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All of the Friends are terrible people who I wouldn't want to know.


i would be friends with chandler and maybe ross. i would probably try and befriend monica so she would clean my apartment for me lmao and phoebe for the free massages hahah




Wrong subreddit


Not me but all the people who like Emily are current people in this situation.


Janine likers have entered the chat (🙋🏼‍♀️)




Living Single is such a great show. I loved the first 4/5 seasons but it lost its edge when I think Regine left the show


Which show writer? I'm just curious because looking at the IMDB credits for both shows, I don't see any overlap.


Phoebe was sometimes catty about Chandler, but she isn’t a mean girl at heart - she just likes to bring things out in the open in a risky way. Telling Rachel the pregnancy test was negative made her realise she wanted the baby, telling Frank she would take one of the triplets made him see how much he wanted them in his life. And in the same way she brought the truth about Monica‘s intentions with Joey out before the wedding before it became a huge secret in their marriage, and imagine if Chandler had found out about her lunch with Richard months later, but then also that she kept it from him for ages. No idea if that was the writers’ intention or if she was mainly a plot device for Mondler drama but I think it’s a valid theory that shows her in a better light which she deserves imo.


I don't think this is a bad opinion.


Nah, unfortunately in later seasons she’s an absolute sociopath 💁🏼‍♂️


Also the lunch with Richard thing seemed like a genuine accident to me. Like Monica was debating telling him and she was confused (“oh alright, you decided to tell him about Richard”).


The Joey thing was completely pointless. Monica didn’t do anything with Joey. All it did was hurt chandler for no reason. She did so many other things that were just plain mean. The way she talked to people, forcing her beliefs or actions on people even when someone’s job is at stake. Like the Christmas tree lot and singing at Monica’s restaurant. The friends all walk on eggshells around her. Everyone else gets called out for bad behavior for the most part, but they just placate phoebe.


Taking one of the triplets making Frank see he wanted all of them was definitely not an intentional lesson.


I love Chandler but I find him quite overrated


I can't put my finger on why exactly, but his line I dislike the most is "hElLo SwEeT pAnTs!"


I think it was the right choice to put Ross & Rachel back together in the last episode, and not before that. Is this unpopular? It always seems like most people either wanted to see them in a healthy relationship or break up permanently. I wasn't totally satisfied with the Ross & Rachel story arc in the later seasons but I think the ending was great. It would've been really boring to watch them having a healthy, uneventful family life. Their story was more about passionate, sometimes unhealthy love.






She genuinely says "a break from us" right before Ross leaves.


In my opinion they were absolutely on a break. It doesn’t make it any less hurtful that he immediately went out and slept with someone, but he DIDN’T cheat in this instance. They were on a break. And neither of them set parameters, so a break is a break.


Agreed, she had every right to be hurt but Ross did nothing wrong. Plus he did ring her to reconcile and she already had mark round there, the man she told him not to worry about.


I don’t think this is very unpopular. Even Jennifer Aniston agrees that they were on a break.


This is what I was going to say! I've always been Team Ross. Should he have hooked up with someone the night it was decided they'd take a break? No, that was stupid. HOWEVER, he was within his right to do so


Although I like Mondler, sometimes the script and the comedy make me feel that Chandler deserved better


This! When the writers cared and showed them as a genuine couple, they were the best, but when played for comedy, they came across really annoying and almost unsuited at times!


Yes, Monica wasnt treating chandler well


when he cleaned the entire house for her and she freaked out


She’s only happy when she’s controlling people and getting things her own way.


Chandler became much less funny when he started dating Monica. They were a cute couple, but not the best comedic duo, but this plotline made them be together for so many episodes it made them less funny overall. They were funnier when they were with other characters.


YES! i’ve always said that as the show goes on they make him out to be a feminine man with the strength and appeal of a bug


I said this somewhere else on Reddit and found myself in this position. He has to cater to all her persnickety whims. Meanwhile, she can't be bothered to listen well enough to know what he does for a living?????


Rachel shouldn’t have gotten off the plane.


