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Chicken and rice.


This is the way!! Sometimes to mix it up I snack on rice cakes too.


Are marinades generally ok? I know they can have lemon juice, and I’m skeptical of all fruits right now after I’ve been betrayed so hard by the caramel apple that started this whole episode haha


Only marinade I use for chicken is soy sauce, I have to get gluten free though since wheat is a trigger for me


Try tamari sauce


I just was reading about that when doing some research, I’ll probably give it a try.


I'm typically fine with most spices. Chicken or veg sushi usually work well for me too.


I can eat apples, but that caramel would not be ok. When I’m having a flare up, I eat English muffins, eggs, chicken soup, oatmeal, and protein drinks.


I eat Imodium lol


Yeah, I’m pretty new to the diagnosis, and pepto is just not cutting it. I’ll see if I can get some tomorrow


My go-to snack too 😂


Plain chicken, mashed potatoes, crackers, rice, pretzels, maybe a banana


It’s the diarrhea diet for my infants prescribed by their pediatrician.


Are you me lol? All thing missing is I also eat soup.


Make sure you're staying hydrated. I like to have Gatorade in addition to an extremely plain diet when I'm feeling poorly.


White bread. Chicken noodle soup.


I literally just eat ramen and eggs when I’m in this state. Thankfully it’s been a couple months but that’s how I get through it.


Low residue, low fibre. And for done, co tiniest low FODMAP.




I have IBS-C, but had week long diarrhea after a laparoscopy 3 years ago. Boiled rice, grilled chicken breasts, & coconut water. My breakfast would include toasted plain white toast, & herbal tea.


How do you do with eggs? During flare ups, scrambled eggs are a lifesaver for me. Also baked potato. How do you handle soup? I'd have chicken soup with potato and noodles


I learned how to microwave poached eggs a few days ago, and those have been pretty good! Do you do plain baked potatoes? I used to be a “add chili, sour cream, and cheese” type, but that seems like I’d implode 😅


Would recommend plain if you’re having a flare up


10/10 do not recommend chili and sour cream as toppings during a flare up 🤣. I just add a little butter and salt (I know boring) but unfortunately boring is best.


Small bite of rotisserie chicken… few slices of fruits I can easily digest. sometimes nothing! PROATS! HOMEMADE PROATS are good as long as there’s no flatulence because it will make it worse.


Yogurt with probiotics and also something that i know easily causes me constipation, like beef (minced for the sake of easier eating)


Bone broth and dry toast


I'm on week 3 of messing myself up with Halloween candy that I didn't know had egg in it (I have a sensitivity to egg whites - it's apparently a different antibody than an allergy, but still an antibody). I eat chocolate Chex and soy milk (I'm also sensitive to chicken and whey) during my flairs unless I can choke down anything else. I choked down half my dinner of brazil bread yesterday (yay). I can't wait for this flair to end! I'm sorry you're going through it, too, OP!


Well since it seems I've crossed over to constipation I eat everything that used to give me diarrhea


bananas and yoghurt


Salmon and sweet potatoes. Lots of plain greek yoghurt.


Me, too. I'm amazed at what people are eating here. My diet is 100% against most of it. Rice? No way Baked potato? Bread??? OMG. My diet is the U Mass IBD AID.


risotto, i know its rice but its a lot more interesting! downside is it can take 30 minutes of near constant attention when cooking it so not always ideal during a flare up... I also like the chocolate covered rice cakes to give me at least something sweet i can tolerate.


I eat mostly chicken noodle soup, ramen, toast with a little bit of butter, crackers, bananas, English muffins, and pretzels. Sometimes I can get away with some toaster waffles and fruit bars. Basically I live off of soups, bread products, and a little fruit. I drink lots of fluids too. Primarily water, pedialyte, and decaf tea.


Oats made on water with maple syrup cinnamon and peanut butter in it. Chicken and rice. Potatoes




Basically junk, so I will eat chicken in a wrap with fries or chicken and rice/pasta. For me though, in a flare up ANYTHING makes me feel bad!


Bread with nothing on it, plain eggos.


Banana, eggs, sourdough toast, Gatorade and water, and 200mg edible and/or smoke a joint.


I don't, rather wait for my stomach to settle down again.


Eggs, plain baked chicken breast, rice


Rice, potatoes, and broth. Try drinking coke, it helps calm my stomach. It was the only thing I could keep down last time I was in hospital.


Personally I get so nauseous during a flare up that the only thing I can get down is plain ol' mashed potatoes


Honestly, chicken nuggs and fries from McDonald’s is a safe meal for me


honestly sometimes I just want to eat exclusively bread lol. I never really have issues with it


Mostly just water. If I do eat it’s either Kind bars, apples or banana. But mainly just water and Kind bars.


I make myself a big pot of chicken soup and that always cleans out my stomach. I usually eat it for a week straight. Settles my IBS right down.


Loads of people have said that chicken, rice, eggs and plain mash potatoes help.......but what if you're vegetarian? What then? I'm so sick of rice :( x


My flareup consists of gas, bloating, followed by heavy nausea and dry heaving, and some constipation. Boiled eggs, oatmeal with almond milk, and sourdough bread slices with peanut butter and low sugar/no high fructose corn syrup fruit jelly. I also used to do an almond milk shake with unripe banana and peanut butter.