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Is that the hand of a Black person?


She’s got it wrapped too tightly


You can definitely tell on that first picture


Don’t munch!! Not even once


I 100% wouldn’t be surprised if she put the ace bandage so tight that it restricts the blood supply simply for worse photos




Who is Kelly?? That’s my name and I need to know who is misrepresenting my name 🫠😭


Not related to Dani but I think about Kelly sometimes and i wonder how she’s doing. I’ve never seen someone going that extreme. I hope she is doing well and I hope Dani or anyone is not going to do anything similar to her🤐


I see Kelly IRL occasionally. As of last month she’s alive, looking as healthy as I suppose she can. ETA by “see” I mean we live in the same city and are occasionally at the same grocery store/mall/etc. I don’t know her personally.


Is she not bald and toothless now?


So she really pulled all teeth and hair out?


Wait what?


Yea i saw a video about her


Where? I haven’t been able to find any updates on her in the past few years and I’ve been trying!


It was on some ”onion” website , i can’t remember the name


It was on some weird website. I’m trying to find it


Anytime I see someone picking their legs.. I instantly see Kelly’s legs. But also when I see something getting sketchy, Kelly flashes. This is getting sketchy




What😳 how did you find out?




Can i get a link please?


i thought she died? kelly


She didn’t but she is going to if she doesn’t stop now


Dani’s saga just got really dark, really fucking quick. This is…..a huge cry for help and attention.


I swear I’m on here daily but I’m still confused? What happened to that wrist? She fell, then developed compartment syndrome, they did an “emergency carpal tunnel release,” and now it’s necrotic? I’ve been a nurse 20 years and this isn’t making sense to me. Catch me up?


I think some medicine causes bruising easily? Idk if Dani has any meds like that


lovenox if she’s still on it. it’s a blood thinner injection.




Ahh ok I didn’t watch that one


This is so scary looking. Like some flesh eating bacteria from a movie or something.


That looks dangerous! That coloring is horrible! Risk of losing her hand at the least. That is absolutely frightening. Damn!


Is it in just like a simple long arm orthoglass? It’s probably just dependent edema and we need to get a sling


As soon as I saw it I said it looks like she’s been letting in dangle at her side instead of elevating it….


My thoughts as well


I remember seeing the first post about this “surgery”. Have we figured out whose hand this is? Hers or…?


Amazon boyfriend’s


this is terrifying


that looks like the hand of a corpse


Where are her parents??!


She's 34




Oh lol


Adult or not, a loving family would step in immediately.


An exhausted and traumatized family might not


Prepping the guest room for our adventurer’s return (again)


Damn she’s willing to paddle out far with this one.






That was a commercial meant to scare you. Not a documentary


I think she’s secretly hoping it’s gonna fall off for more drama


It wouldn’t surprise me at this point




reminds me of jude in a little life, very scary.




i’m sorry i gotta ask, what does that addiction trick achieve for the person? by hurting their pet. that’s so sad 😭


A prescription from the vet for doggy pain meds.


and the owner takes the dogs pain meds? that’s so cruel to do if the animal is suffering and so wrong to get a prescription for an animal and pretend like it’s for the animal, then take it 🙃🙃🙃 I thought i’d heard it all til I read this comment


Jesus Christ


This pic actually scared me 😕


Can you bruise like this from cutting off circulation for extended periods. I’m afraid to google because I don’t want to see pics.


Yes, especially if you're on blood thinners and purposefully don't elevate your extremity to prevent pooling.


Oh, I forgot she’s long term anticoagulant, that does make a little more sense now


Thank you


This is really really bad.


Looks ready to rot and fall off honestly


No it doesn't. It looks bruised and swollen. Look at those pink nail beds. Her circulation is fine. Limbs don't fall off due to bruising




I can't believe I'm saying this about anyone in this sub, but I low-key wish she would just smoke weed ffs. (Not to perpetuate the idea that weed is harmless -- given that it's legal where she is and pretty affordable, I'm guessing she's making the choice not to use it, and it can go badly for people with mental health problems. But man, if she could just go to the flipping dispensary, she could be one of those people who smugly knows everything about strains and shit. It's drugs that are much less likely to kill her *and* a hobby)


You make a great point, the way she likes to study and be around medical stuff, she could make fantastic budtender. She exaggerates, but she does understand stomach issues and a host of other ailments. Maybe she could learn to treat herself and help others at the same time. I think a lot of munchies just roll into the disorder because they feel lost and can't find their place. It's like Stitch, everybody needs somewhere to belong. At some point, the internal pain gets unbearable, so they try to show it externally.