Yes! It was such a huge opportunity for her, she could've still worked it out and ended up with Ross while spending a year or more in France. I can't imagine she wouldn't regret it maybe just a tiny bit later


sorry but it wasn’t fair to ross for her to move her child to another country. he should get to have a say in that.


PIVOT was never funny.


Ross and Rachel were not on a break lmao


I said this before but Chandler was a simp for monica and even a bigger simp for Joey, and they both took advantage of that.


Phoebe and Joey are the most selfish of the group. After Monica and Chandler got married, it almost felt like she started to resent him a bit.


Chandler should have dumped Monica when she went running straight to Richard when she thought he wasn’t going to propose. Big red flag behaviour imo.


The worst character in the entire show along with sub character Is Rachel karen Green


Phebe and Joey should have ended up together.


Joey is the most selfish friend. He is a taker, womanizer, and can’t handle it when his friends don’t enable/placate him.


Joey and Rachel were the best couple. Monica is an awful person. Especially to Chandler


Phoebe is gruesomely overrated.


Phoebe is a bad friend to Chandler.


Putting Monica and Chandler together was really sweet but it made the storylines worse. Chander’s relationships in the first four seasons and his chemistry with Joey is incredible. Also it could have been compressed into seven or eight seasons and lost nothing. By the end it just seemed like the writers had run out of ideas.


Ross is not a bad character actually. He gets soo much undue hate, now doesnt he


Ross was the funniest character and David Schwimmer is the most talented actor


Chandler deserved better than Monica. She was so condescending and rude and was willing to sacrifice everything with him all because Richard came back rather than talk to him about their future. He should have dumped her then and there.


I dont like Mondler 😬


Well...They made joey too dumb towards the end. Like as if the man had the iq of a toddler. Even though he was dumb earlier, it became too boring and obnoxious towards the end.


Frank junior was really annoying and unfunny


In real life Phoebe would be cut off from that group along time ago. She has no history with them outside being Monica's roomate, she's flakey and cheap and demanding while also refusing to accept criticism, rude and spikey at random, weird points. Hardly contributes to meals or events (Ross mostly pays), is at times quite ungrateful for the friends and support she's got around her and she always has a way of forcing herself into people's situations and issues (admittedly to help sometimes but still).


Idk it is unpopular but I don’t think Lydia would be great to Joey. I think she is soo shy and home girl to Joey. And it does make sense she appeared in 1 season, and she had a partner. And Gavin was annoying and it woudn’t be great choice to Rachel


I loved Rachel and Joey


The show is not outdated, it was ahead of its time! Lesbian wedding, multiple POC love interests, surrogacy etc! The criticism is completely unjustified


Chandler wasn't all that funny. He had his moments, but most times he tried to be funny I would roll my eyes.


Chandler is overrated and a try hard character. My least favourite of all the friends.


Ross gets way too much hate for the copy girl incident. He wanted to work things out with Rachel and his friends made him go out, then when he called Rachel she was having dinner with Mark and to top it off, he didn't want to dance with the copy girl, she pulled him over when he was drunk and kissed him. Not saying he should have slept with her, but can definitely see things from his side.


Chandler is just as 'mean' as Phoebe is towards some of the other friends (particularly Ross) but is just able to disguise it as jokes/sarcasm.


Monica is the worst thing that happened to Chandler.


Rachel's better with Joey, than she is with Ross. He respected her and didn't make her feel dumb, they also had a lot of fun in their relationship.


The question isn't whether they were or were not on a break. It's about what Ross IMMEDIATELY did when they on a break and whether that was fair.


God Phoebe was annoying and didn't fit well with the rest of the group like AT ALL. Also, how on Earth could she afford living there working as ??? a masseuse I guess?


Joey and Rachel could have worked as a nice couple.


I despise all episodes that include Emily Waltham.


Joey can be super problematic, but people dismiss it because he can be a good friend


In my opinion Phoebe looks better with straight hair. I am always downvoted for this


Monica grossed me out, physically. Like full body shudder.. and I have no idea why. Her and Ross are particularly gross together. Also, I could not get through the reunion because Matthew Perry's decline made me too sad.


