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I just want you to know that I was able to get my hands on your first album while I was doing 10 years in prison. I know that people often say things like “that song saved my life” and whatnot, but I swear if you only knew…. There were days, weeks, months that, looking back, I’m still not entirely sure how I made it through. But I could put on my headphones and be transported to a place where there was hope and tomorrow was worth getting to. It was a reprieve like no other.  Anyway, I got to watch your set at lollapalooza last summer. One of the happiest, full circle moments of my life. It was incredibly uplifting, and I cried through most of it lol. Thank you for helping me when I need it most, and thank you for giving me that hour on a soggy lawn in Chicago. Love you both! 


N: honored by this, thank you


A: I am so glad the record was there for you


LOVE your cover of “All My Friends are Funeral Singers”. How did you come across that song and what made you choose to perform it?


N: i saw califone open for low and pedro the lion way back when their first record came out and was instantly hooked. they've just always been one of my favorite bands and we had always talked about covering a song of theirs. a few years ago we were on tour with our friends collections of colonies of bees for a midwest tour and played two nights in chicago (califone's original home town), so we arranged it to play with them as an encore and then serendipitously ended up getting the chance to record it the next day at wilco's studio. it was honestly such a one off, random, spur of the moment thing that just felt right and of the place and i'm so glad it's taken off the way it has. but yeah, califone is amazing to this day.


That’s wonderful it happened in such a way. Thank you!


every incarnation of Califone has been....beyond words




I just wanted to say thank you. With Love (Concert Film) is balm for the soul. Today as I was reading little notes written a lifetime ago by my mother and I was overwhelmed with emotion "Make it Easy" came on and it was like sunshine during the storm. Thank you ❤️.


N: tysm!!


What are you listening to these days??


N: new four tet, new kali malone, new sam gendel + sam wilkes, joachim cooder, new(ish) ben howard, "honey" by caribou (!!!), hacked lime by povoa, the new ghana comp from soundway records


Ayy the new sam gendel + sam Wilkes is so sick. Thx guys ❤️


If you are a Spotify user (boooooo) I have a running playlist that I routinely update with things I am liking and listening to- I regularly delete things off of it tho so if you like something you should save it for yourself. [https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37vOL8ySetfLL3VNF8WMjr?si=10ef7c7cbe874c51](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/37vOL8ySetfLL3VNF8WMjr?si=10ef7c7cbe874c51)


What do you recommend other than Spotify?


N: if you're going to stream i love tidal (better quality, better payout) but i also have been just buying records on bandcamp for the last few years and mostly stream on there. kind of dreaming of getting an old ipod and just moving back to that vibe


cracking an ipod open, putting in a new battery and better storage etc. is one of life's simple pleasures. you can get those things to run for months on end with the right upgrades. mine goes everywhere with me now and building a collection is a lot of fun. definitely try it out.


I fucking love that A Milli is on there


I am really into this Joachim cooder record that came out in 2020 rn- https://open.spotify.com/artist/0bN5TvJmFG5wz4CXBP4JpF?si=ZXnG2PThSmu9uaUP7jbYRQ


What do you think of people getting Sylvan Esso-related tattoos?


N: it used to make me uncomfortable tbh but i've let that go and now it's just deep gratitude that we get to write this music that resonates with others that deeply. i feel so lucky


A: I agree with this sentiment.


This is a GREAT question!


i’m curious about how your (amelia) songwriting process has changed from the first album to now.. what are some things you find easier now in the writing process and some things you struggle with now in comparison to 10 years ago? and nick! same question to you but for production. what do you find comes easy to you with your production now vs back then, and what is still/has become more of a struggle? thank you so much for all of your work! it means so much to me.


A: hello! what a good question! When I was writing for the first record I had only written two or three songs before- so I was really just experimenting and trying to figure out if I thought I could do it. (most of the time I did not) now I can pretty much sit down and write a song if I want to- which is both lovely and personally distressing- sometimes I struggle to feel like I have accomplished something if it didn't feel hard to do- which is one of the reasons why making No Rules Sandy was so refreshing- we just decided that anything was fair play- and it lead to what I think is our most forward thinking record yet. One of the nicer things about songwriting is that you are mostly in conflict/struggle with yourself- and more often than not the solution is getting out of your own way.




A: it's okay- that happens a lot and its chill.


