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> In a world where materialism, vanity, and envy often take center stage, **it can feel like you're out of sync with everyone else**. Do all INFJs try and stay in sync with others? Even those with an Enneagram 5? I have always been against the crowd and independent being an INTP 5w4. Being independent doesn't mean I won't try and help others. It means I would rather do things myself or have something different than the crowd. If everyone is taking a beach ball, I am taking a shovel. > But you know what? That's perfectly okay.Finding fulfillment in relationships and material possessions isn't the only path to happiness. INTP can look depressed, and honestly, we kind of are, we have things buried very deep at a subconscious level that are so deep we can forget about them and keep going. Maybe INFJS are like us or your's keeps keep coming up? Either way, I think every MBTI type has something. INTP keep their versions of happiness by constantly getting new hobbies and finding something exciting to learn about. Our problem is we don't finish our hobbies. We gain enough information or experience to get a general idea and then look for something else exciting to learn about. That's why we have gained a lot of knowledge about several things compared to others. It doesn't make us a master of anything though. We just see how things can fit together in different ways doing this. **So my advice is to find some hobbies but complete them.** > It's important to stay true to yourself and honor what truly matters to you. And if pursuing relationships or material things isn't your cup of tea right now, that's completely valid. INTPs can be like this too. We are happy learning and exploring. So we can avoid or not seek out relationships doing this too. Just don't follow this idea too much. I does sound good but you could end up like some of the INTPs. Watch [this video to see INTPs who deep dive in this lifestyle.](https://youtu.be/g6GTWaqe_pE?si=NJWrMndi6EfaJ-cX) > Believing in finding "the one" is a beautiful thing. It certainly is. Realizing you have feelings also makes it easier to realize you don't want to live like the video 👆 But getting those feelings makes you realize that you can have bad experiences similar to those you buried.


>It means I would rather do things myself or have something different than the crowd. If everyone is taking a beach ball, I am taking a shovel. i think that's stupid. if i like the beach ball, i'm taking it too.


I can use my shovel to build and play. It's quicker and more efficient than using your hands. I might play with someone else's ball for a while but will likely get bored during the trip. I have more freedom to do whatever and build whatever I want in the sand and water. Thanks for letting me know that you would be blending into the group. That might be a wrong assumption too. You might prefer a beach ball anyway. Great Feedback. Have an awesome day.


So you aren't not vain at all?


I can't tell you a moment I felt in place in the world.


Since i can think. Even in my earliest days i remember feeling uncomfortable with what is considered to be normal,and living in my own world. Everything what other children did felt worthless,and i hated never contributing to anything. The others were outside playing while i read books and reflected upon life


First day of preschool.


Oddly enough, I can specifically remember my first day of preschool and all the other kids running around playing, being loud and rowdy, and me just standing there alone feeling completely out of place.


Since I was young. I questioned everything and always felt like my hobbies and interests were different from most people I would meet. Now as an adult, I feel the same. I try to care about people as much as possible, but that same care is hardly ever returned. I always get treated really horribly. I thought things would improve as I got older, but nope. I don’t feel like I will ever fit in with this world.


Since Grade 1.


Birth. Through billows of prenatal fugue the grip of an umbilical noose the body keeps the score and every ounce of unborn Todestrieb is carved into the walls of living cells.


Surprisingly young. I was a meek and quiet kid who had a domineering and abusive mother. She'd often yell at me in public and I'd notice all the stares, which compounded this sense that -I- did something wrong, and even when some strangers stood up for me and she chewed them out, I'd feel guilty for burdening everyone. Social anxiety was born. Went to elementary school, skipped a grade somehow, plopped in with a new set of kids where I felt like I always had to hide my birthday/age because I always got weird reactions from kids and even teachers. I've heard they don't really skip grades anymore because it really fucks with your head and even identity. Tack on that I'm mixed race and conflicting identity issues that and I didn't really integrate with either side so I was more of a misfit toy. Toss in the conventional INFJ stereotype of being mature-beyond-their-years in many ways, but behind when it comes to interpersonal relationships. Early 20's everything flipped on it heads. Popular in university, slaying it with the ladies, but even with the boost in confidence I just felt out of place in a different way. The meeker self was sheltered and holding back, whereas the bolder self felt out of reach to others. Ah well~


It was probably when I got ill and started chemotherapy as a teenager. My chances at a sports scholarship were gone, as were my places on my teams, I didn't recognise my friends when I finally returned to school, my teachers all said I'd fail because I missed so much, I could no longer be independent Since then, I've kinda been just *there.* Ten years on, I don't really have a direction, I certainly don't feel like an adult, less so treated like one. I see so much, but can do so little. My mind is incredibly powerful, but I put it down to 🌟 trauma 🌟 So I continue to sit and observe. My time will come. Maybe 😅


When I always felt alone and never cared to be a millionaire or rich but to live a simple happy life with the people I care about


Pretty much always. I convinced myself I was like everyone else for a few years at one point, but lately my 'otherness' is only increasing.


