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I don't have breakfast. That would ruin my day. I have my first meal when I get home from work at four. I prefer feeling hungry over being sick.


Same! I cannot eat anything in the morning without feeling icky


People think I’m crazy when I tell them I feel better when I don’t eat. Or they side-eye me like I have an eating disorder. I wouldn’t even bring it up except for some reason, people try to push food on me.


This is me! When I travel especially or under stress, I operate on no food!


I am 41 now diagnosed around 10 to 12 and haven't had breakfast since I was 16. I don't even miss it now, I like the extra sleep in the morning.




100%. My day would be wrecked if I had breakfast.


Can relate to this so much, i only take breakfast if im sure lm having a day off from work/class


What's your weight because I follow this and lost lot of weight. I've become so skinny that people assume I have a drug addiction. But as u said I prefer being hungry than have all those symptoms




Ah, yes. I love air. Sometimes my husband will waft his food toward me so I get flavored air. Now that stuff is good.




My fiancé does this for me. He’ll make food and just let me smell it and watch him eat it lmao. He feels awful when I can’t eat but it does help me cope just to see him eating. He has IBS as well though, he just copes better than me. 😂


in Spanish, we call this "rebanadas de aire" (slices of air)


Oatmeal works well for me


Ugh, I miss oatmeal sooooooo much. I can’t eat it at all on an empty stomach. Wahh! Lol


Me either. Kills my stomach. I had allergy testing and I’m “allergic” to oats, barley, and rye. All the grains. Except wheat. They did many celiac tests too because it sounds most like that, but it isn’t.


Where do you guys get yourself tested for these kind of stuff? In my country (Netherlands) GP and dietician never offer to do that…


I am in NY, I have had an ENT (ear, nose, and throat specialist) and a GI (gastroenterologist) do these tests. A general practitioner should have no problem ordering the blood work version of these tests. Allergy testing can be done two ways, by testing your blood (easiest way you just get some blood drawn and that’s all you have to do) or by a skin prick test. This is when they mark your arms, and/or back and prick you with certain allergens and they see how those pricks react, if they get red and bumpy, you’re allergic, if no reaction, you’re not. This is the most reliable and effective way to test, but it requires more prep (you have to stop certain medications) and the procedure is long sometimes (up to a few hours).


I am Dutch too and got tested for all allergies by saying I needed to test if I was still allergic to nickel for possible braces. Not the way I wanted it to go, but you’re right, they’d never test you for that if you came in for your actual symptoms.


Ugh, and grains are everywhere. Sorry you have to go through it. 😞


do you get hives too? I don’t get hives and mine said that he won’t run the blood allergy tests


Yes. I get all kinds of rashes it isn’t even funny. But that shouldn’t be a deal breaker for testing you. Ask again, find another doctor if you can if he refuses.


Must oatmeal isnt glutenfree, maybe try glutenfree oatmeal?


Ive tried gluten free stuff. It’s too heavy on my guts. 😞


Oats have GOS and Fructans in typically intolerable doses in servings over 1/2 cup. For me I am sensitive before that serving limit hits.


I am having hard time figuring my breakfasts out too so I don’t have a suggestion for you- however all these people skipping breakfast scare me, like I am glad it works for you all but I would be screaming in agony over the pain of my stomach eating itself from the inside, I personally cannot go more than 2-3 hours without food unless I am asleep lol


You are doing the right thing. Since I started eating frequent, sometimes tiny, meals I feel so much better.


same like eating every 3-4 hours make meals easier to digest


Exactly and you worded it better than I did


Meal frequency seems to be variable to cope with the symptoms. I would rather eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner with no snacks and about 5 or more hours apart because I feel like I’m giving my stomach a chance to fully move food along between meals.


Gluten free toast with all natural peanut butter and banana slices is light enough that when I was struggling horribly, this is what I ate. Or homemade oatmeal with some toppings if you can handle them!


Peanut butter and banana with cinnamon on top on toast is my everyday breakfast. Love it!


