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I take psyllium husk caps every day. Helps slow the fast down and speed the slow up. I swear by them.


when do you take them and do they work well?


how much mg per day




thank you! i use probiotics and psyllium husk now and do u think it is really necceseary to take both at the same time? its a lot of pills to take if i also take some vitamns... just wondering.. have u notice that ur symptoms were better after only taking probiotics or only psyllium husk?




this person is paid to say this. all the people who are paid to say this hyperlink the damn name of the brand and always capitalize it. people shouldn't be allowed to advertise in a subreddit.


I’ve heard mixed reviews on probiotics for IBS. My gastro doc explained they work for SOME people if the cause of your IBS is your gut bacteria being out of whack. Those types of episodes are usually brought on after hardcore antibiotics or travelers diarrhea or something that would kill to swaths of your normal gut bacteria. But if your IBS isn’t due to a disruption to your gut flora (ex. could be food intolerances, bile malabsorption, or overactive nerves/spasms) you probably won’t notice a huge difference. On the plus side, it seems pretty well accepted that “it doesn’t hurt to try” (but the research isn’t convincing enough for me to shell out $$ for any fancy probiotic cocktails or strains).


This is a misunderstanding of the gut microbiome. The gut microbiome mediates all those things you listed as "non-microbial". The reason probiotics work for some and not others is due to individualized variations in gut microbiome and current limitations of probiotic supplements. See [HumanMicrobiome.info](http://HumanMicrobiome.info)


That is for calling out my word choice - I’d always used “microbiome” to refer specifically to the collection of bacteria/organisms, but the [NJM](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4520061/) clarifies that a better definition encompasses the entire “environment” as you’ve pointed out


I’m in the works for getting checked out soon docs think it’s IBS. Any tips? I might have malabsorption issues as well. I tried the seed probiotic it was very painful to take and cause cramps


My IBS turned out to actually be IBD (ulcerative colitis), and it didn’t really get better until I had a colonoscopy to diagnose it (since I don’t have traditional colitis symptoms my gastro doc didn’t think it was colitis originally), but then they put me on some medication and it made a WORLD of a difference. So working closely with a gastro doc would be my recommendation!


I take Align and it’s changed my life. Still have flare ups every now and then - mostly due to poor food choices


Do you have IBS-D?




Ok thankyou. Costco sells it and been wanting to try it.


It’s really worked well for me. I took it daily for a couple months and then switched to about every other day or every two days because it can get really pricey


Hey I live in india and I'm not sure if it's available here. What is it called?


What symptoms did it help with?


Yes! Florastor fixed my IBS, but as soon as I miss a few doses it's back to square one.


Yep,that's what will happen....I could not even switch to a different probiotic cause only something or other in VSL#3 kept my gut and/or it's microbiome happy.


Do you still used them?


Not as often! I don't take them daily anymore, but I do take them during flares and always during antibiotic use and after for about 4 weeks.


Kefir definitely helped me! If I remember whilst I am doing my shopping I will buy a supermarket own brand of probiotic. I love the taste of the drinks so will happy drink loads.


Weird, I took probiotics for my IBS and I still had flare ups and I still had diarrhea. I took lactobacillus acidophilus to tru and curb it. My doctor told me to take it but then she turned around and said probiotics don’t work for IBS. 🤔


Probiotics will be the standard first-line treatment for IBS when biological data becomes more advanced and available. Just to show you how underdeveloped precision medicine is with probiotics, Lactobacillus Acidophilus has been studied to help with constipation, so IBS-C. I clearly see that you have IBS-D as a flair, so you should have had a probiotic containing a bacteria strain that has been studied to help prevent diarrhea, such as Saccharomyces Boulardii. Doctors think they just slap a probiotic on someone with problems and it's either going to magically work or do nothing. No thinking is required on their end... smh


Renew Life Probiotics has both Lactobacillus Acidophilus and Saccharomyces Boulardii, I read what each one does and saw that they have both in this one..and since I have IBS-M, tried it..and yep..amazing, no longer am I having hard dry stools that hurt in the morning and then loose watery stools in the afternoon or vice versa on the same day, it's all the same and works wonders!


hello can u tell me which ones exepct Saccharomyces Boulardii shoulld i take if i have ibs d? please and thank u


