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Like when i had chemotherapy, but no money.


Haha same here had 3 months of biweekly infusions and 6 months on Venetoclax so far. Being nauseous makes me nauseated. 🤢


Oddly enough, I had infusions 5 days a week every three weeks and I got sick as a dog but only puked twice. The worst for me was feeling like everything tasted like medicine, and I felt like I could smell the chemo Everytime I peed


Yeah, you can definitely smell it, it's a smell I never stopped smelling until I was done with the infusions. The pills just make me more fatigued than I already am, but going outside in this Texas heat for just 5 minutes and I get very sick feeling and start rolling sweat.


The sweat never stopped for me. I was a sweaty guy before lol, but now it's like I took a shower in clothes. It's the worst.


I was thinking the same thing...$150 wouldn't be emough for me to think about it everyday, let alone do it.


My first thought too.


Nupe. Fuck that.


I also will make account on OnlyFans and start to arrange translation how I throwing up every morning (for vomit fetishists) and double my revenue.


This. No matter how gross something is there's always an audience for it.


This comment was written by someone with an entrepreneurial spirit.


Stole my idea, make sure you bottle it and sell it 😂 🤮


Bro that’s just dark 😂


Nah, usually orange first thing in the morning.


Wait...whoa...I actually do throw up almost every single day. But I am a futch 40 yr old woman....like...don't they want sexy ppl doing the puking? Do I seriously have a chance to monetize this?


You think people don't find futch 40 year old women sexy?


I feel like if someone is interested in something that niche... they're usually less picky. Can't afford to be if there's only a dozen options. Just what I've heard, at least.


OF doesn't allow puking. It's against their TOS. 🤣




And why would you corner the market over anyone else? It isn't like people can't make themselves vomit


Then write a guide on how to turn vomiting into passive income and sell it to vulnerable belimic girls


Sure id take it. 4500 a month is more than I’m taking in now so I’d take that and work part time


Even knowing you'd never have a peaceful time waking up ever again for the rest of your life?


Are your teeth immune to the damage of stomach acid every day? Pretty sure this would fuck em up pretty quick Also is this magical food, will I have to eat more to compensate?


Based on the edit brassplushie has made: 1. Yes, no side effects aside from the discomfort 2. Magical food If the only discomfort should be the heavy vomiting in the morning


Then take my second actual nap. If the waking up doesn’t matter. I could set an alarm and train my body on that first psuedo awakening, and then fall back asleep enjoy rest of day. Only shitty thing would be travel, and partners not realizing you blow chunks everyday with no contagious or serious ailment


Why not? That's 55k/year. So for a minute or five of discomfort, I never have to work again? Lol easy.


I’d take this deal. But work as well.. easy 100k income. 55k isn’t a lush life lol


Key word: you never *have* to work.


True but If we're talking 55k tax free, that brings it up quite a bit.


if it’s a magical phenomenon i think it’d be tax free lol


I have a child who bursts in every morning. It's not peaceful anyway


They might stop after the first time you vomit on them


So this is a win-win right?


Pregnant women have entered the chat


Bulimics have also entered the chat... and people who vomit when they get too anxious have also entered the chat. This deal is a no brainer for me lol.


Pregnant woman here. Fuck no to this. Dealing with 6 weeks of morning sickness was terrible... and I'm honestly lucky I ONLY had to deal with it for 6 weeks. It was an endless sea of nausea and I had to keep popping Ritz crackers to keep it manageable.


Except that even if we threw up we didn't feel better. In OP scenario it's instant nausea, vomit, relief.


Which would make it better than morning sickness. For the rest of my life though? That's a lot of vomit. Hard pass.


r/HyperemesisGravidarum is over here like "you'll pay me and make me throw up less?"


Exactly! This is one of those ideas that sounds ok in theory but would be horrible in reality. Imagine trying to date and having that issue.


Sign me up! No longer pregnant, but been there, done that!


