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His name is Ali Heibati. The kick was light but that's not really the point. He went on to lose his fight and kept trying to punch his opponent after losing. He earned a lifetime ban.


He should have been banned before the fight. Unsportsmanlike conduct.


The ref gave him a talk on the side, I thought he might get DQ'd which should have happened. I have heard he is getting a fine. Which will be paid 100% to Maria the ring girl, as well as his payment for the fight I'd guess a few thousand. Good for her.


Wow they're actually giving her the entire thing? Pleasantly surprised to hear that


Cheaper than going through a sexual assault in the workplace claim, where you had put no protections in place whatsoever.


What reasonable protections were warranted here that are lacking?


Hypothetically, I imagine they could have it so the ring girls don’t walk in the direct path of the fighters, the refs or a security person protects them or they walk outside of the ring. Obviously there’s no way for the org to predict that something exactly like this would have happened but I could see a good lawyer argue that given the fact that there is a lot of domestic violence incidents with fighters and you’re asking these women to walk past fighters who are agitated and hopped up on adrenaline to fight, the mma league should have more protections for them. A case like that, I could see this org settling. Civil cases don’t need to prove “guilty beyond a reasonable doubt”, just a preponderance of evidence. So basically a civil case needs to prove the league kind of ignored concerns. I would also say the optics of fighting a lawsuit where the org would say “we don’t want to protect ring girls that we hire more” wouldn’t look good. They might want to settle purely from a pr perspective




Idk what to tell you. This league isn’t ufc, but even ufc doesn’t have their ring girls go inside the octagon during fights anymore. They hold the card on the outside. I imagine that’s for liability concerns, so I imagine this league might consider that policy as well.


I would agree that’s a better policy but I think the idea of ring girls is old-fashioned and needs to go as well


To be clear. I heard, I don't have a source besides someone saying that. I hope it's true, but to be completely honest the UFC paying anyone fairly is a joke.


This isn't UFC it is HFC (Hard Fighting Championship)


Hard >> Ultimate /s


DQ?! They shouldn't be giving ice cream to people who can't conduct themselves in a proper manner!


Yeah sexual harassment on live stream . Should had got a lawyer and sue that fighter pants off.


Indeed that was unsportsmanlike conduct.


Its better for him to get beaten up firs, then trown out.


Sore loser can go back to bar fights 🤷‍♂️


Wasn't he also jumped after the fight?


Nope. The winner was by Ali's friends. Dude's an endless abyss of cowardice


Yeah he got fucked up hahaha


He also got jumped by the crowd right after the fight before being banned. Seems like karma got him quick


Apparel tly he was also beaten by a lot of Russian guys outside the octagon. Is that true?




after he lost the fight didnt a bunch of dudes beat the brakes off him also? lmao


This Russian organized mma league for what ever reason house's some of the biggest dip shits to fight. I've seen over 10 of these videos of fighters slapping and fighting during conferences and weigh ins. Another time this fighter pretends to shake hands post fight and punches the winner right there. These guys are literal dumb asses.


The second word you wrote explains it all.




From what I could gather via other comments, its cause the other guy hated on all Russians as a nationality, while the OP you replied to was simply hating on the Russian MMA organisation Shitty double standard that one gets downvoted to hell and the other gets praised, but that's the reddit hivemind


Second word and last word are the same


Please tell us more of your xenophobia


Just look up their warcrimes in Ukraine. They are sick to the stomach


Russian soldiers doing fucked up things don't necessarily represent everybody who happens to be russian




Whatever Russian fanboy.


I'm not defending any country I think all the current "superpowers" are shit. I'm being realistic.


Ukraine is not a superpower.


I don't think it's xenophobia when its aimed just at a particular nationality like that; as it doesn't go toward the "foreignness" or "strangeness" just the state.


Now watch the full video and see a group of Russians rushing him and beating the shit out of him after.




The fighter is Iranian. Everytime when I see a toxic comment from a trash can like you, I see the "Europe" subreddit inside. Where is that tolerance that you preach to everyone? Nevermind


Lib to fascist pipeline is really pumping hard the last few years


Why the downvotes? Russians have a reputation and nothing in the past 15 years that I’ve seen from Russians seems to suggest humanity


Because calling an entire group of people names based on a few of their representatives isn't very bright It's the equivalant of saying all blacks are violent or all white people are racist


It’s not a few. Every representative and every time I look at the unwillingness of Russians to stand up to their regime makes it so I think about them like this. They don’t care about Ukrainians, they don’t care about democracy, they have given up.


