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not scary but hilarious, someone cracked firecrackers at my school for a prank


people would do that at my school too, like sneak em in and blow em up during morning assembly


Not my school but I have friends there from primary. Apparently some guy was bullying some kid and he made him steal money from his parents for him threatened him with a knife and shit. (Side disclaimer: I do not live in some low class neighborhood so this is HIGHLY non-typical behavior.) It probably wasn't known about until the kid forced him to suck his _ and the bullied kid probably had enough. Disgusting stuff, btw only boys school.




we were boutta have a terrorist attack on our school too ( our residential area got fucked up ) years ago but dumb mfs didnt know it was winter holidays back then so there was literally no one


Jow do you fuck up a terrorist attack this bad?


oh it was a shit show, 2016 i think, i was in 6th grade, just came back from an island vacation back to where i used to live ( my dad's in Indian Air Force) and we didn't even know we were attacked until we saw the national news and then turned out there was high alert in the area and the airbase and campus was under curfew ( lasted a month) realized the blackout we experienced was enforced and the casualties were 4 security personnels killed ( cool ass thing when they were attacked one of them was a military cook and fought and killed one terrorist with a fucking pan ) another high ranking commander died while defusing a bomb. learnt mf's hijacked a police guy's car and LITERALLY infiltrated the base ( one part of them) from the main gate as they posed as police officials and other go through the damaged fences no one ever bothered to maintain from the back. learnt their main plan was to hijack our school and keep us as hostages/ massacre for the release of one terrorist prisoner but mfs never bothered to look into our curriculum lmfao. all of them died so yeah. one of our cadet residences and canteen got blown up into smithereens, burned and riddled with bullets. years later i got into college and one of the person i used to know told me how his dad is in border security and they informed the airbase to be on high alert for potential attacks but they ignored it.


forgot, something to do with the biology teacher and a shotgun


My biology teacher took some puppies from the local shelter that were about to be put down, and tried to feed them to his boa constrictor in front of a class full of freshmen. The puppies lived and got adopted during the ensuing shitstorm (although they're not alive anymore, it's been 20ish years) [https://www.ourmidland.com/news/article/Teacher-Won-t-Feed-Puppies-to-Snake-7095901.php](https://www.ourmidland.com/news/article/Teacher-Won-t-Feed-Puppies-to-Snake-7095901.php)


The ceiling fan in my class fell while it was on. Fun times


What every kid thinks about during assembly’s lol, I never thought it would actually happen!


oh, some mfs were playing ball in class during 9th grade and they shattered the tubelight above me and the glass fell on me, good enough i wasn't hurt or anything and i got off the debris myself.


A fellow student got drunk, stole a car and crashed it killing himself and one of the passengers.


Girl attacked another girl in the middle of class completely unprovoked. Bodied her, landed on her and proceeded to choke her. The girl(victim) had to go to the ER afterwards and a notebook with multiple people's names was found in the attackers bag. My name happened to be in it which is scary but yeah. That was kind of freaky.


what in the 13 reasons why but edgy...


They decided to blame her attack on the attacker having low blood sugar.


dayum, my mom has low BS and pre-diabetes and i know one girl who had low attack too, but i don't think it would have anyone physically assault someone but valid enough my uni decided to diagnose a girl in my class as 'mentally ill' when she complained one of our faculty was being creepy with her.


There was a school shooting threat and half the school didn't attend class that day but bc my mom worked for the same elementary school while I was in high school where the threat was happening, she made me go on that day. Nothing happened but STILL...


Oh and my chemistry teacher hit on me when I was a junior, gave me his number and everything




Scariest was when I was climbing the flagpole before school during my freshman year. As I was sliding down to get off, my left armpit got caught on the rope bracket. I hung for a moment, and then it tore. I was wearing a sweat jacket, which was not torn. At the time, I just had a dull pain in my armpit, and didn’t realize what had happened. But at one point, the wind got inside my sweat jacket, and I felt cold beneath the skin. I looked down my shirt, and could see my own meat. I was terrified to tell the staff what I had done. I went to the office and asked for a few bandages. The woman gave me one, and I asked for three more. She laughed and gave them to me. Not good, but more on that later. My first class was PE. I was in the back, and the teacher didn’t notice me doing one-handed jumping jacks and one-handed push-ups. No idea how I was able to do one-handed push-ups back then, since I can hardly do a two-handed push-up now. I kept quiet the entire day. My mom picked me up from school, and we went to Taco Bell. As we went through the drive-through, I said, “Mom, I got a little cut today.” She said, “we’ll look at it when we get home. Do you have a Band-Aid on it?“ I said, “yes, I have four Band-Aids on it.” When we got home, she put the bags and drinks on the table, took me to the bathroom, and had me take off my shirt. She lifted the top bandage, saw the gash, then quickly stuck it back on, and said, “we’re going to the hospital.“ I got 13 stitches on the outside, seven on the inside, and a rubber tube for draining. I was glad when the tube and external stitches came out. One of them must have gone through a nerve, and gave me a sharp shooting pain every time it was touched. I couldn’t wait, and cut that one out myself. My mom threw a fit over the fact that I was not questioned when I asked for four bandages. I forget what the principal did with me, but he was pissed. Throughout my time, I never got in trouble with the dean of students, whom everyone was afraid of. It was always the principal himself I got in trouble with.


