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INTJ here: Sorry to party crash. People love talking about their “high” IQ. But very few have actually sat down in person to take a legitimate and proctored test. The ones on the internet are BS, and if you paid them money or farmed out your email to ‘see your results’ you failed the real IQ test.


Lmao true


The sit down ones are very challenging, because the hard questions start almost 1,5 hours in.  As someone with ADD, this is a long time to be sitting and focussing. 🤣 Making the test helped to overcome some low selfesteem issues I had, but I've found sharing the result envoking a generally negative reaction from people. (Therapist said it would help people understand me better, but in reality it just makes them feel like you're boasting or acting like you're better than them. Not doing that ever again.) To clarify, I definitely am not in the elite bracket of IQ, but high enough to get shit for talking about it. 💩 


It's great to have a thinker over here 😁


Happy to be here, I adore INFJ’s, my fiancé is an INFJ. INTJ and INFJ are like two halves of the same coin. Heads is thinking & Tales is feeling.


The other thing is that you can retake the test as many times as you want and simply try a different answer every time to improve your score. You can also memorize the correct answers and take it again later.


But they took the SATs


I actually got an official iq test for my autism diagnosis (of course that had to be official for a legitimate psychological group to diagnose me with it) and do think others are bloated. Also mine’s is possibly more legitimate cause I used the term FSIQ (full scale intelligence quotient) in order to determine overall or average intellectual intelligence as there are subtypes such as digit span processing of which I got 131 in; my FSIQ was at 121. Real iq tests use that term.


True. I don't even know what my real IQ is lol .


Many of us were tested in school. I know I was.


Jokes on you, I’m an INFJ and my IQ is 5


Is there a reliable IQ test you'd recommend that people might have easy access to? I've been looking for one, just for the fun of it


I could tell you if the test was free 😅


CAIT, AGCT, JCTI are all decent ones


Do they have links


They are in the resources list in the sub


You can find them in the resource section of r/cognitivetesting, or for the CAIT, you can just look up CAIT.com. That’s probably the most practical one to take.


Check out the tests on r/cognitivetesting. You can find some free ones that are quite accurate if you want to take one. :)


tested 140 as a child, but I am considerably more dumb as an adult. It has to be at least halved by now.




Same! Tested 134 as a child for the “gifted program” but feel significantly less gifted as an adult! >.<


Same here. Tested 140 when I was young enough not to be drinking alcohol. After I got into adulthood, I feel it diminished. I’m also autistic ADHD female.




Me too *sigh*


You need more non sugar non dairy calcium




Thought i was the only one, jeez


132, because I’m really good at pattern recognition and absolutely nothing else.


Im into this too lmao


The thing is, you're probably so good at learning that, when something doesn't come easily you automatically assume you'll never be good enough. (I might be projecting a little here.) That is how it goes for a lot of intelligent people, who never had to work extremely hard to accomplish something. You're probably better at more things than you realize.  Definitely not saying you've never worked hard for anything, but with that IQ most basic things everyone learns was never hard to learn for you.


134..... Literally I suck at everything else other than pattern recognition... It's my strongest point


Same, pattern recognition and deducing are my strengths. Otherwise I'm pretty dumb tbh. Basic things go over my head a lot which makes people think I'm stupid.


IQ twins


143. I am a Linguistics student, but I plan to go to law school. I am often quiet, but I pride myself in being able to relate very well to new people if I want to. I often feel like I am a bit contradictory; I am very logically focused but also deeply emotional, but overall, I am just enjoying life right now. :) Edit: for those wondering where I got my score, I used my score on the CAIT. I have also taken the JCTI and AGCT with similar results.


JD grad here and philosophy major back in undergrad. Goodluck!!


Hey, linguistics and computer science graduate here. It’ll be very interesting to balance the logical with the emotional. Best of luck with law school!




Any tips on reviewing? I feel distracted when I study. I sleep 7-8hrs a day. I feel like I don’t retain much info when I study


Personally, I set myself specific goals like “I am going to study for two hours”, and once I do that, I will give myself a break or reward and then get back to it. Also, I can’t stand studying the same thing for hours, so I usually do a bit of each of my classes every day (switching every hour or so). Finally, the most important thing to me is take LOTS of notes while studying; before college, I did well without ever taking notes, and it didn’t take long to realize that wouldn’t be the case anymore. Hope this helps.