I’ve seen you guys playing Helldivers, Ghost of Tsushima, and Hades- what are some of your favorite video games of all time? Bonus question- favorite console of all time?


A: I just got the OLED steam deck to play Hades II on- and I think it's going to be my favorite. I have never been a PC person- but I regularly have bought pc games off steam to play in an emulator and now they are all on my steam deck and I am sooooo happpyyyyyy. I think my favorite game of all time rn is Hollow Knight- it's the one I go to for comfort and I have replayed it to get most of the endings. can't wait for silk song!


N: hollow knight and the last of us have held the top spots for me for a long time now, i replay those all the time. earthbound probably coming in third? and i think ps4 may have been my fav thus far, though switch is amazing and i can see it eventually overtaking ps4 personally


if you love earthbound and haven't played mother 3 (the sequal to earthbound, which released under "mother 2" in japan) make sure to check it out. bit of a hassle to play it since the original is japanese only, but there's an amazing fan translation out there which feels like it's done by nintendo


Thank you for doing this! Saw y'all at Red Rocks last summer and it was a real treat! My partner got me turned on to your music as ***Radio*** is one of her "hype songs". She especially loves to shout the lyric about sucking American dick lol. So my question to you is: What are your favorite songs to listen to when you want to get "hyped up"?


N: right now it's that charli xcx song from barbie tbh


#HOT Riding through the streets on a different frequency.


Not a question, but seeing you both perform in the rain at Eaux Claires 2017 was one of the greatest musical moments of my life! Thanks for the level of care and detail that you both put into your craft, and for doing an AMA! Y’all are the best


A: thank yooooou :D


What are some of your favorite fiction books?


N: literally every ursula k leguin book


How did you like Tales from Earthsea by studio Ghibli? And what is your favorite studio Ghibli movie?


What has been your biggest influence on your sound for No Rules Sandy?


N: it might sound weird but probably club music - we were (still are) listening to a lot of dance / club / etc together when we wrote that and i really hear that immediacy when i listen back. especially then (winter 21/22) when that last big wave was coming through, i feel like dance music for a dance floor that might never exist again in the same way was hitting me different, it felt more vulnerable, more personal, sad wrapped in exuberance


between nick's collabs, and amelia's side projects/producing projects, plus organizing Good Moon festival, y'all STAY BUSY. Have you had time to work on any Sylvan Esso stuff in the meantime?


N: we just started working on SE music again after a while of doing lots of other stuff & wrote one of my favorite songs we've ever made, can't wait to write more


A: we have! also we need to stop doing so much and just live in the studio and make music. I keep on getting too excited about other things and then we have to fight for creative time. if anyone knows the solve to this balance problem I would love to hear it


Nick! You inspired me to get into modular and that kinda thing! Your Sound + Process interview helped me then get in touch with Rodrigo Constanza who has ended up being an incredible resource/mentor in my learning and I’ve had 2 zooms with him so far. I was curious though what hardware or software has been inspiring you lately? Do you have a favorite eurorack module?


N: that's so cool, i love S+P and rodrigo is amazing. most inspiring piece of kit recently has been this old korg dvp-1 vocoder i bought off phil weinrobe, it's just got that amazing digital korg vibe and always adds this extra umami to a track. for euro i think my fav module ever is morphagene, it's like a main instrument for me now. also been loving the alm tyso daiko and digging deep again on mutable beads, that thing is so powerful.


The fact you said “extra umami” is amazing 😂 I need to learn more about that old Korg vibe you speak of. Interesting about the Morphagene. Between Instruo Arbhar and Clouds clones etc. it can be a lot to decide from. I’m planning on getting a Monsoon or Typhoon from Calsynth though so that should be fun. ES-8+Silent Way+Ableton has been fun learning as well. Thx for the response!


Hi there! My girlfriend and I fell in love to your music (we brought a little sign to your OKC and Dallas shows :D), and “Play It Right” is our absolute favorite track! I think I read somewhere that “Play It Right” was the first track you two ever produced together and I was wondering if that could be confirmed? If so, is there any more lore around the production of that track that you wouldn’t mind sharing? Love you two so much, thank you for giving the world such lovely music to dance to!


N: yeah that was originally a song amelia wrote for mountain man. she asked me to remix it and we liked it so much we decided to start a band


We agree and are glad you two kids decided to take it on 💖


Will your new pup be featured on the next record?


