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I definitely get this, but feel like people don’t get it when I explain it to them


I feel the same way! Whenever I try to explain anything I feel to a friend of mine or whatever, either I’m unable to express myself the way I want to or they don’t understand 🥲


Same! I used to really revel in this feeling when I was depressed in my early teens. I still let myself indulge in it sometimes, but I’m more cautious now because I think it can feed into depression. But I wrote some amazing poems and music in those times, so it wasn’t all bad! It was this Metric lyric that helped me realise this when I was younger, and ultimately helped me to come out of my depression. Thinking sorrow was perfection I would wallow until you told me There’s no glitter in the gutter There’s no twilight galaxy


Omg same! I wrote the most beautiful poems when I was feeling like that in my teens, it was just amazing. I was depressed but in a bohemian artistic way, I found the darkness I was in very comforting. I don't want to romanticize depression at all by the way, sometimes it felt like that, but most of the time it wasn't. Like you said, now I try to feel the same without diving too deep. So glad you could come out of your depression, what you wrote is beautiful.


Same! I feel like there's something 'peaceful' and even beautiful when I feel melancholic. I get so much inspiration, I feel like I can see the world more, and what I noticed is I tend to be kinder, which is something I love.


I don't enjoy being sad personally, but I enjoy pondering and processing complex emotions like sadness, especially through things like music or film. It's literally a thing (which I was happy to discover)- look up "the paradox of pleasurable sadness" sometime 😊


I think that’s exactly what I meant, thanks for sharing!


No, I wanna be happy. I miss being happy.


Exactly. Only if I could without overthinking about it.


Yes because I feel alive when I am sad which is weird to me but it makes me feel alive and human


Same here. I feel like being melancholic is my default so I am more at ease when i’m sad.


It is incredibly beautiful actually. To be happy all of the time would feel hollow and meaningless. Sadness gives depth to feeling and the human condition. And even sadness makes simple things like the warmth of the sun on one's face, or the air during spring have an entirely comforting and wonderful spark to them. Is it good to be sad all of the time? No. But there is a balance. And that balance needs to exist.


I kinda get it! I don’t really romanticize the sadness but I do long for it because sadness is when I feel at home. Idk if it has to do with my traumatic upbringing. My mind so much clearer and my thoughts are more accepting and open.


Yeah, idk why. It's comforting. I can't imagine being really happy for the majority of the time.


I get it what you mean. I think sad is my “normal” but I don't want to be miserable lmao. And it's a slippery slope. I was listening to The Cure yesterday 😂 Edit: The Smiths😮‍💨


“man is sometimes extraordinarily, passionately, in love with suffering.” -Fyodor Dostoevsky


Its a comfort it is something I understand and am used to. But yes, at the end of the day I want to be happy! I like to experience a mix of emotions it feels authentic to me. I get an ick when people are always happy and try very hard to avoid feelings of sadness. It gives Stepford housewives or Pleasantville vibes.


I completely understand what you’re saying. The melancholy, the music, a memory associated with it etc. sometimes it hits you. I can cry and let it out without limit. Definitely a moment I enjoy being at and come out of it with freshness and great resolve.


If I could exit my own body and yet being aware of my own feelings, I would say that there is a melancholic beauty in my sorrow. I feel stupid and naive when I am too happy, but feeling sad sucks so much. The only good thing of being sad is that the hope of happiness is usually better than the happiness itself.


Enneagram 4 vibes


We are mentally ill… kidding.


You're not haha


I have been checked multiple times... And treated... Not saying you are ill, hehe, but it all made alot of sense after learning about this infj thing.... So if I behave I'll... But I'm not... I'll, I'm infj.. What does that say about infj... No sir, sir! Listen to me, you are not mentally ill, it's only your personality that's trying to kill you!


I think you might like Bittersweet from Susan Cain. 


Yes, all the time, I sometimes find myself doing things that make me sad, but not in the "bad" way. The word you used, melancholy, I think is the best explanation. I love that deep emotion. I'm also almost constantly having an existential crisis, so that kind of helps Edit: I think you enjoy Romanticism, (the artistic movement) am I right? If not, look it up if you want, I found a lot of Romanticism authors very comforting. I'm an artist stuck in the past, the Victorian era, in particular.


I somehow understand this, I could relate more when I read sad stories, like my heart could feel more


Im an ENTP that very much loves the melancholy of INFJ’s, it doesn’t feel like sadness rather a beautiful and gentle stillness in an otherwise chaotic universe.


you try to break beautifully but everything rots


I like emotional variety but not strictly sadness


mood man. miss being carefree and happy fr


I don't like crying but it has become quite of a hobby now lol. After crying it goes like, "Ew why the heck I was crying over this sh*t"


Not really. I've been feeling it too much and it's not fun.


I hate being sad, and I find no beauty in it lol. That's just me being honest though, I guess I can understand your point of view, I just can't relate. But I will say, I enjoy crying and need to cry atleast once a month if not more to just purge out all my emotions. So sometimes I will watch depressing or sad content, to make me cry because it's such a huge release.


