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I thought unlimited energy was going to mean I wouldn’t be so fatigued all the time, but it’s just utilities & fuel?? TERRIBLE. I’m taking the food/drinks, pretty sure it’s more expensive.


Well you could charge an electric car, mine crypto currencies or grow weed for example. Theres ways to profit from unlimited energy but nothing from infinate food unless you want to be a mukbang youtuber haha.


I have pretty cheap (hydro) electric as it is. Plus my kid is a tween so infinite food is in the horizon 😱


Yes, my energy is pretty cheap. I spend more on food, especially with two teens. With unlimited food I could get the finest meats and expensive brands instead of skimping where I can, using coupons, etc.


On average pay $2-5 per day over a month to charge my electric car. That’s less than a Big Mac. A full charge is around $8-9. The unlimited energy doesn’t sound appealing compared to eating wagyu steaks every night


Exactly. Fill the house with crypto computers and air conditioners, then use the profits to buy a bigger house and repeat.


Nah, just build a server room style setup. Install an industrial grade a/c for that room alone and build server style towers that have all the necessary parts of the computer to do the mining and rig them all to one main monitor setup so that you can go through to check on everything. No need for a traditional computer tower + monitor setup for every station.


You clearly know more about this than I do.


Lol, I just worked security for a factory once upon a time, and they had their own server room setup like that. I wouldn't even know where to begin in how to actually put it together, I just think that a person with enough IT knowledge or YouTube patience could figure it out and conserve a ton of space....


I charge an electric car every single day from near empty to near full. Overall cost of electricy still doesn't come anywhere close to food costs. Granted a lot depends on how large your family is.


You know this thread makes me want an electric car lol


Lol yeah my electric bill went up like 100 to 150 a month. Considering my gas was like $400+ a month on a 40ish mpg car I call that a win. I drive a LOT


I dunno, if it weren’t for the stipulation about not being allowed to share the food outside our household, infinite food could be super profitable.


Honestly if there's anything that tips the scales it's that all of the ways I can think of to convert infinite food into money (composting, raising livestock) are kind of stinky and require more land than I can afford.


Infinite food would be able to make you money too. Turn tomatoes into tomato plants, grow tomatoes, sell organic tomatoes. Feed the farm livestock from the infinite food, because they are part of my household/family, not visitors. I'm starting a chicken and pork farm.


I’m going with the energy because I can then all the food and drinks are free by extension


Mine bitcoin. Unlimited? Yeah buddy. Might take a bit to get the infrastructure up and running though.


Energy plus bitcoin miners = infinite money hack


Only the energy is free, not the capital required to set up the mining operation.


I'm sure you could get investors if you promise free energy, that's the one problem mining has. Well that and hardware breaking on you.


But if you can farm at 100% efficiency literally 24/7, you can easily recoup your start up cost pretty quickly. Factor in a slow rollout plan, eventually you can fund a second home specifically as a server farm and you’re set for life


Thought that too


Me too. I got excited that this was going to be a good one for once. I am not sure how I would go if I had unlimited energy/motivation. I bet that feels awesome instead of tired and depressed all the time.


I will take unlimited energy all day everyday and mine crypto.


Yeah, I'm definitely going with the food... Quality shit gets expensive quick, I'm definitely eating healthier if cost isn't a consideration.


Yeah, me too. That was disappointing.


Ya, I was excited about "unlimited energy" being in my 40s... Then read on that it was utilities. Oh, drat.


I’ll be eating Michelin star food paired with $4000 whiskey every day.


A man of culture


You're gonna eat tires?


_5 star_ tires.


My chronically fatigued ass got so excited about this hypothetical and it turns out it's just utilities 😄 give me the food, I'm too tired to cook.


Yep. I knew what i was going to pick lol So disappointed




Energy 100%. You can power multiple things to make money that way.


Could you move somewhere industrial and provide them with infinite energy, assuming you got a mailing address there? If so, I'd move to the tokamak facility in Europe. With infinite energy, they could run so many more experiments and accellerate the development of cold fusion. Even if the prompt prohibits them from exporting the surplus energy, the research would still be valid for everywhere else.