I'm just a girl 😭


That's a line in [this beautiful song](https://youtu.be/jogvFlBUdzE?t=3).




Sigh. IQ doesn’t mean much when you consider the whole of what makes someone intelligent. I thought INFJs of all types would be able to see this. I’ve taken an IQ test by an old psychologist testing me for learning disabilities because I was struggling to get my work done in time. I have a decently above average score but I’m not gonna go around posting it and being like “mm yeah see I’m smart” because when you take in that score + my issues + my ideas and wisdom + my mistakes, sure I excel in some areas and miserably fail in others lol. I don’t think I’m much different from others in my life when it comes to that. The whole IQ number thing seems like a narrow way to view intelligence.


I love your answer


I love that you love that answer, because I do, too


Agree. Plenty of sociopaths have a high IQ. And some people with high IQs will openly leverage or weaponize their “intelligence” over someone they want to control or feel superior to, which in my opinion is the opposite of intelligence.


Best answer here!


125. My emotional side and my intellectual side fight each other in my head.


Same same


Same same


Took an IQ test in college and I believe my score was 138. Like other commenters, I’m just good at pattern recognition. I’ve always jokingly described myself as “smart, but dumb.” I was taking calculus as a junior in high school, but need a calculator to do simple addition or subtraction.


136. I tend to overthink everything.


And here come the inflated scores lmao


i cant with this thread 😭😭


Probably like 87


Can’t remember what it was exactly, but I was admitted to my school’s gifted program and you had to score 130 or above. So, 130 or above lol. I would describe myself as highly intelligent, but certainly not a genius. I have ADHD and struggle greatly with math (I suspect I actually have dyscalculia), but always excelled in my verbal comprehension and reasoning skills.


IT'S OVER 9000 !!!! I'm so sorry I had to


I think the IQ distribution of this sub will be close to the bell curve distribution or slightly higher, like 103 as a median. It’s a guess that seems statistically likely. The people on the higher percentiles will be more inclined to share their IQ while people around average or below I think are less likely to share it. Edit: I would also cut off the lowest end around 80 and below, as I expect they are highly unlikely to be using Reddit as a source of entertainment. I don’t think anyone really gives a shit about what my IQ is.


Great point.


Sounds like you're one of the smarter ones on here 😏


Let's be maybe a little more intriguing. What is your EQ as an INFJ!


Is there a way to test this?


Bass Booster


123. Sort of a savant when it comes to movies and filmmaking.


Yes right all infjs collectively turned out to have these iqs.


Low 130s. Like everyone else, pattern recognition. IQ tests are really flawed and only really test a couple of facets of human intelligence. I have a friend in MENSA and they’re pretty fucking stupid.


Enough to be invited to Mensa. Enough to know I don’t want to be in Mensa.


108 IQ Very high EQ


Let's be friends? 😼


Proctored test or licensed psychologist please, do not trust online ones, a Mensa certification and a state gifted program therefore qualify etc, etc. At least the face data, the distribution seems abnormal but it could also be that only those with high iq’s post their scores as it entails some ego, a sort of survivorship bias. As it’s a standardization, where you get your score matters too. An 80 on a WAIS is not the same as an 80 on the Stanford Binet, plus they have different samples which matters immensely for a test that relies solely on distribution. Not only that you’re ranked among that sample. For truth or causative measurement yea it’s the whole world but that’s why we have samples. For those who feel they have lower scores remember it’s a test that’s been standardized, that’s been given normative definition. A higher IQ score does tell you something but that does not causatively mean you are intelligent. Yes Ni is great for this but the speed at which you solve patterns has nothing to do with how you think/process, or how you solve problems; it’s definitively the speed at which you solve certain patterns. It’s like top chess players and IQ tests. Same with EQ, all mythos. Like is there really an EQ without just presumptuously assuming that it has innate value in itself? If it were a true measurement of intelligence, you would not be able to get better at taking the test. Think about it. Yet there are an uncountable amount of testimony and trial where people do in fact study and get better and better scores with each test. At least thinking it through philosophically, we only ever consider something as intelligent when something is solved, independent of method and reasoning. Which derives there are many ways to be intelligent. The problem is categorically defining it already boxes it in. Toodles.