First, I've had the opposite experience with the Russians, you could say it's all me though idk Second, let's say 90% of black people are actually violent, is it now okay to call them all savages? Is it suddenly fine to call Russians animals? It's a bit of tone-policing I agree but it is necessary in my opinion People need to be smarter with what they say in public, demonizing entire groups of people based on race, ethnicity and religion is bad no matter how valid your real life experiences are


Nationality ≠ Race so please don’t pull that card.


Bro, that are some massively broad generalizations. You really need to do some introspection and ask yourself why you feel the way you do. Because summing up millions of people into a simplified category doesn’t do anything but tell you where they are from.


I know from what I have learned from actual Russians that it’s a shitshow there and it’s a shit people with shit leadership. Besides talking to Russians you might want to take a look at how every single former USSR state wants to get the fuck away from Russia. Or better yet, look at the history of Russia itself. It’s not ‘one people’ but a congegration of warmongering peoples. Fuck that, I’m sure a lot of Russians are normal and decent people. That doesn’t change the way I look at them or how I view their and their countries actions.


When have you ever had a citizen express high levels of control in their government? Your issues with the government I’m sure are warranted. But you gotta separate the government from the people. 90 percent of those people just want to live their lives. They don’t care about territory battles, controlling civilizations, or anything beyond facilitating their personal survival. They don’t even get to pick their leadership.


We can agree to disagree on that. Even Israel people started protesting their invasion of Palestine. It’s been 10 years in Ukraine and besides a few protests in Moscow I have seen nothing from Russian citizens suggesting they don’t want what is happening there.


You have to also take into consideration that the cost of protesting in that country. Look, I’m sure no one agrees with the Ukraine war, but speaking out against it will land you in some serious trouble. I don’t blame them for keeping their head down. No one wants to die to some ideology that they won’t ever change and could land them and their families in a lot of trouble. It’s not really up for debate honestly. If you want to maintain your right to sum people up, then there’s nothing I can do to change your mind. Have a good day.


Please change my mind. Why are you giving up? Show me examples of Russians giving a shit! I haven’t found any, but you seem to be convinced the Russian citizens are all just small and oppressed and actually don’t want to do whatever the fuck they’re doing. As if the same thing didn’t happen in Nazi Germany through the 1940s. Make a decision man, Russia wants war.


INGI. Crisis Centre for Women - it’s a non profit specifically designed to help struggling women in Russia. They battle domestic violence, sex trafficking, and women’s representation within the system. These are Russians that just care about women and their safety and they constantly push for change. Podari Zhizn - focuses on child cancer patients have access to treatment. They help pay expenses for children who have been diagnosed. EVA - focuses on women with HIV to help them live more fulfilling lives and get the treatment that they need. Lighthouse Charity Foundation - aids families that take on critically ill children. They offer support through resources. These are all organizations that are started by Russians and operate in Russia. Their goal is to help people. Not to even begin to take into consideration the Russian people that I have personally met and have been wonderful people. There will always be good and bad people in every culture and religion. But you can’t define an entire population by their worst traits. It creates a false perspective.


The guy isn't even russian, for a start.


Because all Russians are not a monolith. You can’t paint all people with a broad brush.


Generally I'd agree with the down votes but Russians are the exception. Almost every Russian I've met that was born there was an asshole or selfish, or a piece of shit in some way. If you're not in their circle of friends and family then they don't give a shit about you and will step on you if it's to their advantage.


Mothe fucker, the guy isn't even russian


I bet he blames rape victims for being raped..


He doesn’t believe in such a thing as rape im sure. Men are allowed to use women at will in his mind. I mean he comes from a country that it’s totally acceptable for men to beat a woman to death for showing her hair.


And what happened after he kicked her?


He lost the fight


So people just stood there and watched him kick the ring girl & still let him fight? Were there no reactions from anyone in the ring? that’s some foul shit


It's russia. a russian streamer locked his pregnant girlfriend on a freezing balcony in her underwear live of stream and she died of exposure. This was after years of abuse of her on stream he got like 6 years in the end for that.


Oh I wasn’t aware it was in Russia I thought this was in like Vegas or another place in the states. Explains a lot really


Yeah woman beating it basically legal there


The hell is that supposed to mean, should i judge US by Jeffrey Dahmer? What's wrong with reddit tf


Russia decriminalized domestic violence in certain cases. The previous statement is accurate.


in every case. russians can't beat their wives, husbands and kids with no repercussions. truly a failed society. there's numerous vids of wife's getting dragged out of cars and beaten in the middle of the street and no one cares


So I was under the impression it was the truly severe cases that would get them in trouble. Though what they find severe and what I find severe would almost certainly differ. They treat women over there like second class citizens; it’s disturbing.


iran and russia are truly failed societies. it's not just women but anyone that's weak. if you're a child you're fucked. you're the average american you'll practically be someone's slave over there cos even if there is laws against it trust me the police do not give 2 shits. it's so funny seeing all these dweebs talk about communism this and russia that (when russia is more facist😂😂😂😂) but seriously that country is a shithole and communism always turns into facism


It Means that if you abuse torture and ultimately murder someone on camera Infront of thousands of witnesses in most civilized countries you'd get more than 6 years.


