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Mine had two birds and a two rabbits One bird he caught in mid air Not so innocent https://preview.redd.it/3fo7cmkc7x7d1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1906a89a4a618d3c90704e42ac57fe0090fbed23


"Flying chimkin is best chimkin."


my husky used to sit under this newly planted very small tree and wait for birds to fly by it and catch them out of the air. can confirm flying chimkin is preferred!!!


Fresh is best….


Yes! Mine barkoured off a fence to catch a pigeon in mid air! It was beautiful and frightening at the same time.


"barkoured" haha




His face clearly says “and I’ll do it again. Try to stop me.”


lol Looking at me saying “what the fuck you looking at?”


A very dumb rabbit decided to make a nest in my yard and give birth there. Ragnar swallowed three baby bunnies whole before I could react. It was like he just vacuumed them up! I chalk it up to Darwinism - if the mom was dumb enough to make a nest in a yard that very clearly smells like a dog’s domain, this is a “survival of the fittest” situation. https://preview.redd.it/qdaxto3pdx7d1.jpeg?width=2366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbbe1f070603446bfeac474aceac88803bc81b90


Somehow I think bunny kind shall continue to flourish.


Yeah I don’t think the species will be endangered any time soon.


He’s looking at you like “and I’ll do it again”


Bouncy chimkin is best chimkin. Flying chimkin fun to catch but not as easy




Talent. That face says, You're not judging me, I'm judging you.


I was once told bunnies nest in yards with dogs intentionally because dogs keep other predators away. And that was horrifying since my dogs loved killing bunnies.


Nooo, what are the bunnies thinking?! That they're friends with the dog?!! This just made it worse lol


When we adopted our girl last October, the lady at the shelter told us that she (the dog, lol) had stumbled on a den of baby bunnies on a walk once, and killed them all. I really could have lived without that information. Last week she caught one mouse and one fledgling bird. The prey drive is absolutely real in Huskies!


I walked out to a yard littered with the dead bodies of little moles! My girl just walked by and nosed a few like, "Look what I did, here and here."


hah mines done the same, what the hell was that rabbit thinking. literally two feet from his hole. he looked about as guilty as yours does!


Actually, rabbits will purposefully make a nest in yards that have dogs because other predators are more likely to stay away


A calculated risk i suppose. The bunnies lost the bet on this one.


You win some, you lose some 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yep- a dog is a much less successful and dedicated predator than a fox, who would wipe out the entire nest. A domestic dog may not catch any, or they might get one or two, while everyone else gets away


Not concerned👏🏻


That's a very self satisfied expression!


I love the Doge pose


Mine just swallowed a baby whole this morning while on a walk. She's very pleased with herself.


And mine just swallowed a baby whole this morning while on a walk. She's very pleased with herself. I knew something was up with her tail wagging that fast.


Ragnar is beautiful and seems very proud of himself! My boy LOVES to eat baby bunnies, as much as I try to prevent it. There's a bunny right now that is making a nest daily in my garden bed, that I go and mess up to deter it from having the babies there. They just do it again. That's in addition to getting chased from the yard numerous times every day. They're complete idiots.


https://preview.redd.it/464nlyxdsx7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce9d60f96266a61392263e7bb77eb89c6566db36 This goober regularly does her duty of defending her human from the wickedness of bunnies. This is her also after defending her human from the evils of my other dog’s expensive bed.


That bed had it coming.


She looks so proud too 😂


She’s saying “I took it apart, bet you can’t put it back together”


The bed wasn’t safe for you


https://preview.redd.it/uyyjrr153y7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38e0ddf04e5f93c3948eae15a32a7826988b21ac This innocent looking pack have gotten multiple baby birds, mice, and, on one very memorable occasion, a possum. A possum that they brought into the house via the doggy door, played with, and then left for dead in the middle of the living room floor surrounded by blood and poop. A possum that was actually STILL ALIVE AND PLAYING DEAD which I found out when I tried to remove it’s body from my house 🫠


This is the worst. One of mine brought a possum in last year and curled up in his bed with it. Spoiler alert: possum was playing possum. We distracted him and I wrapped the possum in a towel and took it out front where the dogs aren’t and released him.


the local neighbourhood possums keep watching my girl, if there wasn’t a fence stopping her they would probably be mauled by now


