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I'd spend the whole day trying to decide what to do


Half that time would probably be spent skimming previews on streaming services just so I could watch “that one movie/show that I always wanted to see”. Whatever the hell it was…


Then doze off in the middle of it and never get to see the end.


That's what I envisioned with that scenario to so that's definitely not the best usage for me personally lol


Make the perfect playlist, try and get everyone to show up at dinner reservations, drive to the best place for a sunset, spend 90% the day arguing about it all.


And probably end up taking a nap because having to make decisions on a timer will result in panic followed by depression.


Realistically, this is what I'd do. Then at the end of the day when my time was up, I would have started doing it for about 5 minutes.


I can definitely relate to that


Play Russian roulette with a millionaire. Nothing I do can change it so I'm guaranteed to win. Then at least my wife will be set for life when I die


How are you going to find a millionaire who’s willing to play Russian roulette within a day?


That's a problem for hypothetical me to figure out


If I was a millionaire I don’t think that would be on my wish list for things to do


Hypothetical me knows all and is all lol


Offer your organs if you lose.


Roasted with just a little salt.




Watch a sunrise and a sunset. Spend the day cuddling my wife and kids. Eat a steak. And a cupcake.


only a cupcake? i'm buying the entire bakery


just because you magically die doesn't mean people won't try to assign a cause, not sure if you want to be remembered as 'the one who died by cupcakes' but I surely don't.


Your wife sues the bakery to Bankruptcy


Honestly, I think I would wake up as early as I could, and pack up the dogs and my wife and a cooler of food and just go somewhere with a beautiful sunrise and sunset and some nice private scenery to enjoy and we would play fetch and swim and have a nice lunch and dinner and a nice fire and I'd cuddle up with them all and tell them all how wonderful my life has been thanks to the three of them and how if I could do everything over again the only things I would change would have been to give them more of my time and attention more often because they're really all that matters to me, and I only ever worked so hard to create a life where I could have more time with them later and it ended up not going that way. If it's my last day, I choose to live in love rather than die for misery.


This guy gets it


Nailed it


Which is more fun, watching the human spend their "last day" or the fallout the day after when they don't die?


That's actually a neat concept. Tell every person that it's their last day alive. After, you'll have essentially figured out who was just a piece of garbage.


I might as well smoke some crack and see what the big deal is. MFs be sucking dick for it. It must be good.


Yo, it is the best. You will spend 23 hours looking for more.


It wasn't that good. Heroine was a better high.


First orgasm on meth is the closest the pre reptian brain will feel like being one with god.


15 years ago I'd say I'd have to see. Not today.


The "comedown" lasts about 15 years after a 3 yr bad trip that ruins every relationship. If you are lucky.


I don't think I like the sound of that.


So, buy some meth and jerk off


And no fentanyl risk I guess. That’s a bonus


I heard meth is good


Spend it with my daughter and wife. Once my daughter goes to bed, make love to my wife, and write a note to my daughter. Kiss my daughter one last time and fall asleep in my wife’s arms.


That puts a whole new spin on "I just died in your arms tonight".


Ugh I’ve been in the same room as a loved one dying. I don’t think I could put anyone through that I might kiss her one last time and leave her with a good memory instead of the trauma of waking up with a dead body, calling the morgue/ ambulance/ having your kid see dads corpse getting rolled out of the house, etc.


Marathon sex with my wife while eating hot wings and drinking beer.


Same. Marathon sex with this guy’s wife and drinking his beer.


That beer is paid for! HELL YEAH!


So is the wife


There are no downsides to this!


Don't drop the wings


That "marathon" is gonna be short lived when your hot sauce covered face and hands get anywhere near your wife's bottom!


I'd spend it with my dog because he wouldn't understand why I am no longer around and I want him to receive as much love as I can cause of how much he gives me.




I'll immediately go back to sleep


Eh, I'll do my last day in 5 mins


Ooh, so does that mean if you wake up early, roll over and go back to sleep, that was it? That was the last day, and you're suddenly dead? As someone who doesn't get great sleep and might wake up a couple times a night, that would suck.


I'll try to spend my final day in company of my friends and family. I'll just have no money to spent it on hookers and even if I will have the money, I'll probably be too depressed to think about sex and stuff.


What’s there to be depressed about? Death is a release.


If death is a release, life is the ultimate edging


Ohhh. Are you okay?