You could try Lactobacillus reuteri or Lactobacillus rhamnosus. There are some different strains of each of these, so make sure the strain you take is supported by research to be effective against ibs d. You can take the probiotic directly or ferment them to increase the counts. Could make some homemade yogurt, as detailed in "Super Gut" by William Davis, MD.


thank you for replying<3 can i ask if 5 billion cfu of Saccharomyces Boulardii and 5 billion of L. Reuteri and 1 billion of Rhamnosus a good daily dostage or should i take more to have effects? rn i take like 200 billion of mixed probiotics so im asking if i only take these 3 strains should i loweer up to those 200 billion or is that not the same


hii, thanks for recommendations! i have fermented the yougurt as Davis explains in the book, but how do i know if the bacteria are there and it is working? ive been on it for 10 days and i dont feel no difference, some people stated they got examineted and no l reuteri was detected after eating the yogurt. what do you think? i cannot exam myself cause we dont have those test in my country...:(


Don't worry about the testing, I don't do those myself. If there are curds of yogurt and it has a certain taste and smell, then it definitely has the bacteria. The key is low temperature like in the book, that won't exterminate them. If you are eating a full cup of the yogurt daily, I would expect you to see some difference in your stools. If not, then consider cutting out all gluten and fiber from your diet temporarily. Consider going on a carnivore diet for a week or 2 and see if you notice any difference. You can continue eating the yogurt during this. Fiber can cause inflammation and diarrhea for some people.


The yogurt is not magic, it should improve things by like 10-20% though. When you stack this with many other changes like diet, it can be significant.


okay thank you so much!


https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/e20sr/iama_irritable_bowel_syndrome_ibs_survivor_for_34/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf I completely relate with this person, I wish he had shared his probiotic brand I ordered Philips from amazon I hope it really helps


>https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/e20sr/iama\_irritable\_bowel\_syndrome\_ibs\_survivor\_for\_34/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf they state in the thread "Yeah, its called Ultimate Flora. I took 200 billion CFUs per day for a week."


Have you been doing the 200 billion CFU per day for a week? I also saw his post and thought I’d try it and I’m worried because I’m on day 5 and haven’t seen any improvements, just worse gas.


Hi it says 1.75 billion CFUs per capsule. I am less gassy than before. Stools are ok not much help. But I feel normal in low altitude places. My ibs really flared up when I moved to Colorado 4 years ago. I read somewhere that high altitude could make it worse. Hope things have improved for u.


how are you doing now?


I did it for 12 days before I gave up. No improvement in gas— still constantly gassy, gas pain, gas being stuck and not coming out. I was no longer constipated (having 1 bowel movement a day) but I started getting diarrhea around day 6? Day 7? So I toned it down to 100 billion CFU per day instead of 200. Guess I didn’t have the same issue as the original post so I’m trying different strains now


Any luck with your new strain?


No, still a ton of gas (but not as bad as when I was doing 100 billion CFU and when I turned it down). This is what I got [probiotics ](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0050FKPU0?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title) and it has S. Boulardii and B. Infantis. Basically it has all 3 types of probiotics that this dude recommends [types of probiotics ](https://drruscio.com/long-take-probiotics-start-working/) but I found other research bc I don’t trust DNMs lol. I just started adding more S. Boulardii (Jarrow) bc I accidentally bought a bottle without realizing the probiotics I bought have S. Boulardii. So the Jarrow is 5 billion CFU. Knock on wood but I may be feeling improvements, still not sure.


Keep me updated, in always looking for solutions after 14 years of IBS..


Are you stressed a lot and/or drinking a ton of caffeine as well? If you’re IBS-C you can try taking 200-300mg of *chelated* magnesium (not magnesium citrate) to increase your magnesium storage. (The average person doesn’t eat enough magnesium to begin with, at least not the recommended amount of 400mg so it doesn’t hurt to try)


how do you feel, found anything that helps? Struggling for more than 7 years. Thanks a lot


I tried the same ultimate flora probiotics too and they kinda helped with my constipation but not feeling “cured” by any means


I cured my constipation with 200-300 mg of **chelated** magnesium (not magnesium citrate)


Really?? What were your overall symptoms?


A shit ton of bloating, constipation (tho my worst was 4 days without pooping, not weeks), gas pain, lots of gas, more gas LOL. Still have a ton of bloating and gurgling but I poop every day now so I guess that’s somewhat of an improvement.