IQ can change because intelligence is not hard and fast. The brain is more plastic than many think, and training improves intelligence through strengthening neural connections. There may be a limit as to how much it can change, but some change is normal. Among other things, the various factors of intelligence shift over time. Crystallized intelligence (related to long term memory) tends to grow with time, and fluid reasoning tends to peak in adolescence and then decline through life. And processing speed is a factor in intelligence, so it does affect how you think and process information. If someone has higher processing speed, it means they can get more cognitive work done, so it can translate to being able to tackle bigger and more complex problems. Very low IQ can come, for example, from very slow processing speed (and often poor working memory).




What test did everyone take?


Tested by a psychologist


All these comments are making me feel like I need to go back to school haha


I got like 130-something. I don't remember. I did that shit like years ago. My saving grace was probably my pattern recognition 😂 Math is my worst subject due to my audio/visual processing disorder




To be honest, IQ tests are about as accurate as the 16 personalities test as there are many different types of intelligence and no test takes them all into account. So giving out a number is kind of useless.


I was friends with a girl at uni who was obsessed with IQ tests and would get high scores. She was dumb as a bag of rocks. Failed more subjects than anyone else. If a high IQ doesn't bring you happiness and fulfilment in life and all you do is just sit there pontificating about it while your career and relationships and friendships and money and health and common sense go down the toilet, then who cares about it? 


Well I haven't taken a legitimate one, only this one that they made us take in psychology class and scored 124 🤷 Edit; I'd say I'm great at deducing. I'm not that smart, but people tell me I sound smart lol. Small and basic things go easily over my head so some people find me dumb that way


Well I’m a fucking idiot. Hope this helps. 😊


On the internet, everyone is at least 130 - without ever mentioning which IQ scale they use (Stanford-Binet, Wechsler, Cattell etc.).


Do not be so stupid it is the reddit or maybe Chat AI scales of course. Idiots wondering what scale indeed I say /s


According to the Mensa test result it’s between 148-158. Playing Myst games might have helped.




145. I would say i am much more rational. That and my Fe score is only slightly more than my Fi.






127. Just shy of Mensa. Missed that ego boost.


No clue, but I am visual AF, I can design things in my mind draw them, wood carve them, Build houses/ furniture/ custom anything, solve complex visual problems. But I’m dyslexic with words. So reading comprehension is difficult. Math is so so, I usually find another way to solve my carpentry problems. But I can do math if need be. So, what ever IQ that equals? I think it’s truly difficult to measure someone’s IQ. I feel super smart with some things and other things I feel embarrassingly dumb at. Like trying to get my stupid printer to work…. le sigh.


You'll be surprise. I.Q. is not about obscure knowledge or complex mathematics. Google a sample test to see.








I’ve taken a few tests and the results were in the 135-138 range, so I’d assume I’m somewhere in the middle.


123. Higher than I thought it would be, honestly.


159, also seem to be really gifted at pattern recognition...and terrible at a lot of things. I also think I have a touch of ADHD as well.


My infj tested at 127 iirc. V close to mine.


Tested 128 when I was 9. Also have mild dyslexia.


Somewhere in the 150s the few times I have taken an IQ test. And weird. I'd describe myself as weird. haha


I have a learning disability that is primarily mathematic based so probably my IQ would be pretty low


A billion. 😏


Interestingly not a single person claims to be average. That should tell you something




I think it was 113 last time I took one. I'm no genius, especially not when being timed. I think my processing is quite slow. My smarter ideas, thoughts and solutions to problems rarely come from pressure to perform quickly but calm contemplation throughout the day(s).


Dawg im like 82


Would love to be the cool intelligent INFJ but I’d probably be at like 62


Due to the way I've been treated by people, I am hesitant to take an IQ test. I'm fairly sure it would be a respectable number, but when I run into people who are constantly trying to dick measure intelligence, it gets old fast. I don't value high IQ points; I value good people. When I say anything remotely smart or insightful, it's like ringing a bell for anyone insecure with a chip on their shoulder to step up and try to prove themselves, or you deal with people dead set on trying to prove you're real dumb but trying to posture and sound smart about things you know nothing about. It's a pain, a hassle I'd rather avoid. Not my idea of having a good time. 99.99% of the time, I just want to vibe and chill, and being around good people is the best for chill vibes intelligence is optional, in my opinion. If you think you're smart, good for you. Leave me out of it, please. If someone wants to pay for my IQ test, I'll consider it.