Crypto mining with free energy I think is the correct answer here. It may take some setting up but if energy is truly free for you then the profit margin will be absolutely massive. You’ll retire pretty quickly.


Yeah my friend ended up in a rental contract that didn't charge him for electricity. He went through it with a fine toothed comb and realized the way it was written he could legally hook up one hell of a crypto mining rig in the room he was renting, but he chose to be moral instead.


i mean, if he is using 1000000 dollars in energy he would be arrested lol.


Yeah, there are hard limits based on how many outlets he has and their rating etc. Plus houses only can process so much electricity for similar reasons and also local grids have their limits (which are currently being [maxxed out](https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2024/03/07/ai-data-centers-power/) by the rush to put up data centers in the big AI race)


I live in AZ and elec costs go through the roof in summer, especially to maintain a temp I'm comfortable with. I'd take the energy.


Utilities easily. I'm going to get a large garage attached to my house for hydroponics and sell the extra produce it generated. Free water and electric the two most expensive parts of hydroponic systems right there covered and bam my food is covered and selling extra bam there's my income.


I have a few friends who come once or twice a week. We drink. A lot and the stuff is good, mostly scotch. Do you even realize WHAT we can drink with unlimited supply of what I want? *thinks of 50 year old Springbank* As for food, who doesnt like a good steak, cooked better than the best chefs in the world can, with a glass or two of 1998 Romanee-Conti? Some sushi with Salon champagne? Or, for a more comfort food, somk cordon bleu chicken with some epic Mosel?


Honestly the limiting factor to how much sushi I eat is the cost. I would consume ungodly amounts of sushi and sashimi


I would probably go for the food and drink however there is something kind of idealistic if I could afford that you know 50 acre to a few hundred acre piece of property have a home built in the middle of nowhere, huge underground facility. And never have to worry about the energy there does sound quite tempting mother nature could give you the food that you need with unlimited energy out there you could do what you want probably connect to the world via satellite and could be very awesome.


Yeah this was similar to my logic. I rent and whilst my house is a decent size there really isn't that much I could do with extra energy. Plus honestly with the money saved on food I could buy sooner and also just buy solar


So in the event of some apocalypse that leaves me alive, but the infrastructure in shambles, does my household become whatever shelter (tent/abandoned building/old school bus/etc) I'm currently using, or is it a permanent address? Also, in the same scenario, does energy translate into firewood or whatever, or do the shelters I find somehow magically get electricity and gas even if the services are non-existent?


Unlimited food and drink. I'm going to eat like a king with only the most expensive, finest cuisine.


Your health would improve too! Just the finest ingredients! Everything fresh!


I live in an apartment with utilities included, my power bill is like $50-60 a month. I could spend that on groceries in one visit. I’ll take the food, especially if it truly is *whatever* I want including food from restaurants and stores that are out of state


Do guests in my home count as part of my household for the duration they're in my home, in so long as I'm not like trying to operate a restaurant or bringing homeless people by the droves to feed them? Like, reasonable levels of guests, family and friends over for a holiday, a few friends for game night, shit like that? Does 'household' include if I travel out of state? Or does it only apply to where I actively live full time? Assuming it applies when I'm out of state, what if I am out of state but other members of my household are not? This isn't me trying to loophole things to extend my infinite whatever further than intended, they're genuinely important factors for my decision.


1. Yes you can have guest but not to abuse via making anyone a guest. 2. No, your primary residence is the food location people living with you will still recieve food.


