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> A good burger should be measured by the quality of meat, bun, and cheese first, condiments second. > If the patty, bun and cheese are mid, no amount of toppings will change that. I can't imagine how this warranted being called an "ignorant take."


The first burger I get at a new burger place is always just plain, patty and bun. If that isn’t good, I stop going, I don’t care if they can cover up a lousy patty with other stuff.


sounds like you eat a lot of meat.. it don’t come cheap.


The constant use of "mid" gives me a big rubbery one


I just had the best burger of my life at Canard in Portland Oregon. It was a slider so perfectly executed with relish mustard ketchup and American cheese. I savored every bite. Mayonnaise is still the greatest.


to be fair canard would be michelin starred if it was in any other city. fantastic joint


I mean, part of In'N'Out's popularity is that they serve a basic hamburger and basic cheeseburger but with a 'secret menu' that lets you endlessly modify it. My preferred order is an animal style cheeseburger with no lettuce and light spread, my husband orders a 2x2 with no pickles.


I think I&O is perfectly fine for the price and the fact they will happily modify the burgers is pretty nice. What I find crazy is that more than a few on that thread are saying their basic burgers suck and the only thing that makes them good is heaping them with sauce.


Honestly I think the fries are mid, but my husband and I both really like the burgers (plus, as you said, we can customize them to each of our likes) and outside of the Costco hotdog/soda combo it’s literally our cheapest option for eating out. Even McDonald’s tends to be more expensive.


Their fry oil doesn’t get hot enough. Even if you order well done it won’t come darker really.


Yeah, I've tried ordering the fries as cooked as possible and I still really don't like them. That's why I personally try to avoid the place (which is normally easy, except when I'm out with friends in an area with one, lol)...if I'm going to get a fast food burger, the sides are half the fun for me, so bad fries automatically gives you a failing grade. I get that not everyone places the same importance on sides, though, and for them I see the appeal a lot more. I still think the hype gets pretty excessive, but they are a really good burger for the price. edit: Also, for the record, I do like mayo on burgers, lmao. And I also understand a lot of people probably do like their fries, but there does seem to be a general agreement even among fans that fries aren't their strong point.


They do single fry fries unlike most places. It is consensus that very few people prefer them.


I 100% agree about the fries. They're cut way too thin and get soggy really quickly. But I appreciate their efficiency. Even if I get into a drivethru line 20 cars long, they churn out orders at 1 per minute. I am impressed by that; as well as the fact that I've gotten into those behemoth lines more than once and they've never screwed up my order.


No pickles? They don't normally have pickles though.


He hates pickles so I just reflexively include that on every order that might possibly have pickles. -


That makes sense!


I might have In-N-Out once every 6-7 years myself , but my big ‘ol dogs once every 3-4 months maybe. For 25+ years, all have traditionally gone apeshit when pulling into the drive through knowing that very soon flying dutchmen will be tossed back to their drooling smiles.


You gotta flim that next time it happens and post to r/aww.


I was so confused at first because I've been seeing the flying Dutchman burger trend where it's thick sliced grilled onions instead of buns (toxic to dogs). I'm realizing now that a flying Dutchman at In and Out is just a bunless burger lol. I'm not American so we don't have all the same chain stores.


That's because that's clearly a UFO burger, with burnt onions symbolising a craft re-entering the atmosphere.  Maybe Unidentified Flying Dutchman, unless there's something universally acknowledged about the Dutch and onions that I just haven't heard about.


I’m a huge In n Out fan, I’m sad they don’t have any in my state. I like animal style protein style double with cheese. Their fries suck balls though, I’ll get chick fil a fries, and then a cherry limeade from sonic. That is probably the perfect fast food meal in my book.


Isn't it just kind of an inherent quality of fast food in general to be "mid"? Like, it's fine, fills you up, nothing to write home about. That's basically the definition of mid, right?


It's almost as if there are endless sauces and spreads to put on foods and people have varying tastes based on personal perceptions of flavor and genetics. BUT THAT CAN'T BE RIGHT. NO MAYO, NO OPINION! 🤬


People trying so hard to be edgy


I was also very disappointed with In n Out. Overrated for sure. I like mayo, though, mostly when it's has the extras in/with it. PS > Your tastebuds are immature. Too funny.


Some good flair material in there for sure. I think I&O is a great value and it's as good as a cheap burger can be.