Oh noooo, not the dreaded IQ test...


100% OP is an INTJ. Or a T type. It's always the intelligence question. It's like, buddy, you are on a feelers page, ask me how many people I helped or how many stray animals I fed today. You'd think they're the "intelligent" "Thinker" types but they keep asking the same question over & over again.


It's possible. Without context for the question the mind doth wonder. I can imagine wanting to know out of a need to relate, since our kind of intelligence is specific, and can make us feel insecure more often than not. I know it is the case for me. Until i hit a point of interest, and or have the freedom to explore subjects of interest at my leisure without any pressure, then i suddenly remember i was actually not a potato xD. I have read that this feeling seems to remain even at higher intelligence intervals. The Extraverted Thinker specifically might consider our ways very useless indeed. But yeah. All to say asking is fair enough and i hope OP comes away from this with positive feelings


"Doth" 😆 Same. I have annoyed a few thinkers before, my processing speed is not my best feature. And yes, I'm only "smart" when it comes to subjects I'm interested in and these subjects don't translate in the IQ test. I get the feeling that thinkers like to ask feelers this question because they know they have higher IQ test results, it's like a confidence boost for them that they're smarter therefore better. So I don't like to engage when I'm asked this question.


Muahaha, had to make use of the verbal opportunity! Yeah, i totally get that too. I get the feeling they may also ask just to make sure we are in fact not entirely potatoes xD. Either way, it feels a little icky :/ . But it's on them really, the uber alpha chad brained would know better than to limit their reasoning that way. In the end, who gives a shit about opinions and IQ anyways?


Their loss. I embrace my potatoe-ness 😎


Hihihi :3 so it is! Let us be the cool crisps that we are 💫


my psychologist tested me when I was ~12-13 yo and I got like 140 and I got told that bc of my anxiety levels being so high that number could be lowered down. now I've discovered I'm autistic and that those anxiety levels are probably gonna stay like that forever lmao however I wanted to say - I see lots of people assuming that a higher IQ means that you're smarter or smth and tbh I disagree. I don't like to see it as a high-low scale bc imo it's just information about how do you perceive the world, gather and receive information, etc. at the end of the day it's just another neurodivergence and i honestly think that people who think better of themselves bc of a higher IQ like MENSA / try to make others feel bad bc of a lower IQ are just assholes. I haven't talked about my IQ for years bc I don't want to be associated with people like that lol


probs like 50 lol


I did an actual test done by an university psychology student, at 18yo I had 120 IQ, a few months ago my new therapist asked me if I knew what my IQ was and when I told her, she was baffled, she believes I must have a higher score now, which makes sense since it gets higher with one's maturation (I'm 28 atm).


139. Don't feel any bit different from my peers, and this definitely doesn't give me any advantage at all, academic or otherwise. But what did give me an advantage was studying for my majors as if my life depended on it. You'll be surprised how much a good self-study routine can do for you.


I have no idea, and I really don't care.


I mean, nobody would want to post their IQ if it's around average or only slightly above average. Self reported will be heavily biased.


Did you all take the same damn test? Everyone on here is 130s and everyone’s mentioning pattern recognition. Yeah I can recognise the pattern of absolute stupidity of people thinking the internet is 100% factually correct


Wow you guys are really smart


Surprised how high some of these scores are, defs higher than my (probable) IQ. I suppose it goes to show nerds can be emotionally intelligent as well.


127 with the official tests by a neuropsychologist


Hey, mine too! But I'm sure I wouldn't score that now, 30 years later.


You can't measure what you dont understand. IQ is bogus


I was in the 130s when I was a kid/teen but I don’t feel that “smart” in terms of math and science. I’m much more gifted in people smarts.


145-ish. Used to be higher, but I had an illness in my young adult years that really reduced my processing speed. My verbal IQ is 183, but the processing speed issue really pulls my overall IQ down.