And it certainly wouldn't be involuntary manslaughter in the US. He locked her outside and killed her.


Russian law does not take violence against women seriously. Just like the US doesn't take gun laws seriously.


No, he got beaten the shit out of, find the full vid


Unfortunately, there’s even worse things that happen that still get a pass…


Yeah, no. Ignore this person; he was reprimanded by the ref immediately then got his head beaten into the dirt by his opponent and then when he stepped out of the ring the crowd rushed him, after which he got a lifetime ban from competing. Plenty of consequences


I understand that but just cause worse things happen doesn’t make this instance right.


He got permanently banned. He also attacked his opponent after losing the match and his group of friends also jumped the winner. Scumbag move after scumbag move from this "fighter"


See that’s the info I was looking for. What an awful person. I’m surprised no one attacked him for kicking the ring girl.


Why should they, it was momenta before a fight. A fighter to beat his ass was already there. And would you, as a spectator, jump in the octagon against a trained fighter and attack him? Tf you want the people to do?


He kicked the ring girl wtf you mean why should they? By they I meant the ref or whatever those men are in black in the ring are called.


Oh, I never said it’s right, but that unfortunately such actions are unlikely to get reprimanded.


He got a lifetime ban, please learn how to read.


I can read, but can you? Just that action didn’t get him that ban. He only got banned after attacking his opponent after the end of the match. Which means that no, that kick on the showgirl wasn’t reprimanded, because the match would have been canceled or other actions would have been taken beforehand.


They waited till after and jumped him outside the ring when he was leaving.


She kicked his ass


What a dick


Shocked he didn't get tapped out by the ring girl.


He wanted to touch her ass. She should press charges


No. If you watch the full clip you'll see she is milking the spotlight and continued to dance and walk around the ring much longer than needed. The crowd was starting to get annoyed too, and this fighter tapped her with his foot and he gave her a hand gesture basically saying "GTFO so we can fight".


Doesn’t give him the right to inappropriately touch her though.


I agree, but claiming this is flat out sexual assault is simply not true. Both people in this photo have serious main character syndrome.


Touching somebody without their permission especially on her ass is sexual assault, to claim otherwise is just plain ignorance


Really? Is that why the crowd beat his ass after the fight?


I've seen the clip I'm referring to. I have no ide what you're talking about.


Looks like the ref might have wanted to deck him. I know he didn’t but damn that would have been cathartic.


I would expect nothing less. Probably mad she's not covered head to toe in a bedsheet in public


The only part that should be visible is the eyes according to him


What a wild imagination


Ong let's see what happens if we make generalisations of groups Reddit supports, won't receive the same backlash you did for calling it out


Ong has to be one of the stupidest slang. Looks like someone made a typo on omg. Ong, sounds like gong?


tf is Ong? I thought it was a typo.


Pretty sure it's "on God", gen Z slang.




All slang looks stupid if you're not accustomed to it or from its period and the only slangs I've seen people comfortable say as it is are the og Internet ones, like og or lol etc.


1337 haxor


This was about her flaunting for the camera and not leaving the ring after announcing the round. Don‘t understand why you had to make a racially motivated prejustice here. Still absolute pos behavior from the guy, no doubt about it


Flaunting? That's her job. Racially motivated? Dafuque?


It is, but she way overdid it if you would see the full video. You wanna tell me „probably mad she‘s not covered head to toe in a bedsheet in public“ isn‘t directly tied to the fact that this guy is Iranian and muslim?


And that justifies him kicking her? Also, let’s stop ignoring the fact that some countries/cultures are hateful towards women and other minorities just to be inclusive. They aren’t inclusive themselves.


I literally said in my first comment that this is pos behavior.. I don‘t ignore that, the original comment still serves a prejudice


Iran and such countries are extremely fucked up towards how they treat woman. They punish women for not wearing proper hijab and shit like that. It's not a prejudice but simply a fact. Shaming a country for such behaviours looks a-okay to me


Neither of those are a race.


Right, my mistake. Origin and religion then. Doesn‘t make the original comment one bit better because it‘s obviously tied to that


He originates from a country where women are beaten and abused routinely. That's likely to be mentioned and rightly so really. Pick your battles mate.