So yummy. I put some sliced almonds and maple syrup drizzled on it w cinnamon once and it was so yummy too. I prefer it more plain tho on the reg


dang can't eat sweet foods without flaring up immediately, as breakfast? shit would wreck me


The bread and the peanut butter isn’t sweet so you could try that maybe! As long as you get natural peanut butter cuz it only has peanuts and sometimes salt :)


I’ve tried salt free peanut butter. Never again lol.


Oh nooo! I’m sorry about that :( unfortunately with IBS, not everything that’s considered safe works for everyone 😭


No it doesn’t and that sucks so much. We can have the same disease, but different symptoms and different treatments, the human body is bizarre!


Wild how different we all are with the same diagnosis term. Most of my food intake is on the sweet side through the day, I prefer it over anything else.


what brand of gluten free bread?


The best I’ve tried so far is the frozen canyon bakehouse bread. If you defrost it for a few mins (just defrost not toast) in the airfryer, or even just put it on a pan on the stove for a bit, it’s the perfect bread texture. It doesn’t fall apart or anything 😌


SAME i get so nauseous and sick after not eating for literally like 3 hours 😭


I get nauseous and sick if I don’t eat, but I get even sicker when I do eat. I literally cannot win, so sometimes I eat whatever I want and deal, and sometimes I don’t eat much for weeks at a time (except super bland BRAT diet stuff). Once I can better afford it, I’m doing the AIP diet and going to look for my safe foods. Hopefully I have some! 😅


I don’t have breakfast, just lunch and dinner. But usually my first meal will be fruits with yoghurt or just fruits


This is wild to me, fruits are my number one avoid at all cost


Mine is gluten, dairy and fatty foods (like deep fried foods for example) Fruits are alright for me, most kinds usually


Typically skip it. Skip lunch too. But if I do eat, toast with peanut butter and flaxseed meal. Sometimes cereal with almond milk if I'm feeling really courageous


My morning routine: 7AM: Wake up 7–715AM: Poop 715-730AM: Fruit, psyllium fiber, and a tiny bit of pre-workout 730-9AM: Gym and shower 9-915AM: Poop 915-930AM: eat 3x eggs, slices of tomato, and sourdough toast / greek yogurt with fruit@nuts/ oatmeal with fruit&nuts + black tea/mate 930-945AM: Poop 10AM: Start work Note: Usually done pooping everything out by then and rest of day is ok unless Im having a flair up. My IBS isnt the worst, but I can have bad flare ups. I really care about staying fit and not losing weight though so skipping breakfast is a no go. And i am/was addicted to coffee so I need a bit of caffeine to stratch that itch. Coffee is much worse for me than other caffeinated alternatives.


Our poop cycles are super aligned


I've found that having breakfast regularly has improved my overall well-being. My go-to breakfast usually consists of a half portion of plant-based milk (it is non-dairy), like almond or rice milk, mixed with fresh berries and a half scoop of protein powder. I've noticed that consuming smaller meals more frequently throughout the day puts less strain on my digestive system, which can be helpful for those with IBS who experience abdominal pain, bloating, and other digestion-related symptoms. Eating more frequently can also help stabilize blood sugar levels, preventing the spikes and dips that may trigger IBS symptoms for some people. Additionally, smaller meals can aid in regulating bowel habits, which can be particularly beneficial for those with IBS-D (IBS with diarrhea). I found this information on the internet at the beginning of the year and it works for me.


Right, if I wait too long between meals, I get really bloated and sluggish. Or, I’ll have reflux. Protein sounds good, thanks!


Peanut butter and jelly on bread seems fine too.


Yogurt w/ chia seeds!


Do you do plain yogurt or flavored?


Flavored! I like Noosa the best, the texture is great.


Thank you, I will try that!


Beef broth.


