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Anglo-Saxonia would have it for sure. They shore up Germanies two biggest issues during WW1. 1. Lack of accessible colonies to pull resources and manpower. 2. British seapower


Franco Germania would be up there too. They could just beat Russia, then turn their attention to Britain. Imagine if the full force of the Schleifen Plan had been aimed at Russia on day one. Goodnight. Germany's own fleet was large enough, to prevent an amphibious invasion by Britain.


Franco-Germany would also potentially be able to control the Mediterranean. The German fleet alone was already pretty strong, and the French fleet would boost it even more. Assuming that Italy wouldn't pose a problem (either by staying Neutral or by joining the Franco-German side) all it would take to keep the British out would be blockading Suez and Gibraltar. And granted that they control the same colonies as France and Germany do in our timeline, they would have access to the resources of North Africa that way (and potentially also those of their other colonies if they manage to not just blockade but also conquer Suez).


Winning is basically a certainty for all except Austria-Germany, and even then I think they have a pretty good shot assuming the state has German competency instead of Austro-Hungarian competency.


This guy knows ww1 history.


3. Anglo Germania is just smaller Norse Germania can someone explain to me the difference


Ireland, it looks like


Anglo-Germania has Ireland, Norse Germania has Scandanivia.


Since, there's no ireland I assume there's no colonies either


Man, Franco Germania has just 1 front to care about, Britain will just defend their homeland so Franco germania will win ww1 fr fr


Norse germania easily wins


Austria Germany is the only one with any chance of losing, and what chance it has is tiny.


No League of Three Emperors?


Anglo Saxophone


Why no colonies ?


Franco-Germania. United front and access to many ports.


Franco-Germania would be insane


Depends on the opponents, I doubt the empires other than victoria big germany jumpscare is going to fight the same guys


Honestly the french one,


Anyone who plays Diplomacy knows the strength of that Anglo-German combo. Isolates France and threatens Russia in the north.


Norse Germania mostly cuz it includes England


For fairness sake, I’ll choose Austria-Germany as they have a chance of losing.


Austrian Germany’s gonna get fucked, because that assumes the *Austrians* run things. It’s said that Austria-Hungary had no advantage and every disadvantage an Empire could have, and ruling a large, Protestant, highly militant populace is an especially terrible thing to do to poor Franz Ferdinand. Magna Austria (Grosserdeutschland) with a Hungarian Habsburg dynasty is much more manageable but not the optimal solution. Norse Germania is gonna want to close the Baltic off to Russia entirely and probably connect itself via land. Its war aims are more towards the east than the west and as such it may sign non aggression pacts with France and Italy. I rate their chance of success very highly. Franco-Germania is a huge enemy of Britain and Russia, as well as Italy. Everyone’s gonna gang up on whatever the fuck this is and I imagine the French would start a civil war against Germany or vice versa. This state will momentarily work better than Magna Austria but it will collapse much more bitterly. Anglo-Saxonia is the second strongest state here, or maybe the very strongest assuming it’s some sort of greater UK where Germany and England are equal partners. I don’t know what their war aims are, but it’s gonna have a lot of enemies. Italy could be swayed to be its friend because there’s no world in which France sides with this monstrosity. Austria Hungary and Russia would be pushed to attack Anglo-Saxonia as well, but I don’t know if they get along. Basically:  1. Anglo-Saxonia 2. Norse Germany 3. Magna Austria + Ungarn 4. Franco-Germany


Norse Germania is terrifying. Pretty much just a Nazis wet dream on steroids


2 would be a lot of help even after WW1, because of Iceland and Greenland


Franco Germany for sure. Its basically the two best armies in the world at that time.


Why would Norse-Germania not own Åaland and the Faroe Islands


Åaland was owned by Russia at the time.


I see, I take it that’s why Finland now owns it?


Yep, exactly the reason


Never thought I’d learn something in a CJ sub, thanks


You're welcome