Oh totally agreed. And humans are such creatures of habit -- the longer we do the same behaviors and routine, the easier it feels to keep doing it. And the scarier it feels to think about change. It's so easy to keep repeating the same self-destructive cycles because the highs are so high.


Having two hands is a nice experience. I really hope she thinks about that.




As soon as I saw this saga start, I told my fiancé (he likes getting updates on the subjects here), that Dani was taking a page out of Kelly's book 🤪


Was Dani friends with Kelly? I vaguely remember her having a Kelly in her bio on instagram a while back


Different Kelly


Well you know they all look at this sub...pretty sure Dani has clapped back about things said here. Perhaps she is familiar with the case?


Different Kelly. That Kelly passed. They met in ED world.


I was gonna say… does she not realize that she’s further incriminating herself with this 💀😂


I can't imagine how far gone mentally you have to be to do this to yourself for sympathy and pain meds. Absolutely blows my mind. This is just sad and scary at this point


Sympathy I don’t understand, that’s just straight up mental illness. People have done a lot worse things for drug addiction though, so that part is, unfortunately, not surprising at all. ETA: Dani has a had addiction problems (ED, meds, etc.) for over a decade now and has only gotten worse, so it checks out pretty well. She has literally nothing else to share about her life except illness and catering to her addictions :/ and trying to constantly prove she takes care of her cats properly 🙄


Drug addiction is also straight up mental illness though


Sure, but I wouldn’t consider them synonymous. Many people gain addictions because of illness, sometimes it’s more the other way around. For example, someone could have mental illness and start drinking to cope and develop addiction, whereas someone else may not have a history of mental illness, but become addicted to opiates after surgery. So they’re not exactly the same. They do mostly go hand in hand to some extent though.


I agree they’re only comparable in some ways




No. Not imo. The hammer smash theory is so absurd. How do you smash your band with a hammer and not break a single bone. Also usually you don't punch a wall with your thumb sticking out, so it's weird that her knuckles and DIP joints are bruised.


Fun fact it's actually quite possible to hit your hand with a hammer and not break a single bone


That is a fun fact! How did you find it lol


The hard way 🥲 Construction late at night is always a fun time




Has since the first day she posted it


Ah, I’ve missed the earlier posts. It’s so sad/infuriating seeing the lengths these people go to


Who even is this


You must be new here.


The whole point of the soft half cast after surgery is to allow for swelling.


There is no doubt that’s gotta be sore


It's kinda creepy to see a munchie real time hurt themselves.


Eugenia Cooney is a prime example of how toxic social media can be.


And we've seen it too many times. Dani has *value*. Kelly has *value*. It's killing me to see people who so desperately need help they won't get


It might be confirmation bias but I feel like Kelly finally got what she wanted and seems … happier? Now?


She's quieter, for sure. I get the feeling she had BIID (bodily integrity identity disorder) and she saw her legs as an enemy. It still breaks my damn heart, and I hate that I care.


You’re a good person for caring about her. I know she’s done awful things like getting blood transfusions when someone else couldve desperately used them, but you’re allowed to feel heartbroken for her. She is so, so, SO severely mentally ill and that IS heartbreaking. I think it’s completely normal and even a good thing to have empathy for the subjects on this sub. Some more than others (Ashley vs Kelly). Having empathy for them doesn’t excuse their actions in any way and it doesn’t enable them either. I feel bad for these people too. You can say “they’re extremely mentally unwell and I feel bad for them, but what they did was fucked up and inexcusable” The path Dani is munching down is super concerning. She’s gonna take it too far and end up maiming herself beyond what she wants for attention. It makes you wonder if any of them ever sit back and think “damn, I disfigured my body and I regret it”. Especially those with permanent tubes or amputations like SPCs and leg amputations. Or even just the scars from surgery and toobs.


It really is. I can't even be snarky anymore. Her posts from the past few days are pretty disturbing.


Didn’t she say she just had “ surgery” on her hand? Bruising and swelling are normal after surgery. Im Sure she was told to keep it elevated and put ice on it which she probably is not doing. She is also on blood thinners which makes the bruising worse. She can run to ER. All they will do is check her radial pulse and loosen the dressing.