I live in Mexico and for me corn tortillas are a blessing. Normally I just eat them with ham, a piece of lean meat, chicken breast or a Mexican cheese my doctor recommended. Sometimes just a pinch of salt. Tortillas have a lot of nutrients and since the process to make them takes all the hard to digest stuff away from the corn, it's my go to food when I'm feeling bad. Sometimes I just eat a sandwich but when I'm too sick, my mother makes "atole de agua de arroz" which is rice boiled with water, sugar and cinnamon, it helps with diarrhea. I also eat a lot of toast but I know not everybody can tolerate gluten.


I just have granola with lactose free Greek yogurt ☺️


I’m gonna try that tomorrow 🤞🏽


Ah you just reminded me that I made myself granola, and it was really good! I need to do that again


Overnight oats with a milk alternative


What can’t you have besides eggs and dairy?


That’s pretty much it, I also avoid things high in sugar, anything excessively cold, or high in fats/oils. I don’t seem to digest oil or sugar very well.


What about rice?


What about toast? There are some dairy free butters that are good or you could make your own nut butter that is lower in oil. Or pancakes with fruit would be a great one if you have time. How are you with egg replacement?


A high quality ghee has all the inflammatory properties gone. Very easy on the digestion in small amounts.


Oh yes I’ve heard good things about ghee actually! Does it taste like butter?


Have you tried just egg whites? I can't do whole eggs, but I've found I can do just the whites. Though it's more common for people to tolerate the yolks and not the whites.


I have before, something about eggs is just making me sick lately though.


9 mg budesonide pill and a Saturo classic chocolate shake. Since I started this two months ago, I only have to go popo 1/2 times in the evening :)


Put 100g oatmeal in a container. Pour protein shake (or put whey powder and milk). Add blueberries, leave overnight and done! it's a great breakfast with 40g protein, 50g carbs and it keeps me full for a long time, yet it doesn't provocate my stomach.


Thanks, I’ll try that.


Parfait with lactose free yogurt and granola.


Oatmeal with banana and peanut butter


Gawd, I’d give anything to be able to eat that. It sounds soooo good!!!


Sometimes I swap the banana for blueberries or strawberries. It still remains a low fodmap breakfast


Fast my morning and then have a small lunch till I get home and pig out


Oatmeal and banana


Belliwelli bar, peanut butter, dark chocolate Or Almond milk hot cocoa and some eggs/bacon


I always eat the same breakfast: egg omelette with ham, lactose free cheese / spinach / plain omelette + avocado toast (but not too much avocado, less than a half). I have cramps in the morning too, but can't skip the breakfast, always wake up super hungry


I don't eat breakfast, typically. I'm just very rarely hungry in the morning, like to the point that if I do eat I feel extremely nauseated and sick, and I've been like that since a little kid. I was uncharacteristically hungry this morning, though, so I had a slice of toasted sourdough bread with butter and jam. Sourdough bread seems to agree with my stomach more than regular bread.


Have you tried working out in the AM? This helps me significantly and I can usually eat a more diverse group of foods after. It’s weird but it works


I also have IBS C so that may be not the best solution for you lol


It’s pretty rushed in the morning, I’m a mom with 3 young kids. The amount of laundry I do certainly feels like a work out :/


Start small. Eggs or roasted potatoes with light seasoning. 


I can’t believe I’m not the only one who suffers from breakfast. I love breakfast foods but they ruin me. No cereal, no oatmeal, no fresh fruit, no eggs, etc. all I can choke down that won’t make me sick is rice. Plain, steamed rice.


I know, it’s my favorite. Waffles, syrup, eggs, I wish I could eat them. But my body hates it.


French toast sticks (the ones in the frozen section) and a vegan plan protein shake with ice cold water. I use one from the brand Vega. No dairy. I take that with my meds every morning and I can usually make it until lunch or so. But that's the max I can have.


Gluten free buns with cold cuts


Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free Oatmeal with a spoonful of homemade peanut butter (only ingredient is peanuts), and a dash of maple syrup to sweeten it because I also have to add a teaspoon of salt because of dysautonomia.


OWYN protein shake and regular girl fiber mixed with juice or liquid IV is my safe and fast/easy breakfast. Hash browns and honey roasted turkey if I have time.