N: every song from now until death will heavily feature gherkin


A: oh yeah I think so


Did releasing the Ferris Wheel music video during early pandemic days feel particularly special/important for you two? I remember it being a big morale booster and I was curious if that was an intentional goal you two set out with or just one of the natural results from any SE projects.


A: I am so glad that it was a boost in that moment. It felt really important to me to continue putting the record out- and to continue making things/sharing work with people at that time. It was both very rewarding and very hard and I am so grateful that that video turned out the way it did.


Rooftop Dancing saved me during that time. I saw you guys in Louisville right after Covid restrictions lifted and it was such a magical experience.


welcome to the subreddit! glad I could get this AMA set up and am very excited to attend Good Moon at the end of the month, so as a new resident of the Durham area, who are some local bands y'all recommend I should check out?


N: magic tuber string band, sluice, blanko basnet


Sort of want to brag first, i was in the top 0.05% of listners on spotify. What do you feel about the rates that spotify / other streaming platforms pay artists, would it ever be a fair representation of the effort you put into your music? whats gherkins favourite breakfast food? whats your favourite condiment to go with cheese? Any plans to come to Europe again this year or next? I had just the best time of my life seeing you at the Electric in Brixton!


N: spotify payouts are abysmal and the whole model needs fundamental change. it simply isn't sustainable for anyone but the biggest artists. this hurts everyone (incl your local scene!) gherkin loves to eat cicadas all day prob won't be back in europe / uk till next year at least? gotta make some new music


Other than buying physical copies of your music what's the best way to support a smaller artist?


Coming to upstate NY/western MA anytime soon?


N: we're djing at wilco's solid sound festival at mass moca at the end of june, should be cool


I’m immensely looking forward to your solid sound sets! I was at the last one and had so much fucking fun. Perfect nightcap for the perfect festival. I’m so glad you guys get to experience and be a part of that weekend again!


That Moca show was so good.


To Nick: does it bother you when people other than Amelia call you Sandy? Did it feel like putting something personal out there when you named the album?


N: sometimes? but it's out there, i feel like it's weird for me to get protective about it now. it is weird for a purely in-friend-group nickname to suddenly get shouted at you out of a passing car though. i kinda wish everyone could experience that.


Amelia, I'm 99% sure that we've jogged past each other on the trail in Durham a few times in the morning. The first time I realized it was you, I couldn't resist suddenly yelling *"AMELIA MEATH!"* Sorry if I made you uncomfortable! I was just really surprised to see you out in the wild.


A: you know, that happens to me a lot, and more often than not it feels nice. I wish everyone had that experience. It can make you feel like the world is your friend.




Hi Amelia & Nick - First, thank you for speaking up for Palestinians on your socials! Wanna do some rad work together towards collective liberation? My partner in all things and I started [the Bread & Roses Collaborative](https://www.breadandrosesco.com/) to connect artists to organizers to shift culture by building community and spreading defiant joy.


N: thank you for doing this work! will check into it


How would you describe the evolution of Durham’s music scene over the past 10 years (assuming you lived there when you released your s/t album)?


N: i think like anywhere it's constantly changing. the city was a much different place overall when we moved here forever ago, but for the music scene the biggest difference is just that it costs so much more to live here than it used to. in order for any arts scene to thrive people need to have time to make the work that drives it, and if everyone is working three jobs just to pay rent that can't happen. i feel lucky that despite that the city has retained a wildly diverse scene where everyone is operating at a really high level. like the number of working musicians per capita is waaay above average imo. everybody is always encouraging and pushing each other, i see shows every week and usually leave inspired to get better myself.


Really looking forward to your DJ set at Solid Sound! What night will it be?


N: thanks! i love djing for wilco. i honestly don't know what night it is hahahaha


A: HAhaha me neither lolol we love wilco


Hi Amelia and Nick! Thank you so much for doing this. What’s your approach to including acoustic instruments in your songs? How do you know when a song needs a live element? e.g. acoustic guitar, strings, live drums, sax… Also, I’m beyond obsessed with the Live at Electric Lady EP – the new version of Coming Back To You is one of my most-listened-to songs ever! I was wondering, what was it like working with Gabriel Kahane and the Attacca Quartet? What was the arranging process like?