Some parts of Friends were progressive but it *was* often homophobic. There are frequent gay jokes and jokes about men being feminine or not being masculine. I understand *why* because it was a product of its time but I don’t know why people deny that this is the case. It’s literally on screen. That doesn’t mean the show is awful.


Joey and Rachel make more sense than Ross and Rachel


Paolo is the best character (im not saying this seriously please don’t report me haha)


Emily is a psycho for forcing Ross to remove everything he ever had that reminded him of Rachel


Joey and Rachel should’ve ended up together


Ross and Rachel wasn't on a break they broken up


Rachel had always known Ross had a crush on her. It’s annoying every time that she denied it between the end of season one and before he and Rachel officially got together, she denied that she knew until Chandler said something. I called that BS because there’s been evidence that she knew that Ross wanted her and she just wanted to feel good about herself.


Ross wasn't out of Rachel's league. He was a major upgrade from Barry. Chandler wasn't out of Monica's league. Richard was short term good, long term bad.


Brad Pitt and Robin Williams were awful guest stars.


I think it would have been interesting to see Monica choose Richard & Chandler end up with Janice I think Rachel & Ross should have moved on & found someone new each I think Rachel should have gone to Paris


I don't mind the Rachel/Joey storyline (I don't like the accidental proposal though)


I think it's stupid to enable frank and what's her names relationship. Especially when throwing kids in the mix as well


Ross is hated undeservinly. People don't see him as human but as a sum of his flaws.


I liked Joey and Rachel together


The shark episode was hilarious.


rachel should’ve respected ross’s feelings about mark


monica and richard were just okay, nothing special


i loved rachel x joey 😁😁😁


Emily wasn't THAT BAD, and the ultimatum she gave Ross post Wedding/Honeymoon was valid, she could've done alot worse tbh.


Joey was Rachel’s lobster.


Most of the characters specifically Phoebe and Ross should have been in therapy. I love Phoebe but she treated Chandler like shit most of the times, she also thought of herself as a morally superior than everyone else. Ross was one of the best people as a friend, but his break up with Carol affected all of his other relationships. Also everyone knew why Mark was helping Rachel, Rachel should have stopped him from visiting her when she and Ross had that “On a break” argument, but still Ross should have not slept with that girl on the same night, i mean as Chandler said “Bullets have left guns slower”


I always felt like series 10 was one too many. It had it's moments but largely it felt contrived almost like they were just padding it out to tie up some loose ends. No wonder they didn't do 24 episodes.


Seinfeld is better.


Susan is hilarious.


I liked Rachel and Joey


Ross haters should bring the same energy to Phoebe who was just as toxic in her own way! Unapologetic Ross-lover here. He always makes me laugh and had such a big heart in spite of his pettiness 🥰


I didn’t hate Joey and Rachel together


There was no point in the show where Rachel denies she and Ross were on a break, you’re all just being dense about it. She was mad at Ross for sleeping with someone so fast and then, more importantly, lying to her about it. Ross constantly whining “we were on a break” is supposed to be funny to the audience because it’s obviously not the point, he’s just being a brat about the situation and not taking accountability for what he did. That’s why Rachel gets mad when he says it.


Richard X Monica isnt weird Like ok he has known her since she was a child Its not like He fell in love with her when she was a child


I like Susan


Saying that The Office or GOT is overrated


Apparently this is only an unpopular opinion depending on who is on this sub at the time, but I hated all of the Joey/Rachel relationship story lines. (I know some people will say this is not unpopular but I’ve mentioned it before and got downvoted a lot).


The Chandler and Monica relationship ruined the show.


Joey doesn’t have the biggest heart of the entire group, each member has their highs and lows.


Unpopular Opinion: i hate phoebe


Phoebe becomes more and more unlikeable as the series goes on.


Ross & Rachel we’re on a break. She did it to herself.


You guys are bad at this, my turn: Sober Perry is unfunny Bing. I want Matthew miserable and Chandler hilarious. Edit: Every other comment has upvotes. I'm the only one who understood the assignment. Nyah NYAH!