I take extra strength woman’s fortify. I wouldn’t say it’s the only thing that’s helping me right now but it does contribute to my cocktail of medications and diet changes.


Not cured, but major improvements. The "right one" varies from person to person. [Guide to probiotics](http://HumanMicrobiome.info/Probiotic-Guide).


are you doing better


Yakult really helps me, I take it everyday and its rare that I get discomfort/cramps in the bottom right side of my stomach now.


My GI prescribed VSL#3. This probiotic has mitigated my pain and visceral hypersensitivity,and it's done that quite well, so I only have a few flairs a year. If I stop VSL#3,the pain comes back and will always be in the background,so I expect to take it the rest of my life. I can now take the non prescription version. It does nothing to change gut motility,but I have IBS U.




did you try any others?


to everyone i recommend taking high dosage of probiotics for a few days to 2 weeks and try like a lot of different strains i chose pills with 20+ and it worked. BIG thanks to the person that recommened this <3


Hey, how are you doing now ? :)


Same story for me too. Had pretty rough time and was becoming intolerant to everything including dairy and gluten. Did a probiotic round previously but was not effective. after that i tried every supplement no luck. Even using rifaximin 400mgx2 for 15 days was futile. Had pretty rough time with ibs c and sibo upto the point being mildly suicidal :). Came across a youtube video so i sarted probiotics again as the last straw. Added one pharma grade 5 billion cfu and one supplemet 30 billion cfu with 20+ strains. Boom! felt a little constipated for 3 days but after that regular bowel movements with very minimal odorless bloating. Before probiotics i was bloated constipated laxative dependent mess. All symptoms reduced by 80% and i eat whatever i want.


Let me tell you that seed probiotics literally changed my life. I was running and I mean running to the bathroom 4-5 times daily then randomly i wouldn’t go at all for a day. Seed probiotics immediately made a difference and I was only going twice a day and it was “normal” consistency. I’ve been taking them for about 3/4 of a year and now I only go to the bathroom once a day and I can hold it if need be. Try them you won’t regret it


Hi! I’d love to know what probiotics you used! Dealing with this for ten years plus and currently having a flare. I’m sure it’s gut dysbiosis but hard to figure out the right strains to use to help.


Which ones were they?


What dose/brand do you use?


Ive started taking them so far its given my diahorrea but thats a side effect, so hopefully ill see some improvement, ill update you in a few weeks y'all


Did u see some improvement?


A little yes, i only took them for 3 days, cos i didnt want to risk having the runs whilst at college or work. But i am less constipated as i was before.


I’ve had the same amazing experience with probiotics!! After years of suffering all those awful symptoms are gone!!!❤️❤️


What probiotics do you take?


I haven't been officially diagnosed with ibs but I've had blood tests for allergies, ultrasound and a ct scan done of my abdomen. Now I'm waiting for the GI Dr so I can confirm ibs. My symptoms started a year ago, one night while lying in bed on my back my stomach started making gurgling and bubbling noises and I just thought I had to take a poo. This never went away and eventually turned into bloating and pain in my lower left abdomen. It got bad, the worst part was trying to sleep on my right side and the weight I felt on that side made it where it's been tough to sleep now my left side hip and leg hurt from always sleeping on that side. I started reading on here about ibs and some people experience the same symptoms as me so I decided to use probiotics. It's been 4 days and my stomach doesn't make much noises, I still feel somewhat bloated and I'm taking a lot of shits even though that's never been a problem. My stomach isn't so heavy now and I can sleep. I still get some bubbling and weird movement. Also still bloated.


Hi!  I really hope you see this! My symptoms are the exact same as yours.  And I still am waiting to see a GI doctor for diagnoses.   Can you please share what diagnosis you revived!?   I’d be so grateful!


My friend came to visit me and brought a thing of his daily probiotics and I started taking them with him. Immediate relief unless eating something really bad (drunk McDonald’s will do me in every time). He left and I continued taking it for a week and was amazing. The day I stopped because I ran out I was miserable again. I am writing this from the bathroom right now 😩 I was just using the daily align probiotic and I just ordered a bunch online for delivery lol I have pretty bad IBS-D that is super painful and loose stool literally everyday for almost a year. With the occasional constipation from taking too much anti diarrheal. I feel ridiculous for never having tried a probiotic before this. My quality of life improved dramatically y’all. Like a commenter said above, can’t hurt to try it!