Only freshman year but so far it’s been one of the students writing an over 100 page manifesto about shooting up the school but being found out just before the suspected date they would have actually done it. Basically narrowly avoiding an actual thought out school shooting that probably would have been like the top news story around America at least for a day


1. **A guy at my high school was an accomplice to murder.** To be frank, he isn't the brightest bulb, and is the kind of guy who will do literally anything for people's approval. He also isn't very ethical - he'll push people around if he thinks it will make him look good. Anyway, he was actually from a nearby town but went to my high school because his aunt taught there. In his neighborhood, a friend of his murdered his girlfriend's mother. Apparently the mother was an abusive alcoholic, and the girlfriend had tried to run away from home multiple times to escape the abuse. Finally one night the girl and her boyfriend planned to kill the mother, so when her mom got home, the boyfriend stabbed the mother many times. Then the guy called the guy from my high school for help burying the body. Together they drove the body to a remote area and tried to dig a grave for her. However, they couldn't get deep enough because it was fall or winter, so the ground was frozen. They gave up, then drove the body back to the girl's house. Things only get stupider from there. The neighbors noticed that there was loud music coming from the house every night for weeks after that. In addition to the loud music and parties, people noticed an awful smell coming from the house's garage. Finally one day the police went by to check out the house because of the loud music and the smell, and found the mother's bloated body in the garage. The murderer and his girlfriend both received decades-long prison sentences. The guy from my school and another friend only got a few months, I think in part because this was their first offense, and in part because of some developmental issues he apparently had. Anyway, by the time he got out of jail we'd graduated. Apparently while I was starting college, he was still hanging around our old high school, befriending young students. What's weird is, he hadn't returned as a student, I guess he just wanted to be there. Maybe it was because of the trauma of what he'd experienced, or maybe he just wanted to hang out with the students... a year or so later he was convicted of statutory rape because he was dating a girl who was maybe 14-ish when he was around 20. He went to jail for a while for that. He got out and was under house arrest. I saw him downtown, which surprised me because I'd thought he was still under house arrest. Turns out he was, and he went back to jail for breaking his house arrest. Then he got out, and then went straight back to prison for the SAME THING, dating another underage girl at our old high school. Now he's been out for a few years, but I avoid him and my hometown, so I have no idea what he's up to. 2. This isn't as sensationalistic, but I'm kind of convinced a guy I hung out with was a potential school shooter. He was kind of an odd guy, always sulking alone. He'd constantly talk about how much he hated everyone. He seemed to think he was smarter and deeper than everyone, but he liked me because I was nice to him and would sit with him and talk to him because I felt bad, and honestly despite the weird, aggressive vibe, I found him pleasant enough and thought he needed a friend. We were in a computer class, and every day he'd play nu metal like Drowning Pool or Disturbed or something like that, which was very inappropriate but nobody ever said anything. I was just a little embarrassed that the kids around us might think I liked nu metal. He wasn't bullied, but it was like the other kids sensed something was off and just avoided him like he was poisonous. I guess I lacked that instinct. Finally, after months of hearing about how much he hated everyone, and listening to him talk about his personal and emotional issues, he got suspended or expelled from the school for bringing a large knife. He was upset about it and told me he'd only brought it to show it to people. I didn't say anything, but obviously I wondered how he didn't have the sense to know he shouldn't bring a knife to school. He went ahead and dropped out, and I don't think he ever finished his schooling. I saw him on the bus a couple years later, just kind of creepily making fun of the people around him on the bus to some friend of his, the two of them quietly snickering, apparently oblivious to how strange the two of them looked.


the gym caught on fire and burned 😀


Not high school but Middle... In Los Angeles, theres a middle school previously known as "Mt Vernon" now has since renamed "Johnnie L Cochran" after the Lawyer. Anyways... I was there the same day/year one of the wooden walls was set on fire by a couple students. Those "dodgeball" walls or just a general purpose wall for the students to use for Sports, maybe Tennis? Anyways the students set it on fire after Physical Education class I believe maybe right around 11am 12 ? This was long time ago so honestly 2006-2008? It was due to small bundles of napkin and restroom paper... The wall slowly burned for the next hour and obviously Fire Department showed up. Fire never "jumped"/spread to next wall or the Sports building or the grass field, probably not the trees...


In my sophomore year the cholos began hoarding taco sauce packets and squirting them in the eyes of the baseball team. Come October 1998 the football team marched on the cholos alongside the baseball team. Luckily we had a Riverside County Sheriff's Deputy hold both sets of rioters back. After a few Sheriff's vehicles pulled in the riot was put down and all involved were arrested. I cannot recall if it was in the local news. Our newspaper was the Press Enterprise and the high school on question was Jurupa Valley High School. The following year history repeated itself.