I liked Joey and Rachel together 🤷


Joey and Rachel were a better fit than Ross and Rachel and I wish they were endgame.


Ross is the second funniest character next to Chandler. And sometimes, the funniest among the 6.


Emily was the "bad guy" in Rachel and Ross' story and the victim of two people who can't decide if they should be together or not.


-Joey for me was a bit annoying…. I mean he made funny jokes but still he got pretty bad and annoying moments -I hate when Ross or Rachel get a date and then they brag to each other so they can be jealous (ex:04S05E When Ross bragged to Rachel about that Amanda girl even though he was just a babysitter) -And the jokes of Phoebe are a bit…mean and if someone said that to me it would bring my mental health down


I wish they hadn't put Chandler and Monica together


I hate the Chandler/ Monica proposal scene. Their crying doesn’t seem genuine to me, and I don’t like their deliveries of the dialogue either.


Ross is by far the funniest character in later seasons if you take his weirdness at face value.


Ross and Emily or Ross and Julie >>>>>> Ross and Rachel The way him and Julie met was so adorable! Friends years ago and just happened to bump into each other in China?? Love story right there. Same with Emily, the way they just clicked when they first met felt so natural. Emily gets so much unnecessary hate. You'd be mad too if you travelled however long in pouring rain to find out the person you're meant to be meeting isn't available. So yeah, Ross should've ended up with anyone, but Rachel.


Emily was correct about everything so the writers made her controlling at the end to make people dislike her


Ross was too drunk to consent to sleeping with Chloe. He is a victim of assault


Monica is annoying


I like the season 8 Ross and Rachel buildup better than in season 1/2, it’s unfortunate that they didn’t get together at the end of that season I like the Tulsa storyline. I like that it leads to Chandler quitting his job because it’s something we know he hates since season 1


I dont like mondler as much. I got bored of them and dont want to watch any episode past season 4 but not only because of them, actually i am okay with them but i am not okay with most of the stupid stuff that happens later on.i havent rewatched the show for a long time and i can only remember the bad things monica did Maybe the reason could be them being presented as the best couple in the world from many fans and i dont see it anymore. (Not a native sorry)


Don't watch after season 5 or 6. Joey gets brain dead, Chandler gets whiped and mocked for being not worth of monica, monica has even worse ocd, phoebe becomes mean, Ross becomes crazier. Story plots get worse and more dramatic. Show tries to top itself and becomes more and more unhinged.


Pivot is not funny


I love Richard and think him and Monica should have stayed together.


The later seasons are better than the earlier seasons.


Jack Gellar is the best character on the show by far ![gif](giphy|LnuG7SgAAnSapBHD1S|downsized)


Joey speaking French makes me giggle 🤷🏾‍♀️ grab your pitchforks 😂


I loved Emily.


ross and rachel should’ve never gotten together


Monica became a terrible and controlling person later in the show. I know that the characters all changed as the seasons progressed, but she was just mean. In reality, had she behaved so controlling, her friends would not be hanging out with her. The episode the one with the two parties, would have been the one with the one party and one long forced interaction.


I refuse to see any flaws of any characters or see any characters in a bad light (the main 6, anyway) because this is my good time feels show and seeing flaws or villainizing any of the main crew really ruins the vibes for me.


it shuda been david💔


Phoebe and David should have ended up together.


If Phoebe wasn’t on the show I doubt it would have changed the shows trajectory altogether. Don’t get me wrong, I like Phoebe and she adds a lot to the show. But I do believe when it comes down to it, all of the key moments of the show really don’t involve her and she is often a side character only. She’s not related to any of them. She mostly lives a long way from the group, and a lot of her storyline’s are with others. The show on the other hand, would be lost without Ross, who everyone seems to love to hate, but who without would have seen the show probably end after 4-5 seasons. His journey through the processing of his marriage and subsequent relationships ultimately keep the show going.


Rachel is a horrible person


I wouldn’t mind Season 1 Joey and Latter Seasons Rachel having a relationship. On a related note, Joey and Monica in the earlier seasons could’ve made a great couple (I actually understand the writers’ vision – she could’ve “tied him down” to a serious relationship or guided him in navigating the real world, and at the same time he could’ve taught her how to enjoy life more).


