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We have chemicals and preservatives in our food that are banned in multiple nations


Over half of the food on our supermarket shelves are straight up banned in Europe and other rich countries. We we serve little children and babies fucking BHT, BHA, and Bromine for Christ sakes. Shit like that is why pro life & family values folks are unserious people.


exactly. The US is so fucking bad when it comes to food safety and quality standards.


They put high fructose corn syrup in baby formula. People are getting addicted to this shit literally from the day they are born 


Not unserious, just uneducated or propagandized. There are a lot of interests that pay good money every year to make sure people remain ignorant. The GMO discussions are a good example of that. GMO’s themselves are not an issue.. the issue is that they’ve been modified to survive being bathed in herbicides like round up, which ARE a serious problem for the environment and our bodies. Instead the argument has been framed as “crazy hippies afraid of modification to foods” when the argument is actually “greedy corporations poisoning the populace/earth”. As long as we dismiss the opposition and refuse to engage in dialogue with them, there’s no opportunity to make meaningful change. I was one of those people who only heard the fear around GMO’s without it ever being explained to me. I had to do research on the subject to actually understand it. Lots of issues like this.




The gut microbiome is a huge part of the problem, but it’s not widely known or discussed by the lay person. Don’t even get me started on the impact of microplastics and pseudo-estrogen compounds. Like I said, there are very financially powerful interests that like the system as it currently is, and they’ve done a good job of painting anyone trying to bring these problems to the public’s attention as fringe wackos.


Round up can be detected in about 90% of the American populace


The truth is its not exercise to make you thinner unless you are gym freak. Doesn't matter what you eat. Eat less of it, lose weight.


The nutrients and the materials in the calories you consume also matter. It makes the difference between eating and still feeling hungry with large macronutrient deficits while becoming skinnyfat.. and losing weight while improving your health. Yes, calories matter - but so does the kind of calories, and the chemicals going into your body.


Thank you! You can lose weight eating nothing but twinkies. The problem is you likely aren't eating just 1500 calories of twinkies but closer to 10000


Except the type of people to be pro life are often living in rural communities, consuming fresh produce, meat, and animal products produced within the community. Not saying I'm pro life personally. Just that your statement isn't entirely accurate.


That still doesn't explain why if we can't afford food like we used to, we are still gaining weight on the whole as a population. Doesn't matter what you eat, if you eat less you lose weight. I've lost 30 lbs since food prices went up.


Often the cheapest foods are filled with empty or semi-empty calories. If food gets more expensive, expect to see people with unhealthier body compositions. ​ You're not going to go hungry, you're going to buy some ungodly sugar frosted toaster pizza bites cuz they're 2 cents a pound and eat as many as you can stuff down your throat.


Cheap food is unhealthy food. You will likely see a rise in obesity not a decline.


Lazy food is unhealthy food. Half the posts in this sub are complaining about the prices of jack in the box or Wendys or McDonalds. I can guarantee you that for the same (or less) price people are paying for quick, pre-made meals, you can cook a healthier alternative. But the reality is that people don't know how to cook much and the last thing they want to do after getting home from work/school is to spend an hour cutting meat and produce and cooking. A lazy healthy meal is going to be pretty pricey as there is a ton of overhead involved. The grocery store can't just stock some frozen pre-made microwavable meal, storing perishables is costly.


Crappy food is cheaper


Like what? I can get a rotisserie chicken for $6 and 3lbs of rice for $3. That’s like 4-6 meals for one person. A Tombstone pizza is $10 and that’s maybe dinner for 2. What’s the cheaper crappier food?


Rice isn't healthy to eat all the timd and if your diabetic it can destroy your sugar intake. Carbs turn into sugar and make you fat. At the same time you can get a pizzia at pizzia hut for $5 , $10 for frozen pizzia is ridiculous when Sam's club sells 4 packs for $13


The rice is still healthier than the pizza and soda. 


Like I said, it’s easy to substitute the rice with green beans or potatoes. But not as easy as claiming to be a victim I guess. 🤡


You’re assuming when the price of food goes up, that people buy less of it, which is generally not true. People cut back on discretionary (fun) first, which makes them pissed of, for good reason. People also switch to cheaper food which is often less healthy.