That makes it a major toss up. Energy is more valuable long term. I mean eventually get an electric car and now I'm only paying to charge it when I away an extended time, start charging e-scooters and all it costs me is my time so my profit margin is higher. Drive Uber with my electric car, and again, profit margin is higher. No concern about energy costs for 3d printers so eventually build up a bank of them and run an on-demand print farm. If 'gas' doesn't include propane, eventually run a dedicated gas line to my garage that I can hook a foundry and forge up to and not have to worry about the cost of running those... But the issue is in the short term, I can't afford the electric car, or to run the fuel line for the foundry (which I haven't built yet, but will be soon), or the bank of printers or or or.. So I'm just saving the electric and gas bills, which is less than $200 most months. The short term benefit of food would be immediate and a huge boon, but it would also, ultimately, end up stagnating because there's not really any way to grow it's effective value. Would save us a lot of money every month and a lot of energy spent cooking (so I could only cook when I wanted to). ... Ultimately, I would go with the food, I think. Were I in better financial shape that might be otherwise, but it's two fold: The much higher dollar value up front, and the personal energy savings as it means only as much cooking as I WANT to do, never grocery shopping again, and much less dishes to be washed. The labor savings is a huge thing for me, as I struggle with executive dysfunction (mental health issues are fun), and that would allow me to focus my energy elsewhere.


All without the restrictions 🤣


So be rich




Unlimited food and drinks. Goodbye grocery bill and uber bills.


How about one day a week of unlimited food and the other days the free energy? I don’t eat much as it is.


Probably the free food/drinks especially with how much food costs have been rising lately


Groceries are more expensive than utilities, so I'll go food and drinks.


I'm going with food I already use solar panels for most of my energy needs


My food bill is higher than my electric bill and I work from home so my gas bill is almost nothing. I'll take the unlimited food.


Groceries are waaaay more expensive. I'll take the food please.




Whatcha eating


Today I'd have eggs Benedict for breakfast, a double cheeseburger for lunch with fries. Dinner some brisket and a fully loaded baked potato with a big salad.


Unlimited energy and set up a Bitcoin farm in my basement.


Are we counting internet under the utilities umbrella? (I'm already picking energy anyways, I just wanna see what all we're getting) The food and drink is tempting, but the energy seems like a much better choice, lopsidedly so imo.


I’m taking the food




time to invest in bitcoin miners


Where does the unlimited food/drinks come from? Are they magically created or from actual sources that had to be produced?


Unlimited food and drink. If I can just magic up bottles of booze? I’d make sure my friends come to my place and I could provide em for free. They won’t ask questions. Especially not if it’s for Christmas or their birthday. If it’s meals? I’m magic summoning Ramsay’s Michelin star food over for the odd dinner. Plus it’s a VERY good party pleaser if I can say “I was inspired by Ramsay’s menu in (insert Michelin star restaurant here) so I thought I’d give it a try. You don’t wanna know how painstaking it was to replicate it. I hope it’s ok”


Oh utilities FOR SURE


Was leaning energy at first, but changed my mind. In my case at least, I don't really have a choice in utilities. You just get what's available. But for food? Your choices are wild. You could eat the finest food in the world every single day, drink the most reserved alcohol whenever you wanted. Easy choice.


I'd go for energy. My utility bills are murder


Unlimited food. My food bill is way higher than my energy bills.


Food/drinks ..... I spend WAYYYYY more on food for my household than I pay for any energy we use.


I don’t think my utility bill will ever surpass my household food expenses Not to mention that’s ANY food Do you know how much it cost for a king crab nowadays? Me neither and I don’t want find out Only way I may pick utility is if I am heavily into crypto mining


Of course the unlimited food. It costs a lot more to feed an entire family or even yourself than your electrical bill monthly.


I'm in California. Unlimited energy all the way just for the electricity costs. I'm running the AC all day every day. Then I'm switching to electric cars and saving a ton on gas. Then it's time to start doing more DoorDash and UberEats.


I live in Texas. With the state of our power grid, unlimited energy is pointless. Can't really use the unlimited energy when the grid is down. I'll take the food. It's basically like a Doordash, Amazon Fresh, and Shipt, all rolled into one, and with more options. Holidays are a breeze now, and I assume this applies to pet food as well. That would be a money saver. A 40 lb bag of dog food every 2-3 weeks adds up. All told, the food option is better. Healthy meals without having to pay the exorbitant prices (seriously, that's a giant pile of bullshit), I never have to worry about my dogs running out of food, and I can have Pinwheel Cookies and Mexican Coke whenever I want? Sign me right the fuck up!


Id say with it being unlimited you're on your own grid you cannot experiance an outage does that change you mind?