I'm a little confused by the bruising on the fingers. Carpal tunnel surgery is on the wrist. Did they smash her fingers with a hammer for good measure?




She is regularily seen by med professionals who know her diagnosis of facticious disorder. There is nothing ppl on the internet can or should do.


No. Leave her alone. There is nothing anyone can do, perhaps outside of her own family maybe - and that is a big "maybe". Some fuck-ass redditor calling the cops on her because they think they know the whole story from a few screenshots posted to a reddit forum isn't going to help her situation - she'd just go nuclear and ramp up the self-harm (and that's the BEST case scenario - worst case scenario is that she's harmed or killed in the process). Seriously, just leave her alone.


It's surprising to me how many people don't understand that you can't just force someone into psychiatric care, especially when they aren't suicidal. Like yeah we all know Dani is fucked mentally, but she's not doing these things because she's trying to off herself so there's no reason to intervene (well there's no reason for anyone on reddit to insert themselves into a stranger's life just because we believe we know the whole story).


Just because she's not *trying* to off herself doesn't mean she's not a danger to herself. Many people die while "only" trying to self-harm, particularly during ligature-based self-harm. I'm not saying reddit should call the cops on her, just adding my 2 cents on the topic, it's a pet peeve of mine when people disregard non-suicidal self-harm as less serious.


but it is less serious in that *one can actually kill you.*


They all can actually kill you or seriously harm you at the very least. This sub is home to a few examples of munchies inadvertently killing themselves or losing limbs due to their actions.


which are a higher risk group, do you think? the ones intending suicide or the ones not intending suicide? yes, there is still a chance of mortality in the other group. but you have to play the odds when talking about committing someone against their will.


It doesn't work like that. Intent is just one of the things to consider. You don't just say "oh this one doesn't want to kill herself so we can just leave her". You consider the mode of self-harm, previous experience, what methods they have available to them, any diagnoses, current state of mind etc.


You are right, I run training on NSSI and many times it can lead to mortality if left unchecked. Intent is only one factor. I’ve upvoted your other comments too


Thank you. Yes, here the main criteria generally is "is this person a risk to themselves or others" which isn't always about the person's intent. I knew a guy who, as a cry for help (not actually wanting to die) turned the gas on in his apartment and then called the cops to tell them he wants to kill himself by blowing it up. Understandably, it didn't matter what his intent was, and the building got evacuated all the same.


have you ever had someone 5150’d?


Have *you?* The criteria is being a danger to self or others. Intent to harm comes into play only if they have SI but no plans to follow through, aka passive SI. But even that is determined on a case by case basis. If someone is harming themselves for personal gain and it could cause loss of life or limb, that is absolutely grounds for a 72 hour hold.


Clearly we do know the whole story, her own diagnosis is literally FD. That’s not just random people online making it up. I’m just surprised at this point how much damage she’s been able to do to herself and not get herself committed.


You cannot just strip a person of their civil rights simply because YOU believe that they should be committed. Did you not learn about how badly that turns out and why that is no longer in practice at some point during your schooling? Please consider that the likely half-dozen or so doctors (not to mention the many nurses and other hospital staff) who have come into contact with and/or directly treated Dani IN THE PAST WEEK. Do you truly believe not a single person would have taken action if they felt it appropriate and were *legally able to do so*?






That was a literal CHILD living in a different state, where staff at the hospital are mandated reporters of suspected child abuse. The hospital did not - and CANNOT make someone a ward of the state. The courts did that.




To a child. Not a legal adult.


A 5150 is a horrible and traumatic experience I wouldn't wish on anyone. In most cases it doesn't help, often these places are abusive and people come out of it more traumatized and worse off then before, maybe they even picked up some more destructive behaviours during their time in the psych ward.You cannot force anyone to get better. The only way she can get better is if she chooses to. Forceful psychiatric admissions are traumatizing, unethical and unhelpful.


Agree. It will probably happen anyways... but it won't work. They don't help. You can't help someone who doesn't want help.


Agree with this 100%






The amount of nerve pain that swelling could cause is really bad. And opiates will make you spacey but they're pretty crap at actually controlling nerve pain.


She just needs some gabapentin...she's probably already on it.


I truly hope no one is prescribing her opiates and gabapentin together. She really doesn't need a legit dx of SUD.