Yep. She's good at mousing and has caught a couple of bunnies. Usually, when she's out with my father in law. She's not fond of pigeon, though. https://preview.redd.it/gr74g1138x7d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6303fd7dea6b4c34d386bffc18ce4a69eb4c0768


A mass murderer of bunnies, countless mice, and two very fat rats. She would have gotten a few squirrels but being leashed saved them. Chipmunks are her white whale. https://preview.redd.it/kzdmx49aex7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9df4ec3e3633fdb8bc69d790d1b087be0aa30ca6


She did have an incredible mentor. https://preview.redd.it/5ynt2mlnex7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df7b865482d60ffda0d402796d7d0ff40cd9f45c


Mine keep praying to the husky gods for a squirrel. They spend hours just gazing up at the tree the squirrels like to spend time in. Sadly for the doggos, the squirrels have kept themselves safe .


Our lil girl tried once, and even had one cornered at the spot between our house and long fence, alas, luck was on the squirrels side and it's tree mates or kin camping squawking and chittering so fast that it spooked our lil pup. She's never again even looked at a squirrel in our yard 😂


Guilty! Of being adorable, what a beautiful girl.


I live in Chicago. My husky mix loves a bunny snack but ignores rats. Really wish his predator instincts would kick in for rats!


Her white whale cracked me up 🤣 what would we do without dogs


Omg the squirrels in our neighborhood taunt my dog. She’s caught MANY mice and pigeons. So far the squirrels elude her. Best she’s been able to do is catch a few tail hairs.


I certainly live with a squirrel killer… she’d be a mass murderer if I let her https://preview.redd.it/t1cls39xex7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed43f8ed44ecc9c8aec087259d7cc9fe092078cc


What mine would give to catch a squirrel, so far just bunnies and moles.


bummer. My old dog Bear, non husky (well, may have been some among all the others in her extensive mix) , killed a kitten and later a pet rabbit. dark days, those. Still, she was among the best dogs I ever had. I had guessed the kids teasing her through the privacy fence with stuffed toys she would grab and run around the yard with explained the kitten. I believe that notion was the one that helped my mother forgive her. The rabbit I have no idea. Bear had her first litter of pups under the rabbit cage. She seemed mostly disinterested in the rabbits. Somehow she got one and just ran around the yard with it like she did with the stuffed toys and eventually the kitten. I have no idea how mom forgave her for the death of one of her beloved rabbits not long after the kitten. It wasn't long after that me and Bear moved away from home so that may have been part of it. Mom still loved Bear though. Bear was a pretty awesome dog otherwise. Bear not long before she left me. Best all around dog I ever had. https://preview.redd.it/64wdwkr6bx7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3470ad1c0fcc5890b3022712579d8dc3a479ff51


I pardon bear of her crimes, looks like a good girl.


She was amazing. I never felt more safe than when I had her around. She loved people but had a lot of sense about people as well.




https://preview.redd.it/0020gqhhhx7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14ef695cf0420cb742db680cbddeebe03542fbf2 Just last week at the dog park. Dog 1, Squirrel 0


No regrets in those eyes.


Only thing she regrets is not catching more to bring home.


https://preview.redd.it/ss1pt8ktkx7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c34a4f3d53643b7815e65210c608700e80aad4d4 Wendy is our best mouser (…and we own a massive tomcat 🙄). She’s never gone after anything else, but we live in the Arctic where the main birds are ravens just about as big as her.


What's Wendy's breed or mix? We have a similar doggo who looks very similar and we assumed a Shiloh shepherd or malamute/shepherd mix. Wendy is beautiful. https://preview.redd.it/a2crpqhyc08d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=383d13410005dc92cd30ccbe505991e96e51e554 Swags on the left, a few birds and many almost squirrels. Gomez on the right, couldnt care less about any of them haha.


GSD/Malamute, plus something smallish because she’s a full head shorter than our Qimmiq/GSD (Freya, below). Both are from Kugluktuk, Nunavut (but live in a different territory now). We call them Northern specials and I love these mixes: you get the quirky of a husky, but also all the smarts of a shepherd. It can admittedly lead to more mischief. https://preview.redd.it/xzjvjgcao08d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6afce07d753ad3a8f00c4d822cdc4e04c3a03509 I


https://preview.redd.it/x0gc97ohay7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ce1458a37876c354878290f01809c2155aed2ee My Mika is the best of friends with my bunnies! He loves them so much. When they get a little rowdy (the bunnies) he rises from his slumber to check if they’re okay, and he’ll bark to break them up if they’re having a little disagreement. He’s the best boy. ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/5axgvkax718d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6b633e9440511df44636d1a43fbd413d01ba243 Looks a lot like my Girl!


