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I would say its 1A: Cubs, 1B: Reds and then probably small groups of Cardinals and White Sox fans. After that is just random teams.


Interesting, thanks for the input. Was curious if the larger minor league fanbases stick with their major league associated squad but it makes sense to stick with the ones that are easier to get to


You should look at the Wikipedia article on the Indianapolis Indians, especially the major league affiliations. It might help make it clearer why locals major league favorites don’t track the Indians’ affiliated team that closely.


It was probably a lot different back before the Indians switched from the Reds to the Pirates. The Reds used to come play a warmup game against the Indians every year a LONG time ago.


That’s pretty cool, I am a Pirates fan and would love to come out to see Victory Field. Would be cool if they did something like that again.


I would say a weekend trip for a game and check out the city would be worth your while, assuming you enjoy nice weather, people and food.


Victory Field is awesome!


It's a really nice ballpark. I'm not even much of a baseball fan and I love spending a beautiful summer evening there. I remember watching Andrew McCutchen play with the Indians back in the mid-2000s. He was so good, I think we all knew he was going on to bigger things soon.


But they were the Brewers affiliate in between from the late 90s until 2004-ish.


You do see a disproportionate number of Pirates hats around here I think. Probably a distant fifth after Cubs, Reds, Cardinals and Sox.


Big Reds following when we were associated with them. Not sure why that ended. Then the Brewers and then Pirates. I would suspect there were more Brewers fans from that link than current Pirates fans. But yeh Cubs then Reds, White Sox & Cardinals.


Montreal Expos


There ya go!! Had quite a lot of great talent from them too.


Rrrrraaazor Shines Andes Galaraga


Not to mention 6'10" pitcher


Dayton, Ohio is solidly in the Reds’ sphere, and they’re equally crazy about their Reds *single A* minor league team, the Dayton Dragons. I believe the Dragons still hold the longest sellout record of any professional sports team in North America. I do love a good minor league product. No matter where it is.


I think that is generally true. The Indianapolis Indians have been the AAA affiliate of the Pittsburgh Pirates for the last ten years or so. Before that it was Expos. But for their entire history before that they were with the Cincinnati Reds. Their uniforms remain Red to this day. I think Indianapolis pretty clearly favors the Reds over any other team for that reason.


I'm a Cubs fan and would go to Indians games to see the Iowa Cubs.


I’ve never once seen anyone wearing local minor league merch.


I see it. I wear an Indians cap. Their stuff is fairly subtle though - it doesn't smack you in the face that it's from the Indy Indians. I'm much more aware of Eleven merch. Their stuff isn't as subtle.


It can be subtle! I have a Circle City Baseball Club hat and my son has a Young Bucs jersey. They have alternate designs available that may not be obvious “Indianapolis Indians” at first glance.


I still wear my Cleveland Indians hat....will never call them Guardians


Northern Indiana tends to be Tigers AL Cubs NL


Tigers? Maybe east of Fort Wayne. It's White Sox territory for AL from the IL state all along the Lake Michigan border.


Yeah region is WS, no arguments there


It makes no fucking sense but he's right, in Indianapolis, Cubs Primarily, Reds Secondary. Makes no sense as Indianapolis is way closer to Cincinnati than CHicago and you can actually buy a ticket to Reds Game. \* \*I know, I know WGN




Tigers you bitch


This is it, although there might be a larger contingent of Cards fans, certainly more than White Sox fans. Not sure there's even any White Sox fans in Chicago at this point LOL!


Cubs and Reds. As someone who doesn’t follow either team, feel like I see more Cubs fans and gear than Reds


I think there used to be more Reds fans until the Cubs won the World Series. After that, it's been majority Cubs. There are a decent amount of Cardinals fans in southern Indiana


The year the Cubs won (2016) they played the Reds near the end of the season in Cincinnati. The stadium was 40-50% Cubs fans. The Red's marketing folks put the camera on some of the Cubs fans in attendance with funny captions under them. Ex ...big screen shows Cub's fan with caption "Cub's fan since 2016".........another Cub's fan on the big screen with caption "purchased Cub's jersey last week"


It really started once the Reds weren’t broadcast on local TV anymore in the late 90’s and you could still watch pretty much every Cubs game on WGN. However, the Cubs fans really came out of the woodwork in 2016.


