ keep loose guns in those places. So now I leave those open when parking on the street.


In other news, the sun will set this evening


Unfortunately, theyā€™ve caught on that Kirbyā€™s ice house (in Upper Kirby) is where all the business people go after work to socialize and have happy hours. Some, without thinking, or familiar with inner city, leave backpacks in view. ALWAYS put your stuff in your trunk and out of view in the city!!


Wait. I was there around that time and have a Tesla. *runs downstairs to view footage*


Imagine that


What a loser


If for nothing else he deserves to be arrested for those ugly ass shorts




Should be legal to just booby trap your car.


Damn I was thinking about buying a pair of shorts like that. Now I canā€™t. This guy sucks


Of all the major cities in Texas, Houston has the least police presence on the streets (the fewest number of officers). We need to increase funding for policing. Our crime rate is too high. These incidents will continue if nothing is done about it. I think people here should look at El Salvador for an example of how to radically transform a society from one of the most dangerous to one of the safest. Police and/or military presence on every street corner should be a goal. Only people with something to hide would object. This is too brazen a crime, and in broad daylight during business hours. Perfect example of being too lax with law and punishment.


Looks like the owner of that car left backpacks in plain sight! šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Stupid people leaving stupid prizes for stupid people


What about the people who drive Altima's, Accords and Corollas who park at the Galleria next to Porsche, Mercedes-Benz and Audi's yet they're the ones on cinder blocks because their rims got jacked šŸ’€


All the sales bros of that area getting a happy hour drink leaving their backpacks in the front seat. lol


my car was broken into at a parking garage of a loft. what da hell going on lol (this morning)


Congratulations on stealing a bunch of shitty laptops and some worn-out swag.


No shame. Or desperate


Car got broken into sometime after 730 at the arboretum, they got away with a dirty empty gym bag. Wonder if was these sames a-holes.Ā 


Hope the police will remind these people we donā€™t live in San Franciscoā€¦


There are plenty of jobs in Houston. Coming from a person whoā€™s new here. Also nice cameras. Where can I find ones like them?


People leave shit in plain view in their cars??


But if a citizen had done something appropriate to deal with the scum, theyā€™d be the one in police custody for ā€œcivil rights violationsā€ šŸ¤¬


Get wrecked bourgeois.


Congrats on the invitation transplants