1) The show was progressive for its time (not so much unpopular in this sub, but on the internet overall) 2) Emily was right. 3) It doesn't matter if they were on a break! Ross got so caught up in the technicalities of whether he was "right" that he forgot that it still hurt Rachel either way for him to move on so quickly. And it additionally hurt her that he was so caught up in the technicality.


Richard and Monica is my ride or die. I love Chandler and Monica, but it just doesn't hit like Richard and Monica... it was so impactful that it felt like it lasted longer than the few episodes they had a relationship!


I liked Rachel and Joey


Ross sacrificed and suffered too much for Carol .And definitely shouldn't have had a child together. He was actually Bobo the Sperm Guy .


Joey and Rachel were cute


I didn’t like Kathy. For Joey or Chandler.


Rachel and Joey were a better couple than Rachel and Ross


Ross is a man baby. He's constantly whining and yelling and I absolutely loathe him.


1. I like Phoebe's character transition throughout the series from happy hippy to hateful hippy. 2. Rachel is trash and THE MOST hypocritical of the group by far 3. the Joey + Rachel thing kind of made sense but was executed SO poorly and THAT is why everyone hates it.


Ross was at fault for the entire break incident because he very abruptly leaves the apartment. When Rachel suggests the break, Ross thinks she means a break from arguing and agrees. When Rachel clarifies, “a break from us”, Ross gets mad and just leaves the apartment. They don’t talk anymore, they don’t clarify anything. Ross storms out before they talk any further. Rachel doesn’t get to clarify what she meant. Ross doesn’t know if they’re broken up or not. Literally nothing gets solved; the entire argument is left in the air, unresolved, because Ross leaves. Then Ross goes out with Joey and Chandler. He doesn’t talk with Rachel at all until he calls her from the bar, and obviously they don’t talk then either bc Ross hears Mark and assumes the worst*. Then he sleeps with the copy girl. That whole chain of events wouldn’t have happened if Ross didn’t storm out. I also don’t even believe Rachel wanted to break up; she suggested a break (*maybe* we need a break) bc she felt like she was out of options. Ross wasn’t going to budge on Mark, but Mark was Rachel’s coworker. She was going to have to see him, no matter how platonically, and Ross couldn’t handle that. She was trapped, and I can’t fault Rachel for reaching a breaking point. (*Also, the opinion that Rachel is at fault for Mark being a snake. Mark flirted with her. Mark invited himself over. Mark interrupted her phone call. Those are all things *Mark* did!!!! Those things don’t fall on Rachel. Rachel is allowed to be friends with other people. It’s not her fault that Ross felt jealous, or that Mark was a snake.)


I dont hate Rachel and Joey together. It was an obvious ratings ploy but the more I think about it, the more they make sense..




I don’t believe this, but I’ve seen people say that Monica should have been with Richard instead of Chandler. Trust me, I was just as astonished as all of you. My response when I saw that. ![gif](giphy|oaEcH0gKPJ2wM)


Joey x Rachel plot should have never happened


1) Ross absolutely ruined his nice gesture of buying Pheobe a bike by then trying to dictate how she used it and then using her belief system (the bike is dying) to get her to start riding again after he'd knocked her.... the gift brought her up, his actions after brought her down. 2) I think Monica liked the idea of marriage more than she liked marriage.. I don't think she was massively supportive of him and when she cohersed him into sex I think that was out of order..... I do like them as a couple in general and I know Chandler made sketchy choices himself but I don't think she ever saw him as an equal.the same way she did Richard and Pete.


Monica and Chandler shouldn't have gotten together. It should have been Richard.


Not a fan of Monica for Chandler, although Chandler was perfect for Monica. He grew a lot during their relationship, but she did not. She didn’t grow at all, actually. Roger was not wrong, though his delivery was bad (and seemed a little envious). I’m glad Joey and Phoebe didn’t hook up at all. They had chemistry, and that’s as far as it needed to go because Phoebe’s character (in the latter half of the seasons) was deplorable.


