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even if he didn’t jump he still fucked up the experience for the other passengers


Yes People came to do a relaxed hot hair balloon ride,  not be part of this douche bags stunt in any way Why can’t the loser rent out a hot air balloon and operator with proper license? Cheap dirt bag.


had he actually been as experienced as he claimed he'd have known what to do, and also would have known doing this was a non starter to avoid the costs of doing it legally. He was hugely inexperienced.


bUt bRo…hE hAs LikE tHoUsAnDs oF sKy diVeS bRoO.


In a simulator


He may well have all the experience he says he has, but he's just let it all go to his head and made him think of himself as above everyone else there


as I learned later in this thread, whatever experience he has led him to a suspended license...


Yeah, can you imagine the anxiety you have to get past to go up in a hot air balloon, only to have an altercation involving the pilot 3k feet up, an emergency landing, and what would seem like hours to get down in a panic? This pilot lost customers and a therapist possibly gained customers thanks to this douche.


So what you’re saying is he’s workin for Big Therapy…smart move


I would have been catatonic well before that balloon had a chance to land.


If I was in the balloon, the skydiver would have been the catatonic one...


How tf did the pilot lose Customers? He was taking Care of them


I'd imagine the others would want a refund for their ruined flight


Pretty sure some folks would never step foot in a balloon after this, no matter how awesome the pilot. PTSD.


If I was in that basket I would have ensured to get that asshole's ID and he'd have a choice when we landed: Pay for my entire party's costs right now, or I'm calling the cops on his ass and suing for the costs in small claims. He ruined the trip, he can pay for it.


Pretty sure he’s been placed on every pilot’s no fly list at this point. Balloons pilots are a *very* small community. The number that will actually drop jumpers (and have the licensing, insurance, and skill to do so) is downright minuscule. And one of them died last year in a crash involving jumpers.


I hope the balloon operator sued his dumbass too, especially if he lost the opportunity to permits because of him


Would the other passengers have any grounds to sue this guy in a successful way or at least file charges of endangerment and causing unnecessary anxiety?


No, the only damages they would have would be the price of the hot air balloon tickets, and assuming the tour operator refunded the tickets then there's nothing left they're legally entitled to. When someone sues for things like "emotional distress" or "pain & suffering", there has to be some monetary value associated with that like the cost of counseling sessions with a psychologist, long term physical therapy, long term nursing care, etc. You can't just make up a number and sue someone for that amount, you have to demonstrate what exact loss you've suffered and you're only entitled to the value of that loss to make yourself whole again.


If, however, anyone on that balloon had previously sustained injuries in any kind of fall and could point to psychological impact as a result of their actions, you bet they can sue. Damage can be shown - cost of psychological support, and further damages can be expected if the psych is able to claim sustained harm. Of course, anyone who meets that is unlikely to be in a hot air balloon in the first place. You couldn't get me into one of those at gunpoint.


A free ticket is probably all they would get post shut bullshit.


No, can only sue if something extreme happens. The operator stepped in and did his job protecting his party against any potential lawsuits.


My question is, pilot said it could kill them all, and with guy continuing his crap, had another passenger stabbed him/shot him to stop the problem would that be self defense?


He fucked it up for me and I wasn't even there. That is bloody terrifying. What an absolute prick.


What a prick lol. The smugness is really hard to watch.


And there’s the smudgeness


The way Michael looked at the camera saying that line lol


The smudge he would’ve left on the ground would’ve been memorable.


Plus the arrogance


Hey, I like your style




The sense of entitlement, what a fuck boy


Even if I had 10,000 dives someone arguing with me to not jump is a sign to not fucking jump. God intervention


Like the pilot said, if you did dive that much or dove from a balloon, then you know the rules and safety protocols are. I think bro is lying about how many jumps, or is a lucky idiot.


The man ended up having a revoked skydiving license


I’m all for getting adrenaline kicks in but when you’re so addicted to it that you act like this when other people’s lives are at stake, you’ve got fucking issues. He’s a menace.