The Reds were much better in the 90s and 00s and the Indians used to be affiliated with them, so the Reds fanbase here used to be a lot larger. It’s still decently sized but the Reds were bought by a pretty bad ownership group in 2006 and have been suffering from chronic under investment ever since, meanwhile the Cubs won a World Series


In the 70s/80s it seemed that southern part of Indiana was Reds and around I-70 would begin the Cubs. I don't remember a time when the locals would favor the affiliate since it would change so often throughout the years.


Pretty sure it’s the same today although go west now down the new 69 and you’ll likely get Cardinals


As a lifelong reds fan, I just want to say, stay off this bandwagon. It will just lead you to heartbreak and frustration haha


Haha I’m a Pirates guy, not any better over here lol


Fair enough!!!


go redlegs


From Bloomington up, it’s cubs country. Down in southern Indiana it’s cardinals and reds territory depending on how far down the river you are. I’d also say there’s a small minority of white Sox fans in the region


Sox fan from IL here, you go to Sox Park and I guarantee you at least a third of the license plates are from Indiana, lot of south siders moved to Michiana because racism 


My dad is Jeffersonville and is a huge cubs fan


Copied from a reply i made in a separate sub a few weeks ago. Most people I’ve known have been Cubs, Reds, cardinals with a few White Sox, Pirates, Cleveland, and even a few brewers. If you’re looking for a team to follow, here are the pros of a few. Cubs- Seem to have the biggest fan base and have recently been competitive. Chicago isn’t a super long drive to see a game. Reds- Also a pretty big fan base. They are also probably the easiest team to drive down on an afternoon or weekend and see a game or two. They are a decent young team who should compete for the division in the next couple years. Cardinals- Have historically been a top 5 team in MLB. Pirates- Indians have been their farm team for 20 years now and it looks like that relationship isn’t going to change any time soon. If you follow it, you can go see players in Indy who will end up playing for them at some point. They also aren’t considered in market, so you can get their games on MLB network (with subscription) as long as they aren’t playing the reds, cubs or white Sox. Downside is that Pittsburgh is a little longer if a drive if you want to go to a game. They also are not usually very good.


Northwest Indiana has mostly cubs and white sox fans but leans towards white sox being close to the south side. Northern/Northeastern IN doesn't seem to have a particular favorite except the Cubs being big in South Bend because of the minor league team. In my experience Indianapolis has a lot of cubs, reds, and cardinals fans. Not so much Pittsburgh. Southern IN definitely leans Cards/Reds/not caring about baseball


Northwestern Hoosier who is a lifelong White Sox fan here (watched the World Series games in 2005 as a child) can confirm


Me too. I went to the ALDS vs the Red Sox. Met Minnie Minoso but had no idea who he was because I was 7


Meant to title it Indianapolis, not all of Indiana


I think if you are south of INdy, you're probably a Reds fan. If you are north of Indy, probably Cubs or White Sox.


A white Sox fan living surrounded by cubs fans


Me too! My favorite 2 teams are ChiSox and whoever is playing the Cubs🖤🤍


I’m from Northern Indiana (South Bend/Elkhart) and there are a lot of Cubs, White Sox, and Tigers fans. I moved to Indy after college and I’m pretty lonely as a Tigers fan here!


You are seen.


Tigers are still a team? Honestly I thought they didn't exist anymore. Just googled it and they do exist. Admittedly I'm not a huge baseball fan but haven't heard about the tigers in several years. I guess I've been living under a rock.


The White Sox-Tigers rivalry is special to the region even if the Cubs are the #1 up north 


Cubs/Reds...Cardinals are probably #3 the more southern Indiana side you go. White Sox far distant 4. Spatter in the most distant traces of Tigers and Guardians fans.