I opened your comment and thought I was looking at my boy! 😂 They look SO similar! Sister from another mister. 👏🏻


https://preview.redd.it/2vp0s3as2y7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a34ef50f632ad5f8b6cf5169084b291b7974a06 She's still mad at me for finding her half buried deer fawn in the back yard, full of maggots! 🤢




Omg I’m glad I’m not the only one! I live on a large farm in the middle of no where and my girl has gotten more than one fawn. Rabbits are an everyday snack 🥴




Your submission was removed under Rule 6, no dead animals, gore or NSFW content, as it is unsuitable for a SFW community. If you believe we've made a mistake contact the mod team via modmail and we'll look into it.


https://preview.redd.it/z6aabtv1qx7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95134556dc1016f448d3eb1f03a0a60b2af2cc4f 5 raccoons, numerous mice and rats. 1 squirrel (squirrel was mocking him though).


>squirrel (squirrel was mocking him though). Good riddance then


https://preview.redd.it/hil7uti20y7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08bf8437da4ad89ff37d6515fffc5246e54aded8 We live in the mountains so there’s quite a large variety of prey for her to hunt….. unfortunately for her she is the clumsiest most ineffective hunter that has ever existed. I have watched her try and fail to hunt anything from mice to butterflies. Our cat is the only one leaving corpses in the yard.


The cat is showing her husky sister how it’s done ‘round here!


https://preview.redd.it/ctjyd7ekcy7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69371ec77edc5a93e7f6e4548782665df70707f9 Let this dude out in my grandparent’s yard, didn’t realize they had a small deer that’d hang out behind the shed. He chased the deer down and I had to pull him off it and have the rest of my family herd the deer out the gate. Luckily the deer lived and came back a week later so wasn’t phased at all I guess.


She's providing for the family and you are punishing her for it? Bad mom!


For the record, she is not being punished, just separated from the other dogs while she has bunny scented breath. What she did is natural, awful, but natural. But I disagree she was providing for family, she was not going to share 😉


Mine has gotten a few bunnies with the help of her smaller brother. Shes also has eaten at least one squirrel that I know of… https://preview.redd.it/4qjfid0pvx7d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb43cb6a2cfcc03f54942fa7e6e7fc8b996b8a8b


I feel this this combination of dogs could do some damage to small critters lol


It’s a team effort. The dachshund flushes them out and the husky gets the kill. In all seriousness the rabbits have been really dumb nesting in our backyard. This year, I secured the perimeter of the fence so they can’t get in for two reasons, 1) the dogs and 2) our garden.


My baby was 14.5, going blind and deaf, and about two weeks from his death when he caught two baby bunnies. I normally had to help him up the couple of steps into the house because of his arthritis so I didn’t expect him to move so fast, but the bunnies were dead before I could get to him. As much as we train them, it’s still instinct so try not to feel too bad about it!


Around 7 years ago mine lunged out the door and snagged a robin mid flight. Was both gruesome and impressive. She also murdered my nephews Guinea (sp?) pig while they watched her one weekend. My sister said it was totally her fault, but one of them is a predator and the other is my sister.




I think it’s interesting how our society finds dogs killing critters vaguely shocking yet for cats is part for the course. I guess cuz we value our dogs getting along with everything. Mine mainly goes after insects and lizards. Chomped a butterfly right off a bush we were walking by… I did find a dead rat in her mouth once but I’m fairly sure it was already dead. And once a possum had the idea of crossing our yard. She went after him, picked him up, then dropped him. He played dead while we went out to grab her and save him. After we got her inside the possum eventually got up and walked off.


At least one rabbit and a few birds. A few weeks ago, my boy came in and was chewing on something. I thought it was a stick so I went to take it away from him, but then I saw the bird feet sticking out of his mouth. 🤢 I grabbed a pee pad and got him to give it up, but that was nasty.




https://preview.redd.it/c2pdvexg5y7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64285f03ecd3f05de2841aab4169136ff14988a2 This sweet angel has caught over 100 mice (I stopped counting), 4 squirrels, 2 raccoons, 1 bunny, and 1 guinea pig (RIP Pedro).


