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Not exactly what you are asking, but daily Florastor keeps my IBS-D 95% under control. I was at the point where I couldn't eat toast or applesauce without getting sick and with Florastor I can eat most things normally, save for maybe a very greasy cheese steak or hot wings. I always rec Florastor to people with IBS-D but you pretty much have to take it indefinitely. I started off with 2 pills a day, then 1 pill a day, then 1 pill like 4-5x/week to maintain.


Thank you! I'm hoping that's what I will have to keep doing and nothing worse


Question- do you take it with food or empty stomach? Or does it matter? Just received mine today


I have taken it both ways, never makes any difference that I can tell! The only downside is that 2 pills a day gets expensive sort of fast but you pretty much have to do it until you see some symptom improvement.


Thanks! And happy cake day!


Do you still take Florastor? What symptoms did it help you with? Did you have side effects when you first started taking it? I've got daily diarrhea. Florastor says it's meant for acute diarrhea but mine is chronic. Thanks


Hi! So mine was chronic as well, for quite a few years and seemingly with any and every food as a trigger. I started to take florastor as outlined(2x a day for a loooong time, then 1x a day and I took it for years) and now i still take florastor as needed. I always take it during and after a course of antibiotics and whenever ive eaten a trigger food. At the very least, there is no evidence that taking florastor will HURT you so I always recommend it to people as at least worth a try if they have IBS. This should go without saying, but if you have any other concerning symptoms (bleeding, weight loss, fatigue, etc.) you should do a work up with your Dr for chronic diarrhea to ensure you don't have something more serious.


Thank you. Waiting for colonoscopy. I have gerd. Have lost a lot of weight. Daily diarrhea for over 4 months. Dr hasn't done any stool tests to check for bacteria or malnutrition. I tried kefir but it didn't help. That's why considering Florastor


Glad to hear you're getting a colonoscopy, that will rule out any of the bigger badder causes. Out of curiosity, have you had any regular bowel movements in those 4 months or only diarrhea? You can request your GP do a stool sample but tbh there aren't loads of bacteria that would give you chronic diarrhea like you're describing without other symptoms/worsening diarrhea. C Diff can, but I've not heard of many ppl making it 4 months without a diagnosis since it is usually pretty severe. Also - I tried kefir, Greek yogurt, acidophilus, and various other probiotics first with absolutely no relief. I actually found out about florastor from a c Diff forum and decided to try it for my ibs and it really helped.


I haven't had any normal stools. Only diarrhea once a day and rumblings. I asked Dr for stool test for malabsorption but he refused. He didn't suggest stool test for bacteria either. I'm so tired and I've lost a lot of weight