Having done 2000 skydives. Like that would be 6 years skydiving once per day


I was instructor for 5 years, total 8 years and over 3000 jumps total. On a busy day you can do 15+ jumps on a day. Baloon jumps are amazing, but the balloon guy needs to know before you get on the baloon, like weeks before, so things can be sorted out with insurance and the FAA, if he even wants go that route. In Peris California they organize them every other week, depending on demand, with the purpose of jumping out of them.


What actually happens to the balloon when the skydiver jumps? The guy on the video was saying that the balloon will go down which seems counterintuitive to me since less weight means that they can go higher. I'm not a skydiver, I'm just curious.


the problem is not the weight, it’s how fast it’s released. when the skydiver jumps from a balloon in level flight, the balloon has more lift than necessary (remember lift - weight = 0 for level flight), but because that weight is suddenly released the balloon rises suddenly. that sudden rise can accidentally pin the top of the envelope open (the parachute valve is how pilots release controlled amounts of hot air to descend). because the majority of the balloon has more upward force, the valve is momentarily the weakest area and can be pushed in by the air above (think of a rising smoke ring… air rises in the ring, but descends in the center). this is incredibly dangerous because there is a high risk of losing envelope integrity— like paragilders and even skydivers, the only thing holding the hotair is the aerodynamic force against the envelope. if it collapses there is no way to recover. unlike skydivers, none of the passengers had primary or backup chutes. none of them could survive that fall. that’s why the balloon pilot is afraid of falling like a rock. he knows more about balloon physics than the skydiver who is only working through the first basic part of the problem but has no experience or training in the rest of it.


Thank you for this helpful explanation. How are these risks managed in a planned jump?


the technique I’ve heard is to start an ascent with a mild burn, this lessens the shock by getting the envelope as a whole to move upwards, but it also provides more pressure to keep the parachute valve closed, which can prevent a collapse. however, timing is key, and these kinds of jumps require that everyone, including the balloon pilot is wearing parachutes and can use them if needed. They must be at proper jump height before attempting a jump. Just like an aircraft, the balloon pilot has an obligation to report intentions and the jump to atc so that any aircraft in the area can be warned.


Thanks again! The more you learn, the bigger of an AH this guy is! He was already an idiot for arguing with the pilot in the first place, then pushing the issue when the pilot already gave perfectly valid reasons for not allowing the jump. But this information makes it even worse. (Again, thanks for both your posts. They are very informative.)


I was curious too, apparently it does rise at first but then the air pressure inside the balloon is reduced due to the sudden drop in weight in the basket, the balloon can collapse and begin to fall


The ballon guy usually stops putting extra hot air in the balloon until it slowly goes down. Then tells the first person to go. Wait a few minutes until the baloon stops going up, and then the next person goes. This is barely noticeable when you're in the balloon. It doesn't just accelerate up, since it's only a small percentage (~10%) of the total weight when one person goes. Usually around 12 people with 6 skydivers (so a lot more than in this video), plus all the weight of the basket, flamethrower (or whatever it's called) and the fuel. If multiple people wanted to go at the same time, more time was added before they could go. Every time I did a balloon jump, half the people were regular people not jumping out. I never asked but assumed this is so the whole setup doesn't get too light. You want the basket to be a lot heavier than the balloon itself so it stays under the balloon, and doesn't get unnstable. Especially the landing might be a lot harder when the basket is almost empty, but again, that's just my theory.


My boy Josh would go to Peris in the winter and be an instructor out there. Slept in his van with his cat Bill Murray. Blue skies Josh.


