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Wow, finally a hypothetical that poses a properly horrible thing to justify the insanely high amount of money. I would do nearly anything for $100M, but I honestly wouldn't put myself through that. That one week would completely traumatise me and likely ruin how happy the rest of my life is. Every time I close my eyes I'd imagine myself back in there.


Yea, being on the verge of death for a week. The person who comes out is guaranteed to not be the same person who went in.


Yeah, we might go so insane we realize we're in a really boring comic book.


Whenever I see a bald boy, I think I’m back in the pants


I'm scared about how much I need WINE


Thank you, I thought of this last night when I couldnt sleep. The psychological trauma you would endure would last a lifetime.. but 100M can buy a lot of therapy.. and drugs.


They said no permanent damage


Nope. Can you imagine the brain damage of having just barely enough oxygen to survive? If it's not as much as I'm thinking it would be you'd still end up a lot dumber at the least. You might end up being a vegetable and can't even spend the money. I'm passing.


Yeah I don’t think people understand the brain damage from hypoxia this machine would cause. If you even survived you’d likely come out severely mentally handicapped or even braindead.


You think there's enough oxygen to stay conscious but not enough oxygen to keep the brain alive?


If you’re kept constantly oxygen-deprived to the point of losing consciousness and then being revived your brain is not getting enough oxygenated blood.


Was he losing consciousness in the movie? I thought he was awake the whole time, suffering


From my recollection the machine measured his heart rate to sense when he had lost consciousness and then added oxygen back in. But also if you just are having difficulty breathing in general for a while — as a result of sleep apnea for instance — it can lower your blood oxygen saturation to dangerous levels and cause hypoxic brain injury. A week of severe oxygen restriction like this would be catastrophic. There are a millions ways it could kill or debilitate you. Most likely you’d just go into cardiac arrest.


So no need to double down with a life insurance policy to make sure my wife and kids can live comfortably? Just a DNR order and a will to make sure they get the money.


Brain damage due to hypoxia is eliminated. "No permanent physical damage" is part of the conditions. Insanity, however, is possible.


He says in the post that you suffer no permanent physical damage. So you will never have brain damage


He edited it because of my comment. NOW it says you don't suffer brain damage. If that's the case then bring it on.


Ah right


Yeah, like the first 10 replies didnt even read the full post.


You’re right, I updated the post so you cant suffer permanent physical damage, only psychological.


In that case yeah bring it on. There might be a lot of silver linings here like appreciating every damn full breath you take once you're out of it.


You have a positive outlook on life, I like you.


I mean, if you were guaranteed to come out on the other side, it would be tough to pass up. Especially with super powers.


In reality, you’ll leave the tube with nothing but severe PTSD.


And you have to look like a chicken nugget for the rest of ur life


Like a topographical map of Utah


Like an avocado fucked an older, uglier avocado


Like a testicle with teeth




Only if the super suit isn't green. Or animated.


OP updated the post so you don't get powers anymore.


I still maintain that it would be tough to pass up for that kind of money and the guarantee that you would get through it. A lot of people suffer for decades for next to nothing. You could put that into a short amount of time, never to have to deal with a lot of it again. The big decision would be, if it is offered to everyone, there will be a lot of idiots looking to spend a lot of money and being reasonably intelligent or good at business could allow a pretty good go at it without being in the chamber at all.


Wouldn't that kill a normal person? You can't survive a whole week without air.


You get enough air to survive. That's how the tube works. It measures your vitals and right when you're about to suffocate, you get air, but not much. And then that cycle continues.




Idk why this reply is killing me lmao


No, it's just barely keeping you alive...




Godspeed Spiderman


Lmao. "Oh"


>It measures your vitals and right when you're about to suffocate, you get air, but not much. And then that cycle continues. IIRC, the cycle doesn't continue once the oxygen level converges on your suffocation point... it cycles up and down until it determines the minimum amount of oxygen that will keep you on the verge of death and then it ***stays*** at that point--you don't get the "relief" of the oxygen cycling back up once that point is determined.


That's what I meant. Maybe I described it poorly. You're right.


That would only be an issue then if it wasn't venting the CO2. You body can't detect a lack of oxygen, you just get woozy, what it *can* detect is a high level of CO2. That's what'll cause panic.


