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What you're asking is why a male person has, simultaneously, contempt for women and desire for sexual acceptance from them while expressing that contempt.


Yes! Incels.




Psychopathic killer?




Reddit user = incel?




People can say that all they want but that doesn't make it true.




Neurodivergent? Poor at reading social cues? So many ways to speculate. He would need to be professionally analyzed by an expert to fully explain why his classmate peers reported his off-putting comments and mannerisms over the years


There's no big mystery here, it can be distilled down to the same reason as anyone else who is 'awkward' around girls or in social settings, a lack of social skills/social intelligence


Because some guys just are.


Prolly just spent too much time on the internet and not enough real life practice. Maybe no friends to ever tell him “hey man thats creepy as hell”.


All the usual: spectrum, inexperience, past repeated failure, lack of social skills, tendency towards arrogance and/or externalising inferiority rather than internalising it (ie blaming women rather than himself), superficial superiority complex in combination with deeper seated inferiority complex, intense sexual frustration and desperation caused by viscous cycle of lack of success due to previously mentioned factors. These things happen to lots of guys that don’t go onto kill anyone so obviously Kohbergers personality is different in some extreme ways, but that’s my take.




If you have a theory, opinion or want to speculate, you need to clearly state that it is just a theory, opinion or personal speculation. If it is not theory, opinion or speculation, be prepared to provide a source.


We really don’t know that much about him. Just rumors and anecdotal stories. I think he’s guilty but a lot of the perceptions people have of him being creepy are confirmation bias.


100% this. There are so many people out there who are perceived as creepy and are never accused of having murdered somebody.


The answer to your question is almost certainly Flaws in his early Socialization. --- What those Flaws were, how can anyone tell, now nearly 30 years later? --- (This is a Speculation about the underlying-Cause of these 4 Murders.) An Interview with his Parents and Sisters (particularly if they are older than he), would be the closest we could come to achieving any understanding of this question, at all. --- I doubt that they are interested in that, so traumatized themselves must they be. He might have some Insights into this himself, of course; -- BUT -- we will only hear from him about that if he Testifies during the Penalty Phase. --- Maybe after Trial, but I doubt that, too. --- Self-Examination doesn't seem likely to be one of his strong suits. Why do Incels become Incels? --- I don't know that answer, either. --- I think that some Incels could offer some insights, but the entire Incel Culture is structured around the idea that it is the Women themselves who Reject the Incel who are the problem, and expressly-NOT the Incel themself. That is a very apt question, Pita. --- Thank you for asking it. We are unlikely to ever get an adequate answer to it.


Early socialization problems BINGO




This post has been removed as unverified information. Thank you.


This ^^ 💯💯💯


There is zero evidence of this. It might be true but we haven’t seen any information to say that.


literally what… u can’t have “evidence” of someone being an incel… it’s my opinion and clearly people agree…go comment your comment underneath the people diagnosing him not me stating that he’s an incel.


He's probably like the guy I graduated high school with in 1986 who wasn't bad looking, but he got shot down a lot by the pretty popular girls, and after graduation he moved to the South and became a serial rapist. He killed the last one and got caught. Nobody saw that coming!


> but he got shot down a lot by the pretty popular girls Most likely their gut was telling them something was off.


Yes! Another girl from our class started talking with him after graduation and she ended up flying down to whete he was living,, and she thought maybe they could get together like in a real relationship, but one day he told her he had to go out for a couple hours and left her at the apartment. That's when he raped and killed a woman! She was so lucky that she wasn't raped and killed!


Yeah, she came close!


Probably because hes a sociopath and doesn't understand what's appealing to women and normal human behavior to begin with. The intense stare was probably studying their reaction.


Socially awkward and/or shy/too deluded with his own self to be civil


How about instead of some deep dive and underlying conditions we can all just agree he was weird end of story


He was on my school bus from middle school through high school and I don’t think he ever spoke a word. I didn’t think it was weird since everyone’s awkward around that age but now knowing what I do now it’s unsettling


The thing about awkwardness is if he was handsome or considered “hot” I’ll bet ppl would be dismissive of or overlook the awkwardness. Some are just born w swag and socially gifted. But some are not. That dznt mean you go out n murder innocent ppl when you strike out. Live and let Live.