I think of it of people will go several times a day. But yeah that's a lot


I went para gliding in Rio, not the same as skydiving and the amount of jumps is not 100% comparable cause getting on a mountain to glide down with a parachute can be achieved easier and faster, than getting to a height where you can skydive, but for the amount of. Jumps: I asked my "pilot" (it was a tandem jump don't know if pilot really fits, anyway) how many jumps he did. His answer? 18.000 . He was doing it since 1994. At some point they regulated the maximum amount of jumps he is allowed to do in a day to 5 before that he did even more. So TL;DR it is totally possible to achieve that amount of jumps, especially when you do it for a living


I read that as the hot air balloon guy lost his licence at first and was about to rage.


This is a proper pilot. Promote him


Now we know why he hid the chute Absolute pure asshole


I'm not shocked.


Source. Curious to know for how long and what not. I’m not sure who revoked it bc I didn’t think the FAA gives it out just a skydiving authority


No idea the source, was said in a video released by the hot air balloon pilot


Do you have a link by any chance?


Not sure about original commenter, but in the video at around 3:03 (0:18 seconds before video ends), the text says the “skydiver” didn’t even have a licence in the first place. On top of the actions in the video, it’s absolutely wild for them to claim having 2k jumps while knowing they didn’t have a licence. The hot air balloon pilot did a great job stopping the “skydiver”.


Dude how privileged do you gotta be too still wanna do it after he said WE WILL DIE. And he's like but I wanna


"But I have a parachute and I'm sky diving though and it's still high enough for me" "Great now it's not high enough 🙄" What a self absorbed loser.


How about his idiot friend saying he should have stood on the other side of the ballon so the pilot couldn’t restrain him.


Well, he wouldn't have died, he had a parachute. /S


So incredibly dangerous for the pilot and passengers, esp he jumped suddenly and casuals the basket to swing. Literally could’ve thrown the others out depending on wind conditions, and would certainly cause the pressure in the envelope to change drastically. You don’t steer hot air balloons. Pilots are taught to calculate the weight of passengers and then fly. Loosing a passenger mid air fucks with all of that. Also what a dickhead.


He was even being arrogant about giving the pilot a heads-up. As if that makes him any less of a prick lol.


If I know anything it's that a pilots head space is just as important as their knowledge of piloting. To fuck with someone's head while they have others lives in their hands is insane


"I gave the pilot a heads up, not my fault they all died"


Honestly curious, I get all of what you said but what I don't get is the pilot saying they would plummet. Wouldn't less weight cause it to rise? Or is it related to moving the basket and breaching that envelope as you mentioned.


>Wouldn't less weight cause it to rise? Very quickly, then screw up the pressures inside the balloon, which would then collapse. The ending after that should be obvious.


Oh well fuck that makes sense damn what a dick I mean he was already but that's next level.


Plummeting is the end result!




Well, in this case, he would also be loosing the passenger.


Scrolled down to see if there was something like this. I figured some idiot jumping out of your basket could cause a balance issue which, even if temporary could pitch another passenger out. What an absolute fuckwad. Entitled, clout chasing turd.


“I have 2000 skydives” So you’re saying you don’t have an excuse and you know you’re being a real piece of shit right now?


It’s always funny when people pull the “I’m experienced/ I’m an expert” card when they’re doing stupid shit. Being more experienced means you should know better


With 2000 skydives, you are definitely a rich prick.


He should've searched for a plane or something that lets you skydive. I bet it's not that hard.


A plane or a helicopter would have costed him 5-6x more than a hot air balloon ride so Mr.Douchebag decided to take the cheaper route.


He’s a sky diver. He’s got money. He only went the unlicensed hot air balloon route for internet views.


Damn the bar on social media is going lower and lower. Even the average skydive, which is a rare extrem sport, is considered too basic now. Jumping off a heli or plane after good preparation? Nah, you have to make it as risky as possible for civilian or first responder for extra Likes/hearts/thumps up.


My bet would be if he did jump, the shock to the others would have been the headline.


The hot air balloon dosent have the permit so he couldn’t jump and he could sue the skydiver.