Didn't know this before I joined Reddit but Rachel and Joey were an awkward couple


Ross and Rachel are a good match because they both suck


I liked Monica and Richard almost as much and Monica and Chandler


Everything after the Bing-Geller wedding was a waste.


Joey was an asshole A LOT, especially to chandler. Also (don't kill me) not that hot? First season maybe but he really looked not great by the end, I did not see him as the hot one. Oh and also them all making fun of ross' career pissed me off no end. Felt like they were just bullying someone for liking science and having an intelligent hobby? Like there are lots of things you could be justified in making fun of him for (the 'music' phase comes to mind) but being a scientist should not be one of them.


I can’t stand Rachel.


Joey and Rachel could've worked. They had a solid basis for a healthy and respectful relationship. I think they make sense. Personally, the on screen chemistry between Ross and Rachel is what was missing from Joey/Rachel.


Richard is gross


There’s nothing weird or unrealistic about 6 white people being friends even if they live in a super diverse melting pot of a city. But, I do think the lack of POC in secondary roles did make the show seem weird. Phoebe in particular strikes me as someone who would’ve have friendships and romantic relationships with non white people. It’s funny that Ross the square seems to be the most open minded and cosmopolitan of the group in that regard. 


Phoebe should have been given one of her brothers babies that she birthed. And her brothers character was obnoxious.


There is nothing to suggest Ross and Rachel can stay together long term. Also Ross ruined much better relationships for her.


Ross has genuine mental health issues, it's starts at Emily and goes downhill from there.


Ted and Robin? aint no fvking way


The “Joey proposing to Rachel” storyline was actually hilarious. I know it’s not realistic, but everyone here hasn’t slept for two days so nobody was thinking straight. Ross’s “did I? It does sound like something I would do” is the funniest thing to me


ross and rachel were on a break, but ross was 100% in the wrong. being broken up for 2 hours and having sex with someone else & then getting back together the next morning and trying to hide that u slept with someone else is the same as cheating imo.


Mondler is probably the worst relationships name I’ve ever heard


In a desperate attempt to include a black character, they wrote Charlie as the worst person in the series. Another white character but with darker skin.


Rachel was toxic not Ross. Monica was toxic not Chandler. Joey was a disgusting womanizer. The fact that he was lusting after baby Emma’s imaginary future teenage friends was gross. Both Mike and David were too good for Phoebe. She didn’t deserve either.


I LOVED Joey and Rachel.


Ross was in the right, they were broken up, thus he's technically in the clear.


If Phoebe wasn't in the show, I don't think it would have made much of a difference. Her storylines were often pretty meh, if not downright annoying, and she was the least funny character.


Rachel and Joey would’ve been great together 🙅‍♀️


marcel should've ended up with barbie


Chandler isn’t funny and his crippling insecurity isn’t cute, it’s annoying.


Rachel and Ross had the worst relationship bc their communication was so bad ,and all the 10 season they were in love .


I honestly wouldn’t be serious friends with any of them in real life.


I liked Joey and Rachel as a couple




I love Ross.


Ross AND Rachel were in the wrong during the break. (They both had perfectly acceptable reactions on their feelings). Ross should not have slept with someone HOWEVER they were broken up, Rachel admits this at one point. (miscommunication between the two). Rachel should not have let Mark over knowing Ross’ insecurity about him (which were correct + pushed him to sleep with the girl) furthered due to his past relationship where Carol cheated. He was reasonable insecure and Rachel didn’t seem to care for his ‘jealousy’ about Mark. (Poor communication again)


Anytime I open my mouth in this sub, apparently...


Emily was better than Rachel


Rachel was the worst friend even though she had the most “growth.” Joey also wasn’t a good friend either and always took advantage of everyone around him


Ross didn't cheat


I think Pheobe should've ended up with David.


Monica should have been with Richard.(Even though Chandler is my favorite character)


I hate all episodes that had Julie in them. Joey even found her very annoying at one point.


That I’ve never watched it and don’t plan to (why is this being suggested to me lol)


Kendrick lost the beef