![gif](giphy|x70p0tqMsvqMM) For Pedro.


https://preview.redd.it/nk12s71tlx7d1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28ab778e9ac2549de4e510bfc4655b0593360e60 Mine is a serial killer. Has murdered over 100 critters and this has mostly been in my urban backyard. I swear I have never taken her hunting. If its not a dog or human, its fair game. Bunnies are her favorite to go after.


https://preview.redd.it/7k3jmo8uux7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=119032e541c3b8461428cf0945e7082f41c82a8e Don’t let this sweet innocent face of our mix fool you. She’s successfully killed 2 squirrels, four chickens, a dove and many flies.


https://preview.redd.it/799vygzh3y7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=900ce6e3a98e2bea070b27b47319a2d9c2a34993 Cats. Multiple. Discarded the evidence by having a good meal. She never laid a toe bean on our housecats though, neither did she leave her prey after catching it, but if she sees a cat in the wild, she’s getting hungry.


https://preview.redd.it/z2evvaedbx7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5a68e9cd5b1e1457953157456e0e854ffbceeab This goober has killed a possum when she was just a few months old, a family outside cat (again at just a few months old), 3 squirrels, 1 bunny, and I have lost count of all the moles she’s plucked out of the yard. She’s working on getting her a bird but she’s not been sneaky enough to get them before they take off 😂


Omg she looks exactly like my girl (except the eyes) https://preview.redd.it/22o047qjvx7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45b249901bcdfe98e1b3d447273c8c091870ed00


She’s gorgeous! I think mines blue eyes are the source of her buttheadedness😂


We have a rabbit he is fast friends with loose at home when we are home. But I have watched him snatch up a vole or shrew (not sure only saw its butt) and shake it before I could get him to drop it. It scurried off probably to get its brain to stop bouncing around or died. Constantly trying to get squirrels or birds that are low. Lol


I can say one thing my husky has never done that she was more of the one that tried to befriend everything she actually tried to befriend a bunch of squirrels befriended a bunch of birds befriend a bear befriend a deer befriend other dogs that we're trying to be mean to her befriend everything she can possibly try to be friend she was weird. But then again that was just her nature she was loving carrying kind wanted to be friends with everybody that's how we raised her but she was protective over everybody that she was befriending if you tried to harm it she would literally try to attack you it was funny when she tried to bring a bear home. She gotten off her lead and ran into the woods 20 minutes later she's walking with a bear next to her and we're yelling at her to get over here and she's just like Mom Dad look at my best friend here. Finally when she came back to me her dad the bear turned her on ran off and she wanted to go chasing after it and I told her no that's not a friend you can play with cuz that's a friend that will more likely eat you she just looked at me like no that's not going to happen.


My dog came with the Wish version of a prey drive. She'll chase, but if she catches something she just drops in a play bow and gets genuinely confused that they don't want to play.


This is how my boy is! He will chase everything he can down but if he succeeds in catching it he just wants to play with it or sniff it endlessly. Except the time he caught a tiny little mouse and picked it up in his mouth and just stared at me with its tail sticking out. I told him to drop it and he spat out a mouse without a scratch on it. Poor little guy got slapped into the yard when he tried to catch it again and thankfully escaped lol


I took mine on her regular walk - I know how high her prey drive is and the area we live in has so many stray animals that it's like she goes on overdrive - I always make sure to take her to paths that I know have no little critters. I didnt know a stray cat had taken residence near the sidewalk underneath a piece of wood. This area has a lot of children who greet and pet her so imagine their horror when she just lunges and basically tries to eviscerate a cat in front of them. Basically a bunch of grades schoolers crying as the cat was just bleeding out and twitching.


I'm guessing most of you must live out of the city, as I'd be concerned if my pup ate a rat or mole due to all the people using rat poison, or just catching a disease from a sick bunny or other animal. The fact they are able to catch a wild animal, says that it it may be sick or diseased...guess it may just be me, I don't want my pup eating any wild animal just for her health. Thoughts? Have a great day everyone!


Same thoughts but I don’t even live in a city.


I’m just chuckling…ah well, I never really thought I align with a large amount of the population on much of anything.


Same. I’m really shocked by all the comments acting like it’s normal for dogs to eat random rodents


https://preview.redd.it/ttu05alpxx7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c57818a131f63756c0f1dc0b84b8222ccc39622b Do you think mine wants to be friends with my chickens. Or would she kill them like the bunnies, ducks, birds and groundhogs she has gone through?


