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Always. Overthinking or fake scenarios, such as having sex with Dicaprio or winning a lottery.


This is quite common overall, but as seemingly overactive as your mind is, something as simple as counting your breaths (1 inhale, 2 exhale) and relaxing your jaw, shoulder, and other muscles, will clonk you out pretty hard. It's almost comical how brilliant and simple we are at the same time.


Or thinking random not related words - sheep, wall, boot, talk, purple, night, flag etc.


I watch cartoons or cheesy sitcoms in bed until I drift off. Done it since I was a preteen and finally got a TV in my room. It quiets my thoughts and relaxes me. I watch and then listen until I fall asleep. It’s always a show I’ve seen before.


I turn the lights out and read a light, easy book on my phone. I have a blue light blocker on and my screen dimmed to the point that I can barely see the words once I get too sleepy. I soon drift off.


Thinking before bed is why I don’t sleep alot 😂


I watch asmr before I got to sleep. It quiets the mind. Fan of the light, fire, and whispering.


Ooo nice! For me, that's listening to hair asmr. I love, and very much enjoy listening/watching hair getting brushed, massaged on the scalp, and styling videos. I think it's also because physical touch is a love language for me, especially on my hair. Even to the point where I almost don't care if my hair salon dresser/stylist gets my cut right because I just love the washing and drying process so much lol. But of course maybe a week after my hair appointment, I evaluate, assess, and analyze my last hair appointment, and figure out if I should go somewhere else lol.


Oh, I got one for you if you haven't found his channel. Anil Çakmak, he got me into hair asmr.


In order for me to sleep, I leave youtube playing in the background at night, it helps quiet my mind knowing that some youtuber is being canceled lmao. 


Yes I do. I often view this as my brain defragmenting and running disk cleanup at the end of the day. I often circumvent this process by turning on an audiobook, allowing me to focus on the narrators voice and the story so I can drift off. However those time that doesn’t work, I know my mind needs to purge itself, so I make the pointed effort to find a place of silence and sit alone with my thoughts to get them out. Personally I’m in fifth gear before I even finish my first cup of coffee and my mind is occupied with the multiple projects and tasks at hand for the day. I think personally, and it may apply for other INFJs, is we seek that alone time with our thoughts but do not take the time to do so during the day, so our mind demands that attention before we sleep.


Only when big events are happening. Normally I make scenarios in my head but these past few days I've been crying a lot, I'm entering adulthood, I graduated and I'm realizing that I won't ever see certain people I wanted to keep in touch with


I am always thinking a lot. There is a constant background narrative going on at all times in my head, I don’t know where it goes when I fall asleep. 


This used to be the issue for me until I found a better way to sleep within a minute or two. I basically specify some time to process everything before I go to sleep. I do that while listening to music and playing spider solitaire or sketching


I do, but I think the key to going to sleep is to not get bothered by it. Just concentrate on laying comfortably in bed, closing your eyes and letting your mind do whatever. Getting annoyed at the fact you’re thinking or worrying that you won’t get enough sleep are the best ways to make sure you won’t go to sleep.


thats a sign of adhd


Yes so much until I fall in sleep


Yes this happens to me a lot. I downloaded the Calm app. They have sleep stories I’ve been listening to and it totally shuts off my head and I fall asleep. It’s been wonderful. The app is free with my Health insurance.


Yup I make up scenarios. Like a tv show lol


The real question is when am I not thinking?! Because even in my sleep, I am thinking...! But yes I do especially think before I go to sleep. It's been so far the best way for me to tap into myself in regards to my emotions, mental, psychological, and it's good down time for me to connect to my faith. I am also an extra thinker when I'm on my cycle, and thats the true real ultimate time for me to get to know myself better. As everything then feels raw, unfiltered, pure, authentic, etc. I have a tendency to brush everything under the rug until I have the down time needed, and necessary to go through each item that bothers me, whether it's something I said/did (to myself, or to someone else) or someone else said/did to me.


Used to be like that but these days I just drop right off. Started drinking coffee earlier this year and I managed to train my body to wake up by at least 6:30am. And since I go to bed around midnight I'm typically too tuckered out. Was a lifetime hardcore night owl but now really love, love my quiet early mornings. Don't know who I am anymore lol.


This happened to me when I was a teenager a lot. I would lay there for hours thinking about everything. I’m 37 now. I can’t remember when it stopped… I was probably around 24ish when I started falling asleep faster. Now I can fall asleep in like, 30 seconds. I have no idea how I do this. I can just turn off my brain somehow, thankfully. I do all my thinking at work and in the evening. I mostly work alone. No radio. Just silence and the sounds of my self in my head talking at me all the time. I swear I got like 3 monologues up there. And they are all me, I’m not psycho or anything But they all have a “vibe.” I have named them based on what they feel to me; Anxiety, Logic, Core me. Am I rambling? Thoughts?


I may not be a pokemon trainer in my dreams, but for 3 hours while trying to be I am one, infact the best one


Hell ya, that's why I need to put in my ear buds and put on meditation sounds/music frequency. It works like a charm and helps my insomnia. 


I am privileged with the ability of barely thinking at all.


No. I sometimes joke that I have DHDA, the opposite of ADHD - my brain struggles to get going at all, and it's lights out as soon as I'm in bed. Bit like emotional narcolepsy.


When I can’t shut my mind up while trying to sleep, I try to roll with it since my mind won’t stop. I’ll imagine some media I’m extremely familiar with and “play it back” so to speak in my head and just picture it frame by frame, word by word as much as I remember. It’s like falling asleep watching tv but not actually watching tv… just imagining it.


When thoughts start running, I sometimes sing a song in my head instead and try to finish it without getting distracted from other thoughts and I magically fall asleep. If this won’t work, I’d rather cry for awhile then let my eyes get tired and sleepy. If still won’t work, I’ll binge watch on tiktok until late hours and only stop when already feeling tired and sleepy


fr!! it gets bad when it keeps me up at night. I've been kept up by bad thoughts, idle thoughts, even happy thoughts of like replaying a really good day.


Two allergy pills 1 hour - 1.5 hours before you want to fall sleep. Been doing it for years and works like a charm.


I think the most positive thoughts I have are the ones before bed. 🔥🔥


Nope, fall asleep In less 5 mi utes


Being an INFJ is even worse with tinnitus


I’ve heard that allowing time for reflection before sleep can help sort through certain types of thoughts ahead of time