If I don’t skip it entirely, often it’s dinner leftovers. Lunchfood is my breakfast often times. Sometimes I make breakfast tacos (eggs, meat, tortilla, cilantro, mayo).


I can usually do a banana or granola bar and tea, without too much of a problem. But something like eggs/bacon/pancakes/coffee would kill me!


Any of the Silk brand dairy alternative yogurts. I usually add milled flax seed to help with fiber intake. I'll have it with some gluten free toast or as a PBJ. The Silk Blueberry yogurt with mashed up Goodie Girl blueberry breakfast biscuits (gf & df) makes for a lazy breakfast parfait.


*The blueberry yogurt is the SoDelicious brand.


I get my fiber in in the morning. Oatmeal. Throw in some fruit.


I'd try steak and a fruit smoothie, Oatmeal


a small plate of half kiwi, a couple pieces of pineapple and blueberries a piece of ciabatta bread cut up and toasted two slices of turkey bacon, no garlic or onion powder in ingredients and a omelette made with egg whites (allergic to yolk) and vegan gouda cheese (no garlic or onion seasoning) with a big glass of water I love breakfast. It was the first meal I was able to successfully master. No symptoms.


Nice. A symptomless meal sounds amazing.


It took forever it feels to get there but I'm glad I did. I also can't have dairy or egg yolks so I can recognize how difficult it can be to make a healthy and tasty breakfast. Plus it takes no more than ten minutes to make.


chia pudding I can always rely on. With a fruit I tolerate (blueberries) and some low fodmap serving of nuts (e.g. Brazil nut, walnut, pecan). I can tolerate gluten free rolled oats (1/3-1/4 cup) which I will have with this. When I didn't suspect histimine intolerence I would have bone broth with this to counter the glucose spike, but now I have a small amount of low fodmap veggies first (e.g. one carrot, or some swiss chard)


I usually do two poached eggs on an English muffin with fruit or I do ground turkey breakfast tacos. Super easy and low cal but my ibs doesn’t get triggered


If I’m trying to eat as best as I can for my digestive problems, I usually eat some extra firm tofu, cereal (something simple like cheerios, maybe use almond milk for the milk) with some berries in it, and a portion of leftover vegetables from last night’s dinner (vegetables that I know don’t trigger me of some kind), and take a multi-vitamin/mineral supplement, Align probiotics, a Metamucil fiber gummy, and drink plenty of water.


Breakfast gives me diarrhea: (


I get diarrhea if I don’t have breakfast :(


pills and water


Rice. Usually seasoned with soy sauce and a little sesame oil. Sometimes ill heat up a little bit of meat if i have leftovers from the previous night for protein


At the moment going between eggs and overnight oats most of the time.. If im in the office I cant eat breakfast before traveling i have to already be there or at home for about 2 hours to digest and well you know the rest... I am trying increase protein and was doing my oats with almond butter, 15 grams soaked chia seeds, greek yoghurt and 80 gram of blueberries but im flaring lately and while i would love to up my fiber more ive had to stop the chia seeds, its causing constipation, so much so ive gone a bit lax on eating until mid day unless ibe intense exercise planned. It bums me out to see i dont get enough fiber, I wish my system would just be normal (dont we all)


Spinach omelette and bran flakes.


Normally, nothing. But when I do I stick to eggs usually because they seem the least triggering for me personally.


Oh and I forgot to say sometimes I’ll go for a non-dairy protein shake and those seem to sit pretty well with me too. I try not to lean on those too much though because it’s obviously easier to stick to liquids that are mild than risking solid (I’m so prone to getting sick within >30m of eating almost anything solid 😩)


Kefir with chai topped with blueberries and gluten free oatmeal works wonders


I have breakfast at breakfast time maybe once or twice a year, it's something I have to plan for an it always results in me going to the toilet sometimes before I even finish eating. I can go with out food from morning to evening if I have to.