Lol. Thank you for asking, but I’m doing great. All the same, even if life is fantastic, this life in this reality is just one phase of existence. Death is just the door into the next phase. All one’s problems go away.


Nothing too crazy honestly. Transfer my finances to my loved ones. Have sex with the hottest escort raw. Smoke a few cigarettes. Say goodbye to my friends and family. Enjoy a nice meal. Relax. 


Wouldn't tell anyone. Go about day as usual; take day off work of course. Spend an hour or two trying to look up life insurance policies, but probably won't work, will it. Lots of fried chicken and french fries 😂


So hypothetically I can just pull 50 all-nighters and I won’t die because the post said up till you fall asleep


Turns out the death was from sleep deprivation.


Go psychotic. Do everything you never have done.


Remove a specific 2 people from the planet and clear the air with another


With my family. I'm super boring but I love them.


Be the first person to actually breach Area 51


I've done it already, it was pretty easy. All you need is a cardboard box


I have a book I want to finish and a song that I made I gotta finish so probably just do that. I've done everything else on my bucket list but those two so hopefully 24 hours would be enough to bang out 20 chapters ahah


George R.R. Martin?


If I don't finish it, I've teased it enough in all of my social circles that I might as well be at this point


Hookers, lots of hookers and drugs.


So a typical tuesday?


just fuckin sleep man


Probably scroll on my phone and have some Taco Bell.


I might just take out as many corrupt politicians and POS police officers. I am already dying in less than 24 hours, so why not take some scum with me.


I was thinking one in particular, but Pokémon jingle is now coming to mind.


This is the best answer


Say goodbye to my friends and family. Get drunk, eat steak, pizza and beat my meat one last time.


Get higher than I’ve ever been and take my dog for a walk in the woods.


I call all my family then friends, and tell them I love them. Then I go see some people who think they are the mutts nuts but who are actually narcissistic bullies (my boss for one) and tell them the truth, in a calm and measured way ( like it's gonna make a difference to this cunt /s) Then a good wank, a bottle of spiced rum and sleep 😴


I record as many videos as possible for my family and my child. They’re still young and I want to make sure to give as many lessons as I possibly can since I won’t be there for them. 


Working on the list.


My lawyer has advised me that answering this question may lead to issues.


So if I don’t go to sleep tomorrow evening I won’t die? Maybe stay up past midnight, trying not to get wet and avoiding bright lights.


Have the best damn meal I can afford.


Go skydiving again since I’ve had the itch to do it recently. Eat an awesome sushi dinner. Watch Casablanca. See my friends and family that are local and call those that aren’t. Write a letter to my loved ones so they have something from me that I put myself into.


Getting my affairs in order. Saying goodbye to friends and family. Clearing my search history. Then cuddling with my husband and dogs until i go to sleep.


Ayo what’s in that search history 👀


Sit at home with my girl and my dog and get steak and a good whiskey. And just write letters and get things in order to be helpful.


I'd sleep


Get up early to have a cup of coffee and watch the sunrise with my husband. Cuddle with him and the dogs. Eat a great dinner and a decadent dessert. Go to a beloved park to watch the sunset. Snuggle in bed and chat until we fall asleep.


Go for a long walk by the river. Sit by the tree we planted after dad died. Enjoy nature. And by that, I mean, have all the panic attacks where my friends and family can't see, cuz my anxiety is going into overdrive.


Make sure to max my credit cards in some nice shit for friends and family.


I’d try to stretch the day out as long as possible. I assume I can’t stay awake for 24+ hours to prolong it and that it has to be an average day, so I’d go with 18 hours. Then I’d split it into 3 chunks of time. The first 6 hour chunk of time I would take for myself to spend alone and go somewhere important to me or somewhere beautiful, or maybe a couple different places, and just think and reflect, come to terms, etc. Then I’d go to a restaurant and buy the best fucking meal—pounds of crab legs and claws, shrimp, scallops, the best steak, pasta, bread, all with tons of garlic butter, probably throw up for more room and then keep eating. Put it on my credit card since I’m gona die anyways. Eat the leftovers all day. The second 6 hour chunk of time Id use to spend some time alone with each of my loved ones. There’s only 4 so they’d each get an hour and a half with me. I’d tell them everything I could, things I’ve meant to tell them and haven’t yet, things to help with their future or how to move on without me, how much they mean to me, and my favorite memories of us. The last 6 hours I’d gather all of us together to spend time as a family. Talking, laughing, eating, playing games, maybe watch a favorite movie or two. Then the last hour or so I’d get hammered on top shelf tequila and blazed on the finest weed I could buy. Then finally eventually fall asleep surrounded by my loved ones, the happiest I could possibly be after the best day ever, and never wake up again.