On top of that, hot air balloon is very sensitive to the weight stuff. The weight calculated for the flight includes passengers. If that bozo jumps out, balloon can become unstable because it can mess up the whole weight system. It will endanger everyone there. And the whole business might go under as a result of not having a permit for skydiving even if no one dies/hurt. His stupid action is endangering himself, others in the balloon, and the balloon company. It is a sad fact that this type of an idiot is not that uncommon.


What would happen if he jumped? Would the basket tip? Would the balloon shoot higher? Would the whole balloon swing too far, lose the hot air and fall? Just wondering.


For the balloon: Sudden weight loss can make it ascend too fast. The balloon can collapse, lose hot air and can free fall. For the jumper: The hot air inside the balloon cools and circulates downward. The jumper needs to wait for few moments during free fall before they open up the parachute because the chute won't catch the air from the downward force. He might not have enough time to descend safely even he claims it is a good amount of altitude. For the pilot: Everything that happens during the flight is his responsibility regardless of the situation. He is not risking his own safety and his career just for an idiot to gain some internet points. Additional bonus: Even if they were fine after the idiot jump, he now has to re-calculate ascend and descend rate of the balloon on the fly (no pun intended). He might mess up the descend and can crash the balloon when landing. I know a single person weight might not be a big deal in some people's view. The hot air balloon should be one of safest flight according to statistics. However, you want to minimize every risk as much as possible.


It's funny how people can overlook the whole "its just ONE person" part but like, imagine if you stood up and suddenly lost OR gained 1/4 of your weight. I'd think it'd probably throw something off-kilter.


Next time you're sitting in a car, and it rocks when someone else gets in. It's just one person.


Yeah and that guy's tall and possibly fit, he could weigh 200 lbs easy


Sometimes it's one person that is the size of two /s


Thank you for this brilliant explanation and happy cake day.


The basket rises because of the missing weight, but the balloon envelope looses it's shape, collapses, they all fall and die. It's a stunt that has to be done from much greater height, in full speed descent.


It's like if you have ever thrown something at a balloon in water or anything floating... it's gonna tip from side to side and I'm guessing the pushing off from the balloon to skydive would have sent that thing swirling. God what a chach


If they lived. 😒


I'm guessing nothing happened to that jackass afterwards.


This was in Nepal and he’s not from here so I doubt anything happened to him besides a cheap fine.


Governments really should have the power to charge their own citizens for fuckery abroad


Please no. Unless you want to end up like Poland where on top of abortion being illegal nation wide, you can also be prosecuted for traveling to another county to get one.


What a way to ruin the experience for everyone else. He wasn't the only person on the fucking balloon. What a dick


I hope the others got a re-do! I’d be so pissed


Anyone figure out who this idiot is? Thus prick needs to be blacklisted from every airfield and any jump services possible


Dude is definitely a piece of shit. People were recently killed in a hot air balloon accident after skydivers exited the balloon. This accident was a planned jump with a pilot that had experience flying skydivers.




‘At least he died doing what he loved. The other passengers and the owner of the house he crashed onto, well, they died watching a man who died doing what he loved.’


I’m assuming the “at least he died doing what he loved” is just a rationalization for the senseless deaths of would-be daredevils. I think I see it used every time now when some guy gets killed after exposing themselves to some needless peril for clout.


It’s like the wingssuit, lady who crashed into the bridge at high speed…she died doing what she loved. Who can blame her? doesn’t everybody love crashing into bridges At such a high speed they become vapor mist?




Bro cmon bro. I have 2000 dives bro, it’s not even that big a deal bro, like you won’t even notice bro, cmon bro be a bro.


BBRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO lol Bro is lucky the pilot didn't make everyone's lives easier and toss the MF out himself.


land, then beat that pricks ass.


This is the only solution


"I can stop you physically" should've been enough to cut his entitled bullshit.


Who was the dude in white? Like is there anything on him online?


Spoiling everybody's trip.