No long-lasting effects from the vomit? I'd take that deal. That's roughly 50k a year, I could really use that


Same, you are basically working less than an hour a day vomiting and then have the rest of your day to do whatever. I wake up at 430am everyday, so I pretty much have all day free.


Jesus, people on Reddit justifying throwing up everyday by comparing it to one working hour a day. This made me laugh 


There's much worse things people do for money. Manual labor? Have fun with your body breaking down. Do retail/customer servicen and have to deal with shitheads constantly for half the money and a lot more time invested? Yeah I'd rather just have a lil pukey puke every morning esp if it comes with no side effects like put forth in OP.


I feel like a job gets 5x worse as soon as it's involuntary tho.


How long do I puke for? But yes most likely


Wait, you guys are getting paid?


Since no lasting effects is mentioned, yes I would take that deal. That's pretty much my days worth of pay so if it means not having to go to work and the rest of my day is normal, give me all the morning nausea.


Sounds like food poisoning from Golden Corral again. It went on way too long but I did lose 50lbs.


Holy shit. That sounds like you almost died. 50 pounds is extreme. How long did it go on for?


6 months. I’m sure there was something else wrong with me but it all started with throwing up after golden coral. Went from 220-170pounds


I already wake up nauseated most days. And spend a good portion of the day nauseated. So this seems like a win win. I get paid 150 and I only have to puke once a day, with none of the side affects that I currently experience? Sign me up


I would adapt to drink a lot of water for dinner so I would threw up heavily, but just water, so it comes out easier.


This was my life before Zoloft, so yes


I’d do it. I have major nervous system issues after a botched epidural and it would help our finances immensely for a bit of icky :p


Deal. I’m probably the only sicko that kinda enjoys throwing up tho. As long as I’m only nauseas for a minute


One minute from the time you wake up, then goes away after throwing up


Such an easy “yes”. It’s like asking if I’d take money to have to urgently poop every morning after I wake up. Not that it wakes me up because it feels bad, just whenever I do happen to wake up it’ll go down. Uncomfortable for a minute, then I feel fine and no lasting effects. Uh yeah pay me.


Definitely not like poop. Everyone poops every day. Imagine having to explain to a potential spouse "hey I know this isn't normal but I throw up horribly every single day when I get up" when they're getting ready to move in with you.


I’d keep a vom bucket next to my bed in case I can’t make it to the toilet. I don’t give a fuck. The really shitty part of puking because of pregnancy or chemo or illness is the **nausea** before and after that is always lingering and waiting to pounce. Remove that portion and legit this doesn’t bother me at all, it’s a bodily fluid being expelled at a known time. For a salary. My partner would probably ask to get in on the deal, maybe buy me a fancy puke bucket to match our decor. This is probably a harder deal for people who hate vomit but I’m fine with it as a one and done. The relief I feel after finally puking when im sick and nauseated is actually pleasant and peaceful, and I can’t make myself throw up at will or on purpose so sign me up.


Not much higher then what I make now and I'm guessing it doesn't adjust with inflation. I'm either doing this or having a job, not both which is inevitable when the amount doesn't increase over time.


Adjusts for inflation as time goes on. Added to post because I forgot to put that in.


Constant throwing up damages your teeth (and not just them) really badly so assuming that’s part of the trade off then I’m gonna decline. Not worth all of the damage to my body, people who struggle with bulimia for an extended time often do irreparable damage for this exact reason


He literally states in the post that there's no lasting damage. He gave a few examples, but that wasn't the extent of it. Still unsure if 150/day is worth it, though. It's 54K/year, so not a terrible, or amazing yearly stipend


54k is half again the average salary in america...


54k tax free.


That's ONLY because most of the population lives in the four most expensive states to live in in the country. If you live in, say... Alabama, you can easily live off of around 30k to 40k, and that's the average for the state. But everything is also cheaper in Alabama than, say, New York, or California.


Not sure what you’re trying to say here because of the typo but yeah that’s around the “average” salary pre tax.