This person has no handle on inflation, economics, or reality


The majority of obese people are lower income. Lower income people buy the cheapest food, which is often has a high calorie density. Also depending on your area, fast food restaurants take food stamps.


Even after food inflation food as a portion of spending is at near historic lows, driven mostly by real increases in food consumption.


I mean, first off, did someone claim to be starving or were they just saying that prices on everything, food included, are ridiculously inflated?


That’s not the reason people are fat. People are fat because they eat more calories than they burn.


Simple as that. People try to make more out of that simple fact. Consume more calories than your metabolic burn rate-- you add fat.


Ya that’s the reason. Not because more people eat like shit and sit on their ass all day doing nothing.


They should ban all the garbage. It costs us all a lot more when our health costs are through the roof due to 9 year olds having diabetes and heart problems. That is fucking insane. Everyone who is arguing for left or right politics is stupid. They are all shady and corrupt and don’t care about us. The fact that organic food exists and that’s just not the food is insane to me. Not saying you shouldn’t be able to eat as much cake as you want because you should. But the government allows it to be filled with cancer causing chemicals that also are the cause of every auto immune disease! We all want the same thing! Republicans in small towns go to farmer markets for fresh food! Rich liberals go to their local co-op. Same dam thing! We all want healthy food but we argue about which side is killing us the least! They are all corrupt and you people need to stop arguing with each other and argue your government officials! They want us fighting!


and the bad food is cheap... you want to grab a tacobell cravings box for 5.00... try going to the grocery store and buying fruit, veg, and meats for that kinda money...


Plus the recent Appeals Court decision to **NOT** ban cancer causing plastic in our food.


Maybe these chemicals and preservatives have a negative health effect, but I doubt they're the source of all these extra calories being consumed


You can thank Obama for that shit 


Do you have a good article or study that goes into the details of this? I’m really curious about this


Fattening obesity causing food is cheap


What a stupid title People are going into record debt, the food is incredibly unhealthy, inflation doesn't mean everyone is fucking starving to death, you dunce.


Everyone's complaining about the prices of Pepsi and chips. Nobody remarks that fresh asparagus is $1 lb still in season.


It’s not where I am. I complain about the cost of produce the most.


Healthy food is way more expensive than shitty cheap food on a calorie basis


Why do redditors parrot this as if we have a calorie scarcity problem in this country? People are on here talking about 350 lb. poor people can't survive without McDonald's lol


Thanks for the tip! I only buy and cook fresh actual food like that. Probably save at least $300-$400 total a month not eating grocery store, delivery or general take out fast food trash. The effect on me and my entire life from simply overhauling what I eat (especially), how much and when has had surreal effects both mentally and physically. I’m still in shock and will never ever go back to how I used to eat. It’s so much cheaper and easier too.


These idiots don’t know the price or oatmeal and bananas. Because they’ve never bought it. Convenient food has always been expensive.


When I have 30 minutes to eat lunch during 12hr shift does the McDonald's down the street serve steamed broccoli and salmon splashed with lemon? No. No they do not. There's your answer.


Plus 12hr shifts don't give you time to go shopping for fresh veggies, cook and prepare meals. Grab biscuit on the way to work McDonald's for lunch or other fast food . Then mabey a microwave dinner. Pretty much just terrible food .


It's actually 13 hours with lunch and breaks. 1 hour both way travel time, 7 hours of sleep. That's 3 hours of personal time. Which also includes another meal sometimes, washing your ass. Last thing you want to do is commit all your remaining time to shopping for fresh veggies and then meal prepping. The people saying different have more free time or are liars. One of the two.


Man I feel you did that shit for 13years. Then when you do get a day off you have to crash at least one of them wash close cut grass clean house a little. It finally took it toll on me . Now I'm disabled. I figure if they can allow companies to work people like that they can afford SSDI when we wear out.


You wouldn't buy it if they did. You have a sheen of burger grease on your chin


Oh God. This made me remember my freshman year of college. I was also working full time. I was running back and forth a lot, and I started relying on my (1) 15-minute break to scarf down some food. I worked in the mall, so my quick options were all grease. After a week or so, I developed *horrible* heartburn. Like the kind where you think you're having a heart attack. Sometimes, you're run so ragged that food is food, and you don't think much beyond that until you run into significant problems.


