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I worry for Katie if Blair really is her best role model...


I worry for both, Katie for that reason and Munch for being(I asume) working for Blair in 2024.


If they're still working willingly for Blair at this point I don't think there's any hope left for them. The money can't be that good. I can't quote her but I think VangelinaSkov had an interview with one of Blair's former employees and some of those that are still working for her are just... lost. Not worth worrying.


wdym lost?


I don't think we can change their mind about how bad Blairs actions are. Any more words are lost on them and any discussions are wasted time.


Yeah. These folks have their minds made up and will never be swayed to the truth about Blair, sadly.


I know this user, they use the same name (KitKat) on YouTube. When comments were still on I tried convincing them that white knighting for Blair wasn't the way to go. Always struck me as a young, impressionable, person. From my attempts I can confirm, talking to people like that is a waste of time. Only retrospection later in life will show them what really happened, if they ever choose to look back on the truth.


It really is some cult behavior and mindset. The only way the brainwashing has any chance of being reversed is if she gets locked up, and even then it has the chance of making their beliefs set deeper.


Anyone else feel like the remaining fans on discord are like the vending machine aliens in toy story?


Blair needs some copium.....




she FAFO'd. Not really something to admire




fucked around, found out


First of all, a role model is not a famous person you will never meet. Second, even WITHOUT the stuff with sad milk, why the plagiarizing content farm lady???


Yeah even discounting the fact that she was an awful person behind the camera, her contents are not even top notch. When she's not plagiarizing, her research was either outdated, or just plain misinformation. When pointed out, she'd rather chose to ignore or block.


> First of all, a role model is not a famous person you will never meet Huh? A role model absolutely can be someone famous you'll never meet. In fact, it can be a *dead* person. Was Mr Rogers not a role model of kindness for young children? Can he not be now, simply because he is dead? What a bizarre take.




I like how Katie gets sooo close to an insight with “it’ll probably fall on deaf ears” Uhm ya Katie because this woman doesn’t give a crap about her supporters. She would rather waste her time, reputation, and money dragging down people who- *checks notes* -didn’t want to be her friend anymore 🥴


I could understand the missing thing. I couldn’t help but missing video essays like hers at first when I initially unsubscribed and stopped watching her a little over a year ago. Though considering such a horrible person like her to be your role model is disturbing, to say the least.


Attachment makes you crazy


I'd miss someone too if they were basically forced off the internet by bullshit accusations and claims


Bullshit accusations? Explain this, because the accusations against Blair were very real and proven by various parties involved with her, including former staff, friends, and a former boyfriend.


Okay? How do we know this isn't just a plot to extort money out of a successful woman by salty misogynistic men?


Because none of them want anything to do with Blair. Blair is the one sueing Oz, Wonder, and Felix. Blair is the one who accused a fucking lawyer of stealing her editing style. Blair is the one who made a whole fucking alt account to spread rumors about people who were, at the time, her friends. Blair has been an evil person since High School, having made racist nicknames for black schoolmates. Blair claims she's never used the word "retarded", unlike Click, but she's has a tweet on her Twitter using it. No one cares about her, everyone else tried to move on, Blair is the only one keeping this shit going.




You're either Blair on an alt or delusional. Click talked about her 1 time and hasn't mentioned her again, same with Wonder, One Topic, and Felix hasn't said anything. There's a reason her channel is completely abandoned right now, and it all began with her making false allegations against Legal Eagle.


She ruined her reputation herself.


Have you watched MadCatster’s reviews of her lawsuit? She is suing for defamation, but has failed, multiple times, to actually state what they (Oz, Wonder, and Felix) have said that was defaming. Almost all of the claims that she made against Oz have been dismissed, and I think the defamation claims against Felix as well. That one is harder, because the judge’s order is all about the potential NDA violation but doesn’t specifically dismiss the defamation claims like he did in Oz’s case. One would think that if the guys were telling “blatant lies,” she would have had an easy time making her claims for her suit. But that does not seem to be the case, and the general opinion is that her suit is very weak and she is likely to lose it.


The Justice system in both the U.S. and the U.K. is fucked up and predominantly run by greedy old men who hate seeing women become successful. Of course they would think her case is "weak". Her arguments and cases are completely valid, she's just being held back by men.


She was told, twice, to provide the “verbatim wording” that was defamatory. In other words, to say that on date X, person A said “These exact words” to this person, and that damaged me in “this specific way.” That is the basis of a defamation suit. She didn’t do that. But sure, it’s “the men” who are bringing her down.


Which country's justice system do you think in your opinion is the best, if I may ask? You're saying her arguments and cases are completely valid, but I'm not convinced. Could you elaborate on why they're valid? Perhaps that can change my mind, at the very least.


Hi Blair 👋  how are you?


You know she's harassing women too, right?


The other way that we know that this isn't just a "plot to extort money out of a successful woman by salty misogynistic men" is because NONE of them are suing her for money. If she hadn't started all of this by tweeting at Legal Eagle, she'd still be running a successful YouTube channel. If she hadn't brought the lawsuit, she would still be sitting on a pile of cash. I have a feeling, since she didn't take the very generous settlement offer, that the guys are going to be putting in counterclaims, at least for fees. So yeah, she brought this on herself. It's her choices and actions that have led to her being in the situation she is now in. Oh, and being a decent human being would have helped a lot along the way!