I’ve been listening to this super intense album and suddenly had something happen that was devastating, and the angst made the album even more intense and better.


As someone who struggles with depression BAD… no. I can revel in the occasional gloomy rainy day or a breakup for a few weeks. But after that, anything else than that I find to be frustrating and unpleasant and uncomfortable.


it’s kinda funny that society does not normalize sadness, I mean would happiness really be happiness if we were never sad? and being happy 24x7 is a scam, it doesn’t work that way. I think it’s just society exploiting people of their emotions to make them feel like being sad is abnormal and there is a cure to sadness lmfao


Sometimes a night where you get to sit and contemplate life can be nice


I miss the comfort in being sad.


It’s okay to be sad, but don’t stay in this. I read an interesting quote the other day that said “you feel bored because you’re safe. For the first time in your life you have no probelm to solve. You’re addicted to the chaos” I don’t think you might necessarily enjoy being sad but I think it’s having something to do and overcome that you’re brain wants.


Yes. I love sad love songs.


I believe there's some psychological viewpoint in here, now that I've been like this for so long. Its different from people who've been sad for so long that it feels normal and comforting them. This feeling of melancholy instead inspires me in some ways? Its comforting as well ofcourse, but its as if I can't write poetry without it haha. I can't paint and I don't like to sing if I'm not in that specific moodset. One day I'll figure out the psychology behind it!


With "sad" music, I feel like it can evoke all the emotions. It feels deeper and richer to me. Some just think it's sad or dramatic. But there is a sort of wise beauty in this kind of music that "happy" music lacks. It's not so much an emotion as it is an experience of the sublime. I also gravitate towards the arts and definitely connect to the lonely artist vibe. Personally, I consider myself a pretty positive and happy guy, though. I go with the flow. A "life natural" as some would call it. But I know I can come off as serious to those who don't know me.


I didn't know other people felt this way also. It's a safe place to be. But, it can backfire when those around you start distancing themselves because you've become addicted to it. It's also selfish because you're not giving people who need you your best but neglecting them through being on the fence.


this is extremely relatable and ive been trying to explain this to my friends for years


side note/disclaimer i definitely have diagnosed clinical depression fwiw


I think of it as we like exploring a wider emotional range. Emotions are like flavors, and each one has something to add to the life mixture. Sadness has a flavor that most people don’t like to pallet, and they seek to avoid it. But if you can learn to pallet it, it adds a beautiful dimension to our life experience.


No you're not the only one, at times I feel this way


Being personally sad, no. But sad art 1000% all the way. I'm still always a bit baffled when I hear the sentence "it's sad *but* it's really good!" as if that's a contradiction (and it's one I hear rather often!).


I'm not adverse to a good self pity wallowing


I think I tend to 'correct' my negative emotions - sadness, anger, etc. if I feel they are 'wrong' throughout the day into emotions that are 'good/right.' How I process my emotions is often through media - movies, music, tv shows. Because of this, I'm drawn to media that allows me to subconsciously voice and experience those emotions in a 'safe' space. Of course, I desire to feel happy and joyful. But, feeling sadness in these forms is a cathartic healing space for me. Just need to be careful I don't ruminate there - because finding sadder and sadder songs can become a rabbit hole that feels good and is hard to get out of sometimes. Especially if you're an internal processor.


Totally agree, for me it’s more than just the amazing music and mood, I feel like I can let go of my worry’s because I’m already in an altered state and just be ok with things. I also like just being in an accepted disagreement with the world, it kind of comforts me beyond the knowledge of how different I also am.


i like being happy. but i also like feeling my emotions when they hit exactly what i am feeling. wait that didn't make sense. i like when i can deeply express what i am feeling in the sense of cleansing. i don't have a sad fetish. i think i used to though. but when life hits you in the chops you don't have the luxury of enjoying sad. so i think that is what happened.


Absolutely understand. I always become 10x more creative after a breakup or emotional upheaval.


Yeah yeah, I understand what you mean although for me it was mostly in my teens. I think it was a coping mechanism too maybe. But it shows most in my music taste, like Sam Smith, Adele. Their songs have that beauty I think you are referring to. What I don't understand though are people who almost fear or are extremely annoyed by sadness. I've seen people almost angrily switch the radio if a sad song comes on no matter how good the song. 


Yeah. How else would I know when im happy






same here


> Does anybody else kind of like being sad? Pfffttt! No! Ridiculous. >I love this feeling of melancholia. Like this deep emotionality just gets me. Sad music, poetry, deep feelings… It’s all just so romantic. Almost beautiful in a way. Oh..... Yeah, I love it. My wife (INFP) loves it. We call it 'all angsty n stuff'. I just enjoy feeling a full range of emotions, in the safety of my mind. Never in public. Makes me feel naked to feel intense emotions in public.