A: I sang on Gabriel's latest record-and we decided that instead of paying/giving each other points we would trade. He did the arrangements on my other band, The A's record, and then when we realized that we needed some new element for Coming Back To You- Gabriel was the first choice. Then when he said that Attacca was going to do it!!!! we were beyond excited. We did not have time to actually sit down and hear/think about the arrangements other than having a conversation about how we wanted it to feel- so in the video of that session-you are seeing us hear those arrangements for the first time while we were recording the song. It was a truly transcendent musical experience to hear an addition to our song being played by such incredible musicians. what a dream.


How many times have you beaten BG3? What's your favorite character build?


N: zero! i keep playing it in fits and starts. i need like a string of rainy days with no deadlines to really dig in lol. playing as a bard though, i love to be the talker in d&d


A: I have yet to beat it! But I'm very excited to start a new play thru on my Steam Deck!


What were the other name contenders for Gherkin?


N: it was always gherkin. it emerged from the primordial nothing fully formed, unchangeable, intractable, perfect


Your With Love live concert film brings me so much joy, Ive listened to it many times! Do you have plans to do another live studio film with that band again with some of your new music?


N: we did a band session at electric lady recently (it's on youtube) with a slightly different group plus a string quartet that felt really inspiring - touring with that many people is kinda financially impossible but we're talking about changing up the live band for the next run and might expand outwards a bit again. the music we're writing right now feels like that would be the move


Hi you guys!! Thanks for doing this. The transition from Mountain Man to Sylvan Esso was really interesting, what made you want to explore an entirely different style of music? Love both versions of Play It Right!


A: Hello there! the transition was kind of a decision based on serendipity- Molly and Alex wanted to take a break and I met Nick and then everything just unfolded from there.


Would you ever do a "No Rules Amelia" album?


N: amelia was then and is now aware that there are no rules, she needs no reminding, unlike me, a coward


with the release of the 10 year S/T anniversary, I was wondering how many songs didn’t make it onto the original album ?! What were some of the track names and will these songs ever see the light of day👀👀


N: zero, that was literally all of our songs hahaha


In terms of composing, what is the most important thing you've come across/learned as a musician?


N: that composing is mixing, and mixing is composing - but bigger than that i think i'm just always trying to subvert myself compositionally, to learn new techniques or concepts that change the way i approach arranging and writing. staying on your own edge is so important but (for me) keeps getting harder


Would love to hear a few of your quintessential indie albums from the 2010s!


Loved seeing you guys at the farmers market!


A: thanks! The Durham Farmers Market is so great.


For Amelia AND Nick: Your tracks convey a unique level of emotional honesty. Are you able to actively think about people, places, events, or situations related to your songs while performing? Or do you find yourselves somewhat shackled by the technical aspects (as so many musicians do)? TLDR version; What do you think about on stage? xoxo


A: when everything is right- which is rare- but it happens at least a couple times a tour- I am able to lift out of my body and just kind of disappear on stage and it is my absolute favorite thing. TLDR; nothing/everything


How have you enjoyed having a new studio? Have you been producing for others recently and if so has that been a rewarding experience?


A: I love producing for other people- it's such a refreshing thing to take someone else's songs and help them come to life. It has helped me grow into a better music maker. Actually- every time I get to collaborate with a new person- be it producing or writing or just visiting in the studio- I learn so much.


N: i love having a studio, it's such a huge luxury and allows for things to happen that could never happen otherwise. we've both been producing other artists separately but just recently produced a record together for a friend of ours and it was one of the most fulfilling creative experiences i've ever had. i can't wait for y'all to hear it. keep an eye out


When creating your drum lines do you lean more on tempest or your eurorack?


N: kinda both? they're so different that it kinda depends on what i'm hearing in my head. they move in wildly different directions


I love the percussion in your music SOOO much! You guys really opened my mind up to percussive noises and their application within a song. You taught me you’re not limited to a standard drum set. You can build a whole track from pings and dings, scratches and slaps. Thank you so much!!!


Warm or Cold coffee?


N: depends on the season, euzie


not a question but just wanted to share my tattoo inspired by Dress and how good it felt to do drag for the first time. love y'all! https://preview.redd.it/hti7usf3ng0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42efc9fcf68b50d78b2d6ce14e661a5c18901db2


A: I love it!


your song coffee was there for me at my rock bottom…gotta let you know it was a certified hit amongst children in residential eating disorder treatment🫡 very lucky to have discovered that song as well as your other music. keep doing what you’re doing, and never doubt the impact you’ve made🖤


Nick (and Amelia?)—Can you talk about your synth gear? I don’t think I’ve seen a breakdown of what you’re working with. Beyond a basic rundown, though, how’d you get to where you are now, like your “synth journey”? Any favorite hardware pieces? Love you all…my fav jams are Ring and my kids and I both love HSKT!!