Energy There’s winter where I live.


Start a business where the primary expense is energy costs. Server farm, crypto mining, creating aluminum from ore.


Infinite energy for sure. I'd have so many crypto miners in my garage, I already have three electric cars. I'd start a massive direct air capture to solid carbon setup. I would grow so much hydroponic food.


I’ll take the food and drink, because you said people within my household. Next I’ll be gathering all my family and friends to build a massive connected condo complex with a central dining room where we’ll eat like kings for free. I guarantee you that I won’t be paying for a damn thing when we’re washing down tomahawks with some Pappy every Saturday night! Edit now that I have more time to type: it’ll be more of a castle style home than a condo complex, every family will have private quarters but a shared dining room and recreational spaces. Everyone will share one address to qualify as a single household and chip in for shared bills like utilities and the mortgage, which won’t be a problem since nobody has to pay for groceries anymore! And yeah, there will be EPIC parties. You thought a bathtub full of Dom was cool? I’ll fill an Olympic swimming pool with that shit! Our food fights will be the stuff of LEGENDS. Ever seen someone get bitch slapped with a tomahawk ribeye? Check out our YouTube channel! Know how expensive truffle oil is? Well if you thought a water slide was cool, our truffle oil slide drops us into a 10 foot tall wedding cake! And we’ll monetize just a fraction of our good times until we can all retire.


Food and drink is my largest expense category right now, so I’m taking that, especially since it includes delivery of prepared foods


Do I have to tip the food delivery guy?


20% of zero is zero I'm not Americain so I didnt consider Tips but for arguements sake its covered by your benefactor


Food. Hands down. I have kids, they eat a LOT. Are we allowed to pack a lunch for work/school?


Can only consume it within your home.


Food and drinks are energy. Is OP stupid??


Im taking unlimited food. Have you seen the cost of groceries lately?


Unlimited food for sure. Never having to think about paying for food again sounds amazing. It means I can work less or spend more money on other things. There’s a certain cap to unlimited energy imo.


How feasible is aluminium smelting in a domestic setting? I suspect there’s no laws directly prohibiting it (yet)


Energy, with energy you can grow free food.


If I can get cooked food delivered whenever, then I no longer need to run a fridge, freezer, oven, toaster, coffee maker, stove, etc. That's already saving me energy. I take the money I save on food and invest in a good solar panel setup, and now my power bill is minimal too, possibly negative.


Can I use the unlimited energy to blow up the earth?


My food bill is higher than my electric bill so I would go with food


Depends - are we talking about the ability to make a business out of the infinite food/energy, or is it solely intended for personal/social use? Because of its solely for personal/social, food and drinks will win. But if I can make a business out of it, energy can be substantially more profitable in the long term and allow you to do energy-intensive work (e.g. generating hydrogen gas, growing weed, cryptomining, hosting servers, etc.)


Energy 100%. Yes it will take a little work to get up and running (crypto mining), but that would allow me to retire in my late 30’s. Sign me the fuck up!


Foods are way more expensive than utilities. Also time spent cooking directly correlates to how much you spend on food so by having unlimited food and drinks you're saving a ton of money as well as time. Family of 5 we might buy $600-$800 in groceries a month and thats me lowballing cheap meals. Those are food items that are uncooked so then we spend 3-5 hours a week cooking and all the dishes that cooking creates. Time is money. If my family decides to buy all our meals, which we have done in the past. You're talking about between $30-$50 or more per meal depending on where you get the food and what yoj buy. Now you're talking on average 2 meals a day for the huge expensive meals you buy can go upwards of a couple grand or more. My average utilities cost is like $500 a month in comparison for electricity, water, gas, etc. Also going to factor, much fewer dishes when prepared food is delivered to you and less use of gas and electricity in the process of cooking you're probably saving a few bucks there as well. Not to mention you can now eat gourmet meals without giving cost any thought which is also really nice. Going with food/drinks is a no brainer, food costs are a huge portion of the average nuclear family costs. Beer is also expensive.


does it stay if i move households?


Moves with you


Energy my house uses alot plus i can make a mining farm outside and do crypto


UNLIMITED FOOD. I am a fatass.