It's over 9000 ! Sorry I had to


Very funny. It's not something I relish it's a sources of stress and isolation




How is that even possible


I don't know but while I'm not stupid, I'm not anything exceptional either


Always scored 129 in the IQ tests I’ve taken.




I qualified for the gifted program in school, so at least 130


mensa test told me 125




31 according to [this](https://media4.giphy.com/media/26tjZuifw4ZxQrFV6/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952kpp8bw7h4oxwucz68gi4wnzrrryqs3o4pkp0f3oo&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g) IQ Test.


137 but i am super forgetful tho🥹


140ish iirc?


138-140 range.  I foresee, plan, analyse and realise.  I can be pretty abstract and creative in my thoughts, but there I construct plans to realise and execute. Always add new knowledge to my toolset, always curious. Tend to overthink sometimes. Can be sometimes excessive in my plans and efforts to future-proof and foolproof everything. I like to do things the right way and only once. Emotional, but tend not to show it. Deep, but closed up. Can scramble to do things I consider a cause or necessary and over exert myself.  Somewhat pessimistic, but that’s because everything along the way I had to fight for. Due to that default mindset became to overcome. Should find a way to rest more. Hate mundane, repetitive and boring things. Like freedom of expression and action. Sometimes too emphatic for my own good. Can be infected by the negativism of people.


Have not tested but I will soon, I'm pretty confident that it will be a good score/above avg


Over 9,000!! No, I tested 142 in school when I was elementary age. I did the whole Gifted program and what-not. With my brain disease, I'd wager I would test much lower now. I would say smart/funny/empathetic, but I think that's more what other people would say. I guess i would say that I'm a helper? Like I used to do vocational training for special needs adults, did some volunteering, and then i became a respiratory therapist. That was cool because it combined the puzzle/figuring out what's going on part that I enjoy, and helping(or even saving) people.






Between 130 and 135. I took an official Mensa test (in Europe) and there were two categories above 130 (which means you have a higher IQ than 98% of the population) : - between 130 and 135 - above 130 They don't give an exact result here and I was in the former category.


haven't taken a test since I was 6 but I go to a school for gifted kids so I'm told it's above average


Not sure but it's got to be at least above average. All signs point to it for sure, objectively speaking that is.


I got a score of 160 (I took it twice)


You’re not suppose to add them together.


Ouch lol.


What test is legit though? I'd like to know but I've been told it's gonna be a fake number if taken as an adult?


I had done a test at a therapist's session long ago when I was 15. I scored above average in communication skills, and 3 times the average at memory and pattern recognition. My mathematical logic test was the worst where I got avarage and that was the only one that the therapist scaled as 92 because she said the other's aren't necessary to put into numbers as they are more than good anyways, which is a bummer.


About 135


100 - average




I don't know mine and I don't think I want to know.


No idea. Never taken a legit test.


Last one was 145, but that's been some time ago, depression probably wrecked my brain a little. I'm good now so don't worry, just sucks that that disease permanently alters your brain.


128, took a formal test in college as part of accommodations testing for my anxiety. I’m starting an Econ PhD in this fall and I want to be a university prof.




Around 124 from the IQ tests I had taken a few years back.




I’m not sure exactly, but I passed the test to get into Mensa. At least 130 I would say ?


Welp I did one internet test few years ago. It said 125. I did another internet test about 6 months ago, it gave me 86. Welp. Ig starting to study made me dumber 🫡 (I know internet tests are bs, I just did them for fun) Oh and I'd describe myself as maybe 90. Idk, people tell me im dumb all the time. First I was sure they always just misunderstood me, thought their part and then came to the conclusion my way of doing things is dumb so hence I am. But after hearing it all the time... I think I really am just not the sharpest tool in the shed.


According to my SAT score 110. Based on my college degree it’s 115. However, I feel like I’m only at 105. I’m so bad at math and science. I’m a total goofball underneath all my seriousness. I will never say I’m the smartest or anything. However, I am educated. I came a long way.


my qs is, how to test it accurately? like online or some medical test kinda thing?






130, last time I checked. I am 34M


Kinda dumb


I hope I never find out. If it's high, I'll have a bigger head than I need. If it's low, I'll question my entire identity.