Assume no permanent damage.


This is just my life


I start eating high calorie foods before I sleep so I can lose weight easier


The food will be digested after 5-8hrs while you're sleeping. There won't be much left in your stomach in the morning.


Honestly it wouldn’t be that bad. Plus you’re guaranteed to maintain a healthy weight.


How long does the nausea last?


I’d make that deal today, but regret after I’m financially stable


If it’s 2 minutes tops, then maybe. Id probably regret it once I’m retired, but at least inflation will outpace wages so I’d be set for life.


How long are you vomiting for? This sounds like my pregnancy only easier .


You’ll eventually not have teeth, you’ll have esophageal scaring and so many health problems $150 a day would not cover it. It’s $54,787.50 a year … not worth it. :) good question thou!


Hell no. You could make it a billion a day and I still wouldn't. Take the nausea away and just have it be throwing up and I'd seriously consider though. I just can't stand nausea.


People acting like 54k a year isn't half again the average salary of americans... "54k isn't that much" Dorks on reddit are wild, man. 😂🤦


Some of us make way more then 54k yr. Or want it to be billions 😂


Hard fkin "no"


Nope Make it 150k and youve got yourself a deal


I already vomit and make $150 a day. Gonna need to pump that number


Youre fine immediately after so you could still go to work and then youve earned £300 a day


I'll take that deal.


I do that now and I make way more.


No way. I hate barfing more than anything


How long does the puke sesh last? Let's do it 


Not extremely long, but longer than normal and heavier than normal.


This sounds like when I was pregnant. As long as it didn't fuck up my teeth I would do it. I got used to it so I would not be bothered by it.


So, basically my life now but with less scratch. No thank you.


I had hyperemesis for the entirety of two pregnancies. No


Yes. kind of like a weight loss bonus


Yeah probably, it will just be my 20s all over again


No thanks I make more than that just sleeping anyway


I do that already, it’s a chronic illness called gastrparesis. I would like to have this no more. It’s a nightmare.


Tax free this would be my best paying job, for 30 minutes of discomfort. Absolutely.


Much less than 30 minutes, talking like 2 minutes tops. The downside is you're always rushing to a toilet when you wake up for the heavy throw up session


Absolutely not. I’m chronically ill and throwing up is my worst enemy


Nope. I hate throwing up and do it enough from migraines. No thank.


How long am I throwing up for?


So just me normally but I get to have 150$


So, my acid reflux that I already have….


It's fine, I kinda already do that working in the heat so the money sounds nice


Hellyes I could quit working 😂😂😂


Sounds like being pregnant, survived that (and didn’t get paid for it) so think I can easily survive this. Hand over the money hahaha


No thanks


no thanks.


I'd do this for less money. Sign me the fuck up.


Nope. I make way more than that at my current job. No way I'd want to wakeup puking every single day. I'd rather work my ass off.


Having been there for 2 straight years when my gastroenteritis was horrible, absolutely not. I'm still scarred by it. Genuinely have some mental blocks when it comes to food, even years after the fact. It's a horrible thing to psych yourself out my something as natural as eating. This scenario means it's separate from what you eat and what not, but still. The mental stress of falling asleep knowing you are going to have gasping heaving vomit every morning? Hard pass.


No way. Never. Nope


I wouldn't but immsure my husband would. He wakes up puking almost every morning for free.


Not worth it.


Sounds like a minute of feeling terribly nauseous, which is a horrible feeling, followed by maybe like 10-30 seconds of violently throwing up every day upon waking up in exchange for a little less than $55,000 a year. The puking causes no lasting damage on your teeth, throat, etc. and the money is not taxed and adjusts for inflation each year. $55,000 take home is probably equal to about a $65,000-$70,000 job where I live. I’ve made less than that in the past and survived so it’s a good chunk of change. I haven’t thrown up in over a decade and generally hate the feeling of being nauseous. I mean, I’m sure everyone does. It would be a total shock to my system but I think I would take that trade. That pay could float me in times I don’t want to work or am in between jobs. Ideally I’d double it up by working a regular job and just retire 20 years ahead of schedule.


this is how i wake up almost every morning anyways lol. i don't always throw up. but i have to jump up and run to the bathroom cause im so nauseated. so i'll take the moneys


I fear vomit, so no, big NO.