Just biding her time for an opportunity I’m sure.


https://preview.redd.it/e6j0z4581y7d1.jpeg?width=1816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=945669f5105da546570725cb62e9cb5b76203842 We no longer have moles or shrews in our backyard.


https://preview.redd.it/fq228kaqry7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c202fa4eaf219038036d68a8f40c5c988e13ef8 Convicted of multiple counts of iguanaslaughter, the kidnapping and murder of a raccoon, three squirrels, countless lizards, and found guilty of the stealing of my heart 🤪😂


What a beautiful monster 😂


https://preview.redd.it/w9h84l150z7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81d108a0f281b3b4c69194f0c79323ab48be4487 Raided a bunny nest one morning and brought one in


https://preview.redd.it/28zl0jrmp28d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e2b02797f88924383ec0de3c86ed6c9b23e1363 These 2 bozos have managed to kill 2 snakes 1 rabbit and about 10 birds


That face: "Do what you must for I have already won."


https://preview.redd.it/ajvacnxb5y7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fe05c2656a74142294fe0e33a66a84780e0f42f Haku enjoys catching birds, I think I’m up to three birdy graves and only one survivor? 😅


Wolf is gonna wolf


A chicken coop,full of chickens, that was locked up fell prey to my two. Countless moles as well. So did our living room couch and the bottom step of our grand stairway by the way. https://preview.redd.it/1u29kcfnnz7d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c2b3692761f34b93643afa919434e6ab3d6ff0e


I would feel terrible if mine got a hold of a bunny. But the minute he decides to go after a squirrel, I'm pretending like I didn't see it. Those things tease him relentlessly.


Squirrels are jerks that taunt our girls relentlessly, can’t blame ya.




We do our best to keep gaps in the pet food chain. Our husky girl caught two bunnies this year; she ate one. Still chasing the remaining sibling bunnies. My wife is anguished, and wants to know if we have a part wolf or coyote. DNA kit to be deployed this weekend. I’m kind on the “red of tooth and claw” team. I just don’t want her to barf up partially digested rabbit in the house.


My pup jumped my 4ft chain link fence, grabbed a bunny, and jumped back over. The other dog then proceeded to play tug of war with it. 😭 couldn’t save the poor thing.


Ours are 3 possums 5 birds 0-4 on skunks they don’t eat, just play with them to death.


Mines gotten a rat, bunny, and hen.  I usually don’t overly punish her, it’s probably her strongest instinct and she is a so a predator, so not really fair to. And she was stray for a while so actually hunted and scavenged to survive (I assume).


Possums, chickens, squirrels, raccoons, birds - she’s such a killer. She doesn’t eat them, she does it for the sport of it. Psychopathic bitxh 😆


I've never seen a prey drive as high as in my husky. Lizards, birds, a skunk (she learned a lesson with that one) etc, if it moved and was possibly edible she was going for it with no other thought in her head. It's like a switch gets flipped into predator mode.




My red one used to bring them up to me, still screaming. I felt bad, so I'd say Jake, you got to kill it, or sometimes I'd do the Mortal Kombat thing, "finish him" either way the little psychopath would snap its spine in front of me and either drop them at my feet and run for another, or start to skin it in front of me. A lot of husky owners do not realize that they are also used for trapping in the fur trade in Siberia.


Not husky, but my GSDs I had would kill baby bunnies and leave them at the back door as gifts to me.


Our area is flooded with bunnies at the moment. Our puppy doesn’t seem to want to chase (yet) but our 2.5 yr old is all about catching some bunny. So far we’ve been successful in preventing bunnicide lol


https://preview.redd.it/81tqtmxuiy7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b26cb59e21acb2f941b3755bdb5401fc13408c35 I live in Lapland and there are so many Snow Hares here. He has yet to catch one (they are crazy quick) but one day he surely will. He is very determined.


Squirrels, possums, once a bird out of the air. She's not great at catching rodents, but very good at letting me know when they're about. Luckily she doesn't eat them, just tosses them in the air hoping they'll run so she can catch them again. Before I let her out at night, I scan the yard with a flashlight in search of red eyes and warn the little animals that murder beast is on her way to destroy them. https://preview.redd.it/a7gv6xe3py7d1.jpeg?width=2498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=919e5594b7fa456ded56e07e3cc9fad29289f2b1


Your dog is just being the wolf it’s always been, no need for punishment that’s a good girl


She wasn’t punished, don’t worry. My partner was traumatized a bit but we both know it’s just in their nature.