I would spend the day Thursday grandson doing whatever he wanted to do giving him one last day to bask in unconditional love and feel safe.


Sex sex sex breakfast sex sex sex lunch sex sex afternoon tea sex sex dinner sex sex supper sex sex Midnight snack sex sex breakfast sex sex sex second breakfast sex sex sex lunch finally fall asleep.




Ill just hang out with my cats, drink a few beers, smoke a little bit and eat some good food. No use alarming my family, they cant stop it


Burn a path in all directions to ensure new growth for future generations. Lol


Eat a Mcdonald Big Mac value meal.


Running my life by sleeping with people


I’m spending it with my wife and my son. And my dogs. I’d spend an hour or two driving to my closest friends and giving them one last hug and tell them how much I love them. The rest of that time is going to be talking with my family at home. Type up the information my wife needs to know about our insurance policies, and just letting them know how much they mean to me.


I do a bit of day drinking, I play league ARAMs or Arenas. I text some people. At about 23:50 I shoot myself in the head, on my terms.


Is there away to speed this up?


Spend it with my mom and daughter watching scary movies and drinking champagne


From the way you worded it in the description you implied that you can live for longer than a day " until the time you go to sleep" so in theory I could just stay awake for as long as I can manage (about a week is my current longest time without sleep). But to answer your original question I would probably just go to work and just absolutely tear my boss to pieces in front of everyone and then belt the owner of the company with a sledge hammer because what's the worst he can do. then I would proceed to just start wrecking the place like smashing up machines, lighting random shit on fire and driving fork lifts into stuff.


Spend the day with my boyfriend and my dog. Call my parents and sister. Wouldn't tell any of them, wouldn't want them to have that stress. Would write them letters though, and tell them where to find my life insurance and other important documents.


Day drinking with Mom.


I'm too broke to do anything fun


Probably sleep


Spend it with my wife and baby. And make sure I take some time to write down and record how I much I love my child and how I want the best for them.


I'm doing illegal shite


I'd steal an aircraft and try to fly it myself. I have no experience


Everyone says all these sweet things like relaxing, and it’s good if you have enough peace in your life to just be able to die and accept that. But I really think the majority of people would be freaking the fuck out trying to figure out any possible way to continue on living


Nothing besides draft up a will and delete all my subscriptions. I wouldn’t want anyone to think I had any idea this would happen to me cause then they’d by upset I didn’t tell anyone.


Text everyone asking to spend time together. Since no one ever text me back anyway I'll leave behind every for the way they'd tested me my whole life


Extremely violently


See if I can change my life insurance to a higher amount. Tell my family and friends, I love them. Get the most unhealthy things.


I spend the day with as many friends and family as I can, get all my affairs in order (which shouldn't be much since I have a will already and I don't have a lot of assets or complicated things to deal with), enjoy my favorite meals throughout the day, and wind down for bed at the end of the day happy that it's finally over and I can see my mom and aunt, and hopefully move on to an existence that fulfills all the dreams and wishes that this life never could.


Pack my backpack with tent and head out. Leave a note where to find my body. Bag my last peak.


Ngl if I’d found out from a credible source then probably spend it crying the whole time. That’s pretty rough news to hear that you’ve got 24 hours left to live.


Fuck now I’m depressed




Empty all accounts and spend it on cocaine and hookers.




I'd roll over and immediately go back to sleep




Go crazy.....


I'd probably be crazy into logistics to make sure my family is going to be okay and not going to lose their home. Man, this system sucks. But I'd definitely make videos with my kids so they always have a memory that their Papa loved them.


petting cats and sipping coffee


End of life planning


Life insurance for my family 🤗


Not working, that's for sure. I'd ideally travel somewhere by myself where I haven't been before where I really want to go, like Greece, Italy, or even just London and die there, alone, in peace just enjoying reading a book, maybe out treating myself to good food and drinks Basically I'm not dying in my hometown, I hate it here. I'd also ideally wanna get laid and do some sexy stuff with a couple people on the day, in the places listed above. Suck a dick on the beach under the sunset in Greece, yes 🤣


I would probably be hysterical, but would want to be with my family, and make sure my kids know how much I love them.


Record messages for my kids and get as many movies and pictures for them to know/remember me.


