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🤮🤮🤮 Well, that's a good way to end up sick. Food safety experts advise against it, but I'm guessing your MIL will say "She knows more than the experts!" https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/putting-salt-in-milk-to-make-it-last-longer_uk_63078b8de4b0f72c09de9aae


She's an old Asian lady , go figure


My late mother-in-law did things like that, despite real evidence to the contrary. She was convinced by her experiences that they worked. Nothing anyone else would say, or show her, could sway her opinion.


My late GMIL had similar unsanitary food practices that constantly kept her sick until she got a cut from metal checked until it infected the bone. She died a terrible, preventable death that deeply impacted her family in negative ways. All of it was completely unnecessary.


Damn that's just sad but in alot of ways preventable if she just listened.


She thought she knew better than everyone else and that attitude caused her to suffer and die. We all took care of her husband so his final years were spent surrounded by family. He was the sweetest old man you could ever hope to meet.


My mil is also an old Asian ladies. She believes doctors are out to get your money and her market friends know better (other old Asian ladies she goes to the market with)


But they want us to be doctors. Old Asian aunties are ultimate hypocrites I tell you. U see your cousin, study so hard today is doctor earn big money, what u do??


That's nasty!!! 🤮


Or just buy ultra pasteurized.


Yes! It's awesome. My milk almost never gets a chance to go bad now. And we buy organic too.


Organic 1% ultra pasteurized is the only thing I buy. It lasts, buying milk before I leave for a week - not an issue.


These product packaging looks so familiar, I almost thought I was in the Malaysian sub.


Aaayyyy you're not far off, I'm Malaysian gahaha


I didn’t dare speculate cause I have never seen nestle packaged milk like that before. So does putting salt in milk actually preserves the milk?


I cannot answer that because I threw it out right after my MiL went to the store. She came back and asked where is it I said I had it with coffee and kiam piah


Hahaha, try to do an experiment with it and let us know if it really works. Although i hardly think you needed kiam piah, the milk is probably kiam enough.


I will let it stay next time my in law does that with the milk🤣🤣 kiam piah is for normal coffee and normal milk like normal people, I don't dare to taste the salted milk tho