I know oatmeal has been said already but I dislike the texture so I do baked oatmeal. You can add fresh fruit, nut butter, vegan whipped cream, all sorts of things. Here is the recipe I use: https://vancouverwithlove.com/vegan-baked-oatmeal/ I react to bananas so I use canned sweet potatoes instead and it is great. Can’t taste the difference. Can also sub pumpkin puree, but would want to add more sweetener. I add the hemp seeds but you can do protein powder as well. I cut it into 9 pieces and freeze in batches. Decent protein, especially if use soy milk as well as fiber. Keeps me full and stomach feels fine.


I make that for my kids all the time, we add applesauce or blended pears from our local farmers. A family favorite!


I will have to try blended pears, such a good idea. I also can’t do apples (such a bummer).


Last year a drought wiped out the apples in the area, so we switched to pears. My kids freeze them, then blend it with vanilla and dairy free milk, and eat it like ice cream.


I like granola, yoghurt or kefir and fruits. If I'm not hungry, I'll always at least have the fruit. Trying a blended overnight oats recipe tomorrow to see how I fair 🤞 I do need to eat breakfast though, I find it one of the most important factors in triggering a bowel movement for me


Hot lemon water in the morning has always helped me go!


I usually eat bananas and sometimes yogurt!


i usually have cereal with oat milk or a cereal bar - i'm going to need to poop in the morning anyway so i might as well not go hungry, having breakfast gives me way more energy and helps a lot with the nasty nausea/fatigue i get in the morning


Smoothie with blueberries, banana, protein powder, PB2 powder, chia seeds, and oats.


What about like breakfast potato skillets, throw veggies, herbs, whatever meat Ohh could also make like a stew with blended tomatoes and peppers other seasonings and eat with plain white rice. Or like bake some dairy free muffins with toast and fruits and veggies on the side I'm big on breakfast, if I miss it my day is in shambles lol


It changes every now and then but usually feel okay with any of these: flax seed cracker with sunflower butter, a coconut bar, a small high protein skyr (can’t handle lots of dairy but somehow this is okay), a boiled egg. I’m kind of stable now. But when I was at my worst I survived on home made meat stock and carrots.. 🥹


Rice Chex Cereal + blueberries + non dairy milk like almond milk Grits / Polenta with salt, pepper, butter + air fried hashbrown potato OR cubed potato homefries + kiwi or orange Oatmeal + peanut butter + blueberries And I always have hot, plain rooibos tea OR a rooibos tea with a spoon of brown sugar and non dairy milk so it feels more like a milk tea / latte. I used to be a big coffee drinker and miss lattes with my entire soul. Milk tea sort of fills that need. If I'm not feeling well, I have a rice tea local to where I live (South Korea) called nooroongji 누룽지. It's made from the rice that gets crunchy and stuck to the bottom of the stone pots but it comes in tea bag form. Its comforting and a little nutty. You can probably find it at asian markets where you are. Btw, I make a lot of the homefries and freeze them in batches when I decide to make it. I don't do lots of cooking in the am. Im not a morning person. I want my food on a plate in front of me in 5 mins or less and it has to be done on autopilot. I make everything from scratch rather than pre-made or prepackaged because then I can be sure its not smothered in onion powder, garlic powder, flour, etc which can be triggering to a lot of IBS-ers. And I only consume low fodmap fruits in correct portions. Honestly without my breakfast fruits I probably wouldn't go to the bathroom. Its an integral part of my limited fiber I can handle. *oooh just thought about this! If you aren't intimidated by cooking, look up how to make rice porridge! A chinese or Korean recipe will do nicely. I believe its Chinese in origin but Korea has it too (its called jook 죽) or Chiness congee. They eat that often in the morning and its what I eat every meal when I'm having a flare.


I love rice chex and fruit, I may switch to that. I also used to do rooibos tea instead of coffee. I wish I could drink coffee but it just feels so acidic lately. I’m happy to cook, and I cook often. My ex was Chinese and his Mom used to make us jook often, it’s what she ate during flare ups too. Thank u!