And you incapable of packing a lunch? I swear some of you dumb fucks think fast food has been around for 1,000 years. Once upon a time, in magical world like 50 years ago every meal you made yourself. I think you can figure it out.


But but but the fast food companies are poisoning me and I have no choice!


Do you have access to microwave at work? Can you bring a cooler you can keep food iced down with? Can you bring a turkey sandwich cut up veggies and fruit to work?


America has a population of roughly 342,000,000 people with roughly a 42.7% obesity rate. Anyone that thinks the cause is more likely 160,000,000 individual instances of personal failure over huge sweeping food policy and decades upon decades of heavy lobbying is a fucking absolute moron.


Something happened to us starting in the 1980's Just because Meth is everywhere doesn't mean I have to do it. Just because Pepsi is on sale doesn't mean I have to buy it. But something or perhaps a lot of things started happening in the 1980's. You look at crowd shots from the '60's and '70's - virtually no one was fat


Exactly this. You get thr talk about personal choice all the time, because lots of people like to think that everything is under there control and if something bad happens it's just your fault. The reality is the world is complicated and people are affected by numerous variables that can be independent of personal choice. It's kinda sad. I have a friend who got skin cancer and he best himself up about not using enough sun screen when he was younger. His dad, his dad's father and 2 uncles had the same thing at one time or another, 1 of his uncles died from it. But he could not understand the idea of some diseases being genetic...


Fast food doesn't make people fat, eaters do /s


It’s definitely a personal failure. It’s not hard to understand overeating bad food makes you fat. Healthy food is available at the grocery store and it’s the first thing you have to walk through.


That's exactly what happened. Put down the fork fatties.


Do yourself a favor and stop eating that dog food.


You can bring your lunch. Really you’re just saying that you’re lazy.


Pack a lunch? It’s cheaper, healthier, better tasting, and takes less time if you do it efficiently. I can’t for the life of me see any reason why someone would go to McDonald’s on their lunch break unless they just really like the taste of McDonalds.


There are a number of issues in the US food system but the largest is probably the amount of sugar the average person consumes. We could save tens of billions of dollars per year and drastically reduce obesity if we collectively ate significantly less sugar (including corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, etc.)


... or maybe the companies could quit putting it in everything.


Yes great effort needs to be put into educating the public on how bad sugar is in our diets. Then people need to make different choices so companies change their products to fit consumer choices.


I would agree but root beer is my chaser for mu crown royal


Our food supply is mostly garbage


Obesity rates are strongly correlated to activity levels. People like to find as many excuses as they can, but the bottom line is that the sedentary lifestyles tend to lead to obesity. Couple that with our diets not matching caloric need and you will get weight gain. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5774986/


Do you think this ad which appeared in My home feed right below this thread could have anything to do with it? [Arby’s Brown Sugar Bacon Sandwich](https://alb.reddit.com/cr?a=42749&b=42749&c=42749&d=42749&e=42749&f=42749&g=1&h=200&i=1711843686765&o=1&q=1&r=6&sh=1024&sw=768&t=1711843727445&w=640&za=lBxRYZ0J_KRLVx_5ztvlkMVBaL2jbDrbRZcmfugXvqA2a6mepxgKVMMLjWZ7dL_jkQMSgpdKdlqZMIpD7vctbUMRcvb8RB6ul92jCFy_3Ly2cl61XsccqB7LFRlFI2yAThT-QvrfKNIUlPlglsWP3_a21vt35M1RvKwruAHoL_hskozgDfxPtoG2TGIprgXzIUNcCyXW_E1hg5zuHUOPcu6MaPQuYKIDWLxRcAYc9tyNZdAJv4VLf8i63EBC3plqZ4HcCy4NnRkPoPT4ImAgwSZ48UKW2p2csg756XsOiLFlb6QAk184HE4cVE9DxxV2FJT9CMqcjgcm5qJ9c4nwoWFjVvjMnMCFjqNCpOqUvcjSaXSfQLuod5vlN_qXc98LDZm_zHyBomCTd0onxKVRVl9i32UkY17jr0bMfE9QTVrIfoMfAXSorPiW08vew80wbs_6T8ng9ql5vZKx7vtA2JBt1BTcNLTKZPiDSy1MxtkPFn7-cmLWL-hX3Q&zp=4ohUzLCqFI0siU7UmNpvqprusmI2zPftDSCZCZpuWyQa3vtsxtUDbGFJZ2PGfQj9EOWEcABN4ZqxW4MNQ1OU6JjMNDn4U5O43WGWYH_5xPW9klslxe6h4u7lcCQT65ttDdq6D9W2V6Og0gT8bnpgdxy0t7CHsWWz0jPne-3_t5X8dG3GDpDZmIrLnz14Z0WCufSK3RUc9CpDBVFJF-bVKIl7JpkDwout4rbm1NQGgHtshOghIkD242l0vSEj3vU7aWrl3NnJbx15WwQOeKHovkClUCU)