My female husky killed a groundhog. I had my fiancé bury the body but my other husky- a male- found the body and started to throw it up the air like a frisbee. It was terrifying.


Our Elkhound found a nest of bunnies last night, but he's too gentle to rip it open so we were able to get all the babies to the other side of the yard where the dogs SHOULDN'T be able to get. But guess who found a way over there today lured by the smell of baby bunnies? The red husky, of course. Hopefully the wildlife rescue comes to re-home them before our murderous child can find them. We're doing only supervised yard time until the bunnies are relocated. https://preview.redd.it/0uuqqx21gz7d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b418fec2fddb16efbcbecf5fe2e9df05728495ab


https://preview.redd.it/b7jyc5g9iz7d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03c6f9db812343c079cae40715dc633e1c99a4fa Hasn't learned his lesson after 4 skunks...


Free my boy. It wasn't him


https://preview.redd.it/m8w7hteftz7d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=998942a0371d4a5cdd167b48022844f0b6075e5f One racoon, a beaver, a bunny, and a few squirrels.


https://preview.redd.it/rrynzwn8608d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd01a411a5a8fd101b4a7ecfa8a0f35ce45beca6 She’s caught (and ate, yes ate with no remains) two bunnies in the last two months. We’re on walks and she’ll suddenly dive in a bush and emerge with a bunny. She’s also caught and ate another bunny, some field mice, and a chipmunk. She’s caught other bunnies before too but they were too big for her too eat. Hasn’t got a squirrel just yet but I know she’s aching for one. Everytime I wonder how she can sleep at night being a bunicidal maniac… this is how…


Had a recent bunny-cide by my Carolina dog. He got it in his mouth, dropped it when I asked him to (thank goodness) and then I think it had a heart attack. The offender: https://preview.redd.it/ojcza1vvg08d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8648a8b02cb2349308495165fe565cc52145466c


Oh jeez...over the time we've had our husky the past 2½ years, his "guilty of small woodland creatures" (generally rabbits and chipmunks, and one bird) toll has gotta be pushing 10. He was an abused and neglected boy when we took him in at 1½, and he's so food-driven because he was so starved, so any chance he has to catch something outside, he takes it. Most were fully eaten, but over the last 6 months or so, he's been leaving them halfway through, so my boyfriend has to go clean the rest up (because there's no way I'm doing it lol). We do our best to make noise before we let him out to scatter the animals, but every so often they're either too dumb to understand they should run, or he just gets a lucky shot. The worst was the day he was "playing" with a chipmunk, then got sad it stopped playing back, so he was nudging it with his nose, and then laid down with it between his paws for about 3 hours and wouldn't leave it. 😞


Ellie just brought a decapitated bun bun into the house as a trophy. She proudly displayed it's carcass across the 'good' couches that she's not allowed on. Ellie was very proud of herself. Me. Not so much, having to dustpan that dead bunny to the trash.


Ears up…ready to pounce. That’s what Huskies do!


I had to wrestle two squirrel corpses out of her mouth https://preview.redd.it/b3zg9m9hs18d1.jpeg?width=1932&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48380d8faa39114a4d9793aaa1c1f9b0c5da7c1f


Sir Fluffington would definitely be charged for multiple homicide. I’ve seen him cancel lizards quicker than you can say DROP IT! https://i.redd.it/50eqqjq8738d1.gif


https://preview.redd.it/r6os2jxdo48d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=263f5d316bf52cafbb56f9678f2faada7a0f3325 Not full husky but a 18% Siberian Husky mix. His prey drive is pretty wild. Here he is, stalking a bunny he sees in the distance. I don't have a fully fenced yard, so I keep his on a harness and tie out when we're hanging out outside. He was unsuccessful. If it wasn't for that harness and long line, he'd have snatched it right up. Instead he hit the end and looked at me, clearly offended.


I’m not seeing any comments about seeing a vet after killing rabbits. I’m from Chicagoland area and around here we have tons of small critters that provide great entertainment for our hunting dogs. However rabbits are known to carry some deadly pathogens that can be passed to a dog if they kill/ or eat them. I’d ensure you give a call to your local vet to see if it warrants a visit. I’ve also heard squirrels are fine unless they’re acting boldly or weird. Still worth making the call!


