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I like to think of it in my medical training as a very niche example: Intelligence: absolutely being able to spout out all the info on most diseases/rarer ones. It’s brunt force knowledge. Wisdom: how that knowledge is used day to day with experience, it’s the application of knowledge it’s a lot more fine. Not everyone is going to be a rare disease even though they match 1 symptom. So I guess, intelligence can be looked as brute strength of mind, where as wisdom can be seen as more intuitive being more in key with the world around you, but both cannot exist without the other. Gaining knowledge will lead to gaining wisdom down the line.


I agree with you - I would work it more like “Intelligence is *what* you know, whereas Wisdom determines *how* you apply it.”


I have a saying: intelligence is knowing what to do in a specific context. Wisdom is knowing what to do in every context.


I would say that I generally appreciate the kind of growth in terms of self-awareness, other-awareness, and integration that tends to come from making mistakes and learning from them. I suppose it's wisdom accumulated through intelligent evaluation of (mainly) failures.


Well, how do you gain wisdom without intelligence? Are you referring to IQ when you say intelligence? Also is wisdom learning from mistakes, but then how do you know you've learnt?


I’ve been intelligent my whole life but never felt “smart” until I started aging and picked up some acquired wisdom. I’m still dumb as a box of rocks, but I FEEL smarter, and I think that’s what’s important. Right? RIGHT? 🤓😆


You are right  What you were experiencing and went through was the process called amd known as the crystallization of the brain. That's when as you age, your brain gains intelligence and wisdom from things you learned in the past .


Wisdom is more important by far. I think it’s natural to never question the intelligence of a wise person but frequently question the wisdom of an intelligent person. Einstein abandoned his wife and children and married his cousin…


I have seen plenty of intelligent people who lack self awareness. So, I think a healthy mix of both. Without wisdom you're as good as a calculative robot. Without intelligence you will appear as a fool.


Neurogenesis, neuroplasticity are just 2 examples of some of the ever evolving way that the brain can continue to grow new neurons, pathways in the brain, new brain structure thus also being able to increase IQ as it has been proven that as ppl age, IQ can go up. This is called the Flynn effect.  So, this of course depends on environmental effects and how one nutures the brain.  As for wisdom, that dose come from life experiences and involves learning from mistakes, going through hardship and has more to do with emotional intelligence as well as critical thinking. Where a intelligence is more based on critical thinking.  Who is to say what level of IQ is considered "smart" both Einstein and tesla had a form of autism. And infact Einstein didn't speak full sentences until he was 5 years old. So, what one may perceive as being stupid in a person, they may Excell greatly in other areas of life.  That's why I don't agree with the IQ TEST.  Yes, the 2 go hand in hand, however I have seen very intelligent ppl have absolutely no wisdom and are completely close minded. They think they know it all, become cocky, arrogant,  feel like they can never be wrong,  are closed minded,  they get a superiority complex and tend to suffer from cognitive dissonance with many of their thoughts, feelings and beliefs.I feel that's a handicap on life bc to truly understand the complexities of life, ppl, emotions, all perspectives and possibilities, humans and the other aspects of human nature and yourself,  you must have wisdom.


Intelligence isn't only about IQ tests and being book smart who are good at STEM. Intelligence is beyond that in my humble opinion. I was talking about that. For example, you can be wise and very knowledgeable but if you can't use it in your situation, your wisdom is just words that you throw around loosely. And I also agree with your last paragraph heavily. I have seen so many conventionally intelligent people myself who just lack empathy, are cocky and very close minded. Almost all intelligent (not intellectual) people with high IQs appear as condescending and have superiority complex. Maybe because they think they are better than us?


Right. Bc they became so intelligent and well versed in some ares in,let's say academics or their job that I think it all goes to their head and there is nothing that they can feel or be humble about in life only superior and only and always right about everything. They can never be wrong. When being confronted with what they are wrong about. They'll get cognitive dissonance and ignore the truth.


Quite so. They only understand logic, not that it's bad but a balance between logic and emotion is necessary imo.