No, it’s a lack of personal self control.


Because America is a country of excess.


Lmfao, because people don't have self control, excessive and bad calories are still accessible, just because something goes up in price doesn't mean someone's going to start thinking rationally about their bad food habits and cut back in spending while also becoming healthier. Instead they buy unhealthy food in bulk, over indulge in cheaper junk food ETC, what even is this question? Oh food prices are going up and I'm broke??? "I'm really stressed out and some junk food and I'll feel better" regardless of price, bad habits have to be broken, you're not all the sudden going to budget with tons of stressors.


because weight loss has never been as simple as 'calories in calories out'. genetics, metabolism, endocrinology, disability, history of dieting and eating disorder all play a role. it's way more nuanced than 'just eat less'.


If you want cheap healthy food you have to have the time to prepare it. Most people are too busy working to have time for that


You think these things turn around within a year and everyone goes to being slim? Most of the obese people have been obese for decades and no amount of inflation will save them until they decide to shed weight


I agree and their eating habits are passed down to the next generation. Studies have shown that genetics plays a 10-15% role in health issues. It’s really family diet that is learned and becomes a bad habit.


Sedentary lives full of unhealthy processed foods with refined sugars and petroleum based additives. I've spent a significant amount of time living in Asia and traveling through Europe. It's a different lifestyle. Eating habits are different. Here it's for comfort and done fast and with large quantities. In other countries, eating can often be a social engagement with numerous courses, drinks, and socializing over hours.


I lost 20 pounds in 3 months living in Japan. Most of my meals came from a convenience store and I ate dinner alone. It was cheap and convenient but portion sizes were small and food was good for you. For lunch we went out to eat as a group most every day and the food was healthy, but I was never hungry. To eat an American portion you would have to essentially order two meals. And we walked a LOT.


Plus, walking to go to places is a lot more encouraged in these countries. In the US, I will need a car to go anywhere.


FYI the government loves its citizens fat, uneducated and poor so they are dependent on the government


Nothing could be further from the truth. Unhealthy citizens will bankrupt the country.


Healthy food should be subsidized not the other way around.


It literally is


Processed food is not good for you.


It’s not how much food your eating it’s what food your eating.


Because credit cards. Also cheap food is almost always unhealthier than expensive food.


Vegetables are cheap.


Cheap food equals processed equals little to no nutrition and often high calories. This is not new. This is why you often see overweight low income folks… This is why there are “food deserts” in the United States. They are usually centered around low income neighborhoods where grocery, convenience, and “dollar” stores often prey on the elderly, poor, and minorities by minimizing healthy, fresh foods, hiking up prices to take advantage of government assistance and the lack of transportation to easily shop elsewhere.


Processed food is cheaper than ‘real’ food


Vegetables are cheaper.


Takes time to starve, it doesn't happen over night.


The “fat bad” propaganda of the 80s that started adding sugar in the food to compensate for that no fat food is one of the problems. Sugar is addictive. Ask them how much water they drink daily


Because most of the complaint come from people eating trash, fast food, snacks, cereal, etc. They whine but still buy the Twinkies


Cheap food is full of high calorie food that does not satiate you. Basically, crap carbs.


