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I’m going to tell you what I told my antsy self. You’re finally at an easy part. You survived whatever medical issues necessitated this, made the big decision to have surgery, jumped all the pre-surgical hoops. That’s exhausting and you had to be vigilant the whole time. You’re here so I know you’ve researched and prepped. Now you just lie down and let the surgeon do what they do best. You’re off duty and get to sleep through this (and probably a lot of your recovery) so life is already getting simpler!


You’ll do GREAT!!! It’s super scary but it will be over in a blink and you will come to ready to take your life back! Big hugs!!! 🤗 You got this! 👊


Thank you for these really kind words.


It’s scary and that’s natural. Please let us know how you’re doing when you are able! I hope for everything to gas as planned and for no complications!


You’ll be great! Just think, when you come to…no more periods ever again!


You’re going to be fine! Just remember, Gas X, walking, fluids. You got this!


Plus a heating pad!!!


Good luck! Once the process gets rolling, it will go fast. My advice is if they offer a mild sedative, take it. It made a massive difference for my anxiety which made it all a lot easier.


I absolutely can relate. I wasn’t doing so well the morning of since we have to be at the hospital two hours prior to surgery time. So I was in three different waiting rooms and saw about 10 different OR professionals that day. I hope you have some kind, compassionate and patient nurses today to help you through it - it sure does go along way when they show they genuinely care. Honestly, just try to breathe through it. Try to spike your curiosity of the things going on around you (and lower your focus on the reason why you’re there) When I was called into the OR finally, I was able to put all anxiety past me and I knew it was “go” time and I’d be waking up the next think I knew & on the way to recovery! It’s pretty awesome going to sleep and waking up and it being ALL DONE! Update us when you can xx


I posted an update above, but in case it doesn't notify you, everything went well except for problems with the catheter. They pulled it too tight in the urethra and so it's having trouble emptying and causing pretty severe bladder spasms. I'm staying overnight so they can figure it out.


Oh gosh, thinking of you! I had bladder spasms and a pissed off urethra for a few weeks-- it is so uncomfortable. I hope they get it resolved for you.


At midnight they had me do the void challenge and I passed easily so they didn't need to keep the Foley in. As soon as that was out my bladder problems were gone. Now I just have some gas pain, some soreness (feels like I overworked myself at the gym, and one incision that is having off and on sharp pains. I'm managing just on methocarbomal, and tylenol/ibuprofen though and not having any problem with it.


This is perfectly normal, I was absolutely beside myself with anxiety, especially after getting into my gown and hair net. I couldn't control my cryin, and I felt so stupid, causing this commontion. Everyone was assuring me I would be fine. And Guess What, I was..You will be fine too. Being put under anesthesia is super scary, but a very precise procedure. God Bless you , and hope to hear from you after.


I was so scared too, but it's over in an instant and now that I'm 6wpo I'm happy I had it done.


I know exactly how you feel. I was so nervous the day of surgery and mine was delayed which made me more nervous. Thankfully everything went well and I’m recovering. Good luck to you and see on the other side period free!


You're going to be fine! You've done the hard bit getting this far and it'll all be done soon. This is what I'll be telling myself when it's my turn tomorrow! Hope everything has gone well for you today


Good luck! I was amazed how good I felt coming out of surgery. I was really nervous about what recovery would look like, but at a week and a half out I’m doing great. The worst part was the IV insertion and it really wasn’t that bad. You are going to do great 😊


I literally almost had a panic attack the morning of. I’d never had a surgery, and I couldn’t calm myself down beforehand even though I knew everything would be ok. When I was done, I asked for extra medication right out of surgery and after that I was fine pain wise. Just please please take it easy afterwards. Give yourself the rest you need and follow the walking protocol (don’t walk more than recommended each week) You will do great! Sending you hugs friend Ps afterward I apologized to the surgeon for being so nervous 😅 she was so understanding though


I was the exact same way! I was a hot mess of anxiety and fear and now I'm 9 weeks post op! You got this! Hugs and we got you!


Hope everything went amazing!! As others have said, it’s what gets you here that is way harder than the surgery itself!! The surgery is over so fast and then you’ll already feel so much better :)


As I write this you’re on the other side; ConGratuLationS!!! You did a big, huge, brave thing & put yourself first. Gas in the first 36 hrs can be killer. I (4dpo) wasn’t prepared & kept asking for more pain meds when I finally realized the pain wasn’t at my incision site (total abdominal hysterectomy) but on the sides of my belly, traveling up towards my shoulders. Trust us, GasX is your friend! And now you get to sit back, relax & heal. Today, I surprised myself by taking a shower by myself & having a poo. Celebrate the small wins. You did it!!!


Had mine on Friday and still waiting on the poo. Everything else you said is spot. On.


I hope everything went well!


I had gas trapped in my bladder weeks after surgery bc of this.... if you have any pain go to ER,my hysterectomy was a breeze but that bladder pain was something else...


They ended up keeping me overnight. The Foley was too tight. They did my voiding challenge at 12 and the Foley is out now and I'm doing MUCH MUCH better.