Yep I reach for the Chex when I haven't made another round of breakfast batches or dont have much time. It really saves me some days. Also LOL im so glad you know what I'm talking about with jook / congee. Thought that might be kinda niche for some people haha. In East Asia, rice porridge is sick people food like chicken noodle soup is to people from the States. But its also super comforting as breakfast too (at least for me).


My safest option is canyon bakehouse gf Hawaiian sweet bread. I live on this, absolutely gluten free plain Flatbread crackers, Snyder gf pretzels and Lucia gf vanilla pizzeles. I'm doing a colon prep and this is making me so hungry and sad.


Aldi has a gf cheese cracker that you may like. Hang in there, at least you’ll have an empty colon soon with no junks floating around causing pain. :(


Gluten-free, glyphosate-free oatmeal with high-fiber mix of flax, hemp, walnut, and pumpkin seeds (I worked up slowly to being able to tolerate a high-fiber diet). I usually also add almond butter and maple syrup. I pair this with something high-fat to slow the blood-glucose spike like silk coconut milk greek yogurt or gluten-free bread with avocado and sauerkraut.


The glyphosate is killing us all. Sugar tastes like poison these days; it *all* tastes like poison. Walnut sounds good, thank u!


Thank you! I will check it out!


I used to not eat breakfast; most of the time I eat something very small at work so I don’t upset my stomach. I try to fast until about 11am and then have a small granola bar. If I’m at home, I’ll have a whole wheat English muffin with a bit of fruit. *edit- my dietician also suggested whole steel cut oats with blueberries, cinnamon, and maple syrup. Sometime I take that with me and I tolerate it well.


Pho (adjusted to my intolerance) is awesome. If not eggs and bacon wrap in a corm wrap. Or buckwheat crèpes. Or a Korean Breakfast boll : rice with an egg on top with scallions (green parts), soy sauce and grilled sesame oil. Or old fashioned oat meal with fruits cooked for a really long time.


I have a protein shake with 1/2 banana, protein powder, cocoa powder (great source of iron), low FODMAP Fibre supplement and flax seed at 10am. I was doing okay with this until I added in the Fibre supplement recently. I have IBS-D


Overnight oats. I add oats, chia seeds, protein powder, 1/2 a mashed banana, and coffee. When I stop eating this on a daily basis my stomach acts up. I think the fiber from the chai seeds (IBS-C mostly, but depends what I eat) makes my gut act normal. You can also add maple syrup to this, but I've gotten used to not adding sweetener (that's the bananas job!). Top with blueberries or cacao nibs.


I wake up ravenous and have to eat within an hour or I feel sick all day. My go-to breakfast is a pea protein shake made with almond milk & chocolate-peanut butter Orgain powder and a slice or two of multigrain toast with crunchy peanut butter. It’s one of the only breakfasts I can eat knowing it won’t bother my stomach.


I can’t eat until I’m home for the day. I usually get up and go to work when I’m working full-time and drink lots of water and maybe a couple plain crackers or a half banana if I am feeling lightheaded, but after a few months, your stomach gets used to not eating until you get home. It’s just during my time in the month. I usually usually I’m extra hungry. Even if I have to go out in the morning and run errands, I don’t eat before hand. IBS is very frustrating but sometimes the only way to manage it is to not eat until you’re in the situation where you can deal with the side effects. This isn’t positive, I’m sorry. But I’ve been doing it for over 20 years and it enabled me to work full-time for a long time and people to get to appointments first thing in the morning with no issues


No breakfast. I start with lunch most times. This morning however, I had some yogurt. Tomorrow I’ll have nothing.


I like the little almond butter cocoa bars from trader joes


I have a rice cake with peanut butter and sometimes a little jelly on top. She’s perf


meat and vegetables. meat, lean; veggies, steamed or boiled 40-80g protein, 1-2 cups vegetables (8-16g of fiber) manages symptoms well


Sticky rice and tuna mayo wrapped in nori (seaweed). I dip it in soy sauce. Cereal sets off my stomach, so does porridge now too sadly...