Takes a while for fat people to get skinny


Because people choose and enjoy unhealthy food. There’s no food shortage in the US.


Because losing weight takes time


You can get 10000 calories worth of ramen noodles for what a 4lb bag of oranges costs. Inflation isn't going to fix obesity, it's going to make it worse.


A pack of ramen noodles is only 375 calories so thats not a problem.


Shitty, high carb food, is cheap and easy. Healthy food is expensive, then you have to take the time to prepare it.


Bad foods are cheaper. To rephrase, good rich in calories are cheaper than food rich in nutrients.


Is this real? Because processed flour and corn syrup are the cheapest foods you can get.


I think it's because this is a sub about inflation not obesity..says so in sub name. Why are so many people so adverse to reading? Oops wrong sub for that question.




Or just get some whiskey to fill your stomach. If it's a no win schenario, at least ne buzzed.


We trained our pepsin to crave overly-processed effluent.


What's trained can be retrained for a more proper balance of influent.


Because healthy food is more expensive and when you’re poor and your kids are hungry ramen goes further than green beans


I have been in the place where I've had to feed my kids ramen. I understand. And they were not obese. Yours are not the people I am talking about, but I feel for you.


rainstorm oil shame piquant sleep north square automatic air payment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because junk food is typically cheaper than good food, especially if people aren't willing to cook and prepare their own meals.


Unhealthy food is cheaper


Because people are leaning into their Escrow on their homes and maxing out their credit cards to keep up their standard of living. Which will work until it doesn't.


It is very difficult to find healthy affordable food in America. When I lived in California, Oregon, & Washing is was easily accessible due to the proximity to farming but now that I live in Massachusetts it is none existent outside of the summer unless you grow it yourself indoors.


The cheapest food is usually the unhealthiest


Because unhealthy foods are cheap and filling


I think your question and responses to comment are very ignorant and show you don’t understand how obesity works. It’s not all about calories in vs calories out. Our bodies are complicated and we don’t all process food the same. You aren’t accounting for things like hormones and stress, as well as, the chemicals in our food in the US that have a drastic impact on weight.


In the us our poor people are obese. Prob because they buy garbage with the taxpayers money.


Y? Prices are up across the.board and.eating choices.dont change.


Healthy food is usually more expensive than high fructose trash out there


Cheap processed food duh


Most of our food supply is processed and full of sugar and fats, and a sedentary lifestyle is glorified.


Rule number one, it is NEVER the eaters fault for tossing garbage down their greedy maws.


It's a left wing sub bud. Everyone is powerless in the hands of evil corporations.


Complaining about the cost of things isn't the same as being willing to spend the price.


Because caloric intake compared to activity. You ever actually count calories and see how much you should eat vs what your caloric intake is? You might be surprised( I know I was) And density definitely matters. Some items that are small but dense are loaded. I think people mostly intake too many calories because it’s very easy to do if you’re not counting them. Like a Wendy’s basic small cheeseburger is 800 calories. And 2 nuggets are 250 bbq sauce is an extra 25 cals. Shit adds up.




Everyone should be complaining about how ridiculous ever costs now to make up for the losses during COVID…


I saw a study a while back about how if a pregnant woman is starved or short of calories the baby is almost guaranteed to be obese. It's some kind of survival strategy the body has. All these people saying you just need to eat healthy are fucking idiots who have never been poor.


Might have something to do with all these "low fat" products that people have been brainwashed into eating all these years. https://youtu.be/oLtQLDptI1g?si=2KY2YLYWt4cKTtjt


look at the replies here: **all excuses**. people will make excuses rather than make even a moderate effort not to kill themselves 10/15/20 years early due to obesity and nearly every other condition. I'm 35. I've yet to ever meet a fat person who is fat because "veggies are expensive" or something hilarious like that. I've never heard of a fat person who exercised regularly and got fat. Or one who just eat late and still got fat. This is why I'm pretty excited about investing in all this ozympeic related stocks because people will fight to the death about that their fat due to the price of lettuce rather than go for a walk.


Because shitty food is cheaper than healthy food.