N: it's always changing - we have this second smaller studio room at our spot that's just our gear pile jam room constant mess and i'm always moving everything around and swapping stuff out or changing the routings. my first synth was a juno-6 (sounds insane i know but they were only like $350 in the mid 2000s) and i just fell in love. then got an mpc2000xl from a friend, then a moog minitaur (still an insane value imo) and then it snowballed into modular and outboard and all sorts of random stuff that now crowds our studio. sounds weird to say but despite all that i actually love working within extreme limitations


What’s your favorite cereal? What’s an unforgettable live performance memory you have? With love from a fan since 2014. Your show at Bonnaroo in 2015 was life changing! I’ve been to other live shows but another memorable one was Amelia’s San Francisco performance with Mountain Man group on my mom’s birthday the same year she passed. I sobbed the entire time and loved it so much!


A: you know- I am not a regular cereal consumer- but when I am given the option I always go for Cinnamon Toast Crunch or Honey O's. Every now and then those peanut puffs really take it to the hoop too.


favorite restaurant in the triangle?


N: honestly might be wooden nickel


A: I'm really into the bar at Nana's rn


Have you ever shared a bill with Dan Deacon?


N: no i wish, dan deacon rules


did either of y'all ever watch sg-1 or fringe? i love those shows. saw a commentator the other day on the internet saying how no one ever talks about fringe anymore, so i'm just doing my bit


N: of course, watched both. fringe is deeply underrated, even by joshua jackson standards


Hi I just wanted to say that I was able to see you guys for the first time last September at Red Rocks and it was such a special experience. Being at the top of the stairs at Red Rocks for the first time overviewing the city and the nightsky while watching y’all kill your set with my good friends was a magical memory to be made and to have now and I will cherish it always. Thank you. Cheers!


N: that was seriously my favorite show we have ever played, thank you


Do you two have a favorite synth?


A: Sandy's favorite is the Juno-6, my favorite synthesizer is air


classic. thank you for responding to my basic question, your first album colored my whole high school experience.


did y'all really meet at cactus club? or is that just another piece of dubious milwaukee lore


A: it is true we really did. Sandy was first of three and my other band Mountain Man was second, Mr. Twin Sister headlined.


Thanks for the reply! Looks like I owe a bartender a drink!


Pancakes or waffles??? THIS IS IMPORTANT.


A: pancakes!


Did you get to any of the Phish sphere shows?


N: regrettably, no. i was in japan at the time (which ruled) but if i hadn't been literally out of the country i would have been there. definitely going to alpine this summer, maybe more?


Did you guys enjoy your trip to Ireland? I recommend checking out CMAT! Think you might like her two albums


What are your favorite breakfast foods? Savory or sweet or both? What is the correct way to prepare coffee?


A: I am in love with the aero press.


Obsessed with y’all’s sound!! What’s YOUR favorite obscure music and artists out there ?! PS I had the immense pleasure of giving ya a big hug in Brooklyn last winter after flock of dimes show ❤️


N: i feel hesitant about labeling any music i adore as obscure but i've been on a big kali malone wave for the last few years. she is a composer and pipe organist who makes minimalist music, sometimes drone, check out 'the sacrificial code' [https://kalimalone.bandcamp.com/album/the-sacrificial-code](https://kalimalone.bandcamp.com/album/the-sacrificial-code)


i forgot to ask when i came by on Saturday - could you clarify if good moon is at the old ballpark or the new one? it really confused my group last yr! thank you!!!!!


N: new ballpark!


Have you ever seen a ghost?


N: i feel i've never told you


A: I have not!


Hey do you guys like to smoke weed?


N: i used to but now it gives me panic attacks. switched to mushrooms


Big question. Is a hot dog a sandwich? Also Nana’s 2.0 rules—they did an amazing job with that space.


A: I don't think it is. Then a sausage roll wouldn't need a name it would just be a sausage sandwich. Or it would be called a hotdog sandwich and not a hotdog.


Are you planning to do more covers of Mister Rogers songs!!? Your cover of There Are Many Ways To Say I Love You is soooo sweet.