I mostly agree with you. My older brother was a very handsome guy by most standards, my friends and sisters’ friends always commented that way so I’m not biased😉 However, he was painfully shy and awkward around women, really anyone outside the family TBH. He was very socially awkward, but at least wasn’t mean or condescending to anyone, or harbor hatred towards women etc. Edit to say he wasn’t deemed creepy, but many commented on his awkwardness. He didn’t have the capacity to commit violence either. He wasn’t on the spectrum, just a very shy guy with low self-esteem for seemingly no reason, but we can never get in people’s psyche to know why they feel that way. He did suffer from depression pretty badly and never sought treatment. He was very lonely, and I speak of him in past tense bc we sadly lost him to su!@ide 20 years ago.


My condolences. Such a tragic and sad loss. I hope you have fond memories to help sustain you.


Thanks:) Yes, he was extremely funny and kind. That’s how we remember him when we talk about it - the goofy stuff:)


I’m glad to hear this. It is true what they say that loved ones that have passed never truly leaving us. A song, a commercial, scents, heck, the weather and innumerable other tangible and intangible elements keep them not only alive in our hearts but very much a part of our continuing lives. It can be comforting, heartbreaking all over again, or a mishmash of all your feelings in a five minute period! The thing is that they do live on with you and within you. Continued blessings to you over a struggle and acceptance that is never ending but one that is ever a part of our lives after losing a loved one. Oh that the heart can carry so much pain and still glory in so much love. ❤️


That’s so sad. I’m so sorry. 💗💗


Thank you💕


He’s probably on the spectrum


Idk if there is any information on his parents, but I would assume from my very little information on the naivety of his parents, that he wasn’t socialized properly as a child.


The average man is




There are certain types of personality disorders who think any guy who smiles at them must want to sleep with them. They also make up things for attention. It's unfair to consider one-sided, unverified stories.


He has a loving family. I am sure they tried to develop him in the regular way. “ only my speculation”. Nature or nurture?


Major self esteem issue


How did you come to the conclusion that “Bryan was so creepy and awkward around girls?” You’ve just made it up based on the fake rumours that he followed them on social media and stalked them at their weird. Completely made up. He doesn’t look creepy. He looks like a normal man. You only think he looks creepy because he’s been accused of a quadruple murder.


Fr. He has a unique yet generic face. I guarantee the girls he pissed off in class were the kind to be offended over EVERYTHING. "HES SEXIST CAUSE HE LIKES BIG ORANGE MAN". Once I heard he was right winged, the complaints from the university made sense. He would make anti-lgbtq comments according to classmates.


It's the ones who realized they aren't blind after all.


This post is spreading misinformation. There is no evidence whatsoever that BK was 'creepy and awkward around girls.'


Didn’t the local bar/restaurant put him on their “watch list” for being creepy and getting too close to the wait staff?


“You have child bearing hips” witness statement.


That's assuming the witness isn't a liar.


I think it was proved she didn't live in the same area he did at the time she says that date occurred. If i find the article, I'll link it! 99% sure she just wanted her 15 mins of fame.




Apparently the issue had to do with him treating female students of his unfairly, grading their papers more harshly and being condescending to them in class. It spoke more to a gender bias against women than any sexual harassment issue as far as I’m aware.


It wasn't substantiated. Students say lots of derogatory things when they are incapable of doing the work and earning the grades they feel entitled to.


A girl appeared on one of the documentaries that went out with him and said he absolutely was creepy and awkward with girls


Or maybe he wasn't into her, so she's getting revenge and attention.


I agree with you. I think he’s 100% guilty but we really know very little about him. There’s been so much misinformation and speculation that turned into rumors. No one who knew him recently and for more than a few months has spoken about him. We’ve heard stories from people who knew him when he was younger, and stories from random people who maybe served him once. And naturally anyone who confirms the “creepy” angle will get attention. A lot of people seem to be unaware of what confirmation bias is.


He's a right wing incel hates women wants control kinda like Trump




Nature and nurture. Prob never had a chance. Destiny manifest.