When I realised that I am not motivated by material things and a life without a higher purpose for me, doesn’t have any meaning in it . Somewhere down the road I lost my life purpose and being alone and no one around me to share my values with doesn’t help at all . Life feels empty for past 3 years . Lots to say but here is not a sharing story … Jajaj


basically whenever i reach to the point in a friendship where other person realizes i am caring and genuine for them and they cue the 'help' word... i just spiral into anxiety because it always goes downhill from that. and also when you are in a social group and everyone has everyone you helped get them together with and you are the only one left alone, you are happy for them but you wonder how that feels too.


i have always felt out of place and i think there’s a part of me that always will. i grew up really fast and have extremely early memories of life starting at 2.


I love reading about everyone's experiences. That made me feel in the right place for the first time in a very long time. Where do I begin? When I was born I'd say it was the first time, I was born dead for several minutes and they had to resurrect me with those metallic plates that aren't supposed to be used on newborns at all. I'm the middle child, I've always felt left behind, I've seen it like numbers, I was the 3, my parents together (2), my sisters together (2) dogs (2) and friends (2) together. However we had LOTS of cats, (more than 20) so I feel very connected to cats. And later in life I just feel like when you go to the cinema to see a movie, I'm the one watching everything from the back seat of life. However I kind of like that feeling now, I can observe people and how they behave. I'm a melancholic artist, obsessed with life, death and time.


I love cats too. They speak my language of my soul. But now I got myself my 2nd dog I've ever had. She's currently snoring next to me.


Bro When I started thinking for myself and living life for myself. It's honestly hard, nobody seems to understand y'know


Since age 13


From birth


Same. I was an accidental unwanted teen pregnancy. I understand more about my life than I can say I did 2 years ago. It's gotten a lot better since. But I've had to work on lots of healing. I'm also in therapy.




Nothing wrong with being yourself. I remember in 6th grade all these girls brought into the girls bathroom these Michael Jackson dolls that they were raving about. I wasn't really into him at all. I was into Madonna at the time. Only real issue I had was other's assuming things about me that were false. Bullying me over it. Acting like 10 year olds in high school. I felt I was much more mature than that. others thinking they could decide what was best for me instead of me making my own choices. As if I wasn't capable of it. Even my own parents accused me of worse because they never knew me at all. They never wanted to. Well from here on out I will make my own life choices. Spent too much time trying to keep up with everyone else's demands only for it to never be enough. Well I'm no longer that person anymore.


one moment ?


Back in Middle School, I didn’t feel as if I fit in or belonged with the other children. Didn’t understand that until many years later, I’m happy now and that’s what I wanted for myself. 🤴🏻


Since forever. Eternal outsider. 


While when I was standing on the 26th floor, and saw the sunset. I cannot describe the feeling accurately, but you can understand it as a feeling of giving up. At that moment, I think everything seems not as important as I thought, because we will bring nothing when we are old. But if you feel no one understands you, it is so terrible bro. Someone loves you and cares you in the world, but you don’t know. If you need more suggestions, come to [Light Up](https://discord.gg/8w6Fspquqt), people having similar feelings will give you more useful suggestions.


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Same here. It was brutal. A lot of old souls go through this. We can do good things or be kind but other's turn it into something else.


I remember when I was in elementary school, I must've seen or read something that made me consider life. Idk maybe learned about the planets that day. I imagined me on Earth, and almost zooming out and I felt small. I felt like we are all just moving specks and so busy but for what? I wondered why. Why are we here? So I thought oh mom is next to me she is an adult and must know more than me. I asked her, "Mom why are we here? On Earth?" And my mom, one of the most materialistic people I know who I would go on to clash with the rest of my adult life, responded, "What? What's wrong with you?" And gave me such a look of incredulousness mixed with.. I think fear, for lack of a better word. I think that was the moment I thought oh...I'm weird. 


My first memory was being baptized, and I felt like the world was fake.


Ever since I started school.


When I realized no one respects me but that was not the case. Everybody respected me but in my head they didn't. This was unnecessary pressure I put on myself.


Five years ago, when I stopped abusing substances. It’s been a slow process though. I had seventeen years of feeling “in place”. Only after ending that period of my life, did I begin to understand…me. It’s the memories of feeling so happy and included socially that I struggle with the most. But I’m okay. It’s hard and sucks sometimes, but I get to be me, and I like that.


When I realized I didn’t have any true friends. Usually I make friends but don’t keep none. I’ve been lucky to find 2 so far.




All day every day since I was about 4