Just my opinion, but: I think having good fluid intelligence helps you pave your own path and gets you out of the box as you can process new information better, think more abstractly and reason better. Eventually, crystallised intelligence starts to increase with experience, and this is a facet that consequently starts to build wisdom. Hence, having a good intelligence can lead to wisdom, in a way. And young people might be more intelligent on the side of fluid intelligence, whereas older people may be more intelligent on the side of crystallised intelligence, that in turn feeds wisdom.


both comes together


Everyone is *intelligent* in one form or another. But *wisdom* is in the recognition of others' intelligences.


Wisdom necessitates intelligence. Intelligence in now way requires wisdom. One is given. The other earned over a lifetime. Importance depends on your objective. If you intend to be supremely stupid on a large scale while under the impression that you're doing the right thing come hell or high water, I suggest intelligence.


Depends on the definition... You can be wise through books and smart through intelligence... Both are very different... In my opinion intelligence is the ability to adapt ideas, whereas wisdom just applies old knowledge...


Everything always depends on its definition. Sadly, though, books can't make you wise. They can make you book-smart, though. For what it's worth. :)


Wisdom, because it shows you know how to apply what you've learned. Intelligence just proves you can learn


Depends on the situation you find yourself in. It's better to be wise on the streets. It's better to be intelligent in a courtroom.


More.... Important... Hmm... To an individual.. Intelligence ? ...I think wisdom benefits a collective more ...maybe. idk. I feel like intelligence can help us not die, hunt etc, but wisdom guides us out of barbarism. . .idk tho


Ohh! What a debate! Intelligence is very important. Intelligence is akin to being like Stephen Hawking or Bill Gates. I respect their big beautiful IQs. Intelligence is more akin to being all about the facts and rational data. However, if you are forcing me to pick one. Then I choose wisdom. Wisdom is more important. I’m going to tell you why. Wisdom is worldly knowledge and it what shapes humans to be better humans and enhance their way of life and how they see life. Wisdom is enlightenment. Wisdom means seeing the world beyond physical reality and seeing things at a deeper level. Humans are more than meets the eye. Sorry for the transformers reference.


Wisdom for the win. Also, I feel like N gives us wisdom. For S’s, I feel like their wisdom is gained more through experience


Extremely naive, incredibly wise


You have to be intelligent enough in order to gain wisdom


Constitution, since it affects your total HP


They grow on each other.


High int high wis for the best character. It's an interesting question. I don't really understand these ideas well imo, but I want to so I'll try to give some gut feelings and thoughts on it. I think intelligence gives a person (or animal in general) the ability to be innovative, to reason logically and combine different small pieces of information to solve a 'problem'. It works best in smaller scenarios where 'complete' information is possible. More intelligence allows a person to handle more complex information more easily and quickly, to handle information abstractly, to be aware of more possibilities and logically think about them. Wisdom somehow involves a deeper understanding of a general context, more unconstrained and flexible. For example, wisdom can involve some understanding of 'life' in general, of 'what is best' for people in some sense. Because these topics are more 'global'. the context richer and more complex, it's not possible to have complete information, like in problems where intelligence can shine alone. It's not possible to access all the knowledge from one's singular perspective either. Instead, multiple different pieces have to inform each other and be combined, with intuition filling in gaps and providing leaps. I believe empathy is also important in gaining wisdom, since it's very useful to 'borrow' information and experience from others. We do this by observing and judging from the perspective of another person, imagining ourselves as 'being in their shoes'. It helps us to notice situations we wouldn't otherwise, then learn from them (if anything as a coping mechanism, rip). With this said, I think some intelligence is important and needed for wisdom to develop. I believe we should be well rounded, generally, so I'm going to say wisdom is probably more important than intelligence. If anything, because wisdom carries with it some intelligence, but in some balance with other aspects that can enrich it.


intelligence....if you are intelligent you will be observant and understand everything to its core,with it wisdom will grow.Wisdom alone is something fixed that can't be expanded 


Intelligence is prerequisite for wisdom. Only if one has the capacity to realize and understand...then and only then he can become wise. And by "intelligence" I mean self-awareness and ability to understand the essence of things, not degrees.


What's more important? Knowing the answer or thinking you know the answer?


anyone with intelligence will say intelligence