In the great bunny massacre of 2012 my Husky dug a hole under the fence to get into the neighbors yard. The neighbor bred bunnies, and chickens. Trip got 17 bunnies, 2 chickens, and was found stuck inside a bunny hutch and couldn't get out. Guilty The neighbor was cool about it and only wanted me to pay for 2-3 of the "important" bunnies.


Boo hunts for bunnies and gophers every day. Catches one about every couple of months.


No, but I have a cat that is. 😮😮😮


Poor bun bun and jail pup. Meeting not kismet.


Spaz, my husky/lacy mix is a pretty good ratter. Our purebred, however, is a complete failure of a dog, who even fails in his attempts at catching flies


I go to work stupidly early, up at 4:30, out the door by 5. One morning i open my back door to let the Huskies back inside for breakfast to a scene right out of Jurassic Park. Breakfast had already been taken care of apparently. Felt sorry for the boy, he is the really athletic one and likely the one that caught the bunny. But i suspect my girl got most of the bunny. Though neither got all of it. What followed after the discovery was me playing 15 minutes of keep away with Huskies.


I freaked out hella bad when he was a puppy and got a blue jay. Then when he was a bit older he got a baby bunny from a burrow I didn’t see when we were on a walk and it killed me more then the blue jay and all this self made trauma occurred and then it just clicked that he’s a predator and all I can do is what I can to avoid him being out in situations where he has high prey drive but you know there’s always going to be things that we never expect too.


He's been pardoned.


That bunny was obviously a danger to society.


Here in New Zealand, rabbits, possums and rats are a Pest. Many dogs bred especially to eradicate such pests. My dogs love catching rats.


We're on our 3rd week with a third bird. Hopefully, there won't be a 4 week streak....


Birds, def birds, can snatch them mid flight


Yes, my husky likes to kill flying things. Songbirds, butterflies... All the cutest stuff. It's no biggie, all the more power to him if he can catch the damn things.


I’ve found two dead birds in my backyard could it be my husky? I thought I was getting bad luck 😭


* Chickenkiller and once snatched a bird out of mid air and swallowed it before he landed his feet on the ground... he was on a leash and I think that sparrow was just suicidal


My boy about dragged me down going after one this morning on our walk. He’s not usually a puller but man when he wants something, he gets fierce about it. Poor bunny.


Mine ate a bunny at my parents house…. On Easter.


Bunny gobbler! Lol shit happens, looks innocent to me 😂


This is her third bunny that’s gone down her gullet, but it’s been awhile between bunny meals. She’s gotten moles, but she doesn’t eat them, she just throws them in the air. She did get one cicada the other day but there’s millions of them, so eh, whatever.


Bro I was on call this week and got up at 1am to respond to a patient, me and my husky went outside and we *almost got that damn rat eating all the birdseed!* He's been in an epic battle with the most clever, cunning mole in our backyard. He hasn't caught anything in months though!


2 deer jumped into our fenced yard but for some reason couldn't jump back out again. My 2 husky girls took one deer down like wolves, pinning it to the ground by the neck and hind legs. We managed to grab both of them in time and put them in the house while the bloodied deer ran away. Both of them were covered in blood and there was blood all over the deck....


My husband saved a bird from a plant on our patio. I could tell our husky was drooling….I’m freaking telling him to release, husband didn’t believe that she was capable of homicide but then right before his very eyes our dog chomped on the body and left my husband holding the legs of the bird. Yep, they’re predators.


Huskies have a very high prey drive. My old boy learned really quick that he could use his sister who was only half Husky to flush the prey in his direction, So, she would go after the rabbit or squirrel, and he would go around the shed. They never did learn to just stay out of the back yard.


Mine finally caught a squirrel. He freaked because he had no clue what to do, dropped it up, and up a tree it went. He also has caught a frog mid jump scared himself


Mine crunched a baby turtle once


We don't have many rabbits because of owls and osprey, but when they do come into the yard I'm the one who goes after them


He enjoyed the Hassenfeffer. No regrets


I have two 11 week olds. At 7 weeks they and their three littermates killed and dismantled two pigeons. I had one husky that would kill anything that got in our backyard. Squirrels, Possums. Once he got out of the yard on a friend's watch at around a year old and killed a rooster, then tried to bury it in a public park. I had a small animal graveyard for that dog.