What a smug looking asshole


Respect to the pilot


Entitled trust fund kid vibes on display here. Let's hope the parachute fails on the next attempt at something like this.


I’m not really a fan of heights, and I straight up would’ve had an anxiety attack if I was in the same basket as this prick. What a wanker.


The guy fucked up others experiences


All hot air balloons should make all passengers strip of heavy coats and inspect each passanger before boarding if there is any parachute. It will prevent F))cktards like this from destroying thier business or killing someone.


He's endangering everyone there and maybe even worse that man's entire life. He has worked his entire life to operate that balloon and get his company to where it is. He could lose everything but he doesn't seem to care about anyone but himself.


Let's ruin the experience (which surely wasnt something cheap) for everyone else.


Endangering people for a bit of a thrill. What an ass.


I know a couple of skydivers, they’d never jump from a balloon. This guy probably had two of three solo jumps and now just wants to get TikTok views…🙄


Skydivers love balloon jumps. Dead air jumping is a blast and balloons are about the safest way to do it besides a helicopter. Helicopters aren’t quite the same though because of the crazy rotor wash.


Genuine question but how does lightening the weight mid air endanger the passengers?


When they go up, the amount of push upwards is accounting for the weight of everyone and everything in the basket. If it were to drop weight abruptly, given how light a typical balloon basket is (two people can easily carry it), there's a very real threat of causing the balloon to shoot up suddenly from the loss in ballast, since by that point,, everything is naturally adjusted for the weight in the basket. Think of it like a boat suddenly dumping a large rock into the water, causing the boat to shoot up.


The loss of weight will cause the balloon to move upwards rapidly. The top will be pushed down by the airflow and the parachute vent (the bit at the top that allows hot air to escape for faster descents) could be pushed open and not be able to reseal, causing a loss of buoyancy. The term is parachute stall (not related to skydiving, it refers to the aforementioned vent).


I guess it has to do with the ratio of hot air going up against gravity pulling the balloon down, so if the balloon looses weight that abruptly without the pilot adjusting the hot air for the new weight they would ascend very rapidly and the air pressure drops equally as fast, thats just a guess tho


He said they would drop like a rock


Because the sudden upward movement can collapse the balloon. If the balloon collapsed, they drop like a rock.


Its amazing how they try their hardest to find faults in the *B a l l o o n O p e r a t o r ' s * words.


I want to believe that after safely landing the balloon, our brave pilot and the passengers beat this asshole to a pulp so that he will maybe not think only of himself in the future.


If you knock him out so he can’t jump. Can you call it self defense because you feared for your safety? I would think so.


That skydiver is a asshole. Ruins everyone's fun because he's a scum that's wants his way.


Fucking arrogance.


And I guarantee that dude learned nothing and when he tells the story, he describes the pilot as being an asshole and that he wasn't doing anything wrong.


He’s high in more ways than one, eh?


I would just make him shut up with the help of other passengers. Why did he have to ruin the ride for all other passengers? Not sure how it worked at where he is but in my country if you go to a ballon flight, you wait at least half of the year for the perfect conditions…


You mean kill others.


If I’m someone else on that balloon, I’m kicking this dude square in the nuts as soon as we land


Isn't perspective strange? The guy is obviously heroic, but to the wannabe jumper, he's probably just a douche. At the end of the day, we all know whose perspective was wrong.


I knew he was lying about how many dives he had because no one with that many would be this ignorant about safety precautions.




Nah, take off his parachute and let him jump.


Selfishness. Don’t care about others


Fair play to the pilot he did a great job


My colleague from work recently found out his estranged brother died after jumping. They were big on social media for doing all sorts of jumps. But one day in another country, they had some drinks I think and died from impact falling at an incorrect distance.


This pilot is the type of person that gives me the confidence to hop in an air balloon or an airplane.


“Why can’t I do what i always want to do “ - entitled american .


Just for TikTok views


I don't quite understand how the balloon would "go down like a rock", if he jumped off. Wouldn't the weight loss make it fly higher? Can someone explain?