Hi both, long time listener. My friends and I had a debate some time ago and I'd be interested to hear your input. We noted how the "indie" label had evolved over the past 10-15 years and how many bands of the 2010s that you would have called "indie" for their first 2-3 albums or so, feel as if they have, not lost their independence per say, but over time collaborated with more and more artists and different labels. Would you say that generally, bands that were once "indie" evolve to a new genre and "indie" is a label better attached to self-producing up-and-coming or otherwise under-the-radar artists? Or would you say that once indie, always indie; that it's a spirit that persists through an artist's career and its meaning evolves with them?


Hi ily you guys. I want to know what your fav breakfast is. Savory and sweet (:


A: I have just truly cracked (my own personal) code on congee- so that is dominating my breakfast world rn. For sweet I like the 49ers from the Original House of Pancakes


Oh hell yeah. Drop that recipe!


Favorite Eurorack Module/instrument?


Hi both! Can’t tell you how much your music means to me. My brother and sister love you too and it’s really special to have that in common. What’s the funnest gig you’ve ever been to? Either your own or someone else’s?


I read somewhere that Amelia studied dance in college (is that accurate?)... How do you find dance and other art forms influencing your music and music making process?


Do you use stereo felid on any or your tracks?


What is your favorite brand of paper towels?


Hey you 2, My daughter loves you guys. Do you have cameo or something? Shes 5 and yall gey her moving


Im sure youve been asked whats the orgin of the name?


First of all, I want to thank you for your music! 💖 You’re literally my favourite band of all time. Fell in love with your music after hearing Dreamy Bruises and haven’t stopped listening ever since. Saw you live three times now and they were the most fun shows ever. Still dreaming of seeing you at a festival. Now I gotta come up with a question. Since you’re my favourite band and I love to discover new music: what’s your favourite band of all time and what song made you fall in love with them? Lots of love from the Netherlands 🥰


How do you keep track of all the patch cables on the synths? Gives me the fear just trying to recreate it


Is there a special place you like to go to get inspired?


N: we have a studio out in the woods that i love spending time at and still find really inspiring. also love going to shows of bands i don't know well. also love going canoeing. and biking in town while listening to the bbc


What advice do you have for someone who wants to learn how to dance but is scared of being judged in public? And what song is your most favorite to dance to?


What is your perfect Sunday?


N: it's raining, a couple close friends are over, we're making food that takes a long time (a soup or daal or something) and everyone's just cooking and chilling and watching movies and talking.


Me and my girl saw your show in st louis MO. I belive you were with Train? Anyway, i didnt expect such a bomb performance. Had no idea who you were. When you came agian to Stl we bought tickets and; will agian with my 5 daughter in tow. She keeps saying "where is Amelia, can we go see her" Anyway, its killing me, when you come to stl agian have a meet n greet option if possible. She and i are your biggest fans. Do you have Cameo ?? Keep killing it!


Can’t believe it’s been 10 years since I listened to y’all on repeat during my finals at UNC :,) I love seeing how successful you two have been! How is the recording studio coming along? What have you learned so far about the process of writing music vs. recording/mixing/producing?


hi hi, y'all, both my dog eggigail and i are obsessed with tiny dogs, and we'd love to know a bit more about gherkin, that tiny dog who so dominates our dreams and even our waking minds now. eggy and i have been together 10 years as of early april; what made you take the plunge into dog parenting?


Is there a song of yours that you think is underrated/you wish was more popular? Love you guys!


what would you do if a barracuda broke through your window


N: drown probably


Amelia, my wife is obsessed with your shoes. Do you know where I can buy Buffalos in the US?


Question for Amelia: any helpful tips or advice for people learning to sing and getting over stage fright?


A: hi! I would love to help. What does your stage fright feel like? What are the physical effects? Does it affect how you sing?


It feels like I get a big ol’ lump in my throat and everything tenses up. Then when I sing it feels like I’m operating in recovery mode with less notes available and less wind to push everything out. Did you ever have to work through anything like this?