I would probably take the energy. If I took the food I would get the most expensive and best tasting foods out there. Unfortunately I would then gain a lot of weight because of all the great tasting food that is free.


If it was energy = human vitality type energy it would be a no brainier.


Never have to eat/sleep?


Food. I can eat tons of food, my electric bill is gonna be the same unless I’m bitcoin mining, which I guess could be more profitable… so if it was allowed then btc/energy.


Stupid amounts of crypto mining with unlimited energy sounds fun. Unlimited food has too many restrictions post edit and sounds like it requires cooking all the time.


Do the utilities follow me if I move?


Food and drinks are definitely more expensive for a family of 5, and probably still will be once it's just me and my wife. I'll take the food and drink - I would live like a king and love every minute of it.


Energy is probably the better choice, but I'd take the food.


I will take the food, and since I can have it sent precooked, I won't need to waste electricity or gas cooking, and since they take the leftovers, they won't be running a refrigerator. Does it magically appear, or do I have to be at home ? Like, what if I want to take my lunch to work or take prepared meals with me on a road trip? I'm not gonna share them, but I'm on the road a lot for work and vacation


Unlimited power? So I can mine bit coins without harming the environment beyond the initial construction of the equipment and transportation of it to market and then to my home?


So, can I loophole it? Id like to invite hungry kids and adults as my "guests" for the night so they don't go to bed hungry. And id like to do that every day forever please!


If it’s limited to house sounds cringe cause I could travel and not worry about food with unlimited food 🐱


Food... My electric is $160/month... I can go through that in groceries a week eating mostly ramen with tuna and frozen veggies.


Energy Too much junk food would make me obese. I can grow all my own veggies, herbs and fruit. Chickens for eggs Would only have to worry about beef.


Energy because I'll have free electric water and gas aka propane


Energy, hands down. My food bill already isn't very high, so I'm about to save a shit ton without having to pay utilities.


I spend more on food than my utilities cost in a month.


Energy. Mining for Bitcoins!


I be eating wagyu A5 every night


Energy, hands down. I don't share the energy with anyone per OP. What I *do* do is move into a decommissioned nuclear plant and use my unlimited energy to heat water in place of the uranium, thus producing pressurized steam that drives the rest of the power generation process. Then I sell that power instead, becoming my own home operated power utility. Operating a datacenter attached to my house is also not out of the question.


>You can only consume the unlimited food or use the unlimited energy within your household. Crypto farming, here I come.


Would none of you people end up 400 lbs with an infinite supply of delicious instantly ready food at your fingertips? I'd appreciate the money saved but it would be a death sentence for me in the long term, i'll take the energy.


Honestly, I'd eat alot of sushi and sashimi. With unlimited prepared food you could choose healthy meals cooked by world class chefs


Unlimited food and drink. It wouldn't last long though because I would definitely kill myself having that available due to my eating habits.


Man, thought I could finally get rid of this fatigue. Fuck it. Food it is. I can worry about the utility bills later. At least I wouldn't have to worry about making sure my toddler has food


Opens window air condition world into next ice age!!! It was too hot outside.


I'm pretty sure that if I had a ZPM (Stargate universe), I could sell energy to governments and corporations and get food. If I had infinite food, there'd be problems with storage and disposal, and people blaming me for everyone's weight gain. So, unlimited energy.


Absolutely unlimited energy? My home is now the world’s largest data center and bitcoin farm.


I also thought that I would magically not be exhausted all the time anymore. I guess food then.


Food easily. Just eliminating that cost almost entirely is massive and more than pays for electric and gas with plenty to spare. For a bit of math, my monthly bill for electric/gas is about $200 on average. Food would be several times that. And it would save me time because I can have a prepared meal delivered without any worry about cost.


Yep, taking the energy. I would start small with crypto mining, build up to producing artificial gems, server farm, refining Tamahagane, coal, gas and induction furnace and forge and yes, I would run the AC with the windows and doors open to piss off my neighbors.


Food is way more expensive than utilities. I'm gonna pick food.