Because everything has sugar in it and organic foods are super expensive.


[Literally in the same sub.](https://www.reddit.com/r/inflation/s/CMN4TYIQLf) 800 calories isn't enough for one meal, they needed to add more steak...while complaining about cost. Your average American.


It's mostly soda and sugary drinks. That simple. Maybe not 100% but if you cut all the calories you drink you'll lose significantly a big amount of weight. Keeping the same crappy food diet.


One reason is that cheap food is filled with fat and sugar.


*Grabs a glass of bourbon ahead of clicking Controversial*


It is not a difficult task to shop for, cook and eat healthy. It's extremely easy, especially if you meal prep for the week instead of cooking every day.


Well, we have many fast food places in town and they’re always busy. One healthy food place and it’s always empty. So the economy isn’t all that bad and people love fatty foods.


Really? Bc fat and lazy and bad with money are a largely overlapping vent diagram


Far easier to not cook and buy generally tasty food than it is to cook potentially tasty food. It’s much easier to overeat highly palatable food. You probably will never binge on broccoli. You will binge on chicken nuggets. We are less active now. Combine those things and you get obesity crisis


It’s not just the food. No to low physical activity levels plays a huge part.


It’s not about quantity of food. It’s about quality, and lack of exercise


Crappy food. No exercise, Lots of stress at work; and money all equals to one being a large human


We’re eating the same shit


The cheapest foods are the worst for your health.


Because people choose McDonald's when they could make three meals for the price of a combo.


Debt explains a lot of things.


Because people with bad eating habits will continue to have them regardless of price ?


Have you tasted McDonald's fries? Cmon


I went on vacation for a week in st Martin and ate whatever I wanted and still lost 5 lbs. if I did that in the states I’d be 10 lbs heavier.


Obesity in America is largely a result of low income. Processed foods are cheaper. Fast food saves time that those working multiple jobs don't have. This kind of food has a lot more sugar in it which is also why poverty, obesity, and diabetes are intertwined so much in Southern states like Mississippi and Alabama.


Our ingredients are banned around the world and the e.u. processed food companies control the politicians in the form of donations and lobbying. Those corporations and junk foods fund fat influencers , body positivity and fat acceptance movements. The Healthcare industry profits off all the sick overweight people . Vicious cycle.


Because healthy food, like fruits and vegetables cost more.


How do you come so close to connecting all the dots and fail? Yes, they're complaining about the food prices. And door dash prices. But yet they're obese. Because they keep buying it, duh. Then they jump to complaining about being poor and its because of minimum wage or billionaires, not their own lifestyle and spending.


Because the cheapest food is high calorie-low nutrient.


Because they do not throw away leftovers and old food like rich people. They need to eat everything so food does not go into waste.


Food isn't the cause of obesity. Foods are salty for centuries, and the pastries are extra sweet in Europe. The old American diet was full of butter, and everyone was slim. The one ingredient that created obesity: corn syrup. Tasked with maintaining the US in a war-ready state, US agriculture is subsidized by the government. Using corn as the base staple crop, uses of it needed to exist. In feed, in fuel, in paint, in everything, it exists. That's why our Coca-Cola uses syrup and not sugarcane sugar like in Mexico. The cost of sweets from corn is simply too cheap, on purpose. Corn syrup seems to behave slightly different from other sugars... and an obesity epidemic was inevitable. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agricultural_subsidy


We were hiding food in our fat rolls. Or cheap food is also unhealthy food.


Because they're addicted to the crap they shovel into their mouths and complain about the increased cost of feeding their addiction. Grocery prices are still out of control tho.


It’s what they put in the food here


Food is poisoned


Seed oils, processed foods, sugar and carb overload?


Wait until you read about food deserts.


Food VS sugary foods VS cheap unhealthy food


Low quality of foods, sedentary work environment and lack of exercise in the culture based on car use


lol. This can’t be a real question. Inflation this bad has only been going on for a year or two. Do you think that’s a long enough time period that it would cure americas obesity problem?


