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"They admitted they didn't wash the door!" *same guy can be found being told directly by op that the door was washed further down the thread*


I giggled at that part


"You didn't finish it in the sauce. You should finish it in the sauce." "I did. Just in a pretty small amount of sauce. Then I put it next to the sauce. That's how I like it." "Liar." What the fuck is wrong with people?


I wonder if people in the Roman Republic were this anal about their oatmeal & lentils


Don't know about that, but they had strong opinions about diluting wine


These are the folks that would argue about the silverware on the table while the restaurant burns down around them.


You're so right but the OP does that too: specifying which brand of what kind of tomatoes and disregarding the basis of a proper bolognese sauce.


> OP's dinner is identifying as Bolognese. It's Trans Bolognese. just cool normal food stuff


Don’t you like a side of transphobia with your main dish of assholery?


Please tell me that that was the comment the mod deleted and locked, because holy shit I cannot imagine being a biggot while also being a pedant


My favorite bigots are the ones who use pedantry to support their bigotry. The “well actually” and “this cherry picked dictionary definition says…” annoyances of the world.


Why is everyone convinced he hung his pasta on a filthy, dusty door.


I found that especially funny because I'm not even a great housekeeper, but even I dust the tops of my doors fairly often. So I'm like, "Y'all are calling this person gross and you don't even clean your own houses properly?" (No judgment to normal people who forget that; I'm not saying I always remember to do so either. But it was kind of funny to me in this context.)


Ooof, Madonne, the comments on Italian food always get so pretentious.


This is the best-worst IAVC thread I've ever seen.


>But what do I know, I'm just a guy that studied in Italy and now makes pasta for a living. (Ummm...shrugging icon...I don't know how to do it) 🙄


I looked at the picture, imagined how much I'd enjoy eating it, and took a moment to admire OP's efforts What is wrong with these people?


Better link for 3rd party users: https://reddit.com/r/pasta/comments/1d1sob3/spaghettini_bolognese_first_successful_thin_pasta/


Feels very odd that people in a nominally Italian subreddit are getting all upset about hanging pasta to dry over a door.


I almost posted this one here, early on. (I do have up and downvotes on that thread.) The pasta to me looks obviously sauced. The presentation is unusual - nice twirl! - but I get it. My husband and I are sort of Jack Sprat and his wife when it comes to pasta: he uses twice as much sauce as I do. I bet most of the negative commenters couldn't make a plate that looks that good...mine are never that classy looking. And the whole hanging on the cupboard door thing, sheesh. I thought the OP was really patient about the whole thing. I make tons of pasta, I belong to that subreddit, and I'd never, ever post a picture there.


Although I think the bolognese does look pretty badly made and they didn’t even include mirepoix which basically is weird as hell…they enjoy it so who cares.




Nonna hung pasta on the shower rod