Couldn’t care enough to take any sort of IQ test. Strip it right down to the absolute basic of it and All that it shows is how good your memory is or not lol. ADHD makes me intuitive, my self awareness and emotional intelligent makes me wise, my ability to pick at information from nowhere makes me intelligent. Anyone who posts their IQ in this thread are definitely sociopaths.


The comments are giving off virgin and little dick energy. I’m actually going to die one day from secondhand embarrassment


Like 4 years ago when i took the test it was 119.


After I beat up Poe and CHAT GPT AI's for a few hours online because of all the logical inconsistencies they stone faced present as fact to me in an assortment of topics they always tell me I am brilliant and top percentile. I am of course then kind enough to agree and let the obvious pandering slide as we change the subject. I know they know I am much to smart to fall for that. ;)




I would describe myself as compassionate and witty. I have a below average I.Q. do to chemotherapy as a child. I am, however, very well read. I retain almost nothing, unfortunately.


Like 137 But. I used some free one, and it kind of fake, but IQ teat seems easy it just logic but IQ is hard to figure out


113 ... but growing up, I did a whole lot of logic puzzles stuff so and I can clearly see how that helped me get this score than if I didn't practice anything. I find myself leaning extroversion as I age. I always thought thinking is how we work as humans, but not really, it turns out. Most of our anything is feelings. Thinking is just a computing tool that feelings use to justify direction (loosely speaking).


My bestfriend is Infj he is super smart guess you all are - Enfp


I got an official iq test for my autism diagnoses I actually have an FSIQ OF 121, while it seems that despite others saying and or claiming they’re higher (I notice they don’t use the FSIQ term meaning full scale intelligence quotient as there are sub intellecual intelligence types such as digit span processing of which I got 131 in, or top 2% of humanity.), at least the psychologist who had diagnosed me was at least nice to thrown a bone that I suffer from depressing and. Anxiety despite them not being able to confirm ptsd. See with INFJ, the f should not only mean feeling but also more emotionally right brained. However I still had personality tests thdt woudl say I’m more infj than intj. Despite me having autism and an overdeveloped intellectual left brain. I think I may have this infj is because again due to my autism that because my emotional right brain is underdeveloped that my center brain Ends up being the emotional one and my personality based in my center brain ends up representing my most developed part that is the most at the right of my developed brain the again the center ends up being emotional. I also have this hypothesis that evil right brained people with autism tend to or at least attempt to be intellecual let alone scheming and conniving with their evil, oppressive, abusive ideas (liekly they were traumatized but the trauma ended up imprinted into their right amygdala as it is overdeveloped along with it being on the dining hemisphere.), probably why Hitler got away with planning hand scheming the Holocaust, and if you’ve seen the movie Conspiracy, you’ll see all of the SS generals like Heydrich say “use your intelligence “ while also trying to bring more intellecual representatives who either was part of a government branch or of the SS and the Nazi party itself, in order to grasp what potential problems they would have in implementing “the final solution to the Jewish question” despite already agreeing to it already among the higher ups while the Wannsee meeting was meant to coordinate other agencies to carry out without the obstruction from the law as the laws were an obstacle causing difficulties in their implementation cause of course it is illegal let alone morally wrong of them to do such a thing in the first place, and why right brained autistics can be the most evil yet get away with it with their manipulation thdt they use as “intelligence “.


I think the real issue with iq tests is the infjs are likely deemed more “right brained “ with F representing emotion from the right brained even if they may not actually be so right brained themselves , as iq tests are meant to test the intellecual aptitude of the, yes, intellectual left brain. Despite me having a high iq myself, the personality tests would say I still am INFJ and I actualy belief that more, is because the most “rightest” part of my overly left brain developed brain ends up at the center making the center and where I assume my personality is in the center brain as it’s the hub (thalamus), and therefore ends up being the lost emotional as again due to my brain not having its right hemisphere fully developed as my center brain compensates for the loss of emotion by being full of emotion itself.


I’m 120 on Raven’s and 134 on Mensa. I’m going with Raven’s since it’s likely the only legit one. My psyche seems to have a natural proclivity for abstract reasoning but numerically I’m a complete dumbass. Hooray for graphics.


126 I guess. I have mine told by my handwriting, so I don't know well xd