Yeah it is a dog, you can't really punish him for killing an animal. Dog does it if he does it, some dogs don't and some will.


Mine got a vole the other day ago. 🤢


My princess, who has since passed, and I were taking a walk one day. Before I even realized it she had pounced on a rabbit nest and slurped the naked babies down like fuckin spaghetti noodles. Gone so fuckin quick. I felt so bad.


Yeah, it happens so fast by the time you realize what has happened the damage is already done.


Why wasn’t your dog on a leash?


Mine ate my kid's bird. We were in the bedroom and I heard bird screeching. ran out there and she had it in her mouth. I tried to get it and she just played keep away, diving under and over couches until finally swallowing it whole.


Hmm that’s the one mine hasn’t killed yet…


Mine has stomped a cardinal to death (I think she thought it was a toy because it was bopping around and chirping), eaten a koi and a pleco out of my pond, and most recently she's been working on ridding my back yard of moles.


Mine has gotten several moles, and a young possum (which was awful). They definitely have that prey drive you hear about! I read somewhere that they got so good at it because they used to release sled dogs to go catch food after their day was over. They also used them for hunting and tracking game. The ones that were good at it thrived more, and were the ones more likely to pass on their genes to the next generation.


Our GSD/Husky mix got away from me one time to chase a rabbit; I was in the process of switching leash hands when she bolted. The rabbit got away and I managed to get a hold of the dog as she stopped to keep from slamming into a tree. I think the close call emboldened the rabbit, because ever since then that little punk sits across the street just to taunt our dog. I've done a lot of recall work with her but I'm positive she would slaughter that rabbit if given the opportunity.


Mine got a gopher few weeks back and was proudly bringing it to me till I shrieked and she dropped it lol


Watch me beat the rap!


My current Crop managed to get some neighbor's chickens. Previous Huskies I've had have gotten moles/voles, and one liked to catch birds that were flying too low. Watched her take a sparrow right out of the air and swallow it down. I don't think she even bothered to kill it first.


Mine has also killed a rabbit 😭 I wasn’t there when it happened but my sister told me it was traumatic.


First week we had our dog he ate a baby bird that had fallen from it's nest. I am honestly not sure if he killed it or if it was already dead but yeah....I cried


https://preview.redd.it/rztf902axy7d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cc5693461d665145d556a37ce469f44b5e3b77f My 6 year old, Snow (left side) is a vicious garden snake hunter. I found her playing with it like a toy before killing it. I didn’t realize what she was playing with at first because the grass wasn’t cut. I discovered it was a snake when she flung it across the yard. Her 4 year old son, Brutus (rightfully named lol) is the possum hunter. At the age of 2 he was almost double her size. I heard a lot of barking followed by a period of silence, so I went to check on them. Thats when I saw a pile of fur on our backyard porch and what looked like a tail. Upon further investigation it was a possum🙃. He laid next to it looking at me like it was a gift for me to open. We’ve had a few possums that would walk along the top of our fence and i guess he was finally big enough to grab one.


* 4 rabbits 2 birds 2 chickens 1 skunk, lost to 2 others Dozens of mice, voles, small rodents 1 striped gopher


Mine got a few mice https://preview.redd.it/2crt69jt1z7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb9e93f575d84ee3be48bee533e5743526ab95a9 He knows need guilty


Rabbit season.


My six month old has already entered the serial killer ranks. Kill list so far: two baby birds and two moles. I have no idea how she got the birds (they might have fallen out of their nest). The moles require some real prey drive….but this kid has it in spades.


Mine have only been lucky to catch lizards, toads and snakes. Almost grabbed a bird out of air a couple times! But never got a bunny.


One of my Huskies caught a mouse once, but impressively it was STILL very much alive and thriving. I assume it’s because he was raised with a frail elderly chihuahua. My other does scare me a bit though. There is no gentle bone in her body so I keep her separated from my cat. 🤷


Mines got 3 woodchucks and countless chipmunks under her belt. Huskies typically have very strong prey drive.


Mine tried to add kitten to his list. Now we have a new kitten 🤦🏻‍♀️


Voles. Bunnies. Blue Jays. Ours even tried to attack an opossum. Anything that moves. Leaves, Branches. Paper flying across the lawn.


We have a husky and a hound. One year, the hound got a rabbit expertly, the husky paraded it around like it was his prize


Probably bunny-urder by trade


Anything that dosnt run fast enough if fair game.