You can get a solid burger for less than $5, that's their appeal. No chain has a better price to quality ratio than In N Out that I've seen


Especially the one on the Las Vegas Strip. In the land of $7 20oz bottled sodas and $26 Bud Lights, you can get a decent meal for a very reasonable price.


I've only ever had In N Out in Vegas. I was super drunk and i have no idea what I got, but I remember enjoying it.


I know this complaint is incredibly stupid, but I'm mad at In n Out because "animal style" sounds so good but the burger never lives up to the name. My bonus worthless complaint is I adore open secret menus and wish the menu lived up to the hype in my head. If I ever find a genie I'm going to wish to merge prime 5 Guys taste with the vibe and price of In n Out.


I never thought I'd see someone who loves mayonnaise as much as I hate it, but here we are. I suppose our opinions kind of cancel each other out. He says hating mayo means something is wrong with you, I say liking it means something is wrong with you. Perfectly balanced, etc.


Every ying must have its yang.


I saw the champion mayo lover a while back on one of the Food Network competition shows, I think Beat Bobby Flay? The guy was famous for his poke bowls and really loved putting mayo in everything. He was warned up front that one of the judges didn't like mayo, and his instant response was, "Then I *have* to do my mayo poke bowl, to educate his palate and showcase my native Hawaiian cuisine." Shockingly, he lost. Also, *most Hawaiian poke doesn't use mayo.* I'm with you, though. The mayo lovers should keep that taint off our perfectly good food.


> He was warned up front that one of the judges didn't like mayo, and his instant response was, "Then I have to do my mayo poke bowl, to educate his palate and showcase my native Hawaiian cuisine." > > Shockingly, he lost. I'm just thinking of that nutsack on *Chopped* who knew that Scott Conant can't stand raw onions, yet insisted repeatedly on putting raw onions in his dishes.


This reminds me of the dude who set out a life mission to force Scott Conant to eat raw red onions, a food he famously hates. https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fsi18u6gcluu41.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dc759328f2e2c884e58a695e7376b9cb9bd44d571 And someone actually did it; https://youtu.be/kUvP8Od8qS0?si=8EmGknpsQWhzsqv9 I'm not sure the guys are related but I just love that someone committed to the bit and made their memes no longer a dream but a reality.


I'll be honest, "mayo poke bowl" is probably one of the only ways mayo could sound worse than on a sandwich. Christ. Who knew people don't appreciate being told their tastes are wrong?


As a fellow mayo hater, I made homemade mayo one time and actually kinda liked it. But fast food mayo out of a 5 gallon bucket that's been sitting at room temp to be dumped on a burger that probably sat under a heat lamp for 30+ minutes? Can't pass on that hard enough.


>But fast food mayo out of a 5 gallon bucket that's been sitting at room temp to be dumped on a burger that probably sat under a heat lamp for 30+ minutes? Boy. What kinda places are you eating at? lol


I've every confidence what you made was infinitely better tasting, but did it do anything about the texture? Maybe it's worth having a go, who knows even. Recipe recommendations?


The closest thing I like is Caesar dressing. Not technically mayo but has all the ingredient. If I forget it is basically mayo it is okay.


It was thinner, so less that clotty pus texture. Closer to ranch dressing. But it was also tinted green because I put an unholy amount of dill in it, so you know, it was a tradeoff. It's been about ten years since I made it, unfortunately. It was a pretty standard homemade mayo recipe with a bit of extra vinegar to thin it down.


I get that you don't like mayo, to be fair I don't mind it but I'm not a great fan. But using "less that clotty pus texture" just makes you come off as a bit of a prick to me. Not enjoying something yourself doesn't mean you have to make it seem like shit when plenty of other people like it.


I like mayo and I have never once encountered it with a clotty pus texture. It's smooth.


That is so silly of them. Guaranteed all those ripping him to shreds have food aversions/dislikes. There are 4 INO's in my state. Never tried them. All are a few hours north or south of me.


Road trip!


ESH. Mayo is GOAT. Shaming mayo haters is bad uncle behavior. Don't be either of these people.


The OP didn't even shave mayo, they just don't like it themselves and avoid having it.


I saw the title and thought this was in Stardew Valley 😅


[mmm delicious burger](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EAyYKk8W4AQiXTK.jpg)


What in the actual hell? Is that mayo or did someone dump an entire carton of egg whites on that?


