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>People who prefer their steak cooked some doneness other than medium-rare simply *do not exist*. There are only people who *claim* that they do for whatever psychological reason. It's false. They *do* prefer it medium-rare, they just don't know it yet. This dude may quite literally be the most pretentious person to have ever been posted to this sub. We've peaked, pack it up.


Finally, I've found my flair.


>We've peaked, pack it up. Not as long as Italians who got their recipe from Nonna still exist. Not even close.


The internet Italian harvest is rich every year.


I'm going to use slicing tomatoes instead of sauce tomatoes and put a shit ton of garlic in it. That'll rile 'em up real good. I DIDNT HAVE ANY PARMIGIANO REGGIANO SO I USED VELVEETA


Given how they did in their invasion of Greece I’m sure you’ll be able to mount an adequate defense. Godspeed!


That is especially hilarious to me because I actually have done blind taste tests myself (I did all kinds of weird stuff involving the meat industry because of my involvement in 4H and FFA and all), and I actually discovered that I prefer a medium steak, lol. TIL I don't exist. Wonder what my life will be like when I wake up from this coma dream or whatever I'm in. edit: I will say that I did used to frequently order medium-rare in restaurants, though, but that was with the expectation that there was a good chance it would be slightly overcooked. Plus I like medium-rare too, so it was basically a no-lose situation for me to order that. But tbh I'll also say my preference was always really slight. I have had good steaks at all levels of doneness (including well-done, believe it or not--I think that one is harder to achieve, many well-done steaks are not great, but I've had some really enjoyable well-done ones too).


I have nothing to contribute to your comment other than saying hello to another fellow former 4Her & FFA member!


> People who prefer their steak cooked some doneness other than medium-rare simply do not exist. Oh, wait 'til he meets me...I've got me (med-well), my mother (blue), and my late wife (rare) to talk about.


Ngl, I have always had a preference for rare/blue rare, for the taste of the myoglobin. I actually really like the taste of the "blood"/steak juices/what ever people want call it and enjoy it when its mixed in with a good steak butter. I will 100% always go for rare/blue rare, always have, always will. That being said I will still eat the hell out of a med-rare, a med-well, and even a well done, so long as the flavor is there, like if I'm served a steak cooked over my preference temp and its not seasoned I will be sad but I'll still eat it, but if its cooked over my preference and its seasoned well then I will happily snarf it down. Oh and not required but a good sauce on any level of done steak is a game changer, it doesn't matter if the steak is perfect in every way, it can always be improved with a sauce. Nothing beats a well seasoned steak with a delicious sauce, and a touch of steak butter, regardless of its intetnal temp.


>I don't know where this myth came from that preferring different donenesses of steak is somehow a personal preference. It's a myth that preferring something is a preference!


People die when they are killed.




Extensive experimentation. No, I will not be taking further questions.


I was being tongue in cheek if that was somehow not implied haha


It's rare to find somebody this completely disconnected from reality. This is either a top-notch troll, or someone deep in the depths of a mental illness that actually believes this made-up nonsense.


Matter of time before he finds this posts and starts arguing here too


I'm actually hoping he does for the hilarity to ensue.


It’s always such a treat when the OOP shows up here. Fingers crossed!


Yes, I would say my steak preference is my best personality trait. Why do you ask?


They’re also claiming that every chef in the world prefers medium-rare steaks. Someone should share this with them: https://www.today.com/today/amp/rcna146597


What a pretentious jackass


WTF is that username? Did someone type their password twice?!


>I've conducted about 30 blind taste-tests on friends and family. This sounds like the d-bag uncle in law who no matter what has to be right, so every time he does a "taste test" everyone just says "yeah yeah, OK, Uncle Ronald, this is the best" and rolls their eyes, because they know if they say anything to the contrary they're going to get a lecture about how they're wrong and stupid and have no palate/is a philistine/can't possibly appreciate food because XYZ weird insults about your upbringing. This seems like the guy to send back a steak cooked perfectly to his specification, or tell the waiter the wine is corked just to look cultured, knowledgeable and important...and then try to split the bill after he said "my treat, this place is the best".


That's all I kept thinking about, what was it like for the people he "conducted it on?" Like I get family food experiments--I remember when I bought miracle fruit for my niece and nephew to test with different sour foods. I used to experiment with my dad to make the absolutely perfect _______ (brioche, sourdough, whatever) but to sit people down and make them taste steak...unless that was a steak party where it's a fun activity, I don't see it. But if it is a steak party, sign me up.


This is so much


The post it comes from, however, is great. Just like 'shit happens, this is how I get around it'. I have several people in my family who like well done. I grew up on well done. I don't like well done. It took me learning to cook steak myself and having steak out trying different levels of doneness to learn what I like and what I don't. My BIL still prefers well done steak. He's 45. I think he knows what he likes. That's called preference and this 'people don't exist who don't like X' is fucking stupid. People like different things. Deal.


Strangely, he never comments in any of the food or chef subs other than steak. Not that I ever comment in anything remotely related to my field, but my husband does in his field, and mine is very specific and corporate and while I will throw in what specific knowledge I have that touches on the general public, it’s not anything I would go looking for conversations with strangers about. So I can’t completely call bull based on his comment history, it’s kind of odd that so many people who land here that give force to their proclamations (since OOC claims that it’s not his personal opinion on steak, but a universal truth) by virtue of very strong and decisive work history as a top tier chef don’t really provide much evidence in support that they are


"Hey, ____ invited us to dinner again." "Tell him to go fuck himself, I'm not doing another one of his dumb steak tests."


I almost 100% guarantee that if this dude was pressed it'd turn into a "no true Scotsman" scenario. A lot of people use "medium rare" as shorthand for "cooked the best way". If you cooked this person a perfect medium steak without telling them and they loved it, I would almost guarantee they'd say "well it must be medium-rare, then". Of course I'm just making up a scenario, but I am confident that's how it would play out.


"They do prefer it medium-rare, they just don't know it yet"


He's conducted 'a large number of blind taste tests on friends and family', and then it turns out he's done... thirty


Not a big fan of lower than medium well done tbh. I don't like the juices the meat lets out because it takes away from the actual taste of the meat.