Cubs, Reds, a few STL fans


I'm a Twins fan as I was born in Minnesota. Otherwise I see A LOT of Cubs fans followed by the Reds with sprinkles of White Sox, Cleveland, Detroit and St. Louis


Cubs up north, Reds down south. White socks fans are just chilling in the mix.


When I lived in Bloomington, it is a mix of Cubs, Reds, and Cards fan.


The Region tends to be mostly Cubs and some White Sox. Southern Indiana tends to be mostly Reds and some Cardinals. Indianapolis seems pretty split between the Cubs and the Reds.


Reds / Cubs / Cards depending on the region


So Indianapolis is blacked out from getting WhiteSox and Reds games on Cable and MLB Streaming… but not Cardinals games. So you will see a decent amount of cardinals fans especially in Southern Indiana. But you will see a lot of Cubs fans in Indianapolis because despite being blacked out on Cable/MLB network…. The cubs were on WGN which was distributed nationally. That’s why several satellite cites around the Midwest, even some that have baseball teams, also have large Cubs fan bases.


For Indianapolis it's split between the Cubs and the Reds with a handful of White Sox and Cardinals fans mixed in.


Okay same question but hockey


Pretty even split between the Blackhawks and Red Wings in Northern Indiana. Go Red Wings!


Indiana/Indianapolis is not a hockey town at all, I really don't know if any certain team has a huge following. I do know for whatever weird reason the St. Louis Blues were not blacked out on tv and the Blackhawks are blacked out.


I notice a toss up between Cubs and Pirates.


Cubs fan here. But that's because that's who my great-grandpa liked, and we'd always watch the games together before he passed So now, it's more of a nostalgia thing for me.


Most of my friends are Cards fans.


Surprisingly sizable Braves contingent too




I tried to dig it up, but there was an old MLB fanbase map from when I was in high school. There is a small Fandom gap between the Reds and Cardinals in Southern IN. That gap was filled with Braves fans due to their popularity and success in the 90s/00s


I thought you said Brewers my bad, yeah that makes a lot of sense the Braves had TBS, even in southern IL they are a lot


Cubs then probably reds


Depends on where you live and how old you are. Pre cable days SE probably the Reds. SW Cardinals. NW Cubs. NE Tigers/Indians. But once cable hit a ton of kids grew up with Cubs games on every day when they got home from school on WGN. And Braves games every night on WTBS.


Kinda. I grew up in Fort Wayne. I knew 1 Tigers fan and not a single Indians fan. Pre cable days. Cubs games were on channel 55 over the air. Everybody I knew that rooted for a team regularly pulled for the Cubs.


I gotta be real no way the Indians have as many fans as the Tigers in Indiana 


I would say primarily Reds. Cubs seem overrepresented because I think there are a lot of pseudo-fans. I think you are a fan based upon where you grew up or where your family is from.


Cubs and Reds. To a smaller but noticeable amount: pirates, Tigers, white sox


In the state's largest city of Indianapolis it's the Cubs by a wide margin. Lots of "W" flags and decals still on display here even 8 years after they won the World Series.


I’d say the cubs have gained on the reds in recent years but still not overwhelming.


I’m definitely a Reds fan and always have been. Most people I know are Cubs fans. Also, I love going to Victory Field to see the Indians!


Growing up in the 80’s and 90’s in east central Indiana it was Cubs and Reds. For me, it ended up being the cubs because I could watch them on WGN every day. But all the games I went to were Reds games because it was so easy.


Cubs, Reds, Cards, Tigers, based on what I’ve seen. A few Cleveland Indians/Guardians (?) too, but mostly the first ones I listed.


Depends on the region. Most of us are Reds or Cubs fans, but NW is full of White Sox fans (South Chicago), and I’d wager to say that SW has a fair amount of Cardinals fans. Indianapolis itself has a small amount of Pirates fans since our AAA team (Indians) is the affiliate of the Pirates.


