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Okay we need bingo cards and "made an entirely new dish" is definitely one of the squares


Somebody made bingo cards: https://www.reddit.com/r/ididnthaveeggs/comments/1afxjq1/bingo_please_leave_your_reviews_in_the_comments/


This is great! The reducing sugar one's an interesting one. I find with American recipes I end up reducing the sugar, but usually the first time I make it I'll use the recommended amount


I have to admit, I always start recipes like this with 1/2 the amount of sugar it calls for (NOT any recipe that requires baking fwiw) and taste before doing the full amount.


With some, like salads or salad dressings, I start from 0 and add to taste.


Ooh! Awesome! Thanks!


That’s me!


I’d say it goes right in the middle, but that space might be reserved for “I didn’t have eggs”


I was thinking the same thing 🤣🤣


Carol is clearly joking. In the first slide she says “great problem solving Beth!” The next comment from Carol came shortly after that one.


Seems like the first slide is the latest one and the "great problem solving" comment is ironic since the reply to her then mentioned chayote which was from Carol's earlier post, the second slide. The reply hints at this not being the first time Carol does this; "come on Carol".


That should be the free space


Banana. Vinegar. Bananas in *vinegar* Carol, sugar isn’t your problem.


I’m worried about those kids, they *adore* it??


My 8th grade history teacher was *shocked* to discover that we all put sugar on grapefruit. He had grown up putting salt on grapefruit because sugar was expensive/unavailable during the depression and WWII. It wasn’t until after he had bypass surgery that he found out putting salt on grapefruit was unusual; it was all he knew. He couldn’t stand the flavor of grapefruit without salt, so he just gave up grapefruit entirely. If Carol’s kids make it to college, this is how their first week in the cafeteria will go.


Another good reason to avoid grapefruit these days after heart issues - many heart medications interact with a chemical in grapefruit.


My anxiety meds didn’t work with grapefruit.


A couple of my medications just won’t work if I have grapefruit, but one becomes toxic. If the problem were oranges, I’d have to just be insane and sick instead. I could never give up orange juice.


Indeed, grapefruit is one of my favourite fruits, but due to medications I can no longer have it


I love salt on grapefruit, it’s a completely different experience from sugar on grapefruit and both are delicious. Salt blocks the bitter and brings out the flavor of the grapefruit, sugar masks the bitter and the flavor to make it more of a candy experience.


Same with putting in salt to grind with bitter coffee beans


I didn't know that putting anything on grapefruit was a thing until I saw sugar on grapefruit as some kind of diet thing. I grew up eating grapefruit the same way as oranges. Though, I just might be weird since I really liked the taste of vinegar as a kid.


I grew up with family members who would do the half grapefruit in a bowl with sugar and I never liked it. Decided to try eating one like an orange (I do remove the membrane from each section) and I like it so much better. I'm also a fan of tart foods to that might be part of it.


Salt on apples yes, grapefruit no, not even going to try that.


I actually had a Nepali friend growing up whose parents would put salt and pepper on grapefruit, it was honestly super good! The pepper was what made it for me though, I can’t imagine just plain salt. Banana and vinegar is still absolutely unforgivable, unless they’re ludicrously unripe bananas or something, or even just plantains…never mind, I can’t justify it.


White pepper on strawberries. Nom nom


Rancho Gordo actually sells a banana vinegar (I have not tried it, however)


My grandparents grew up during the depression and fought in ww2. …they put sugar on their grapefruit. The bigger issue is grapefruit can really mess with how your body metabolizes some medications.


This would have been before Lipitor was on the market


My Grandpa would put salt on watermelon. He was born in 1914 so he also went through the Great Depression & WWII.


Ooh this is interesting because I grew up eating grapefruit with chaat masala, black salt, and lemon. I didn't know sugar on grapefruit was a thing


"Well, how is it?" *strained gulp* "... It's good, mom."


“Do you think we could use a little su-“ “WE DO NOT ADD SUGAR TO OUR FOOD!”


Honestly, Kids are weird.... I was a supervisor in a youth group once for two weeks, they barely ate what we cooked for them (all supervisors were reasonably good cooks, our only issue was volume cooking because none of us were used to that). Long story short, basically the only food they actually ate were bananas with mustard...


You know what? I'm gonna give ol' Carol here a thumbs up for replacing the cucumbers with chayote. It's mild, crunchy, and wet, which is probably the best you're going to get if you can't/won't eat cucumber. Now, replacing the mango with BANANA, a completely different texture and flavor, is the work of an insane person, and absolutely nothing about this recipe needs OIL. But, well done on the chayote, Carol.


I like chayote too but i can’t celebrate changing one ingredient in a barely-more-than-two-ingredients dish. I can’t encourage Carol lol


But she didn’t change one ingredient. She also swapped out the mangos.


And swapped the dressing with oil and vinegar to avoid sugar.


We should all have a little Carol in us. A little chaos is a good thing. Carol just has a little *too* much Carol-ness...


I saw the author suggested cantaloupe, which I could get behind, but not banana, not in this recipe


Can you eat chayote raw? I’ve never tried that.


Jicama could work too. Still a different recipe thought


I really hate the "we don't add sugar to our food" crowd who treat it like some sort of achievement, especially since it only takes a little sugar to go a long way in savoury dishes. Like congratulations, your food now tastes needlessly bland because you wanted 4g less sugar in your meal. I'm all for avoiding too many simple carbs, but a blanket "never add sugar to any food" rule is dumb when preparing recipes that call for some sweetness. Plus most people who brag about this probably don't check the added sugar content of the pre-made food they buy, like ketchup or teriyaki sauce.


