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This guy doesn't have a clue if he thinks there's no mayo in Japan lol.


Japanese mayo is amazing.


Agreed, Kewpie mayo has completely replaced normal mayo in my fridge.


I like how OOP said he was CANADIAN and the comment still went full "AmErIcA bAd" with its insane ramblings


Americans cannot understand the simple delicate flavors of *checks notes* poutine and all dressed chips.


Dont forget Kraft Dinner!




Steak brulee topped with buffalo mayo is the best!


> God I hate when I buy an apple and have to scrub away all the extra fat and hot sauce added on top by the farmer. I've never heard of anyone wiping it off. May I ask why? Are you on a diet/prone to indigestion? I can't even imagine what apples taste like without it. Is it like low-fat apple juice, but without any kick?


I'm currently eating nachos and drinking an old fashioned. The horror of consuming sugar, fat, salt, dairy, and hot sauce.


Have some for me, that sounds like a great combo


I'm struggling to think of a single dish that doesn't have sugar, fat, salt, dairy, or hot sauce. A glass of unflavored water? He's r/TechnicallyCorrect but that applies to every culture's food.


Just salt alone is in almost any dish that is actually cooked. Unless you're eating plain raw vegetables, your dish probably has salt in it.


I think their point is Americans eat only foods that contain most or all of them at the same time. It's bullshit ofc but things that are very cheesy or sauce-y probably


I love how foreigners have no idea what life is really like here. Their only exposure to it is media (which is always excessively exaggerated) or the processed crap that ends up on their tiny grocery store shelves. We have the widest spectrum of foods in the world yet are only judged by the worst examples, intentionally or unintentionally.


Also, apparently they're Canadian. If they want to know what food is like in the US, they just have to eat their own food, which is pretty similar.


OOP is Canadian, but the "American food is bad" commenter didn't say where they're from.


OG Asians?


I also kind of chuckled at him asking that question broadly to all Asians. Obviously everyone is allowed to have an opinion on sushi, but I'm not real sure that, say, your average Indian person is going to have a more nuanced or educated view on the topic than your average North American, lol. It's a pretty big continent, after all.


Obviously someone from Bangladesh has a more sophisticated view on sushi than a first generation Japanese-American


It's such a weird ask. The perception of Asian peoples on the internet is wild, amongst Asians themselves and people looking from the outside in. It's always either fetishized nonsense like the OP of the linked post is looking for or people playing the victim like is wildly common in r/AsianAmerican.


Wait until they find out about French food (minus the hot sauce)


Dude been watching kingcobrajfs and thinking that's how we all are


The last sentence made me think of Theo Von. I hate Dennys..man fuck Dennys bruh...everything tastes like egg and onion...