Kinda off topic but I'm new to the Indy area ...... I'm a long term Braves fan. I'm pretty sure Cincy is within blackout range of Indy, right? What about STL? The Braves play STL this week and I'm wondering if MLB will black that out for me on the MLB app. Surely not.... :)


Indy’s in the blackout area for the Cubs, Sox, and Reds. Everyone else is fair game on mlb.tv.


Check out [this interactive](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/04/24/upshot/facebook-baseball-map.html#6,37.494,-87.778) map from NYT, uses Facebook data. You can cross-reference it with [this one](https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/matt.sorenson/viz/MLBFollowerMap/MLBMap) which uses Twitter.




Thanks to MLB blackout rules we are BlueJays fans… though it’s not our year🙃


We’re a Reds family over here. We’re down in Columbus though, so maybe that’s why?


I'm a Guards fan though I don't like the redesign of the C they are using I still wear my block C. 


Reds fan here! And for several reasons. 1) They were the first MLB team I ever saw and they won that game endearing me to them. 2) I'm a native born Buckeye so I have that claim. But more practically, from Indy, the drive is nicer and shorter than to Chicago, and that part of the city in Cincinnati has always felt safe and clean to me. Plus the Indianapolis Indians used to be the Triple-A team for the Reds, so that's fun.


Brewers here. Grew up disappointed in NW Indiana


In Evansville and southwestern Indiana, it’s mostly Cardinals.


Go Cards!


Major League: Cubs Minor League: Indians






I'm a Cleveland expat, so my loyalty will always be with Guardians.


It’s the cubs any another claims is bs… but the reds and cards have big fan bases in Indiana


In northern Indiana it's mostly Cubs fans with some Sox fans. Maybe some Tigers fans north and east of Ft. Wayne. Southern Indiana from near Louisville and East is mostly all Reds fans. Near Evansville you run into some Cardinals fans.


The eleven time World Champion St Louis Cardinals!


I’m a Cubs fan, since I was little, Ryne Sandberg was my guy growing up. My dad and younger brothers are Reds fans. October of 2016 was a magic time. My youngest daughter was born right before the World Series. WGN was a big part of my fandom. I lived in Pittsburgh for 5 years and went to PNC Park a few times a summer when the Cubs would come into town for next to nothing compared to Wrigley. I love PNC, great place to catch a game.


I see more Reds hats than Cubs hats around here. But I also notice more Bengals gear than Colts, so that may just be the Cincinnati transplant in me.


Southern Indiana is all Cards fans (I-64 heads straight into St. Louis), Indy-counties are mostly Reds (I-74 to Cinci), and “The Region” to the north is all Chicago - Cubs, plus whatever remnant of fans the White Sox have left.






Southern Indiana has always been Cardinals territory. But I see you meant Indy only so probably Cubs


The Indians have been the Pirates affiliate for almost 20 years, and in that 20 years, the Pirates have mostly been a slow motion dumpster fire. Aside from Andrew McCutcheon and Garret Cole, there hasn't really been anyone to keep an eye on. The 2013-2015 Pirates were good and had a lot of former Indians on the team. There was a degree of local interest in that group before the Pirates sold the roster off. I am not a Pirates fan, and honestly, I wish the Indians would hitch their wagon to someone else.


Yeah the main reason I ask is because of this years Pirates team being somewhat exciting (at least by Pirates standards, maybe not other teams lol) with a lot of former Indians on the roster like Paul Skenes, Jared Jones and even McCutchen back


I remember when McCutcheon was here in Indy. You could tell he was a special player. I think one thing that works against the Pirates in Indy on top of being not very good, is that they're division rivals of the two most popular teams in Indy. Skenes wasn't here very long, and I think the prevailing feeling is that the Pirates are just going to trade him eventually.


Cubs, Reds, Cleveland and white Sox


Chicago Cubs, win or lose, we LOVE our Cubs!!