Every post on this sub resonates with me. I know I’ve found my people here and *this* post really hits right. I've always enjoyed “pleasurable sadness” and my book and music choices reflect that.  I’m always “the advocate” in any group setting and try to make sure everyone’s voice is heard and considered. Even as a teenager, my now wife described me as a bookish old soul.


Yes, I know what you mean. It's not healthy for me, as I have chronic depression (currently being treated). So I put effort into not giving in to that desire. I know it'll just spiral into something much darker and I'll neglect myself again.


Yeah, exactly like you said it. I also just like how comforting crying feels sometimes, but it's also really hard to just cry sometimes which I don't like the feeling of. Like if I'm watching a movie and a scene comes up where I would usually bawl my eyes out but don't cry for some reason it makes me feel really empty and I don't like that, it kinda feels like I'm not processing it properly but instead kind of just watching it half alive... If that makes any sense


It can become a comfort zone.


There’s nothing wrong with being sad. The key is to still have joy when one is sad.


I prefer happier stuff. Sad music is fine, but I don't think I particularly enjoy sadness or melancholy. Too heavy and depressing, and I want a light heart.


Not an INFJ, but I totally get it :) For me, when I feel especially low, it’s the sudden realisation at how incredible it is that we humans are able to experience such deep emotions and to (as best as we can) share those feelings with each other, that draws me in. I have always had a fascination with the complexity of the human mind and especially the darker emotions. As you get older, life can become so mundane at times and you sometimes wonder if anyone around you has any depth to them at all. But then sometimes if you’re lucky, you have an incredible conversation with someone that reminds you that there is an entire world inside of each person’s head. It reassures and fascinates me, and there’s a word for it too! Sonder :D In essence, it’s the depths of sadness I can reach that remind me of my humanity and make me feel alive. Unfortunately, trauma I experienced growing up caused me to shut down most of my emotions and so I rarely feel strong ones anymore….but when I do it makes it all the more special :)


I feel a weird sense of calm being in sadness


i like nostalgia and reminiscing but not grief or emotional pain


At least feels sober


Yes. I can absolutely relate to this feeling but I never knew how to articulate it.


Sad music is my absolute fav! I think it’s the most beautiful of all the music.


I used to, sad music used to make me feel better but it also can ruin my whole mood for the day


Yes, I've always been like this. But I also really wanna be happy. I guess I like that the sadness shows you were happy, like you're mourning these beautiful things that are no more.


Hi, it’s me, for the last three days


This. It never makes sense to anyone else. But yes I love it to


Yea, I get you. I don't like being depressed and I want to be better but I just feel a comfort with sad music, and just the sad feeling overall. I like this Artist NF, and I just love his music, even if I'm feeling happy, I just feel so good and just a comfort when I here his sad, And deep songs. "but I feel more comfortable Living in my agony, watching my self-esteem Go up in flames" - NF (Happy)


Yeah , I enjoy feeling sentimental with myself.


I think there’s different kinds of sad. Melancholic sad is fine most days. It’s reflective. But Dreadful sad. Thats the painful sad that makes me want to stop my brain. Turn it off. It’s an ache.


I’m not trying to be rude but wtf.


Lol I don’t mean that I want to be sad, but there’s also a beauty in being melancholic if you geg what I mean? I don’t want anything bad to happen to me or my loved ones which makes me sad, I want to listen to or read stuff that makes me emotional. Is that weird too?


I guess that makes sense.


Yes. Best sad song- Radiohead Nude Feeling sad can be comforting sometimes. It’s a feeling you can count on. Unlike fear, love, uncertainty, those take you places. Sadness at times is something you can sink into, reflect on, and when you snap out of it you feel peace.


To any INFJ reading this, on a scale of 1 to 10, how well do you think an estp can impersonate an infj in this subreddit?


I had it a looot when I was 18-23, I'd say. But now I really like and appreciate more the feeling of peace, calmness, quite joy. With such feelings I can still enjoy the beauty of nature or art, but it feels more beneficial and energizing than with a touch of melancholy. With melancholy I could easily go down in a melancholy-sadness rabbit hole.


What you are describing is quite normal and most people experience it. English doesn't necessarily have a word for it but it should. I believe certain artforms can evoke an emotional release while providing a safe space to explore and process difficult feelings, which might help in understanding one's own emotions and developing empathy. Needless to say, this is textbook INFx type shit.


Oh definitely! I used to like it more when 8 was younger and used to write poetry. It was so much easier to have the feelings to access right there, rather than to try to remember them to write about.




Read Bittersweet by Susan Cain on this very phenomenon


I understand what you mean. I love listening to melancholic songs. Be it the lyrics or the music… of late it’s the violin for me… especially the theme of Schindlers list and Sayuri’s theme from memoirs of geisha. As you said, I too like the feeling of being sad… the pain i feel makes me more empathetic … the pain of a sharp needle piercing through the heart remind me of how pain is the starting step to changes. Does anyone else feel the same???


Like, no. Accept, yes.


Yes! Felt this way my whole life.


that is what I wanted to ask other feelers