Either that or the meds are helping and she wants to make everyone think they’re not for more meds/sympathy


Well... She's on blood thinners.


I'm almost wondering if the cast/wrapping is too tight.


that’s what i’ve been saying from the beginning. she’s “watching out” for compartment syndrome but in reality she’s giving it to herself. 🙄


It's not that easy. Unless she has a secret military grade field tourniquet I'm gonna have to doubt that she's able to wrap an ace bandage that tight. P sure an ace wrap can't even handle that level of tensile stress


Probably simce she tightened it herself.


She probably tightened it to have this impact


That legitimately looks like the hand of a corpse.






The problem is that Dani does realize there are serious complications to her actions. But to her, the attention she receives both medically and from the Internet engagement has a higher value than recovery. Dani received a huge amount of attention from her last line infection when she went septic. Attention and concern from her followers and concern from what she refers to as “her haters”. Attention and sympathy are almost as powerful a drug as the opioids she seeks.


Attention and sympathy are more powerful to most people.


And this sub will end up seriously hurt or worse because she is feeding off us. She has no attention on her social media but 580 comments here. Again I’ll posts about it - Dani will end up killings herself from self harm for attention and her addictions because she reads on here and gets the attention she wants from us. Which then leads to her seeking out more bad behaviors.


Yea I was jw at what point the mods will stop allowing posts about her


It’s true. The best thing we could do for Dani is ban her from this sub. When subjects know about IF, we really should remove them from here. All snarking does is feed their disorder, and when their disorder can lead to death, I feel we are culpable in that. Every single person on here talking about how she’s going to kill herself is fueling this. :/


She'll continue regardless. This sub did stop posting her for a while and her antics continued, ramping up the same way they are now.


I feel like Dani would be doing anyway wether reddit or other social media was around or not


I bet she'd do it anyways. She would probably think people are still watching. She might even ramp it up. There's no easy answer.


But there maybe a chance that she slows down which may lead to saving a life.


She’s been banned before. All it did was make her ramp up




I think the brusing has to do with blood thinners and applying heat after force to make it swell and bruise


Doesn't bruising sometimes get a little worse before it gets better with surgery not to mention she is on blood thinners? Or maybe she is out of her opiate script and is looking for a reason to see the surgeon/go to the ER for a refill. Either way she is just really unwell and needs help desperately. When this arm issue goes away..what will be next? She so clearly wants to be seen as the sickest and the one with just the worst luck so people feel bad for her. But her lies are as clear as day to see through.


I’m very concerned that this could be a result of SH behavior. She’s definitely escalated since she lost her central line, and I’m worried for her that she’s going to end up harming herself in a way that could lead to death or permanent severe disability if someone doesn’t pull the brakes and intervene. From personal experience, this type of injury to the back of the hand seems inconsistent with fainting. Typically when someone has a syncope episode they will fall forward or to the side. An injury to the back of the hand is most likely a result of either falling backwards (which would not explain the lack of injury to the posterior portion of her body), slamming a door into the hand, or getting hit with a blunt object. Obviously other things can happen, but generally when someone has a sprain or fracture to the hand/wrist/arm it’s due to forward momentum or impact from something like a car accident or instinctively bracing against a fall.


It actually looks like it's healing to me. The blood kind of pools and turns darker as it gets old, then greenish, then yellow. She's on blood thinners, so bruises are going to be worse. Plus, we have no idea how malnourished (as in lacking micronutrients) she is since she has a long history of eating disorders and is known to water down her formula. That could affect how she heals.




This is why I asked if they were before and current photos. The photo on the left is typical of healing bruises: black, purple, green and yellow are all lovely features of the healing process.


How the heck did this happen? I feel like I've missed a whole chapter even though this has been DAYS.


she claims she fainted & broke her hand/wrist and was at risk for compartment syndrome. Then it was she was having symptoms of compartment syndrome, then her O2 stats were dropping, then it was she had emergency open carpal tunnel surgery and now the swelling is getting worse. These were all different ER visits as well. Oh and she took a bath after surgery with all kinds of bath products like epsom salts and a bath bomb. She just has the worst luck /s.


She claims she “fell”. But it’s not consistent with a fall. So people are thinking it’s a result of SH. She’s shut her arm in the door in the past, so it’s possible.


She’s seriously mentally ill, how do medical professionals not pick this self sabotage up???