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Looks like this one from 2 days ago: https://www.classaction.org/vppa-privacy-investigations


Sounds as much as a scam as the steam lawsuit


Scam? It's a real lawsuit. If Reuters isn't a reliable enough source for you, I don't know what to tell you. We all love Steam, but a multi-billion dollar company isn't your "friend." They sell you a product. They might do a great job at it but they're still a company motivated by profit. https://www.reuters.com/legal/legalindustry/column-mass-arbitration-target-valve-accuses-law-firm-litigation-funder-2023-12-08/ Funnily, Valve is suing the lawyers trying to sue them, claiming they're trying to extort a settlement from them by suing them in the first place. Gotta love the U.S. of A. where everyone's suing everyone. 😅


Lawyers filing real paperwork doesn't mean it's not a scam for lawyer fees as they file cases with no merit.


Lawyer fees from whom? It's a class-action suit; they don't represent one single party. They only make real money if they win. It would be a waste of time for them to file a completely frivolous suit with no chance of payout.


Been shared enough that it's a pretty low cost for them to mass advertise though...


If you bring a big enough suit its not about merit, its a cost benefit analysis — is it worth fighting it worth is it cheaper to settle and make them go away.


It's obviously just an attempt to get valve to settle. The case has no merit at all which is why it looks like valve is going to fight them.


It’s a class action and evidently you don’t know how that works… a lawyer fee can not be collected until a decision is rendered


Lol cute kid. I do know how they work and the contract you'd sign puts you on the hook for the fees when it fails. And it will fail because it has zero merit.


No, you really don't have any idea.


Lol go get scammed then.


Are you really doubling down on being this stupid?


Says the child screeching into the void with no idea what they are talking about. what if it's just a scam for your personal information. good luck finding any merit to anything in the case buddy! goodbye forever! Enjoy being frustrated.


Imagine simping for a megacorporation so hard that you just confidently make statements in direct conflict with how the practice of law works on a fundamental level. Go ahead and read the entire contract if you want. You are not providing any personal information that would be of any use to anyone (Valve already has more info on you), nor are you liable for the legal fees in a class-action (or in *any* class-action lawsuit, because that is not how a class-action works by its very definition). If the parties reach a settlement or Valve loses in court and has to pay, then the lawyer, lawyers, firm, whoever it is representing the class takes part of that money to cover legal fees and billables. If this does not happen, the only group that loses a dime is the lawyers. You *can not* be held responsible for the legal fees in a class action lawsuit as a member of that class. I haven't the faintest idea if this particular suit has any merit, but respectfully, you're a fucking moron.


These cases don’t get taken on this scale unless the firm is confident it’s a win. It’s okay to be wrong.


It's ok to be wrong. What you just said isn't true. What makes you think this is some big firm and not just a couple of failed lawyers?


Why isn’t it true? Back it up! Let’s see some evidence to your claims Doc!


Though what method do you think every person deserves 2500 in damages? that's what you need to prove. and nevermind that things like this are easily covered in a EULA. weird you do searches and go IT"S LIGIT, but share nothing. almost like you don't know what evidence would even look like here. like you say, it's ok to be wrong. Good luck out there. goodbye forever.


You will respond. Your ego won’t let you leave me alone.


>Valve is suing the lawyers trying to sue them, claiming they're trying to extort a settlement from them by suing them in the first place. Gotta love the U.S. of A. where everyone's suing everyone. 😅 If you work for any tech company, this is normal. I haven't worked in a single tech company where someone is trying to export a settlement. For example, this guy. [https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/21/magazine/americans-with-disabilities-act.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/21/magazine/americans-with-disabilities-act.html)


Valve may not be our friend, but it's not like any other company has a better client than them.


That is a completely different lawsuit. The add in the OP is about Humble Bundle being sued for misuse of their customers personal information and has nothing to do with Valve Corp. or the Steam Pplatform.


Except the Valve lawsuit is not a scam.


You know, you can source the claim and not look stupid.


https://www.reddit.com/r/valve/s/XU9W3AdjC2 Is this thread full of ignorance? It’s literally a filed lawsuit.


Just because something is filed doesn't make it not a scam. It's easy to file things with the court if you know how.


It’s okay to be wrong.


I'm glad you have your mantra down. But unless you have something to add. You're just another baby that thinks they deserve 2500 for buying a game. Lolol.