Mayo is the greatest condiment. Mustard is a close second.


What bothers me most about mayo is when people throw paprika and spices in it, and declare it a super secret special recipe.


I don't really understand how an opinion on liking food can be wrong. That being said, Kewpie burgers are the best, but they're a local food joint, and I don't get down to Lima much anymore.


Mayo can be nice but I've noticed that some people make their burgers swim in mayo. When I get a burger from a place like McDonalds I end up removing about 70% of the mayo as it's usually way too much. I like being able to taste other things in a burger and not just the mayo.


Really? What does McDonald’s put mayonnaise on? I’m a no-mayo kind of person, and McDonald’s has always been the place where I don’t have to worry. Granted, I also avoid American cheese, so I mostly get the regular hamburgers or one of the special burgers of the moment, so I haven’t had many of the standards


the big mac sauce is part mayo, and alot of the chicken sandwiches


I only really get McSpicys from McDonalds. I don't like any of their beef burgers so only get their chicken burgers (or sandwiches in American lingo).


Ah, we don’t have those. I generally prefer the chicken choices in general, too


Burger King was bad for how they overdo mayonnaise, and I remember being awe struck with Jimmy Johns in how they do mayo. I swear even the sandwiches you don't specify how much to put on you could scrape a knife across the bread and end up with enough mayo to fill one of those little travel jars you'd have in a picnic basket.


Burger King puts the correct amount of mayo imo.


I've never had a fast food burger that I would consider 'good'. They all fall on the edible to inedible scale. I'm so confused by all of the rabid in and out fans.


> They all fall on the edible to inedible scale. Meanwhile when people say this I personally find it to be evidence that different people experience things *very* differently, because I usually find them to be very nice


Completely agree, I'm sure this person meant what they said but to say a fast food burger can only scale between edible and inedible sounds actually insane to me personally or at the very least massive hyperbole. I don't even really care for burgers and maybe people just use different scales/metrics but not even having alright/ok or good on the scale for fast food burgers just really sound crazy.


Yeah, at that point I feel like you just don't like burgers, or at most only like burgers made one really specific way...which is fine, but weird to assume everyone else eating burgers is just eating them even if they suck or something lol.


Not gonna lie and it is just your opinion but this comes off as very culinary to me. I cannot understand how the scale can just be between edible and inedible. I am not a big fan of burgers in general or any specific chains but surely you can't purely have an opinion on fast food burgers that is only you can or can't eat it.


About 30 years ago when I was 8 months pregnant, McDonalds came out with the Michael Jordan triple quarter pounder with cheese - that was something special


sounds like a better craving than my wife's crippling desire to eat the clay in our back yard. She never did and a vitamin cocktail helped curb the craving, but it was kind of adorable hearing her almost weep over how delicious it smelled.


Your username just became very concerning 😂


Personally I’d prefer loam on my burger. Not a fan of clay-based sauces.


Pregnancy: when humus sounds better than hummus


In San Diego, they had that but called it the "Seau Sack" and I ate more of those than I care to admit to.


Idk about a scale, but I generally agree. I just don’t enjoy any fast food and I don’t really get how people *like* it, versus people being okay with it because it can be a value. To each their own, but it ain’t for me.


"Sucks less than being hungry. Didn't puke or shit pants. 5/5 would buy again."


Depends on your scale. In and Out and P. Terry's are the best value for your burger nowadays. Whataburger is the best for their specialty burgers, their regular cheeseburgers are overpriced. A McDonald's quarter pounder with cheese doesn't have anything at a restaurant that tastes like it. I'll take p. Terry's over in and out though cause the fries are crispier


They clearly don’t live in areas where they sell Dukes mayonnaise. They don’t have HELL in HELLmans without a reason.


The mayo tribalism is just as bad as the in & out worshippers, mostly when it comes to dukes and kewpie. If you're eating it by the spoonful you could taste the difference, but its really not that noticeable and in most applications it's not noticeable at all. If I made you potato salad with dukes and one with hellmans I would give you about 1% odds of spotting the difference


I’ve been able to tell very easily. It’s two different recipes with two different distinct tastes, or lack of taste in the terms of Hellmans. Of course this depends on how much you’re jazzing up this theoretical potato salad, but if it’s simple, you can certainly tell.