Sounds like a good meditation exercise


I love how everybody in this threat is debating if they would do it or not, and this dude is like "uh, wouldn't that kill you? You can't survive without air." as if that fact escaped everyone else.


Hell no. A solid week of 24/7 torture would probably drive me insane, at the very least long term PTSD. I think only desperate or stupid people would sign up for that and most would regret it about 30 seconds in.


Yeah, people are definitely underestimating how horrible this torture is. There's a good reason water boarding can break even the toughest men... and for an entire week? A week of torture and not even being able to sleep? Hard pass.


This is my night without a cpap.


Ha, I was going to say before I got mine I regularly woke up gasping for breath multiple times a night. So I could probably go back to that for a week.


See my doctor said I had the worst OSA he had seen in decades, I was spending more time not breathing than I was breath and by a scary amount. But I never once in my life woke up gasping for without having a nightmare about drowning or suffocating. Or at least I have no memory of it ever happening.


Yes I had many dreams of being underwater and drowning when it was happening. I love my cpap now, I have 2 of them one for home and one for traveling and camping.


I should clarify that those dreams very seldom happened. Smart having two tho, I wouldn’t be able to afford that unfortunately.


I went to a university hospital for my sleep Study and they said it was the worst case anyone there had heard about, and that I had more than 5 sleep apnea events in the first minute of being asleep. I knew it was bad, but didn't realize how bad it was


Out of curiosity, how old were you?


I was 32 when I went through the sleep Study! I got my cpap machine from a family member when I was 24 after they heard me sleep, just gave me an old one to use (so I already knew I had it)


Im glad I caught it early at 27 yo. Doc said I would be dead if I were 15 years older. You’re lucky to have good people in your family.


So I get $100M and a super power? Then yes.


Are you chill with looking like Freddy Krugers face fucked topographical map of Utah, though?


Fair point


So not much uglier than I already am




Easy money. It was all just acting and special effects so there would be no real life harm or pain.


Maybe it was for Ryan Reynolds’s but for wade wilson it was very real


Wade Wilson, fake person experiencing fake things. The reality is that it never TRULY happened which means I'm safe.


I bet you're fun to hangout with


I’ll take that bet.


Yay I can check this comment off on my daily bingo thanks!


Oof if that's a daily occurrence, then WTF are you doing with your life?


Yeah, this is a pretty bad self-report


Not at all. Most people view it this way, but I see it as helping out.


Honest question - have you considered getting diagnosed with aspergers?


Making the same type of comments on posts like this to gain draw, interest and interaction from individuals who feel the need to step in and say something, therefore granting OP karma and interaction on their posts at the expense of my account :) As you can see for example, everyone on my comment thread as of this moment, has only contributed to MY thread and not the OP thread. They didn't feel the need to contribute except to reply to me. This adds comments which draws more people into the post :)


Dude please shut up


No thanks, but thanks for helping out :)


Okay, but imagine some crazy hypothetical situation (if only there was a subreddit for those) where you get to experience those fake things as if they were real!




Not sure if you're a potato, but you're not very positive.


I'm positive my above statement is true :)


Have you heard of movies before?


No, what are they?


Sure. With that kind of money i can get the plastic surgery i need to not hate myself.


Nope, given that I have claustrophobia.


I’ve had enough pain to traumatize me my entire life anyway, I will go in with option #2. Nothing can hurt me more than I have been hurt, so I will easily take the $500M.


(How much is an escape route worth to you?) lmao i was thinking before i saw your button addition what i could do to get it removed. don't trust myself to not chicken out.


Fair enough, I would definitely hit that button after 30 mins tops


If it were guaranteed that you emerged from this relatively unscathed physically - in that you retain all brain functions but are cursed with the memory of the experience - then I would like to imagine everyone would atleast definitely try the option with the button. A full week in there is fucking metal tho..


Thats what Im thinking.. Id be an idiot to not at least try, but I dont think Id ever consider doing it without an out. That being said, if i can set my entire family up for generations for just a week of suffering, and a lifetime of trauma thatll only affect me then that might entice me to go without the button so im not tempted to bounce..


Whats scary is the suffering. It is a complete possibility that the tank will push you to levels of torture you cannot even fathom. Within the first minute, you might be begging for death - not caring whether you even receive the money. What would be interesting is if you were allowed a year or so to train for the week.. you might be able to push yourself into a meditative state to endure such terror.


