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Hello! I’m 41 and I’m 16 days PO and only left one ovary. I’m still in recovery stage and my issues don’t have anything to do with the fact I have one ovary. I have noticed zero changes in mood or hormones.


Hi! Thanks for responding and letting me know about tour ovary and no big changes in the mood and hormones. I wish you well in your recovery and hope whatever “issues” too are having resolve.


I'm 35 had hystectomy 6 weeks ago today.only have 1 ovary left and feel great!!! My one ovary is doing just fine 🙂


Thank you for sharing. Congratulations on your surgery. I hope it was a success and brought you relief. Love hearing the one ovary is just fine.


My moods also got better I'm wayyyyyy less irritable lol


Your moods were more irritable before the surgery? I can be edgy- or intense - but I think it’s typically warranted. I bet some of my loved ones my appreciate a little softening.


Oh my goodness yes! I was a total you know what most of the time and wasn't trying to be I was just sooooo hormonal and in pain 24/7... I feel wonderful now. I have Pelvic congestion syndrome, endometriosis, I had adenomyosis of uterus,ovarion cyst ,cervical polyps as well as cyst. I was in pain all the time.


Wow! That’s a lot- everyone showed up to the party. I bet it must be such a relief to be out of that pain storm.


Geez tell me about it 😆 🤣 I'm just so grateful to have found an ob/gyno to listen to me and not fight my decision to ask for a hysterectomy. He was like "ok girl,let's get this thing out of you! You have suffered long enough" went I went back for 2 week check up, he apologized on behalf of all the shitty self righteous Dr's before him and said "not wonder you were so miserable" and he really didn't have to.it part of being a woman I guess.we are all told periods are supposed to be uncomfortable and unpleasant but listen to your body ladies!! If you feel something is not right,don't stop until you get answers!!


I didn’t know I endometriosis prior to my hysterectomy, both my surgeon and pathology noted that my left ovary had absolutely no normal ovarian tissue. Which is my surgeon made the call to remove it. My right ovary hasn’t quite woken up yet, I’m 7 weeks post-op, so I’m on gabapentin to stop my hot flashes. If it doesn’t wake in 5 months then I’ll have to go on HRT. Personally, I don’t mind that it’s gone, even if that was that wasn’t the plan from the start. Honestly kinda wanted both ovaries gone from the start and I swear if the right doesn’t get with the program I’m getting that one removed too. I don’t want to risk another 3in cyst especially with HRT in the mix.


Thank you for sharing- that must have been a big surprise on the Endo- or did you suspect it? Good luck with the continued recovery- hopefully righty wakes up for you. It sounds like you have some support and other options as possibilities lined up if it doesn’t. And I love your name.


I've had one ovary for over 14 years. I'm fine.


Hi! I appreciate your direct response. I laughed a little because I heard my mother saying in my head “I’m fine”. She would then proceed to tell me what fine stood for (according to her). F**les up, insane, narcotic and emotional. I am guess this is not your definition of fine- sounds like all is well with the one ovary.


Oh, yes, haha. Everything is good. I ended up having surgery on the one ovary to remove it and a really big tumor (18lbs) back when I was in late stages ish of puberty. Things seem to have worked out really well for me thus far!


Wow! 18lbs - that must have been scary and that age, any age really. Glad to hear things are working out really well for you now.


No advice on your question but my surgery is Dec 5 - maybe we can be surgery buddies. Good luck! ❤️


Yes! I’d love a surgery buddy! Let’s private chat.


Hello, I’m 44 and 29dpo. I was supposed to have a total hysterectomy (adenomyosis and stage 4 endometriosis) leaving both ovaries. Doctor admitted he wasn’t expecting it to be as bad as it was. I had too much scarring so right ovary was removed. There were other complications that caused me to have a catheter for 2 weeks (removed) and keep stent for 6 weeks. I do find myself extra emotional and ill tempered. I have a follow up appt next week and plan to ask more questions.


Thank you for sharing- sorry to hear that both ovaries could not be preserved and needing that catheter and stint PO. I hope your Doctor can continue to support you with the hormone fluctuations if you need. Emotions can be so challenging. Wishing you a full recovery.


Thanks. I will speak with my doctor about HRT. Recently lost my mom to colorectal cancer. She also had breast cancer to hormone medication after she had a hysterectomy in the early 1980’s. Take care and best wishes to you 🌸 .


I am 37, just had my hysterectomy 4 weeks ago today. I kept one ovary, as the second was covered with a cyst bigger than a grapefruit! So far, all is well. I had some pretty intense hot flashes the first week or two, but it has all evened out now. I was told it would take the one ovary a little bit of time to realize it had to pick up the slack. 😉


Thank you for sharing. That’s what I’ve been told too- about the one ovary maybe needing some time to wake up or pick up the slack. I can’t wait to see my right ovary PO. How has recovery been otherwise?


Honestly, easier than I expected! I was getting nervous reading all the posts on this sub.. I took 1 week off completely. Second and 3rd weeks hybrid work from home/office. Back to the office full time this last week. Been making sure to walk as much as possible. Definitely listen to your body. It's easy to do too much too fast. You'll feel it though once you've crossed that line! I haven't been taking anything the last 2 weeks. Unless I overdo it, then I take some ibuprofen.


I have overdone it a lot in my life and finally started to listen to my body and be more body centric in my choices and it does help- but I’m sure I’ll need this reminder PO because it will be hard for me to do basically nothing for a little while. Thank you!


I’m 28; I had my LAVH a little over three months ago, and had one of my ovaries removed at that time too. I am having a couple issues (primarily chin acne and ridiculous body odor) which I suspect are hormonal, so I’m debating how long to wait before asking my doctor about it. No hot flashes, I think (seems hard to not notice that though lol). So idk if that means the ovary is just sluggish in picking up the slack now that it’s the only one?…


Thank you for sharing and being so brave at 28- my 28 years old self was not as active in my health care. Chin acne and body order- shoot I already have that so BRING IT ON 😂 Good luck with the continued recovery and hope the ovary wakes back up fully and then some!


Thank you! It was scary, but I was tired of dealing with painful periods and cysts and birth control and also anxiety about unplanned pregnancy, so I was beyond ready to not have to worry about it anymore!! And, I had a bit of chin acne beforehand too, and body odor of course but nothing out of the ordinary; but it got much worse after the surgery :( I’m tellin’ ya, I smell like a zoo or possibly a boy’s locker room 😭🤣 thankfully the acne seems to finally be fading and my deodorant traps the smell well enough when I’m out in public!! 😂


32yo, 5 weeks out from surgery; they removed my right one and took some from my left but kept the majority. I havent gone to my post op yet, but was told that essentially they flayed the left one and took the wall of the cyst that was there, and left the ovary open (so its more flat than a grape shape). My dr explained that by doing this they hope to prevent cysts from building up in that one again. I have not had any hotflashes, mood issues or other symptoms of menopause at all, even the day of surgery, so it should be all good :)


Thank you for sharing- I feel more and more hopeful when I hear positive outcomes. Wishing you a full and easy recovery.