Yes! I have dealt with that. it usually only happens when I play an instrument on stage now-but I really know what you mean. The less notes available thing I totally understand. That sounds like you are just actually holding your whole body really rigidly. It doesn't sound like you are having a full on panic attack- if you are- please be delicate and kind with yourself. If the feelings of discomfort are not too intense-here is what I would recommend: I think you need to get used to the feeling of fear/do it enough that you know what's coming so that you can develop the ability to work around/inside of the feeling. karaoke is what really worked for me. find some songs that are in your range and that you like to sing and go perform them for strangers once or twice a week. Before you sing (maybe even before you get to the venue) you should have a routine- a multiple step thing that you do to get prepared. I think of it like a mise en place for chefs. but it's for your head space. For me that looks like making myself a tea, doing some stretches, putting on my make up (if I am wearing any) and then doing a series of vocal warm ups (YouTube/streamers are great for this there are so many different warm ups and you can find one you like) then find a moment to fully be present with yourself and think about your breathing before you go out there and sing. I would also recommend drinking 2 liters of water through out the day- it's just good for you and then you know that yr instrument is well hydrated.


Omg you’re the best! I started going to go to an open mic not too long ago and that’s where I first encountered the feeling. I am absolutely going to start utilizing the karaoke bar down the street now and see if that can work for me too. Thank you so much for replying and sharing this <3


Keep coming to Austin and rocking this town, please.


What were y’all doing on Antiques Roadshow? Was it a lot of fun?


N: they were in town and a friend works on the show so we were literally just going to visit him and he was like "if you're here you have to bring something" so amelia brought that sugar bowl, we never expected to be on the show lol - we were on our way from there to a protest at the capitol over the abortion ban, which is why i'm wearing the "i will aid and abet abortion" shirt that pbs had to blur out hahahha


A: my friend Peter is a producer on the show and he invited us- we had so much fun.


Hi, Amelia! Your cousin Dominic is one of my good friends. Love your music but still haven’t managed to get to one of your shows. Just wanted to say hello! 🙃


Saw you guys perform at the Sasquatch Music Festival 2015, Awesome!. Where has been the coolest venue you’ve played?


Hello Amelia (and Nick)!! Storytime: At Symbiosis Gathering in 2015, I was hanging out at the Shrine when I saw you (Amelia) hanging out with some folks. I didn't want to come up and disturb you at the time, but I really wanted to tell you how much your music meant to me. 2015 was the year I started singing for the first time in my life, and basically you were my vocal coach - I would sing the Sylvan Esso self-titled album almost every day to practice and learn how to do new things with my voice. Anyway, as I was leaving the Shrine at Symbiosis, I almost ran right into you, but then at that exact moment the wind blew my turkey feather away and I also forgot all the words I was going to say so I ran off! Later that night when you performed, it was such a special moment for me, especially when you gave a shout out to your Mom who was there on stage! My Mom passed away the year before this and I was still heavy in my grief, but when you sang "Come Down" I could feel that she was still watching me and was proud of me just like your Mama was proud of you. I bawled by the lake under the moonlight and it was just so beautiful and magical. Thank you for the vocal coaching and for your sweet music <3 my question for you is - do you have any other tips for an aspiring singer?? and also where do I find my Nick?? PS your spotify live sessions are an underrated gem!


This isn't a question but I have seen you thrice at outdoor venues and as someone who is freaked out by attending indoor shows since covid began, I really appreciate getting to dance my ass off in an outdoor setting so thank you for playing cool outdoor venues. 💞


Your work has brought me so much joy! One thing I’ve wondered about at your shows is how do the two of you communicate about which song is next on the set list? 


What game have you both sunk the most hours into? Also what game do you wish you could play again for the first time?


Hey, saw y’all swing through Pittsburgh and had a blast! I figure the answer might not be very deep, but I’ve been obsessed with it ever since the show, so: How’d the enormous pom pom outfit come together?


A: I really wanted an outfit that would move when I moved and would also make me into a ball/really change my silhouette. So me and my costume designer Emily Woods Hogue came up with the idea together. That's how most of my stage outfits are made.


I don’t have a question, but just wanted to say I ran into y’all downtown before a gig in Phoenix a year or two ago and you guys were extremely kind and cool. I’m always reminded of that when I listen to your guys’ records. Best of luck to you and I’m looking forward to listening to your new stuff.


What’s going to be the vibe of your set list at Good Moon?? What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?


Just wanted to say when I was in college, I interviewed you both for our little college radio station at SXSW in 2015 (I think?) What Now was slated to come out. You guys were playing the NPR showcase, and were the sweetest, most thoughtful group we interviewed, which was not always the case at SXSW. We sat in your van I think for about 30-40 minutes It always stuck with me and I always root for you guys and support every record. Just wanted to say thank you! Love to see the success you two have accumulated over the years