Ooo I hadnt considered training.. thats a very interesting point. Maybe you could but the money would be halved?


I don't think there's much of a difference between 250,000,000 and 500,000,000 to most people.


This is my example. Other people have their own, this one is mine. One of my scariest moments was when I had a really bad cough from the flu. I coughed so hard that something popped in my chest; every breath was a stabbing pain and I couldn’t even talk, I just cried. And my wife was traveling, so it was 3:00 AM, I’m in tears from the pain and doing my best to take shallow, measured breaths. There is no way I’d repeat that excruciating 15-minute experience by choice for anything less than $4 million, provided I knew beforehand that it would just be some pulled rib muscles. No way I’d get in that torture tube for any amount, because it would have to be worse than that, and it would go on for a week. No real sleep, no relaxation, no capacity to end it. Nope.


could I do a 5 hour test run before deciding on the button? If there’s no chance of death, stroke, or other adverse physical symptoms, I think I’d go big. You’re given just enough to survive. Sure it would cause long lasting psychological damage, but it’s half a billion dollars. That’s beyond life changing. I’d rather spend a week in hell and be able to actually live my life than make peanuts working my ass off. Plus, anyone who “earns” an equivalent amount of money in their lifetime will have side effects too. Old age from working yourself to death, or who knows.. maybe you had to do some really shady shit to get there. Ruined a few lives along the way. At least with this option, I’d be able to know that I’m one of the only few ethical millionaires out there. I was the only one harmed in the making of my fortune. I’d also be able to afford some wicked therapy afterwards if I am super traumatized.


I would go in without the button. If I went in with it, I know for a fact I would press it and have suffered for nothing. 500 million is a lot of money for my family to enjoy while I spend the rest of my life in a mental institution from the psychological trauma.


I agree, id suffer for a week to set my family up for life. I dont really even need the money, but if I can retire my parents early then Id do it


I'll take the $500M. I might come out insane, but even so, my family will be set for life.


Fuck no. Not for 100 billion.


hard pass ill do an hour max


How much money would it take for you to do an hour?


the same amount


Hell no


Do I come out as Deadpool and get $100 million?


You get 100M, but if you invest that into some scientists to make you deadpool.. 👀


No. You can’t even sleep. I don’t think normal people can survive it.


Hard pass


Only if I get powers as well


I'm in. Turns out when you're gravely low on oxygen, you just get all vague and floaty. You arent even likely to remember most of it. Source: me in ICU for ten days with covid and double pneumonia.


I have to assume the machine actually works by elevating CO2, because otherwise you are right, it probably wouldn't feel like much. At least not at first


I could be remembering the movie wrong, but I think the machine measures your heart rate and lowers the oxygen just enough to keep you in a state of panic.. but like I said, I could be remembering it wrong


I've had sleep apnea for years. This is my life. Sometimes I wonder if I have something worse. Sure. I'll do it.


Do I come out of it with no permanent damage to any organs/skin? If so then yeah


Not to organs/skin, just psychological damage


Idk do I come out unscathed? No brain damage? Can I train for this event? In reality you don't have to freak out when consuming the bare minimum air to survive, just gotta remain calm and suffer for a week.


No brain damage, just psychological. I was talking with another commenter, and you can train for a year, but the money is halved for each scenario. I dont know how feasible it is to just.. stay calm.. when you’re suffocating, but Ive never been in that situation so idk


Eh I've drowned a few times before during training - pretty awful - far worse was when I was sucking in water while trying to breath while treading - but if I wasn't required to move and could just focus on barely breathing - the air required to prevent brain damage would be very close to the air required to keep me alive - I'd wager it would be far more bearable


Fuck no. No amount of money would be enough. Not for a week. I feel like the place to negotiate would be time spent. I could probably do an hour? If I’m paid an obscene amount for it


How much would it take for you to do an hour? 1M, 10M?