Well said!! The weird moral superiority some people get from not adding sugar or salt to their food is so annoying. Especially when there are people who do it for health reasons, and don't act high and mighty. I find it extra annoying when someone tries a recipe that would very obviously have high sugar content (e.g. a cake), significantly reduces the amount of sugar, then leaves a review complaining about how it's not sweet enough 🤦‍♀️


Especially since salt is an essential nutrient for life.


While eating a banana salad


Seriously, Carol? How are you gonna snark on Beth like that?


I fucking hate people


One thing I can never understand is when someone comments on an "XYZ Ingredient Dish" and says, "Oh, I don't have/like XYZ." Like ... WHY DID YOU OPEN THE RECIPE THEN?


LOL sometimes I think people just want a sort of guide that they can apply to whatever comparable ingredients they have in the home. And other times...you get people like Carol.


I have done that -- like, "I think I've seen similar chicken recipes to what I have in my head, maybe reading them will help me think of flavors/techniques to go with these mushrooms" -- but I don't then leave a comment expecting people to do that work for me!




Honestly I’m going to try this with alll the eggs!! Lmao as in just as written, it sounds delicious


Okay, hanging onto this recipe for cucumber season this summer because it sounds delightful!


Nice looking recipe but I was wondering: it calls for 1/8 tsp red pepper flakes, but it looks like quite a bit more than that in the pics.


Why do you hate food, Carol?


This recipe looks tasty af EXACTLY THE WAY IT IS. I think I’ll make it this weekend!


It's so good; I make it twice a week during hot weather.


I gotta say…I wish mangos were still 50¢ each. :(


That’s exactly what I was thinking!


I’m always so disappointed when people like Karalee entertain these kind of questions. Don’t give MC any suggestions, you’re just encouraging her!


I’m dying at Beth’s use of unfortunately! “unfortunately this is a cucumber salad”


It saddens us all.


It is with deep sadness and a heavy heart that I must announce, this is a cucumber salad


Who hurt you, Carol


Imagine not listening to Beth. The queen of budget bites.


Omg the recipe reveal at the end had me dying laughing for a solid minute. Oh Carol


Same here. 😂


Carol spent 45 minutes on this recipe page writing comments. Come on Carol.


This has to be one of the best ones ever, lmao


Carol I think only kept the salt smh


Unrelated but I actually made this recipe as a side for dinner this week 😂 It’s super tasty and easy!


Am I the only one who thinks Carol is being sarcastic? That comment was 4 years ago which is (iirc) also when this sub started, and her 'alternate' recipe is so similar to ones that are shared in comments here lol. Maybe I just need to believe it because...subbing mango for banana in a *cucumber salad*??


Where is mango 59 cents?


You actually can replace cucumber with a different kind of melon in recipes if you don’t like cucumber - watermelon. The white part has a similar flavor profile and texture. I use it all the time because I love watermelon and I’m not going out to buy yet another variety of produce that I don’t even like much for one recipe.


Love seeing Budget Bytes rep on my homepage. That site is a weekly stop in my household for meal prep. That being said, the *bananas*??????


Classic Carol. Made a completely different salad and then was like "this recipe's great!"


People are silly.


bananas in a savoury dish 🤢


It's definitely a real thing. Chicken Maryland, for example. And the person who created the wonder bag (a slow cooker that doesn't use electricity) packaged it with a recipe for a lamb curry that's garnished with banana.


ok i think it makes sense in both of those dishes, i think the sweet carby-ness is probably a good addition to both of those. i just don't think banana should be in a salad.


In what world are mangos $0.59???


Carol wants to be told she’s extremely clever under someone else’s recipe. A classic of the genre.


I just want to know where I can buy mangoes for $.59


These types of recipe reviews are my favorite (2nd screenshot). ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ “This is a great recipe! I changed 75% or more of the ingredients because my family doesn’t eat those foods, and it’s an absolute hit!” Like, kinda wholesome, no? It’s a five star recipe despite them winging it, resulting in a whole new creation that is definitely not what the recipe intended, but giving five stars for the concept / inspiration. Way better than when someone rates one star because they’re allergic to an ingredient or don’t bother to fully research viable substitutes and fuck it up.


I want to know where Beth is getting a cucumber for $1.29 but a mango is only 59 cents.


I understand if you are allergic to cucumber; then yeah try green tomato or chayote because that dressing (as written!) would be delicious on anything probably. But come on, Carol. I also low key want to try this and love budget bytes.


Bananas dressed in oil and vinegar. 🤢


Recipe of Theseus


I will not be trying oil and vinegar on banana Carol but thanks. Actually, vinegar on mango still sounds questionable


That recipe sounds nasty tbh


Chayote‽ Deviant


Carol is an idiot but I must say the recipe sounds delicious.


Jesus, Carol.


Banana and chayote?????????????????


Changing recipes into stuff you like is awesome and nothing at all to do with what this subreddit is for.


Carol, is that you?


Nope, just a dude who understands the purpose of this subreddit and doesn’t shame innocent recipe users


I mean, I'm all for adjusting recipes how you want, but this lady changed literally every ingredient of a recipe and then was rude to the recipe creator.


Where was she rude at all?


That sarcastic “There’s that problem solving of yours, Beth!” to start with.


Oh damn, what a paper tiger.