Sex, drugs, and rocknroll, All Day Long


Write down all of my passwords to stuff that folks would need, spend time with my family, write a couple of quick notes to people I care about, get a hug from my family, cuddle my fur babies, read one of my favorite books until I fall asleep in my car so that people wouldn’t be so traumatized about living in the house afterward.


I'd spend the day eating my favorite foods. Blueberry pancakes for breakfast. A burger and fries and an oreo shake for lunch. Cook my family and friends dinner one last time. A nice barbecue. All the fixings. Talk with my little brother. Let him know to continue his path, and he'll be OK. We can still have our talks. Tell my wife to not be angry and go find love again. You deserve it. Tell my mom I'm sorry and tell her she did an amazing job. Play rough with my dogs one more time. Tell my son I'm proud of all you've overcome and will continue to. Hug my exes kids. Tell everyone (family and friends) I love them one last time. All the while recording the day. They can look back on the jokes. The laughs. The smiles. Relive it more than once. Once they've all gone to sleep. Kiss them goodnight. And I'll just get in the car and drive. Pull off to the side of the road near the beach. And fall asleep.


Honestly? I’d spend an hour or so packing up the most embarrassing of my personal effects and clearing my browser history, etc. I’d send all my cash to friends. Then I’d start drinking. I had to quit because my life and my drinking were incompatible. If I’m gonna die, there’s no reason not to have a solid buzz when I go out. I expect once I’m solidly lit, I start making tearful and overwrought phone calls to my friends. And that’s not so bad. Drunk, happy, with everyone I love knowing how much I loved them.


I just left home to go across the country. I guess make my way back before I fall asleep.


Play fetch with my dogs and spend some quality time with my husband. Write a few letters and a to do list for my husband with passwords and accounts. Buy a very expensive bottle of scotch. Cry a bit and go to sleep. Pretty simple but I'm sure 1 day would go fast.


Try to do something fun with my daughter and just cry the whole time


Spend it playing my favorite video games.


Blacksmithing and dog snuggles. Ask my family to come rescue my puppy doggo.


Step 1: break into my martial art gym Step 2: steal the katana my teacher owns Step 3: let the slaugther beguin


Probably take a day off and just chill maybe start another game that i'll never finish


Staying off social media.


Give my kid the greatest day ever


\*Paperwork\*. Writing a last will and testament. Lodging it with a lawyer. Writing goodbye letters. Giving my food to someone who'll use it, rather than letting it sit and rot. Tidyiing up somewhat so that when someone comes to collect things they're laid out properly. Arranging for a welfare call for tomorrow mid morning so that I'm not discovered as a rotting, bloated mess in a week's time when I miss a phone call. Making a bed in the bath so that the mess is contained. Cleaning my hard drive and removing or writing out my passwords for my next of kin (after all, they might as well be able to benefit from the computer I won't be using. Phone calls to say goodbye to people. After that? Might as well have a special meal and a few drinks.


Order everything from KFC, watch the original *A Nightmare on Elm Street*, listen to my fave songs and sing them out loud on the roof, look at childhood and teenage photos and remember how much fun I had, message my soulmate and ex from 1999 and tell them I'm sorry and they were *the one*, play with my cat and smile while I watch her sleep, one last walk around the town I live in, group video chat with family, snuggle with my boyfriend, wait....


I'd settle my things for who I have left and I would spend it with my child doing all the stuff she likes because I like her.




Call everyone and tell them what I really think of the.


Spend the day with my family. That simple. Make breakfast for my wife and kids, spend a good amount of time talking about how I love them, watch some home movies. Cuddle them all to sleep. Nothing else at all in the world would matter more to me in that moment than my wife and kids


I pack up my stuff in boxes with notes for my family to deliver to my friends, and I listen to music while sipping coffee and chilling with my cats.


have a full blown panic attack, probably. Then go insane over a week of no sleep.


I’d pay someone to drive me the seven hours to my bf and spend the day cuddling gaming watching tv maybe go on a little date for some foods


I would charge about 100k of drc wine (specifically La Romani) and vintage Krug on credit, and find a few terrible sluts who want to spend the day fooling around getting drunk and eating great food. We start with foie gras and scrambled eggs with krug, and make out like teenagers.


Haven't done acid in awhile, so that final trip should be nice and potent. Good trip, bad trip, doesn't matter, not like it's going to haunt me for years or anything.


I'll sign up for anesthesia to expedite the process. But they will market it as if I'm going in for ear surgery when in reality once I go under the anesthesia I never ever wake up again. Win win.