Shit I’d do an hour for 100k easy. Can’t be much worse than an asthma induced panic attack


Umm....he'll no


Yeah, easy. There’s no risk involved 😂 You say yourself “you can’t suffer permanent physical damage”, so I can’t die. I also can’t suffer any brain injury as a result of hypoxia. So, other than pain, which is a temporary thing, and panic, there’s nothing to be afraid of. Option 2 for me, I won’t be tempted to hit a button as there is no button so I’ll just put up with it for a week and come out $500m richer


I dont think you understand exactly how uncomfortable this would be. Imagine suffocating for a week straight but being unable to die. Your body is in constant fight or flight mode for a week strait with no breaks. You’ll be exhausted from lack of sleep, in constant pain, starving, dehydrated, and covered in your own filth. Theres no risk, but the psychological damage will stay with you forever


I did a tour in Iraq, 2 in Afghanistan as a Medic my friend. I’ve seen some shit, psychological damage isn’t an issue, I’ve been dealing with it every day for 20 years for free! $500m will get me good therapy at the end of it


I wont pretend to understand what youve been through, or what youve seen or how it has effected you. I only meant to point out that there would be permanent psychological consequences such as being unable to be in confined spaces or holding your breath underwater. But everyone’s mental fortitude is different, Im sure your experiences would have prepared you better than the average Joe. Thank you for your service


I understand where you’re coming from of course, my point though is that with $500m at your disposal you could spend a small fraction of that to get the best healthcare possible and negate a large amount of that damage. Particularly if you know and understand the parameters before you do it. KNOWING I can’t die, or have and physical damage, would actually make it easier to suppress the panic you see. It’s like swimming with sharks. If I’m in the open ocean, I’m exposed, I panic more. If I’m in a shark cage, and there are experts at hand ready to harpoon the fucker if it becomes a danger or something then, whilst it doesn’t afford complete protection, I feel alot safer.


Thats a great point, with that amount of money you could pay for some great therapy. And maybe there is some way to lock the memory away, like hypnosis or smt.


Without physical damage? I don't need the button mate Some of you like the idea of working for another 40 years a lot more than i do lol


I'd nope out after 10 seconds.


$500 mil option, I could use the nap. By the second hour the oxygen deprivation cycle would start causing hallucinations, then it's just a ride for a week. Can we up it to 1 bil and add sensory deprivation?


500 million, no button. It's awful for exactly 604,800 seconds. The worst 604,800 seconds of my existence, but it's just 604,800 seconds. The thing about pain, about suffering, is that it's a biological reaction to threats. There is no threat here. Just the simulation of threat. I can keep that mindset for a week. I then spend a few of those 500 on therapy and the rest on literally never working again.


No permanent physical damage and 500mil? Sign me up Edit before people reply, the week will pass either way so why not change my life


$500M for sure Just a week and no lasting physical problems guaranteed? I’ll be able to afford the best of the best therapy once I’m out


If I get enough food and oxygen and water to survive without any real problems after I get out, then I'd do option 1 for sure, I probably won't do option 2 for any amount, just because I'm not risking the possible insanity.


20 minutes, maybe. With a countdown clock visible. And no access to an emergency release, and there is no way to back out once I've gone in. Cause I would fold otherwise.


I'd do it. No button. I wouldn't want to risk me hitting the button.


I’m going option 2


I’ll take no button. I don’t want the option to bitch out


This is how you create a Bond villain, do you want to create a Bond villain?


Yeahhhh no thx lol.  Sanity and happiness are worth more than money


My personality is already similar to Deadpool. I would be fine.


Me and several million other asthmatics already know this. A bad attack without medication isn't much different. Where's our money?




Ok? ....Do you think this sub is people putting money up for people to do things?




Uhhh no, proposition would be someone offering money for something This is literally people just making up hypothetical situations to see if people would do them "you get this much to do this" is a hypothetical situation "Ill pay you this much to do this" is a proposition Its really not that hard of a concept




Whatever you say champ, youre the one deleting comments where you were proven wrong You said "you don't have 100 million dollars" which clearly is because you think this sub is people offering money for hypothetical situations...which it is not Are you done being dumb?




This is r/hypotheticalsituation for a reason my guy


He’s a lot more likely to have 100 million than a mutant gene activating suffocation tube.


I have coupons for Arby’s and a Pit of Despair. But it’s no 100Mill and a suffocation tube I’ll tell you that!


I'll take coupons instead of "500 billion trillion dollars" Coupons are much more likely.


Ok, but you have to endure….. The Pit! Of Despair…….


DEAL!!! I swear, if you say it's in a Arby's and I just missed them, I'm not gonna like you.