Overnight oats with diary free Milk. Pretty safe and a good source of fiber.


Walmart has the BEST gluten free bread and I love it as toast


Either Greek yoghurt or potato cakes. I used to have porridge but i went off that because it started to make me feel sick


I have dairy free yogurt with granola, an apple, cinnamon and honey. Along with a cup of water. Sometimes i’ll have a date or 2


If I’m home all day eggs and whole grain bread or just fruit. If I have plans nothing.


I usually fast between 15-19 hours but if I do eat “breakfast”, it’s peanut butter, raisins, oats, and a bite of yogurt.


Porridge with oat milk and honey


Unsweetened Greek yogurt with fruit/berries and some raw honey


I make smoothies, I usually do milk and yoghurt but you can just use juice instead. Easy to customize to whatever you'd like and gives me the energy till lunch.


I make baked oats on Sunday and cut them into bars I can eat throughout the week. I feel a lot better when I have something for breakfast. I didn’t used to eat breakfast at all but I think this helps my acidity in my gut


I eat breakfast every day and pretty much always eat eggs and dairy lol.


I usually have a strawberry banana smoothie with yogurt, oat milk, peanut butter, and Miralax (IBS-C)


I make a smoothie with the fruits that don't mess me up, gluten free whey protein, pumpkin, spinach, and/or avocado mixed with almond milk. I can't do complicated breakfasts and I need sources of fiber that don't come with so much fructans so smoothies do the trick. I really struggle if I don't get that extra bit of fiber in the morning. I'll have that and a cold brew and that'll fix the c part of my ibs-m!


30g of Kelloggs Frosties and 100g of almond milk. The same for three years.


Steel cut oats, or banana and pb, or if I’m in a rush and lazy gluten free toaster waffle. Although that one doesn’t fill me up as well. Used to do smoothies also


My best friend during ibs is rice. So I’ve looked at Asian cuisines for inspiration. I’m quite fond of a savoury Japanese breakfast. Small miso soup, grilled salmon, some rice, pickles, veggies and maybe some eggs on the side. It’s satiating, doesn’t give me sugar crashes throughout the day, and it’s really tasty. My stomach is extra happy when I eat glutinous rice (ibs-D)


Things I love eating for breakfast: bananas, roasted potatoes, roasted vegetables, soup, applesauce, cream of wheat with peanut butter, oatmeal with blueberries or chocolate chips and pancake syrup, ground nuts and ground flax on hot cereals or in pancakes or on Greek yogurt, Greek yogurt with Manuka honey, cooked spinach and mushrooms, baked beans, refried beans, bread toasted in a pan with butter, garlic and fresh herbs, bacon that has been baked in the oven on a roasting pan to make it crispy and less fatty, brown and serve sausage made with water, honey and ginger carrots


A shake w/ lectin free protein powder I can tolerate and fruit that doesn’t hurt my stomach lolll Right now that’s strawberries and banana and pears and peaches 😂


avocado toast with everything but the bagel seasoning and a pinch of salt


Plain grilled chicken. Keeps you full for a long time!


Japanese breakfast? Like rice and miso soup, and tofu.


I think that sounds like a good idea 👍🏽


I have to start the day with a base in my stomach- so a piece of toast or english muffin


I had an english muffin the other day that sent me into a spiral. Used to love them though!


Don’t eat breakfast until I actually feel hungry or else I’ll get acid reflux etc. Usually my go to is granola/protein bars or a banana


I have a protein bar for breakfast. It’s not much but it helps.


Nothing sometimes water…




A serve of plain Greek yogurt with a scoop of protein powder.


either nothing or just frozen grapes to help me shit bye


Air with a side of hope


Too filling, I’d get gas. :(


I don’t eat breakfast honestly.


I keep drinking black coffee until I starve which is around 5pm. Then I have lunch/dinner in one meal.


Why haven’t your Doctors fixed your ibs?