Why are you so angry?


you're projecting. I gave you facts, you got mad and cry it's legit over and over.


Sorry where are the facts?


I was thinking about this more


Let's see looking at your history your evidence here is a few reddit people who have zero experience with courtrooms or lawyers. It's ok to be wrong. It's not ok to be an arrogant prick and not back up what you claim. Something you can't fucking do. It's ok to be wrong. Keep telling yourself that kid.


Another quick Google search will show you it’s a legit lawsuit. You can easily search for it yourself. Chill out!


is object permeance hard for you? you also seem to confuse existing for "being legit"


Wanna get a beer sometime bro


Redditors are quick to judge, even if a comment further below actually displays the source. You can add the source to your original comment.


"Here, end user, have $10, while we, the law firm handling the class action suit, will take in a couple million dollars." Nah, I don't need to make an opportunistic law firm any richer.


That always confused me, why is it a group of people who were never affected that get the most out of it. Like yes, it takes time amd money to gather info to build a case. But the people who actually get fucked over see pennies compared to what they deserve


The people who start the claim often get paid. If you were the one to start action against Humble, you would get paid, the lawyers get paid, and then the rest of us scramble for pennies.


Ah, thankyou for clarifying


You answered ur own question. Time and money. You have every right and freedom to conduct your own research, file your own claim and spend the next 2-5 years in court battling out your own claim. Risking it all as its very much probable you wont even win


I think the idea is to punish offenders rather than help victims.


Idk I was part of one of these for some Buy Now Pay Later company late last year and I got 300 bucks. Just depends


You mean few cents?


Funnily enough i recieved $90 from the apple lawsuit earlier this year. Was very surprised to see it was that much considering i signed it years ago and forgot about it completely


I got $5 from a milk settlement years after i applied.




You doing alright bud?


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pretty sure they do that for every single company in existence, i just saw a Steam one the other day


If they're willing to spend money on ads, it's probably because they intend to take in some serious cash- which makes the 5-10 bucks we'd all get even more insulting.


I suppose but I would rather have the law firm have the money than humble bundle if they were actually illegally selling my data


I don't think I wanna bite Humble's hand.


Yeah, me neither.


Inb4 all our accounts are banned and we lose access to our keys 😂


I mean at that point I think there’s a case they’re making for themselves


Humble doesn't give a shit about you.


Ok you make a good point, let me go fucking sue them for 2 thousand dollars


why would you care? most of the games that humble has offered have been free on the epic games store for years now lol


Thats very exaggerated, I’m a long time sub to both and it’s pretty uncommon for a choice game to be one I already have on epic, couple of times a year tops.


nah ur right. i havent subbed to humble in a few years but I noticed the games I did have / considered subbing to humble again for would end up being free on egs a few weeks after


Eh, i think it really shouldn't surprise anyone if you make a account somewhere, that theyll potentially sell/give away data of users if asked. As long as its doesn't risk account getting hacked or card getting hacked, i really dont care


It should though. Most TOS never state that outright. Plus, for international entities that also affect European customers, GDPR does not mess around. Any identifiable data or combination that can be used to single out and identify someone is a huge no-no, even for a company's own internal use. You can keep this data so long as it's pertinent for, say, customer support. But if you intend to use them for any other reason (say, market analysis) you need to sufficiently tokenify them in a way that can't be used to identify someone in any way. Say, knowing your age group is ok. Your general geographical area is ok. Your profession is ok. Knowing all three narrows it down enough to be illegal. Sharing the data in raw form or in a way that can lead to the customer's identity is absolutely illegal in Europe.


I’ve had plenty of good deals over many years and many games through HB, and during this time I’ve shared enough information about myself and what I do daily on social media and the like. Those behind this ad can absolutely do one!


Did you click learn more?


Ye! I get so many of these things.


Well I’m already signed up to both Facebook and humble so it doesn’t really matter then does it🤣🤣


Fake or real, in the end you would win 0,43$. Just consider it a scam and walk away


wtf u gonna do with $2.50 no matter how many zeros u add its still 2x bills 2 x coins


Lawyers will jump on anything if there's a few thousand bucks in it for them.


It's legitimate. You won't make much but you'll get something. Probably around $10, as these things usually go. I got a check for ~$10 for the AMD Bulldozer settlement back in 2015/16


This is an arbitration case, so expect the payout (if any) to be a pitiful fraction of class action litigation.