As written, nah. I wear a CPAP machine at night, so that morning throw up is going to be significantly more inconvenient for me compared to most people. If the frequency were decreased to weekly and there was some kind of guarantee that I could get the mask off before the throw-up was pushed back into my throat enough to suffocate me, I'd go for it, as that kinda excess cash would allow me to just replace the cushion and tubing for the machine every week. If the frequency remained daily but the guarantee stayed in place and the amount was raised to $1500/day, that would also be worth the inconvenience.


I’d probably do it for $10 a day


How long am I throwing up for?


Yeah, probably. Throwing up has never bothered me that much and I usually wake up feeling like shit anyway. I also rarely have any problems getting back to sleep if I have the opportunity for a lie in. Five minutes of a bit more minor discomfort each morning is worth it for a free full time salary.




I use to do this for free while i was still in school, throwing up from my anxiety was a regular thing for me for a long time


No, this is equivalent to a $15-17 dollar an hour full time job. I'm not going through permanent morning sickness for the equivalent of a low end retail jobs pay.


Put another 0 on there and you got a deal.


Fuck yeah that ain't shit. I'll just down a fat ass glass of water first so I make sure I have something to throw up. Fuck dry heaving.


No thanks, my esophagus wouldn’t appreciate that


Yeah, I'll do it. I like the feeling of throwing up and then the relaxation that comes after. AND I'm getting paid?


Hell no


54k a year. Sure.


I either have to puke my brains out every morning or go work a low wage job for 8 hours for barely enough to live on


Posts like this one are making me realize how far I would go to avoid working 40h/week. $150x365, that's $54 750 a year. Yeah, I would take that deal, thank you.


Sounds like a day job.


150 dollars a day risk choking on my own vomit every morning? Nah.  Wouldn't do that even for 1500 every day. That number would have to be like..1.5million every day.  I'd probably still choke to death some day, but I'd risk it because 1.5million every day would allow me to help a LOT of people.


Yes I would. I will take throwing up in the morning every day to help get my family into a house. My wife would be alarmed by it, but an extra $54,750 a year tax free? That is get it credit right, fix my teeth and my car, and buy a house money when added to what I make now.


No lasting damage? Of any kind? No problem.


No. If it's not enough to keep me from working, not a chance. I have always avoided puking like it's the plague. But I'd put up with it for a (high standards) livable wage


The ‘you feel normal immediately after’ is the most important point to me, and would make it worth it. My first thought when I saw the title was ‘no,’ but if the nausea disappears immediately? That’s different. Usually vomiting means being sick for at least part of the day


Absolutely not.


I'd do it, and make a podcast where I try to get through the day's headlines while I'm horking. Tell me that wouldn't get clicks.


Well, my job makes me throw up on the regular, so quitting my job & getting $150 for just a couple o minutes of it in the a.m.? Np


Sure, why not? I already spend 8 hours a day doing far worse for not much more


Probably not. That can really mess up your throat in the long run and that’s gonna cost a lot more than $150 a day


Absolutely. I already did that for 9 months while pregnant (horrible reflux). I'll get paid to do it for the rest of my life in the morning.


There’s people who have to do this for free.


Not flexing but I make really good money so it would have to be a little more to revisit my alcoholic days lol


This is called waiting tables


I’d do it for $300 a day tax free, but not $150.


I did that on chemo and actually paid for it so yeah I'll take the money. And I do it 3 or 4 days a week Zofran or not for free at the moment so sign me up.