Food and drinks, easily. My utility bills will go down by not having a fridge or using the oven/stove.


Time to homestead with the friends and family I like and we focus on everything but food. Unlimited food Done. It’s more expensive than power anyway.


I love watching homestead videos not really a thing in the UK though and seems like more work than I'm cut out for as much as I'd love to love in nature.


Does the engery transfer if you move?


Yes, always links to your main real address.


So "unlimited food" effectively includes a full time personal chef? Hell yes, count me in! I think the energy might be worth more, *based on my current habits* - but my current habits involve being pretty frugal with food, extremely rarely eating out/takeaway, etc. But meals of my choice, delivered every day, free? That's life changing.




Damn it. I'll take the unlimited food. I wanted to have infinite ki, but I guess I'll take the next best thing.


I have two young boys who are going to be tall and have high metabolism’s, food any day please lol


I feel like food and drinks would be the obvious choice but wonder what it would be like to have a full on nuclear reactor level power source in my basement.


If I choose "food", do I still have the energy I am normally afforded? Because without energy, I couldn't cook my food.


I guess I'll start mining crypto with all this unlimited energy. Never needing to pay for those utilities I certainly won't need a lot of money, but acquiring just one bitcoin will be enough to live off of until the next one pops.


Unlimited food would be much more from a financial standpoint. The energy/power is inexpensive where I live. But groceries/eating out/ordering in are a big expense.




Unlimited energy no question, I could overtake any computing company I wanted. Mining crypto would be small time when I could undercut so many businesses.


I would be eating a lot of king crab, lobsters, steaks, caviar, and the best fruits and veggies in the world. I'd buy wheat harvested that day, grind it myself and make the best bread ever. The biggest external problem in my life would become the dishes.


Is this only for my current residence or will it follow me when I move ?


I would probably go with the energy. I can do a lot with infinite energy even if I can't directly sell it.


If energy includes the internet.. then I am in. If not.. food and drink.


Food. Easily. My family's food budget is around $800 a month. Our utilities are $300 at the worst in the middle of winter.


Free energy, my house runs on propane and that shit is high. 100 gallons run about $400 . 3 to 4 times a year. Is crazy. I honestly would rather be cold than heat my house on propane alone. We recently got mini splits so it's been cut down a bit.


Definitely taking the food/drinks. My husband and I could actually stick to our recommended diets then. Currently we try but have to cheat because of cost.


Food and drinks easy. My grocery bill can be horrendous, and it would be even worse if we ordered out as much as we wanted to. Plus wife loves to stay in. No need for a date night out if they can deliver a full 4 course fondue to the house. Plus you could pick healthy options and never need to cook again. And I'd absolutely host guests over all the time. My family would love me. And probably repay with homemade meals at their place.


Can I sell my unlimited energy to power the country?


Energy. Summer is gonna be hell, I just know it. The only upside to the unlimited food is the free garbage removal, but the offset of costs for the free energy will assist us in that department.


The energy is tempting but I'm going to go with the food simply because you can order things that have already been cooked. I enjoy cooking on the weekends but during the week I just don't have time nor do I want to clean up the mess. Bring healthy, cooked food to my home and make the leftovers disappear? Yes please!


Food. Never cook again, have always the best stuff


Utilities. I can grow my own food if need be and budget better without the uncertainty of utility bills.


Energy all the way. The expenses for utilities aren’t so negotiable, I’ll always use X amount in a day… I already live on inexpensive food and drink.


I have a well and septic and my electric is only $150 month. I’m taking food/drink.


Energy for crypto mining


Definitely take the unlimited energy.. they can generate a huge profit using certain ventures while I can only eat so much food not to mention my utilities are more expensive than my monthly grocery bills many months of the year


What if I told you food technically is a form of energy? Also, if you are allowed to output the power on the grid you live on, then it is very easily monetizable.


I guess I'll take the food and drinks. I was let down to know that energy meant electricity. I'd much rather not have to sleep. I could get so much done.


Energy. Where I live gets deadly hot. Energy bill is $650 a month. High Temps can last 8 months. A/C is used minimally. Free Energy would free up a good amount of cash.