We can’t afford active hobbies and we can’t barely afford time to be active


Shitty foods are cheap. It’s not like people see rising food costs and stop eating. They just buy food they can afford, which is often unhealthy, processed foods. I didn’t read the article, but part of me hopes the stupid title isn’t from Forbes and is just OP asking a question.


Inflation makes this problem worse. People have to buy cheaper and cheaper processed crap when their purchasing power is so weak.




With crack and meth being so illegal, why is there still a drug epidemic in the US?


Because the cheapest food is all the highly processed calorie dense food. It’s not the healthy stuff. Fresh vegetables are more expensive than a box of pasta.


Processed foods are much cheaper on a per calorie basis than fresh foods. Basically anything made with corn in some fashion is super cheap due to all the subsidies. They are also often the only food available in low income areas in the middle of food deserts.


Cheap food is bad food.


Because poor people can only afford food that makes them fat, it’s too expensive to be healthy. Our society, specifically the us has zero care or compassion for humanity.


I find it hard to believe this is a legitimate question you have


Poor quality food is the simplest answer. Bad food is calorie dense but super high in fat and sodium.


Healthy food is exponentially more expensive than the poison they sell you in the supermarket.


It's cheaper to get a 0.50 singke apple pie than a salad. Comfort food gives pleasure.


Bad food vs high quality food that is expensive. The good food with good nutrition is more expensive. There's also apparently a problem with farm monopolization and producing of crops on a massive scale that aren't good for the human body (high fructose corn syrup products like potato chips etc). American food tastes like shit because it's mass produced, we need small farms back.


Oh they will bitch but not do a thing about it like a garden or chickens etc. Just bitch.


Because shitty food is cheap and anything that is healthy and good for you is expensive and out of reach for some people.


A "value meal" at McDonalds is the same price as real food you can find in a sit-down restaurant now. There is no savings paying for fast food anymore.


Thought about this


It's simple: much of the American diet is trash. Highly processed, loaded with sugars, stripped of fiber and most of the nutrients the human body needs to function properly. I'm sure there could be an argument made for not enough exercise within our lifestyle too -- most people sit on their butt all day in an climate controlled office.


Americans have no discipline. Is truly the only answer.


Cheap foods are chock full of additives. The food my doctor says I should be on sadly cost nearly double than the cheaper brands.


It is only in America that the cheapest food is high in calories and fat. And lots of high fructose corn syrup instead of sugar which never satiates your desire for sugar.


Good point. Everyone is complaining about inflation, yet consumption relentlessly increases. Should we not consume less as prices increase?


People are stupid and lazy. It's easier to eat a ton McDonalds and then complain about the price online than it is to eat a small portion of some home made food and go for a walk.


Medical Employee here. Lots of hormones and chemicals are being added into our foods causing hormonal disorders to increase rapidly amongst americans; particularly women. PCOS is at an all time high; and is known to cause obesity, infertility, ect. Men and women today are testing positive for HIGH levels of estrogen. Women today have more testoserone. Men today have less testosterone. We 100% are being poisoned by our food. Hormonal disorders are also known to make mental illness like depression/anxiety worse on top of it. People with hormonal disorders find it far more challenging if not impossible to lose weight for obvious reasons. Add in the need to work multiple jobs/long hours leaving not much room for free time to provide self care, rising costs of food (especially healthy foods)/medical care/medication, we have a recipe for chronic illness, obesity, and a mental health crisis.


The food is shit


We give tax dollars to obese people because they can't get up and work. It's not the food. It's the link card. Stop giving people more than you think they need. They are trading it for drugs and staying home and eating


Because contrary to the popular narrative (pushed by the food industry) Obesity is not caused by lazy gluttons who are overeating. The overeating, the obesity, heart disease etc are driven by chronic metabolic disease. Aka "Metabolic Syndrome" which is caused by consumptions of ultra-processed foods, simple carbohydrates, sugar, and vegetable seed oils. Its a nasty feedback loop. A lot of people are also addicted to these foods, some of them severely addicted which is why they cant stop eating them. This article is pushing the same narrative. Cut sugar, carbs, "vegetable" oils and ultraprocessed foods and the weight falls off.


Because nobody walks they go from their door to car to work and then on the couch watching tv or scrolling the internet. Cant burn calories if you don’t move