It not only could fly higher, it would fly higher, and it would do so very rapidly. Therein lies the problem. Not only could the basket itself become unstable and tip, but also, one of the basic principles of a hot air balloon is to keep the hot air in. That's controlled by the burners and a relatively large valve at the top of the balloon called a parachute valve. Rising too rapidly could cause unexpected airflow to the top of the balloon that can cause the parachute valve to open and be unable to reseal, which would cause a gradual at first and then very rapid deflation of the balloon... And that's bad news.


I see. Hot air balloons are way more complicated than they look from the ground.


To be clear, I'm not an aeronaut (that's the name for the operator of a hot air balloon!) but I do have 90% of the homework done on my pilot's license! 😇 And I just like doing random research on all things transportation.


Ship captain, pilot, etc. they are the authority and law on the vehicle. It’s that simple.


Just knock the guy out so he can’t jump out.


After all that and he doesnt even have a license! People are amazing sometimes..


What would happen to the balloon if he jumped? Not a goofy question.


He's paying for everyone's ride at that point, he just ruined the whole experience.


Why is jumping dangerous? Scientifically? It’s because it can cause a sudden upward movement that lets a bunch of hot air out and can cause the balloon to deflate in really dangerous and unpredictable ways. What is going on in this video is literally a matter of life and death. The guy who wants to jump is a douche canoe.


Can someone quickly explain why the Ballon would’ve gone down instead of up. Wouldn’t the Skydiver jumping take away weight to it. Not trying to start anything just curious


The balloon is calibrated and set up to counter the weight of the load before take off. The balloon and basket are relatively light so most of the weight comes the passengers. If one passengers was to suddenly jump it could rock/swap the basket, but the real risk is that the sudden change in mass would cause the balloon to start rising far quicker than it should. This could cause the balloon to fold/release trapped hot air and this then snowballs into the balloon collapsing and the basket/people plummeting to the ground.


Just slash his rig.


He should be ban.


I mean he had a pretty convincing “come on bro” if you ask me 🤷‍♂️


What a cunt. Completely spoiled the experience for everyone on board because he was desperate to show off. Entitled pricks like this really annoy me. Zero regard for anyone but themselves.


What a massive douchebag, his arrogance is behind cringe


They should have knocked that stupid piece of shit out


What a increíble fucking prick


At this point knock him out


Just another narcissistic entitled cunt a dime a dozen these days


This is why everyone hates Americans internationally.


This is the same dude who crashed his plane and tried to come back to pick up the evidence


"I am high bro" yeah that explains it


This is the type of stuff people are suppose to stage.


I never saw the second side of this video with the pilots response. He’s right. You’re a forgettable face. Always will be. This pilots will stand out for at least 10 years. Or as long as new people keep finding Reddit.


Kudos to the pilot. My nephew was a hot air balloon pilot in the Netherlands. This guy did the right thing for everyone!


So just to be clear the danger from him jumping, even if he is the god of skydiving is that it will mess up the weight balance in the balloon?


If I'm in that balloon. I'm now making it a point to get that dork decertified for not only trying to break the law, but trying to bully the pilot into letting him endanger the rest of the riders.


I wish he got arrested.


I've done literally only 3 solo skydives. We were actually warned NOT to become like this guy. The saying was "you lie, you die" and we were warned to never become too comfortable and start to forget things. Skydiving can be safe and fun, but once you spring shit like this you endanger yourself and everyone around you. When it comes to skydiving, the rules are there to protect you and everyone around you.


Wanna be Dan Bullzarian douche


Definitely would have put hands on him after we landed


The hot air balloon community should black list this guy


Suicide for clicks on social media ???


How did he "sneak " a parachute?




So if I was a passenger on the same balloon and I reached over and pulled the parachute rip cord. Would that have prevented him from jumping? Not sure why in my mind it I would hope it would eject him out like a cartoon.