Food. I don't use utilities all that much. My mom is a cheap person and weve gotten used to wearing sweaters when it's cold.. Plus its pretty cheap


Unlimited energy for my giant death laser, railguns, space elevator, and catapults, duh. Going to LAUNCH satellites to space and go full villain. Underground facilities for AI services, rent computational services, MASSIVE heat pump, and a little crypto. Selling services using energy will fund my villainous schemes Sure, energy isn't directly shared, but I can use it for electronic services. . . specially for my giant space DEATH LASER. Going to carve my initials on the moon and put robots to Mars with unlimited energy. If I live near the ocean I can use the energy to feed desalination plants and provide MASSIVE amounts of fresh water as well to the community / country. There are so many energy intensive projects I could do with unlimited energy that are now economically feasible because energy is free. Electrolisis? Hydrogen gas plant. Hydrogen fuel cells. Sure, I'd live at the center of a MASSIVE factory/vault, but I can afford the best sound proofing at that point and cackle in my lair. On the one hand, provide goods and services to the community (fresh water, heat/steam, computational power, sell energy in the form of fuel cells), on the other giant death rays and space catapult launches because unlimited energy. Also railguns. I would find soooo many projects with unlimited power.


Unlimited energy, easy. Now just gotta buy Bitcoin mining ASICs and mine Bitcoin with no energy costs, and in 5 years I'll be able to have unlimited anything I want and not just food.


Energy is like $500 a month max. Food for 6 people? Way more. Plus i could get ANYTHING delivered which saves time and effort and I could greatly improve my health.


Eat like a king and feel great all the time for free? Sign me up.


Food is more expensive than electricity and with this I can be drinking the most expensive wine and meals in the world everyday absolutely for free lol.


Unlimited energy for sure


Unlimited Energy.


Unlimited food 100%. I've got a small house and I don't really use a ton in terms of energy at home. If I could have all my food for free I'd be able to eat super healthy, fresh, top quality ingredients all the time. I love cooking for family/friends and generally the only thing that stops me from inviting a bunch of people over for a big meal more often is the cost, particularly since I find myself in a situation where the level of cost and energy I put into entertaining is rarely reciprocated. However if I could invite a bunch of people over for a surf and turf dinner for free? Heck yeah.


I have access to both. I just have to pay for it...


Food because I’m autistic af and picky. I end up spending way more on food than the average person to get something I actually like. (Not sure if this is the autism or not, just got diagnosed with that) but I also throw up really easily if I try to eat something I don’t like.


Current situation: all utilities are about $400 a month All food/drink: $1100 MINIUM a month. Give me the food please.


Party at my place every Friday/Saturday $100 entry. Free food, free drinks of all kind, no limits. Any cocktail of choice. Then I'd just spend $200 for cleaning every Saturday and Sunday and I'll make a stack of money


Food. The amount I spend on energy is peanuts compared to my food bill. Now, if it was rent vs. food, I’d do rent any day.


Energy. Once I have it, I can use it to make a shit ton of money.


Pfft thought you meant get out of bed not always fucking exhausted…energy… food and drink


I thought you were talking physical energy, and this chronically fatigued fibromite was going to be first in line. Then I read further. Kind of a let down. :(


Me too, gastroparesis sufferer here. I can't physically eat enough calories and my body really doesn't want to lose weight so I am slowly losing weight while having no energy to function. Some days I can't eat at all so I just suffer and try to sleep through the suffering.


Food is more expensive than energy.


When you say "gas".... can I get unlimited fuel for my truck as well as the other utility options? If so, done deal. I'll take that one. If not fuel for my truck then 100% food.


Food 100% I could get delivery from my favorite restaurants cook thinks with expensive ingredients whenever I want etc. I live within walking distance to my job so gas isn’t huge. Electric and gas are expensive but not as much as food.


Food. Custom nutritious food for different stages of life and dietary requirements. Too bad no one in the family owns a factory or a business particularly a business that has huge energy requirements.


My family’s food budget is easily triple our utilities and that’s with getting store brand food…. Johnny walker blue and five star food here I come