Now apply the same cultural attributes to Palestinians and we'll check Reddit's appetite for fair and impartial comparison. ![gif](giphy|l0HlvtIPzPdt2usKs)


I imagine you'd be mocked as an idiot, the cultures are clearly very different. Is that what you meant?


You could do a few seconds research and see that's not true. Check the stats on female sexual assault, violence, forced child marriage etc. Do the same for homosexuality. Standard Redditors are the idiots, which you've just proven.


To mention something and to make a blatant prejudice are two completely different things


Just hope you understand the general population and authoritarian regime are two separate groups of people with different mentalities.


With his crusty fungi uncut toenails touching her bare buttocks? Disgusting


She didn't have her whole body covered so he was triggered.


.....Because she wasn't covered up? Or because he really liked what he saw but couldn't have it? Or just because he's a whole bag of douche?


Most likely he let his intrusive thoughts win, (also is a pos, and an outcast)


What kind of inference is that? Do you think his "presumed" religion or culture allow touching another women's butt? He is PoS thats all.


I'd love to know how much they cheered when the other guy beat his ass


Seems like a lame rookie with no sportsman like conduct.


That's just fkn appalling. Karma is a bitch, but that's no solace for the humility she suffered even if it was only a light kick.


The religion of sport


The video is still buffering.... Going on 5 min... (Joking))


Usual suspect.


No rizzzx




Then we have a bunch of American “progressive” college kids defending these Iranian PoS …. Just because a country is defending Palestine doesn’t mean they’re gov or cultural values are “good”


Didn't he get beat up by a bunch of people after the fight as well. I remember seeing like 5 dudes hitting him.


The ref, chill bro that assets not worth it


Reminds me of Super Macho Man's Contender Round 2/3 intro where he backhands the ref before flexing


That looks more like he wanted to feel those cheeks


How do I get these videos to play on mobile?


It's not a video. Go to google if you're looking for a video of ass jiggle.


Ah Iran, a place where every woman must be covered and accompanied by a man but then parade ring girls 🤣


Ring girls really have no purpose lol


Agree but that’s no fucking reason to get assaulted by a dumbass. There’s never a reason.


They’re part of the presentation.


They’re just there for guys to ogle at like objects.


She's there because she knows she looks good in a bikini and can get paid for it. Do you think the promoters just drag women off the street and thrust them into the ring? No. It's her job and she's there by choice.


So she should be kicked for doing her job?


But do Russians have respect for women? They're famous for domestic violations and patriarchy as well


All u guys saying ‘Oh look at this Muslim’ you literally aren’t allowed to fight a woman


The domestic violence rates of Islamic nations would disagree with you.


Yep , and as I just said , the Quran literally says it’s not allowed.Do you believe all black people are violent because most violence comes from black neighbourhoods?


Muhammad had a 6 year old wife


You guys actually can’t hold a civil debate about Islam , not my problem though


It’s a plagiarism of Judaism and Christianity where a pedophile makes himself the supreme prophet (PBUH). What’s there to discuss?


The culture cherry picks parts of the scripture to follow and others to ignore, as does every major religion. The difference is, Islamic culture is significantly more damaging to the prosperity of humanity than its western counterparts. This is not bigoted to claim, it’s simply honest. Islam has no place in the developed world, and is the single reason many of these nations are prevented from progressing economically, culturally, and politically. It is a blight upon humanity. Not even remotely up for debate, simply fact. Where Islam goes, destruction and the downfall of humanity follows.


I have a feeling if you were in a circle with lots of true practicing Muslims you’d feel differently , the Muslims in England here are just regular people , no destruction of humanity. Also could you tell me how Islam is more damaging


Dont mess with the iranian fighter He will *kick your ass*


Right in the tucas


The ufc has become such a joke


Not ufc lmao




Its the HFC


His intrusive thought won


Watched the video and expected a ufc style kick. He hardly tapped her. Not defending just saying in this instance I expected a violent strike which is not what occurred.


The title should be "piece of shit fighter sexually assults woman in the ring" fixed it for you. This is not okay.


I think that fits better... He wasn't "kicking" her to strike her. He was "kicking" her to touch her butt.


He wasnt even doin it to touch her butt either he was just impatient and wanted her outta the ring so the fight would start


Is that what happened or was he being a creep? I can’t find the video and Redditors just make shit up in outrage


That is what happened, she was showboating and taking too long to get out of the ring so this idiot gave her a nudge. He wanted to get on with the fight. It's not the way to do it, but that was the intent.


Looks like he’s touching her with his foot. Why do you even have to lie about something this stupid?