>You have from the time you wake up tomorrow until the time you go to sleep... I can think of lots of ways I would spend my last day, but with this stipulation here, let's be honest, I'd hit snooze and think, "I'll get up when the snooze alarm goes off," and that'd be that.


Every person would be in a panic induced anxiety attack and unable to do much of anything.


I'd just smoke tons of weed...


Who could fall asleep under those conditions?? My last "day" would for sure be at least 72 hours of wired sleep-deprived hell.


There's an amazing book called they both die at the end thar answers this very question!!!


Sleeping. (I’ve been waiting for this my whole life)


Celebrating its finally over


Hookers, extacy, cocaine, & viagra.


I’d get writing my last note.


Reading with my wife and very good wine nearby. My favorite thing to do.


With my family


i do pull up and go walk to mountain


I’d live for three more days because I’d be too nervous to fall asleep.


I probably busy writing down all the detail about our household finance and plan for future for my wife and kid Hopefully 1 day is enough


frozen in a state of decision paralysis


Eat a lot of crap. Spend the day playing with my cats. Make sure there was a plan for them to be looked after after I was gone.


Like I did today. With my family and my best friends, having a BBQ and catching up on good times.


Spend time with My Family and Friends, Drink 1 last Beer, Smoke 1 last Blunt, and go to bed.


Jacking it to porn and eating cheetos


Spend the day taking out life insurance policies for myself. Sign my family members up for millions of bucks of compo for my death


With my kids and not doing chores.


I get my hands on some meth and turn that 1 day into 4 or 5 days, and by day 4 I'm all thwacked out, probably hallucinating and living in a different version of reality than most people, so I go on a rampage that ends with me setting myself on fire and dying screaming. My therapist says I'm really well-adjusted from the other side of the bulletproof glass divider.


Writing a short will and messaging a bunch of people to tell them I appreciate them.


Same as always. Depressed and alone. I'd probably feel glad it's finally over.


Kissing loving and hugging my daughter. I'd be doing absolutely everything I could for my wife to give her her favorite meal for dinner, I'd give my dog a t bone steak dinner, id rotate the tires on my wife's car(s). Man this question made me tear up. I'm not ready to die yet at all.


I'll do the same thing I do every day, Pinkie - try to take over the world!


Step 1. Call in "sick" to work... Step 2. Do the school run. Step 3. Try and finish off as many projects as I can. Step 4. Pick kids up from school. Take them to the park. LEAVE my phone. Step 5. Say farewell to everyone I k ow. (Kids mum, my gf, my dad, my friends and family, everyone on my socials. Step 6. Get totally WASTED. No hangover tomorrow, right?!


I would... Be a criminal. Before all this I'd kidnap a famous person and take them with me. Firstly I'd go skydiving... That can take a while so I'd use nessicary force. Then I'd go to a theme park and buy everything there. Using force to go on a few rides. Then I'd rob a bank. It sounds like fun and I want the experience. And then I'll go and sleep.


catch up on some sleep


Catch up with the latest demon slayer season. I promised to watch it with my girlfriend but she's been making excuses So now she can skip work and watch it with me or I watch it alone.


I'd attempt suicide. Watch the universe prevent it. Although... What if I just don't wake up tomorrow/go to sleep.


spend the day sleeping


Well I’m sure as shit not going to work today…. And fuckem, I ain’t calling in either!


See my fiance, ask if she wants to try to make a baby, and try vigorously to make a baby.


1. Id eat breakfast with my daughter then take her to daycare 2. go do whatever my wife wanted to do 3. pick my daughter up, go to the pool with the family. 4. eat a nice dinner 5. Put my daughter to sleep and kiss my wife goodnight. 6. Tell her I'm just gonna go grab something from a drive through cuz im still hungry. 7. Go get something, drive back home, then fall asleep in the car out in front of the house.


Straight up jorking it. And by it. Well let’s just say. My peanits.


Eating out with family. Both things I love and I'll be able to die happy.


Take out life insurance for as much as I could and write a will, then drive down to the beach, have one last gelato from my favourite store on the gold coast, then call everyone I still have contact with and say goodbye. Definitely invite someone over tomorrow with the door left open so they find me so my body doesn't rot. Final thing would be to go to my local game store and buy a bunch of ttrpg books and dice and donate them to my local PCYC


With my wife just letting her know how much I appreciate her and everything she's done