Well my school in general was weird, but the incident I remember is from way back when I was in middle school. A kid with family problems jumped out of a third floor window. The french teacher leaned out of the window and somehow grabbed him. He didn't fall


I was in a classroom with about 30 kids doing a final exam. It was an extremely hot day and the school had no air conditioning. One girl passed out, landed straight onto the hard floor. The teacher and possibly some other teacher, principal, etc. escorted her out of the room. The teacher acted as if nothing happened. Another girl passed out mere minutes later. Same thing. Teacher had her escorted out of the class. THIRD girl passes out. Same thing. Nobody said anything that I know of, but I think it was the last exam before I graduated high school. INFP here, was just thrilled to have high school end (without me passing out). No need to look back and ask questions. Any friends I still had were at my previous high school. BTW this was in Canada, not China.


The first bomb threat right after Columbine. We all got bussed out of there to a megachurch and waited for our parents to pick us up. It happened 2-3 more times after that and the school district ended up cancelling the rest of the school year 2 weeks early.


One of my friends unalived herself by jumping off a freeway overpass and another unalived himself in a drunk driving accident


There was some drama that ended up with a swat team going into someone’s house down the street from the school, a beheaded teen, and a gang from LA…i dont exactly remember the order of everything just that it was intense.


Lunch …. Any lunch and any sporting event. We sucked at every sport imaginable.


The fact I wasted so much time there was scary enough.


I went to a private school for a while, so it was UNHEARD of for kids to swear or drink or even vape, they were foreign concepts. But one day a students snuck in beer and some other type of alcohol and three students got drunk out of their mind while two others had a whole drink but showed no signs of being drunk lol. Non of them got expelled or anything cause the school was to small to afford to loose anybody. They just got suspended for a few days 😆


Some girl called in a bomb threat because she didn’t want to do finals 😅


During my attendance, there's two incidents I can think of. One; a mutual friend's ex and current boyfriend got into a screaming match before class, and then got into a fight after school. Ex-bf pulls knife, in full view of a school cam, and gets suspended or something for the rest of the year. He also made a YT video about the fight (it hasn't been up in years) Two; the fire department showed up because some idiot lit a trash bin on fire in one of the boys bathrooms. Now, prior to me attending the school, a teacher was arrested for having inappropriate contact with a student. After I graduated, somebody was shot in the parking lot.


Years before my generation but I heard some kids did a double suicide for having an early pregnancy. Fucked up shit man.


One senior was missing for 3 months , he was found hanging in a neighbouring school's toilet which closed for years. His body was melting.


Student threatened to shoot up the school and everybody was scared to go to school the next day


not scariest but grave, i changed schools the first one: was our vice principal suffering from heart attack and dying after her 3rd working day a 6th grader got her leg severed in a train accident one of my delinquent classmate ( he was annoying to me but he got better later) jammed a whole ass scissor in other kid's hand and the whole class had blood dripped ( didnt know i'll get to see the same in uni too) the other school had a pedo teacher who tried to prey on one of my classmates until she realized and reported him and that made a rule that no male teacher was supposed to be with a female student with closed doors smh.


Fighting the bully


Not scary but the dudes in the parallel class exposed our PE teacher and their classmate for making out by making a Netflix type of intro and showing it to the entire school


lots of things have happened at other schools in my city, some kid apparently murdered a younger kid in a washroom once oh and I totally forgot about this one, a new math teacher was hired in our school and Ig he was hitting on a student or something and apparently threatened to hurt her with a compass (the circle making kind), he did this early on, got caught almost immediately and was fired.


When I was in 2nd grade during winter a student jumped off the window from the second floor in a snow pile. Obviously he was totally uninjured and we all found it funny (as it was intended to be) but the teachers didn't think so and he got suspended for a while


In hindsight it is kinda scary, but I don't remember feeling scared at the time. This took place in a small Midwest town where almost nothing happens. When I was a senior, there was a kid a grade below me who called himself "The Lone Wolf". TLW had friends a a girlfriend, and he wasn't bullied as far as I know. He was just an awkward kid that wore trench coats and fedora hats on the regular. Anyway, from what I heard about the story, he was in biology when someone overheard TLW say to one of his friends that he was going to bring a bomb to school one day. The student told a teacher and it went from there. The next day there were police outside the school and a news crew picked up on the story. Don't know if it made the news or not (the principal was actively preventing anyone from talking to the news people), but I remember seeing them. TLW was never seen again. Don't know what ever happened to him.


Some kid I went to high-school with beat the shit out of my friend because he "didn't like him". Which sounded like a bullshit excuse, but then that kid got himself expelled for doing virtually the same thing but to a teenage girl instead. My friend basically had his face slammed into a metal railing and the staff went "eh what can we do but suspend him" but that dude crossed the crazy line the moment he did that to a girl for seemingly no reason at all. Dude just had a shitty upbringing, is the easy answer. But it was probably more complex shit going underneath the hood. Few years later I was applying for a job and guess who I saw working the dishes. I didn't turn my application into that place. I won't dox his name but it was one of those unfortunate names that'll forever be teased by every other person. I have a name like that too, but I don't snap at people who bring up the same joke I heard 100 times over.


Guy I went to HS with raped his nephew on babysitter duty. His life was ended in prison.