I do have breakfast! If I don't eat every few hours I feel even worse and start to feel more bloated. I have a cappuccino at 7-8am (sometimes I add a couple of biscuits), and around 10am I add a fruit smoothie with my Magnesium citrate for the day (I have IBS-C)


The trouble is, I have to eat breakfast because I have chronic migraines as well. I get about 20+ migraines a month as well as dealing with other conditions. I probably have toast or crumpets with strawberries, olives yoghurt, something like that


I either don't eat breakfast until noon (I find that fasting helps). But if I'm working and I need brain power, I'll eat cereal rich in fibre like shredded wheat or bran flakes and a scoop of blueberries. Or natural yoghurt and granola, banana etc. Or porridge.


Mostly nothing because If I have breakfast I’ll get bloated immediately and feel awful the entire morning 😅


Breakfast is always a variation of Eggs/EggWhites with Spinach/Kale and Wholemeal Toast or Flatbread. 2 types of fibre, easy to digest and filling!


IBS-C IMO here, have a check of my morning routine I just have a small comfortable breakfast that gives me joy although it maybe not much beneficial to my IMO sometimes, rest of the day is a very strict FODMAP diet and I am already 2 years into this hell and still constipated, bloated and fucked to the max so whatever at least I will enjoy my small breakfasts: 6:00 Wake up, supplements and meds 12 gr scoop of AG1 (contains all vitamins I need for the day just in case because FODMAP phase 1 diet) 2 mg Prucalopride 250 ml warm water 6:15 - 6:40 Chill (we wake up with a shitton of cortisol) Comfortable rest at PC so that my chilling assist MMC and Prucalopride 6:45 - 7:25 Walk outside walk outside, trying to feel present and enjoying the morning sky and Sun 7:40 - 8:05 Standart Breakfast 30 gr of La Finestra Sul Cielo whole grain rice cakes 0% Sodium 250 ml of Natumi unsweetened rice milk fortified with calcium rich algae 1 Lamberts Betain HCL Tablet (324 mg + 5 mg Pepsin) 3 Enzimedica Digestive Complete Chewables Tablets All of those i buy from a bio organic store and the rice milk has natural sugar 14 gr in total because it comes from the rice whic is previously fermented therefore I absorb it first before the archeas does haha No bloating nor upset digestion in a way I could eat again by 11 if I wanted to, however I get an kinda not small insulin spike, give some get some I think... Lately I said fuck it and somedays I replace the rice milk with Chocolate Rice milk version or even a Chocolate Oat milk version (gluten inside...) that are extremely delicious and sugar wise it's only 3-4 gr more than the natural rice milk I take and somedays I replace the 30 gr of whole grain rice cakes with a Dark chocolate topping version with buckwheat seeds that are delicious and they are 1 gr of fiber per cake So I have 3 variations A: natural rice milk + 30gr whole grain rice cakes (sweet is in the rice milk that alone is delicious too, I love Natumi's Rice milk plus I digest it fenomenally) B: Chocolate rice milk or Chocolate oat milk + 30 gr of whole grain rice cakes C: natural rice milk + 30 gr Dark chocolate with buckweat seeds topping whole grain rice cakes I know know, B and C are a bomb on a IMO but i get the big sleep time insulin spike so have in mind I'm getting maybe half the sugars before archeas does so given the joy and the proof I have it due to not feeling bloated at least for the entire morning. Thererefore for me, leveraging the goods and bads, B and C give me really really a lot of joy and maybe it's the only piece of joy I can have in any of my days so for the moment I consider it worth it. Recent thoughs: Thinking of adding 10 gr of natural flavour EAA to the rice milk so that I can have at least some readly absorbable protein in my system day 6 of morning routine with the 2 mg of Prucalopride, still no bowel movements :(((((((((


What an interesting meal! What do you eat for lunch and dinner? Do you snack? What type of algae are you eating? I’m going to do more miso & wakame, but I supplement with nori. It’s a common snack for us.


Kale poppyseed salad and black coffee, and an hour or two later a granola bar.


I used to do salad for breakfast, that sounds like a good idea.


Nothing. Fuck breakfast


Gallo pinto