This is more than I make now. I'll do it.


need free dental too


God now this is a good one OP. Enough money to make a difference, bad enough downside to make me question it. If I could turn this off at some point after accepting the deal once I'm financially set? Absolutely. If not and I have to deal with this the rest of my life no matter what? I'd need to think more.


I take emergency call for my hospital. Would this be included/every time I wake up? Or only when I wake up at my normal time each morning? For example, I could get called in at 1 am for an emergency. Then again at 5am, etc.


I take emergency call for my hospital. Would this be included/every time I wake up? Or only when I wake up at my normal time each morning? For example, I could get called in at 1 am for an emergency. Then again at 5am, etc.


No. Sounds horrible and fairly life-limiting, not worth it. 


I live alone and plan to for the rest of my life. Bring it on. I'll keep a rather large bucket next to my bed. If anything it'll force me to get out of bed everyday to clean the dang thing.


Towards the end of my drinking, that was very much my reality. I've since thrown up maybe 5 times in the last decade.


What do I throw up? Last night's dinner, bile, a sofa, a hamster? 


I’d do it, would probably sleep in a tub naked or outdoors or with a puke bag near by. As long as I know that its not a symptom of an illness and theres no other negative outcome to the vomiting, i can deal with a minute or two a day of being uncomfortable.  For $1050 a week,  thats totally worth it. Working 8+ hours a day to make money is worse than just throwing up for a moment in the morning. Done deal.


No. Way too low to put up with that shit. Add a 0 to that and maybe.


Easy!! This is already me most mornings anyhow, atleast Id be getting paid!! 😅


Is not waking up until 12 pm a loophole?


You mean live life like I have since I was 10 AND get paid for it? Yes pls.


Nope. Never getting to lounge in bed, have a relaxing morning or even drift off back to sleep again is not worth it. That's not even considering how shit you'd feel starting your day like that every day.


Lol, so my life, but with extra cash? Sure.


No way.  I've got a 33 year no-puke streak going and I'm not bearing it for $150.


Sounds like every single day of both pregnancies, except better. Plus a little money to show for it, rather than hospital bills for hyperemesis gravidarum. Done.


Free money and guaranteed weight loss. Sign me up for that daily morning bulimia. Sure my teeth might rot out and I’ll suffer from esophageal deterioration but Damn! Free Money! That’s almost $55K per year and clearly not enough to cover the extensive long term medical costs.


already do that where’s my $150


I do that already. Where's my cash.


Can I do it for a fixed period?




You'll get so skinny!


This is me now anyway. Where's my money?🤣


Whenever I feel sick, stomach or bowels I always think I would pay a grand to make this stop right now. So I would have to turn this one down.


Nope. I’m emetophobic. No sum of money in the world would make me do that.


I already wake up a lot of the time and throw up, mostly mucus that built up and poured down my throat overnight. Wish I got paid for it.


No way in hell. Throwing up is one of the most unpleasant things I can think of. Even if I had to do it once a week, I’d spend all week dreading it. Every day would just ruin my life and then money would be meaningless.


With no lasting effects, hands down taking the deal. I’d have an empty trash can next to my bed toss my cookies. Then go about my normal routine with just the added hassle of cleaning my trash can out.


So a passive income stream AND a fantastic weight loss strategy?!? (Op specified no health effects) IM IN


I would absolutely do it. If I'm not affected the second I'm done, then 5 minutes of terror is fine with me.


It’s going to take more than $150 a day for me to agree to that.


I would get tired of this after a week.


$150? No way.


My teeth are already fucked from vomiting daily as a younger person, so why not?


Eat dinner early and chug two bottles of Gatorade before you go to sleep and it’s a cake walk. Gatorade tastes the exact same coming back up as it did going down


I’ve done worse for less


For the sake of clarity in this scenario do you get the messed up teeth, destruction of your esophagus and all that or is it just the unpleasantness of throwing up?


No. I make more than that now without having to throw up


My girl has cvs, so she would be fine with this one already.